Should the Punjabi Prison Match Return?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
For anyone who forgot about the Punjabi Prison match, it was like a bamboo version of hell in a cell. If I remeber correctly, there were four doors, each door could be opened at a wrestler's request, but if they couldn't escape in sixty seconds, the door would be closed, and locked. If all four doors ended up being locked, then each wrestler would have to escape through the top of the structure. If I left something out then please feel free to add it in. There were only two of these matches in WWE. There was one between Taker and Big Show at The Great American Bash 2006 and one between Batista and Khali at No Mercy 2007. I don't remeber if the match between Show and Taker was any good, but the one between Batista and Khali wasn't too bad. Yeah that's right I said a Khali match wasn't that bad. I think WWE should bring back this match, but put smaller and more athletic wrestlers in them. Although Batista did manage to pull off a pretty damn good leap from one side of the Punjabi Prison to the other (pretty impressive for a man of his size) putting more athletic and faster guys like CM Punk, John Morrison, John Cena,Jack Swagger, or Christian in these matches would make them more fun to watch. Do you think the Punjabi Prison match should return? Would it be successful? Or would it be huge failure?
I thought the idea of the Punjabi Prison match was pretty cool. You are forgetting that after they left the first enclosure they had another to escape from with weapons in it. Ummm I recall the Undertaker match ended because he leapt through the wall of the cage and that was how he escaped. I think putting some smaller more athletic wrestlers in the prison could make for a more interesting match, but I dont know how well it would be able to fit into a storyline. The only way I could see this happening could possibly be a guest host mentioning that he liked the match and would like to see another one so he adds it to a match as a stipulation. Or possibly reworking the match and maybe instead of bamboo making it just out of the regular steel cage fence material and giving it a new name. It could add some excitement. New matches are normally a lot of fun to see as long as they are not too complicated (like TNA's reverse battle royal that turns into a regular battle royal that turns into a 1 on 1 match or whatever the heck that match was). I could definitely see a good reaction to a Punjabi Prison match depending on who is in it, and how it is done.
Dude, SHIT YES it should. I thought that match had LOADS of potential if they put two spot monkeys into it. There is potential for amazingly badass amounts of violence, and crazy spots if utilized with the right two guys, and not two mastadons like they always used to use it. Unfortunately, with the WWE's no blood PG policy, this match being used to its full potential is pretty much out the window. Shame, I always used to dream about the potential of this one if given the right workers
I don't see why not. The WWE can always use more gimmick matches are using the same one more than 2 or 3 times a year really makes it seem less important and worthelss. This would be a nice change of pace and definelyt could give us something different. As long as they don't overuse it, it could be a solid match to add to their collection.

I don't get why the WWE didn't use smaller spot monkeys with it in the first place. It seems like they'd benefit more from it than someone like Taker or Show. However, doubt it'll come back. It was more or less Khali's match, and he can barely walk at this point.
I think they should bring back the punjab prison mat ch And I think It would be a great success as long as they don't wear out the stipulation like they did at te hell in a cell ppv.
Yeah I agree bring it back with ppl like Morrision Kofi, CM Punk etc they would make that match ridiculously awesome, Punjabi Prision Matches should only be used however to end fueds though its such a grueling match it would seem pointless to carry on a fued after this kind of match
the match is pretty awesome on paper, however It's probably one of the most painful too. since the 'bamboo' is infact painted steel (I believe show stated this in an interview, though if you look closely enough you can tell anyway). And if you combine a pain inducing cage and weapons with a bunch of spot/bump monkeys you get an awesome match, but a lot of guys needing injury time. so we're probably doomed for any future PP matches to have Khali in. But then, HiaC wasn't always a yearly attraction, so you never know.
I wouldn't mind seeing the Punjabi Prison match again as I thought it had loads of potential. As others have said, they should keep big guys out and use smaller, athletic guys. They should also try to use more than just two guys, maybe 4 or 6. A Punjabi Prison match with guys like Kofi, Bourne, Morrison, Mysterio, Yoshi, Shelton, and even Miz or Swagger could be extremely entertaining.
I wouldn't mind seeing the Punjabi Prison match again as I thought it had loads of potential. As others have said, they should keep big guys out and use smaller, athletic guys. They should also try to use more than just two guys, maybe 4 or 6. A Punjabi Prison match with guys like Kofi, Bourne, Morrison, Mysterio, Yoshi, Shelton, and even Miz or Swagger could be extremely entertaining.

Essentially you would like to see it used in an elimination chamber style type of match? I think that would not be so bad at all. Having multiple men in this match would make it quite interesting. I would have to agree with the concensus though that it would be good for spot monkey wrestlers.

However, knowing how the WWE uses this match, I would rather not see it return. I found the matches this structure was used in to be rather lackluster/boring. That's just me though. The WWE could always use another gimmick pay per view though.
Anyone else feel a Khali - Kane Punjabi prison when Khali gets back from injury?

Seriously, we all know that the WWE wants these two to wrestle for some unknown and god awful reason, and this seems the perfect way for Khali to make his return.

Maybe bring back a little of the monster.

Just My Opinion
Anyone else feel a Khali - Kane Punjabi prison when Khali gets back from injury?

Seriously, we all know that the WWE wants these two to wrestle for some unknown and god awful reason, and this seems the perfect way for Khali to make his return.

Maybe bring back a little of the monster.

Just My Opinion

I forgot about the Kane/Khali feud. It really didn't end properly (although I was glad to see it end) because Khali had to take time off to have surgery. This is what I don't want to see in Punjabi Prison matches. Two giants having a slow and boring match, but like you said, for reasons unknown, WWE wants these two to wrestle each other. On the bright side of things, if this does happen, Kane could finally get the push i've been waiting for.
Damn skippy it should. I love watching it. Even Batista vs Khali was entertaining just because the structure and the whole concept was cool. With two insanely athletic dudes in there, damn. Think of what they could do. I'd love to see it come back in some shape or form. Maybe change the name so you wouldn't have to involve Khali.
This match should definitely return. It was OK the first two times, and they were both with people that have no business being in it. Put guys in there with a little athleticism (Shelton, JoMo, Punk, Ziggler, etc.) and you got yourself a mid-carder's wet dream. The first enclosure would bring enough action, and then the second would be essentially a race to get out, with some nasty bumps and big falls.

It would need a renaming though, since Khali wouldn't ever be in it again...Don't forget, they're in the middle of marketing a new playset around this...
I remember watching Taker go through the one with big show, though with the structure being steel rather than bamboo you have to wonder how they prepared it so it broke so easily without it not falling out of place with Show and Taker making a few large impacts near it.

As for using it as a standard gimmick match, all they'd need to do is remove the bamboo look and turn it into two normal cages, then give it a name to suit whatever situation it's used in for the first time with those structures.

To be honest though I'd love to see a couple of the smaller guys in it as would most people it looks like, however I could see it causing more injury time than a week straight of doing ladder matches.
I think they should turn this match into a themed PPV. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to see 3 Punjabi Prison matches in one night? The could even call it WWE: Punjabi Prison.

In all seriousness, I really enjoyed these matches due to the freshness and the uniqueness that the match brought to the table. The only problem I see is how they could sensibly bring this match back if Khali isn't involved.

For example, while it would be very entertaining to see Morrison vs Punk in a Punjabi Prison macth, it would be awfully random for one to challenge the other to this match.
if they need a loophole for having random wrestlers have a punjabi proson match, they could have a PPV with the gimmick that every match/main event has a stipulation chosen by 'random'. so for the above example one wrestler challenges the other, the other accepts, hype is thrown in that niether Punk or JoMo know's what sort of match they'll be in until the match type is revealed (which would be done either on the SD before the PPV, or at the PPV itself, probably the latter to throw mystery into the mix).

or they could hire another indian wrestler and have him occasionally use the match until it's been used enough to no longer be special and can become used as a generic feud ender. and finally they just change the name of it and/or look of it to make it not Khali's gimmick match any more.
Use it like an elimination chamber to bring back the cruiser weight title. They can hire Sonjay Dutt to use be able to use a story anchor. I can see it now, Evan Borne, Jaime Noble, Sonjay Dutt, Rey Mysterio, Yoshi Tatsu, and Jimmy Wang Yang. Match of the decade, and even the old ECW fans would enjoy it.

That's what I'm talking about! Now I don't know if WWE would use this to bring back the cruiser weight title because they probably would want to use it for the WHC or WWE championship, but that's what I would want to see. Remeber Cena,Morrison,Ziggler,and Swagger are all pretty athletic too, so I think WWE could use the match in many ways. I would love to see Evan Borne in this match. He would do some insane spots that would have the crowd and everyone watching at home on the edge of their seats.
It'd give another gimmick to liven things up, if nothing else. I know that the Punjabi Prison match was at first Khali's match...but it's whatever. It's a match that looks incredibly dominating and intimidating in its nature. Bamboo fucking hurts. Make an entire match out of getting out of a maze of that shit? I'd be afraid for Cena if he was thrown in there with Swagger. I won't lie.

Put Swagger and Cena in there, you'll have craziness. Put Morrison and Punk in there, someone is going to lose 5 years off of their "walking around" time. Put Hardy and anyone else in there, Hardy would have died. Or, he would have sold enough to make me believe he had died, came back to life, and then gone into a coma.

It'll work. In fact, I want it back. Give me an Inferno Match while you're at it. Kane needs to light some fuck from ECW on fire. Or Chavo. Light Chavo on fire. That'd be fun.

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