Should The American Bad Ass Return For One Last Ride?

I'm just pissed off that WWE didn't save the Funkasauras gimmick for the Undertaker! It would have been perfect! Imagine after months of deadman vignettes the Undertaker makes his long awaited re-debut the same way Brodus Clay did.

Seriously though, the guy's not around enough to get stale. I don't see any reason to bounce back and forth between old gimmicks. He's not in need of repackaging because he isn't in line for any sort of push or lengthy storyline. He's going to wrestle one match, and the hype surrounding that match should be enough.
**First ever post**

Short Answer: no.

Less short answer: One of the biggest things that bothered me about Undertaker's run as the biker taker or whatever you want to call it was that he had no less than four theme songs (correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall at least four if you count the really crappy one that first didn't have lyrics then added really terrible lyrics). In my own humble opinion (bear in mind that I was around 17 at the time with completely different musical taste), but the songs seemed to get progressively worse!!! Started off with American Badass that really seemed to fit the character...then switched to Rollin which was questionable but still high energy and got me pumped up when he rode the Harley around the ring. Then for no apparent reason, they turned him heel, let him start calling himself 'the big dog in the yard' or whatever it was and had him beat up Reid Flair and Jeff Hardy when he was still a mid-carder. Sorry if I went way out of left field on this one, but it's my first ever post and I hope I will be cut some slack. However, I still to this day question how they gave him that crappy entrance music when this is WWE we're talking about--architects of some of the greatest entrance themes of all time!!!!

That is all.
uh sure why the hell not? though, the undertakers wrestling days are over mate. he only wrestles one time out of a year and it has been rumoured that this will infact be his final WM (if he does decide to return). him returning as the american badass would be pretty cool, of course, i reckon he will return as the phenom, because there isn't any point in making him return with an old gimmick since he will only have one more match then most likely retire with a 20-0 win lose record at wm. i mean after this wrestlemania chances are we see the deadman again when he gets inducted into the hall of fame.
When Taker was the American Badass he did have good matches..The matches with Flair, Angle, Brock and HHH are a few examples....Yet at the same time, it would make more sense for Taker to end his career as the Deadman character with the grey gloves and boots in some type of memorable fashion involving Kane, Paul Bearer, DiBiase, Brother Love and a few druids..

Now to everyone who wants a true hybrid of Badass/Deadman to return...How many of you have seen the WWF magazine cover from November 1995?
The title of this thread made me laugh hard so I have decided to look and post , loving the pun ;).

On a more serious note, the American Badass was a great gimmick imo, and I loved him while he was this "badman" riding a motorbike and all that jazz. Now whether he should make a return, well I believe the Undertaker doesn't have too much left in him, and the Deadman gimmick is the most well known, and imo the best, as much as I love the American Badass, which is why I feel he will not return.
"For now I have to stick with this crap..."

-One of my favorite quotes from the Undertaker, referencing his Deadman schtick years (and years) ago.

Con, the American Badass probably needs to be more involved in the lead up to Mania to tell a meaningful story. Big Evil was much more motive-driven; he had reasons for his matches and feuds were complimented by Taker and his storyline rival generally disliking each other. Conversely, I suppose defending the integrity of his Mania streak as well as the prospect of 20-0 would be adequate motive.

Pro, the Deadman gimmick is dumb. No more druids, no more lightning, no more getting buried alive, and please, oh please, no more of this dumb promos...

"The blood of darkness rains woefully on your satanic tomb, Michaels" or whatever that nonsense he spews like a Generation X Goth teenager.

I want Undertaker back on one of them perdy motorsickles, riding around the ring with an American flag. Does the venue in Miami have a roof? If you can see that sky, lets have a mini Airshow for Takers entrance instead of the Druid thingy.
No Taker should NOT return as the American Badass. His current gimmick is good, and if he retires in the next few years it should be as the Deadman.

American Badass was a big part of why I nearly walked away from wrestling at one point, exactly half of the reason, in fact. I hated that character. People say "that's what Undertaker is like in real life". Well, great. I order PPV's or attend shows to see The Undertaker, not Mark Callaway. I'm sure he's a really cool guy, but he needs to remain The Undertaker. American Badass was an awful gimmick. Would you make Kane revert back to the dentist character? No, he should stay the Big Red Monster. The same can be said for Taker. He became famous for being a specific character, and that is how he needs to end his run.

If Undertaker were to revert back to American Badass for Wrestlemania this year, I would root against him for Trips (or whoever he faces) to end the streak. That's how badly I detest that gimmick. I'd rather see the streak end then ever be tortured by having to see biker Taker again. If this is his last Wrestlemania, which it very well could be, he needs to walk in one final time as The Phenom and walk back out with all the druids carrying torches for the final time having remained undefeated because this is what he became famous with, not an awful gimmick that he never needed.
The Undertaker must to finish his career with the gimmick of dead man,and may be with Paul Bearer.
His american bad ass gimmick was an funny moment in WWE,he deserves what Taker is in real life but for the millions of fans he is the Dead man.I m agree what Dagger Dias said.
I loved the American Bad Ass version of The Undertaker, but as has been previously stated about a return to the gimmick. It wouldn't work. Nobody wants to see it anymore and why would he return to the gimmick now that he is in the twilight of his career? We all want to see The Last Outlaw leave as he came in to the WWE, by being undead.
No. It would make absolutely no sense. I think that the badass was a good gimmick, but the undertaker is known most for being the phenom. He is mst likely retiring soon, and it would be pointless for him to go out as anything other than the phenom. Plus, the younger fans would have no idea whats going on. If he was younger, and the badass thing would be a short throwback thing, it would be cool. But the bummer is, undertakers old, and has one good run left in him, so he should and will go out 20-0 at wrestlemania, as the phenom.
I think no, the american badass was an entertaining gimmick but now that it's done it should stay done. It would seem that undertaker is going to be retiring soon so why not have him come back as his original undertaker character, i.e. the grey gloves, the red hair, the tie and end it with paul bearer and the urn.
NO NO NO NO NO! The ABA should not come back. And with good reason.

Say IF he were to to retire this year, have him win, 20-0. Come up with a way for him to retire honorably. The lights go out as he's doing his kneeling thing in the ring and on the screen it says R.I.P....? and then you here Undertakers laugh with a bolt of lightning striking his symbol and setting it on fire on the stage (its WM so maybe the druids could bring it out or something). Lights come back on and Taker is gone.

Vinnie, I think that your guess is going to prove to be 100% correct...when the actual time does come, be it this or next year, it will be more-or-less as you have described it. That's how i see it too, here is why...

Mark Calloway, as a wrestler, had been around as an active professional for years until he debuted at The Survivors Series, all those years ago. But what a start to his WWF life, his costume, his technique, his moves, his long unblinking stares, the long frock-coat, the re-work of the funeral march as his theme, the gong...

It is true that sometimes, the value of the final product can surpass the the values of its individual parts and it's visible here. In other words, there is a bizarre 'entertainment chemical reaction' where on-screen magic happens, and you realise that something unique has been created that is a fixed point in time, and it has never more obvious than with Mark's classic UNDERTAKER persona. People love it! It is as simple as that.

And as gimmicks go, it is one that will be regarded as one of the all time greats along with HULKAMANIA, The Excellence Of Execution, The Heart Break Kid, Macho Madness, WHAT A RUSH!!!!!, That's The Bottom Line, If Ya' Smell-lllllllllllll... and some others.

It is Mark's signature gimmick, it made him a HUGE national and international star, it is loved by fans all ages, it was a good idea but it realised just brilliantly and it is fair that he leaves the world of the WWE the way he entered it, as the WM-undefeated Phenom.

I am certain that Mark is aware of all the things mentioned here, he is not a stupid fellow, and I think he would see the sense in bowing out as he came in.

And, let's be honest here...when I hear that gong, and the choral introduction to his funeral march theme, I mark out like an 11 year old boy!
Naw. The Undertaker himself said that he wants to retire with the persona he started with. Fans would be able to look at the purpose & mystery of the character. The ABA kind of too that away in resulting in taking the Undertaker away from being the man he once was thus conforming to an more human side. The closest he can do is to break kayfabe out of his character (as he done not too long ago anyways) but otherwise that's it. He could be ABA on his last night after retirement or even as himself, Mark Callaway.

All in all. It's better to see The Undertaker keep his Last Ride on the Deadman's path.
Undertaker is became more vulnerable since his début at SS,i remember theses first matchs indestructible,insensible at the pain and no emotion on his face.
Since 10 years the Dead man enchained injuries and operations, with mores brutals opponents in ring and matchs stipulations. at the difference on the 90's the level is more elevate and stronger.
the bookers of WWE must do makes an original exit for the last taker match
It really would depend. I'm starting to think this WrestleMania might be the end for the Undertaker. Who knows? If he were going to have a few matches after this WrestleMania then why not? The American Bad Ass was a weird gimmick, but it actually forced him to become a better wrestler. I'd rather watch Taker matches from the Bad Ass era as opposed to those from the first five or six years of his career.

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