Should Shad Return After the Jaywalking Incident

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
While we do not know exactly what transpired before the video that is posted on TMZ, it does seem that Shad was racially profiled and the police were in the wrong in how they treated him. (maybe he did do something, but the witnesses make it seem like he didnt do anything wrong.) Should the WWE use this and rehire him. He was part of Cryme Tyme, which would work in with what is going on with him. He could also return bitter and hating the "white man" for how they mistreat him. So what do you guys think, would this work well for the WWE?

please try not to turn this into a debate on racial profiling and such. we all know that its wrong, but the wwe has used worse stuff in the past. (cole and lawler's mother being a recent example.)
I actually like this idea a lot. He wont be as good as Muhammad Hassan but it be fresh for todays wrestling. Maybe have a team of two "white" wrestlers attacking JTG and Shad can come save him. They can be like a poor mans version of Divari and Hassan.
I could see this being a good way to return the Nation of Domanation but with different people maybe if the Nexus disbands David or Tarver could be the mouth piece while big Shad could be the muscle. Let's face it Shad can't do well on his own, after Cryme Tyme broke up he had a fued with JTG and nobody gave a shit about it, but i don't blame him i just blame booking cuz there fued was only on SuperStars and never on the main shows. I know people don't like rehearsed ideas but i think if it was booked right it could be a good run for a good group
Although I would love to see the return of cryme tyme that would be a great idea. Like fallen angel said it would be a perfect way to bring back the nation. You could have shad start recruiting black wrestlers for the group and maybe even have a white wrestler keep trying to get in like owen. It would be really interesting and could setup some great feuds. Maybe have big zeke turn on Nexus for the nation
maybe even have a white wrestler keep trying to get in like owen.

That sounds a lot like the movie Undercover Brother w/ the one white guy in the group. :rolleyes:

But on topic, it could be a good way to have cryme time return.
WWE could use some half-decent tag teams that aren't just thrown together.
I'm gonna have to give a resounding hell no. I like Shad and wouldn't mind seeing him back, I thought the last few weeks where he was in WWE wearing suits to the ring, he looked like he had potential. But as far as this whole bitter against the white man, having white guys attack JTG, etc. No way. I'm not gonna get in to the whole racial profiling business.

I'll just say I think it sends an absolutely horrible message to kids, and there is simply no need for it. I think in a world as hostile as the one we currently live in, having an angle rooted in prejudice is the last thing a global company like WWE needs on it's hands.
Because having an all black team and having a white guy keep trying to get in worked wonders for Slam Master J, he's just a massive superstar now..

The idea of Cryme Tyme was a good one but I think they should have taken it a bit further and made them downright thugs, not crowd pandering, money making faces. They could still make money but just be down right thugs and steal stuff FROM the audience members. I thought on their own, JTG and Gaspard were pretty crap, they should just either have them reunite or have both of them gone and no more singles stuff from JTG (Is he even still under contract?).

Hell, Shad could return under the name "Jay Walker" even. /sarcasm.
Would be cool with the NOD thing but its a PG universe so I say use the jay walking incident to turn the situation into he even got treated unfairly in the WWE and there are many wrestlers who feel the same. Thus creating a group of mid to low card wrestlers who.have potential but dont time. Like Ryder, YOSHI,jtg, usos maybe
I don't like the idea of bringing the Nation back. They were an edgy group that wouldn't fit in at all with the current WWE product. Plus, Nation of Domination was somewhat based off Nation of Islam, and that's just not something that will work in a post 9/11 world imo.

Race politics have changed a lot, having a black president and all. I don't think people would take it too seriously, although I personally would.
I don't like the idea of bringing the Nation back. They were an edgy group that wouldn't fit in at all with the current WWE product. Plus, Nation of Domination was somewhat based off Nation of Islam, and that's just not something that will work in a post 9/11 world imo.

Race politics have changed a lot, having a black president and all. I don't think people would take it too seriously, although I personally would.

This is the key point. While it would be great to see the WWE explore a serious topic like racial politics, it absolutely is not TVPG material. And, let's face it, the primary demographic for pro-wrestling is middle to lower-midle income white people, not exactly the set that is going to be sympathetic to a black guy being held down by The Man.

But seriously, who thinks they'd actually bring Shad back when the company clearly has no interest in tag team wrestling, and they already have more talent on hand than they can push? This whole idea is a moot point.

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