Should Scott Steiner earn a Send-Off?

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I read a report earlier saying that there's a chance that Scott Steiner will possibly leave TNA.


That's great news!. Scott Steiner should have been retired like 10 years ago. If he really leaves then that would have one of the veterans that really needs to retire leave. Kevin Nash is another one too that needs to retire.

Scott Steiner has had a career since the 80's of winning numerous tag titles around the world with Rick Steiner, who are known as The Steiner Brothers; one of the most recognizable tag teams of all time. Then to WCW. Scott then bleached his hair and was known as "White Thunder" and "Big Poppa Pump" around the mid to late 90's. He became infamous as a backstage brute by intimidation and not holding back when it came to bashing Ric Flair, beating up Buff Bagwell's "mother", and beating up fans. Fast forward 10 years later, he returned to wrestling in the WWE and TNA, and still being controversial.

My question is for somebody who's been in the business for about 20 years and having a tainted reputation for his actions in the past, do you think he deserves a respectful send-off when he retires?

Scott Steiner didn't get to the top of WCW because he deserved it. he got to the top because there was no one left to put on top. At the end, no one cared. If you were pushing or over 40, you were getting the belt because old school was cool back then apparently. Steiner was more than just sloppy in the ring; he was dangerous and still is today. Steiner has a list of accomplishments, but in no way shape or form does he deserve a sendoff. he's just not that big of a deal to deserve one, plain and simple.
I love the Steiner Brothers....I dislike Big Poppa Pump.

If he wants to go out as BPP, then NO.

If he wants to go out as Scott Steiner, inventor of the Frankensteiner and one-half of one of the greatest tag teams EVER, bring back Rick and let them CLEAN HOUSE one more time......

Scott Steiner didn't get to the top of WCW because he deserved it. he got to the top because there was no one left to put on top. At the end, no one cared. If you were pushing or over 40, you were getting the belt because old school was cool back then apparently. Steiner was more than just sloppy in the ring; he was dangerous and still is today. Steiner has a list of accomplishments, but in no way shape or form does he deserve a sendoff. he's just not that big of a deal to deserve one, plain and simple.

Come on KB, that's a bit harsh. The Steiner Brothers, Scott specifically, were legends in the old days, they were one of the very, very best tag teams of their era. Scott was just an otherwordly talent in his early days, and he's a long time veteran. Obviously he's well past his prime and has been for about a decade or so now, but Scott Steiner is certainly worthing of a send-off. Obviously Sting's would need to be about 12,000 times larger, but I see no problem having a little goodbye ceremony to a respected veteran like Steiner.
Does Scott Steiner deserve a send off? Hmmmm.....

I don't think he deserves a Ric Flair kind of send off or anything, but maybe a small little send off.

The Steiner Brothers are a legendary tag-team, and Scott was very talented when he was younger. I think it is definitely time that he retires. I don't watch iMPACT! for Steiner at all, and I'm sure that goes for alot of other people as well, so he really isn't worth all the money they are probably paying him. I have enjoyed his promos with Book-uh T as of late though.

Think how much more money TNA will have without having Sting and Scott Steiner on the payroll. They will be able to spend more money where they need it, and that will only benefit TNA.
Like others said, I believe he deserves a small send off. Obviously, he was one half of one of the most dominating tag teams in professional wrestling history. He is a decorated athlete.

But in no way does he deserve a Ric Flair or even a Sting send off. Even with all the championships he has held, he has really never been "The Man" in professional wrestling such as Ric Flair, Hogan, Sting, Austin, The Rock, ect. have been in the past.
how about the Legend's title? almost everybody else in the company over 40 has held it (except for the main event caliber guys). Toss him that meaningless title for a month or two, and that'll be that.

you just can't give main event programs to everybody who is retiring. Especially since very few of them actually remain retired.
how about the Legend's title? almost everybody else in the company over 40 has held it (except for the main event caliber guys). Toss him that meaningless title for a month or two, and that'll be that.

you just can't give main event programs to everybody who is retiring. Especially since very few of them actually remain retired.

I wouldn't mind seeing Nash vs Steiner for The Legends Title at B4G. And it resulting in a double pin with the stipulation of retirement on the loser of the match. But in all seriousness, no. I mean he's been irrelevant for almost 10 years now and I dont think he's been good since like 95/96 IMO. I LOVED The Steiner Brothers, but as singles stars, meh. Oh except for Rick Steiner beating Lex Luger for the WCW Title at a Clash of the Champions, please correct me if im wrong and that didnt happen.
If Scott Steiner was still the same wrestler he was up until (at the latest) 1995, then sure. But, he's not. He's a steroid fueled injury waiting to happen. Like KB said, he was never a great singles wrestler, but was pushed as one because he was old and looked the way he did. He hasn't been relevant in a long time, and he's just holding people back with the way he's hanging around.

As soon as he leaves, space opens up for teams like the Guns and Lethal Consequences to step up and show what they have without him in the way.

Had he been the same guy he was then, not just physically, but attitude/character as well, then yes, he most certainly would deserve a grand send-off.
Scott Stiener has a hell of a history when looking back at his reputation and title history. The guy may get a small send off at best, but nothing huge as he was a complete brute back in the days of WCW. How he's still competing amazes me considering his body is in such rough shape. From that end, I'd say he deserves something. It takes a lot to work with the pain he must feel every day. He's a multiple time champion, I can't even count all of his title reigns, but it is impressive. Yes, a send off, but nothing big by any means.
Yes i think he deserves it because he has been in the business most of his life! Dont get me wrong i dont think it should be as big as flair etc but he has still given his life to entertain us. Why does an announcer on raw deserve it and scott not?

Btw yea i hate him too and he should have gone a while back, he is sloppy and carrying too many injuries

hes getting his send off already tna never wanted to put gold on him bc he was to much of a liablity, so his send of is the tag team titles with Booker T. hes had them for what 3 months now prob lose them at B4G. same goes for nash i ahve always been a fan of nash and wish hed do a wolfpac type of thing b4 he retires but that wont happen and his send of was the legends title.
Even if he does have a send-off, I don't think he will get the type of reaction Flair did at WM 24, and I don't think too much of a big deal will be made of it. The problem is Steiner has been a heel for a long time now, and the fans might not give him the positive reaction that everyone expects. Scott and Rick had a great run as a tag team in his early days, but like everyone else has said, he really only got pushed in WCW as singles wrestler because of his look and there wasn't anybody left. So I do think Steiner should have a small respectable sendoff, but nothing major by any means.
Steiner was more than just sloppy in the ring; he was dangerous and still is today.
This is bullshit and a half. Steiner may be completely inflexible in the ring, but by no means was he sloppy or or dangerous. And in his earlier WCW days, he was one of the best workers in the business. It's a shame he allowed all of those steroids to bulk his body to the point where he hurt himself and couldn't move, but to say he was sloppy and dangerous is just goofy. ESPECIALLY when we're talking about the late 80s to late 90s range.
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May I request that TNA get the paramedic he decked back in 2001 gets his chance to take Steiner down first? lol.

I used to like Steiner a lot. Steiners were a very good team, and he done a good enough job working with WCW not long before they folded. I enjoyed him then, but in TNA he hasn't been the same wrestler. I don't feel he's "sloppy" as some people have labelled him, but I think he's restricted. The roids have obviously imaired his abilities in the ring, and seem to have messed with his mind. Not cool. But he's not half the wrestler he once was.

But does he deserve a send off? Shit yeah. No two ways about it. He was a very entertaining performer, and even now he seems to put in a more athletic performance than Mick Foley has in a good few years (sorry, I'm on a Foley hating trip atm and had to get that in there). But he is a legend, really. He deserves a thank you for, if nothing else, the Steiners fued with Money Inc. That was a classic fued, and I loved it.

I suggest someone else like him beats him in a retirement match. Maybe Matt Morgan? Unless they could work in an angle to get Booker T, Kevin Nash, and Mick Foley to retire too, I think that would be the best bet. Wouldn't make main event though...
I wouldn't give him a huge sendoff as if he were Flair or Sting. But I would use his retirement as an angle and treat it (and him) like a big deal if I were TNA. Because if his retirement isn't a big deal, then his career isn't a big deal, and so what has he been doing as a main-eventer in TNA the last few years?

So Scott Steiner's retirement should be a big deal to TNA. And smart wrestling writing uses everything to build up somebody to a higher level. TNA champion AJ Styles or (presumed) No. 1 contender Matt Morgan wouldn't really benefit. Paging Petey Williams?
We all know Steiner is limited in the ring and should of retired years ago, but I don't see the harm in having a little send off for Steiner. The man was a part of one of the greatest tag teams of all time, and even though it kills him physically he can still put on decent matches today. Not great matches but still. I don't know why everyone is in such a hurry to get rid of all the old school guys.

I mean the future of TNA is Styles, Morgan, and Hernandez. What's wrong with letting Foley, Booker, or Nash put over some of the younger guys? Nash has actually had some good matches with Foley and AJ in the past. I know he isn't Alex Shelly but I don't see the harm with these guys wrestling every now and then.

Honestly I don't think TNA has ever had a send off for anybody. Maybe they will do something with Sting if he does retire, but who cares. If someone is retiring they can just have a good match and let them be. They don't need a cheesy this is your life segment with a cake and all of that. TNA can acknowledge their accomplishments and let them say a few words. No harm there. They don't need an elaborate ceremony.
I wouldn't try to elevate Matt Morgan with a Scott Steiner rub--Morgan doesn't need the audience to start associating "big, overaged limited mobility goon" with "Matt Morgan"
I’m not really a fan of Scott Steiner (the Scott Steiner that decided to increase his muscle mass, I’ve never seen any of his work as a tag team or when he was noticeably smaller) and never have been, but I don’t see what’s wrong with giving him a send-off. Yeah, he doesn’t deserve one like the one Ric Flair got or the one that Sting deserves when he retires, but a small send-off wouldn’t really hurt anyone, now would it? I doubt it would so I guess they could just allow him to give a farewell speech that comes from the heart (meaning it’s not scripted). It’s not like what Flair got but at least it’s something, right?
I say... Beer Money defeats Steiner and Booker T at Bound For Glory for the tag titles.

Steiner faces Matt Morgan at turning point in a singles match. Morgan defeats Steiner.

Then... Steiner and Booker T go after the tag titles again and Beer Money agrees to an OFF THE WAGON challenge match. The loser of the challenging teams leaves TNA or they win the titles.

Steiner gets pinned in the match at Final Resolution in December due to a mistake Booker T made in the match and Steiner gets up after being pinned and FLIPS OUT. He attacks the referee, security, even tries to get at Booker for F'ing up the match. He swears his head off and has to be dragged out by a ton of security guards.

That is the greatest send off that man could have. He goes out putting guys over, but comes out looking like an angry roided up freak like he always been and everybody remembers him as.

Problem solved.
There really is no reason to give Steiner a send off of any kind for a few reasons.

1) He's a heel, usually send offs are better/make more sense when the person being sent off is a popular wrestler or fan favortie. Steiner is neither of those things at the moment, and I don't see how he can be changed to a face given the current storylines.

2) He isn't really a top guys in the company right now. Send offs should be reserved for legends and main eventers. Steiner isn't a main eventer my any stretch of the imagination right now, he has been nothing more than a midcarder since he most recent comeback.

3) It would take up valuable time that could be used for other wrestlers/storylines. Instead of wasting a few weeks on a Steiner send off storyline and PPV match, that time should be given to all of the wrestlers in TNA who desparatly need TNA time. No point in wasting it on an old, midcard wrestler who is leaving the company.
I say... Beer Money defeats Steiner and Booker T at Bound For Glory for the tag titles.

Steiner faces Matt Morgan at turning point in a singles match. Morgan defeats Steiner.

Then... Steiner and Booker T go after the tag titles again and Beer Money agrees to an OFF THE WAGON challenge match. The loser of the challenging teams leaves TNA or they win the titles.

Steiner gets pinned in the match at Final Resolution in December due to a mistake Booker T made in the match and Steiner gets up after being pinned and FLIPS OUT. He attacks the referee, security, even tries to get at Booker for F'ing up the match. He swears his head off and has to be dragged out by a ton of security guards.

That is the greatest send off that man could have. He goes out putting guys over, but comes out looking like an angry roided up freak like he always been and everybody remembers him as.

Problem solved.

That right there is what I call a send-off for someone like Scott Steiner lol. That would be hilarious to have your final moment of glory by giving out a roid rage one more time. That guy has a questionable legacy and a half. I'm telling you..
Why shouldn't Scott Steiner get a send off? He's given so much of his life to this business, regardless of what kind of person he is. His body is ravaged from years of ring work, and he is without a doubt one of the most recognizable faces in pro wrestling history. From the early days of the Steiner brothers in WWe to their start and return to WCW to his turn to the nWo. Scott Steiner has been a part of memorable feuds, with and against the nWo, against Booker T in wcw (as well as harlem heat, actually). Matches with the Midnight Express for the nwa tag title with his brother. Steiner, while being an ass professionally, did a lot in this business, and from what i understand is a much better person now. People can change and while Scott doesn't deserve the Flair treatment, some sort of acknowledgement is completely necessary.
Scott Steiner is still great with the mic, recent impact ratings breakdown shows that him and booker as a tag team gets a large draw, but i do believe he will leave, but who do you guys think TNA will replace him with, personally if Scott Hall was in good shape i wouldnt mind seeing him in MEM, but i know it wont happen.
Nah. He doesn't. If he hadn't used up a pharmacy's worth of steroids and stayed interesting throughout the years, then yeah. Right now he's boring, he doesn't even look intimidating, he's sloppy in the ring, he's shit on the mic. Yeah, I know he once was part of a GREAT tag team. That doesn't mean anything now, he's nowhere near as good as he used to be and there's no way in hell he ever will be. Maybe a little after-match celebration and an announcement, nothing major.
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