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Should Orton & Cena main event Wrestlemania 27?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hear me out. I know this feud has been done over and over and over again.

But now that they are without a doubt the two top babyfaces in the company, it reminds me a lot of Rock/Austin at WM17.

No other 2 men in the company can draw as much as these two. Not to mention, they've never had a feud where they were both faces. And I hate to mention it, but maybe this match can lead to Cena turning heel. I have a feeling the "wwe universe" would be behind Orton and Cena would get those boos leading up to everything.
I don't think we need to see these two Main Event. They have done just about every match up there is possible. (I Quit Match, Hell in a Cell, No DQ 60-Minute Iron Man Match) And we have seen these two face off for a World Title Match on multiple occasions. I understand where you are coming from... They did just about everything except Main Event together on the Grandest Stage of them All, but in all honesty what else can they do? How else can they keep this feud fresh and most of all their matches fresh? Not everybody (but most people) are sick of these two going head to head. If anything I believe that John Cena should challenge the streak this year!
I would love to see Cena challenge the Taker's streak. Could you imagine the amount of heat Cena would get if he turned heel in that match and cheated to beat the Undertaker? Super Cena would be hated instantly imo!
I don't think we need to see these two Main Event. They have done just about every match up there is possible. (I Quit Match, Hell in a Cell, No DQ 60-Minute Iron Man Match) And we have seen these two face off for a World Title Match on multiple occasions. I understand where you are coming from... They did just about everything except Main Event together on the Grandest Stage of them All, but in all honesty what else can they do? How else can they keep this feud fresh and most of all their matches fresh? Not everybody (but most people) are sick of these two going head to head. If anything I believe that John Cena should challenge the streak this year!

I agree with this. It's just been done too much too recently. They've already main evented SummerSlam twice. I don't think this should main event WM27. However, WM28 or WM29 might be an option. Those are too far away to try to predict anything, but after Orton has had more time as a face and more time passed between their past feuds this could be interesting for a future mania main event. Just not WM27.
No absolutely not we've seen these guys go at it in at least 12-15 pay-per-view main events. Hell probably more. But yeah it will probably happen eventually just not at wrestlemania 27. Maybe 28, 29, or even 30? I see next years wrestlemania main-event being something like Cena vs Taker.
I would love to see Cena challenge the Taker's streak. Could you imagine the amount of heat Cena would get if he turned heel in that match and cheated to beat the Undertaker? Super Cena would be hated instantly imo!

The point of Taker lossing at WM would be to put someone over BIG time last time i check Cena did not need it.

In terms of Cena vs Orton I agree not needed at all. I could see something like Cena vs. Miz or Orton vs. Barrett. It is still too early to guess creative has shown recently not much it terms of being creative. Creative has just seemed flat for a while.
if it did happen i wouldn't be pissed but i'd rather not see it...............AGAIN.

i think ppl are looking for the Cena vs Taker match to happen at next years Mania. will it happen though? probably not. i'm sure they'll go with Cena vs Sheamus or something stupid that i (and alot of other ppl) won't be interested in.
What if we did see this match as the main event for Wrestlemania 27. Here would be my dream scenario.......

The Miz holds off until the main event at 'Mania to cash in Money In The Bank. After the main event match, the Raw GM (whoever it is at the time) comes out to announce The Miz is requesting his title shot, but not JUST against the WWE Champion, but also against the World Heavyweight Champion, making it a winner takes all Triple Threat match. Miz or the GM say they found a legal loophole, stating it never said which champion or if they could or couldnt challenge for both at the same time!

This could finally unify the world titles, put Cena and Orton in the main event, add the W.H. Champion in, and put The Miz over HUGE!
While it would suck seeing the same match for the billionth time, I honestly think it'd add so much for a Cena heel turn if his first feud as a heel was with Orton. It would raise Orton's stardom even higher as well as piss everyone off when Cena gets the win (I say "when" because if he's gonna turn heel, he's gotta get the win. It just makes the heat that much greater).

It'd add a different element to the same old fight. Sure it wouldn't be incredibly entertaining watching the same match, but it would sure sell tickets and PPVs.
Yaaaawn HHH will be back and have to headline, I'm sure. HHH and Sheamus will be feuding by then. Orton is poised to be the heel that the fans love to cheer and Cena just the opposite. Ha just keep the Miz out of it and I might watch WM.
I agree with the Miz comment, Shakin' Abe. Not to go off topic here, but I don't see what would be so great about Cena vs Miz. All I ever hear about his how great Miz is on the mic. Then he goes in the ring, and people say "he's improving every week!" which is a lame excuse for "ok so he's bad but for some reason we like him!". He's NOT the next face of the WWE. Michael Cole is just in a heel transition. He'll cash in and become a main eventer (unfortunately) but the guy IS SIMPLY NOT GOING TO BE THE FACE OF THE COMPANY NOR COME CLOSE. HELLO RANDY ORTON. HELLO JOHN CENA.

Now that that's out of the way, I wouldn't mind Orton v Cena at Wrestlemania, actually. I'd like a Orton/Cena WWE Title match with Orton remaining a tweener (somehow) and Cena staying face. The outcome wouldn't matter too much to me as I like both wrestlers. I'd also love to see Jericho vs Taker in a last man standing match or of some sort and a SD! Wrestlemania main event of Edge vs CM Punk
The point of Taker lossing at WM would be to put someone over BIG time last time i check Cena did not need it.

i disagree.

people act like undertaker is nothing without his streak.

if he were to lose it, i dont think it would harm him very much.

he is a legend and hall-of-famer regardless and if losing it is going to benefit the company, then i'm all for it. some people may say a cena heel turn will lose money, but i think the complete opposite. it will only boost ratings.
I'm more for Cena facing UnderTaker in WM 27 than Orton. I'll wait for Orton and Cena until WM 30 which will be right. Taker has limited time remaining and he hasn't had a match with SuperCena. If Cena doesn't win in WM 27, he'll do it in WM 28. By ending Taker streak, Cena should catapult over the Hulkster.
I agree with Cena vs Orton at Wrestlemania should wait a couple more years before they clash again. It's gives Orton time to really establish his face/tweener run.

Now for Cena vs Undertaker, I'm all for that. Undertaker doesn't need to lose the streak. Maybe Cena challenges the Undertake for Mania, while still remaining face, saying it out of respect, he would like to challenge the streak. Cena loses, the goes to shake Undertaker's hand, and stops and starts beating on Undertaker, being a sore loser and completing a heel turn in the process. Then WWE can have a feud with them to build Cena's heel character.
No, I would much rather see Cena try to end the streak. Anyway they've had enough matches they don't need to have one more. If Randy was the face and Cena the heel then it might be different but it's still Randy Orton vs John Cena.
Not sure whether it would be them main eventing against each other. I mean sure they have delivered time and time again in their matches, but I'm not sure whether they would have them feature each other at Wrestlemania, especially seeing they're both obviously over with the crowd and practically aligned. Sure I get that Randy is a tweener and could pretty much lay out John Cena without any problems for his popularity, but a match is probably not what WWE has in mind for Randy and John Cena, at least not at Wrestlemania.

I'm thinking there'll definitely be other matches to come before we're gonna see Randy vs John Cena at Wrestlemania, it's not gonna be this year however, because there's plenty of other names to feature against those. Sheamus is on the rise, Kane is on the rise, and The Miz could possibly be on the rise to a point where he's gonna be featured in one of the final 3 matches.

But of course I wouldn't discredit the potential of it becoming the main event at Wrestlemania 27. However I'm not gonna be sitting around expecting it, or hoping for it.
No they shouldnt, its to soon in Bill Lesnars View and they dont have chemistry (summerslam 2007)..WWE needs to wait untill both are bigger names, to create a mega match. In a few years when both are better it is the time
No they shouldnt, its to soon in Bill Lesnars View and they dont have chemistry (summerslam 2007)..WWE needs to wait untill both are bigger names, to create a mega match. In a few years when both are better it is the time

There's quite a few things wrong with this. While I'm practically indifferent about the potential of the match, and not sold on it possibly happening, I just really need to correct you here Billie boy.

No chemistry? Are you nuts? Orton and Cena have more than enough chemistry from their 2009 feud, which went pretty damn well if you ask me. They have fought each other lots of times and knows each other in the ring. So to say that they don't have chemistry in the ring is wrong.

Also they're already big names. Certainly enough to make a great very hyped match. And even if they weren't big names, WWE has more than the ability to create a very hyped match of two mediocre names.

John Cena and Randy Orton are practically the two biggest stars actively wrestling in WWE right now, hell maybe even in the business. So their resume, how over they are, mixed with the fact that they have a past, that definitely creates for a potentially big match.
Eh... it's a possibility.

From all accounts, WM26 was a flop in PPV buys, which means pressure is ON for next year to deliver a good show. One bad Wrestlemania is a fluke; two bad WM's in a row is a trend. Cena vs. Orton, for all the times we've seen it, is still a draw. (Somehow. I'm sick of it myself, but they always played to a hot, hot crowd.) Cena vs. Orton is this generations Hogan vs. Andre or Rock vs. Austin; you can do it again and again, and it'll put asses in seats.

Cena is usually a lock for a WM title match; he's the only Big Money Draw in the WWE right now. WM merchandise with Cena on it is a surefire sell at $20 a t-shirt. Orton is a different question, as he can pick the card up no matter where he's placed on it. Legacy vs. Orton was surprisingly hot, considering how DiBiase and Cody have cratered since the stable broke up.

It's a possibility, but I think an outside one. By next March, Sheamus should be ready to co-main event a Wrestlemania (the undercard championship match), Triple H will be back, if not injured again, and who knows- maybe someone will surprise us by popping up strong from the midcard. (It won't be the Miz. He might win a championship with his briefcase, but they're going with the long buildup for him, not the cheap run like they went for with Swagger.)
There's quite a few things wrong with this. While I'm practically indifferent about the potential of the match, and not sold on it possibly happening, I just really need to correct you here Billie boy.

No chemistry? Are you nuts? Orton and Cena have more than enough chemistry from their 2009 feud, which went pretty damn well if you ask me. They have fought each other lots of times and knows each other in the ring. So to say that they don't have chemistry in the ring is wrong.

Also they're already big names. Certainly enough to make a great very hyped match. And even if they weren't big names, WWE has more than the ability to create a very hyped match of two mediocre names.

John Cena and Randy Orton are practically the two biggest stars actively wrestling in WWE right now, hell maybe even in the business. So their resume, how over they are, mixed with the fact that they have a past, that definitely creates for a potentially big match.

Bill lesnar responds by saying that this would be WWE's biggest ever match, Cena and Orton need Rock/Austin chemistry which they dont have. That includes making the roof fall off whereever they will wrestle
Bill lesnar responds by saying that this would be WWE's biggest ever match, Cena and Orton need Rock/Austin chemistry which they dont have. That includes making the roof fall off whereever they will wrestle

I would say chemistry isn't all about how their feud and past have developed. But more of the ability to work in the ring together. The Rock and Austin were good at working in the ring together, however they had a great past together as well. Also considering they were the two biggest names in the business at that point, it definitely created for a bigger match.

However that is exactly where we have John Cena and Randy Orton as well. Sure they do not have the same kind of overness with the crowd that The Rock and Austin had, they most certainly doesn't have the crowd split in half which is what I could only imagine Austin vs The Rock did for the crowd.

However they are more than able to carry out a big match at Wrestlemania 27 if that is what WWE wanted to make. WWE's abilities to book a storyline as well as John Cena and Randy's past together is more than enough to hype their match and make it seem "bigger than life" (With a liiittle bit of stretching). So they don't need to be over like Austin and The Rock, especially not over as they were when paired.
No, No, No. I just don't understand why we need this at Wrestlemania. They have fought at Mania before (WM 24) and just because Austin/Rock went at it three times at Mania doesn't mean everyone else has to. One of my pet peeves on these forums is people trying to make out that this current era of professional wrestling is equal to the eras before it, because they want to think they're part of something special. People assume that because Austin/Rock have headlined multiple Wrestlemanias then Cena and Orton can too. No. Whilst Orton is extremely good in the ring, this feud has been done to death and it would just reek of a normal PPV match. Mania was always about fresh matches such as Hogan/Warrior and HBK/Hart... two top guys engaging in their first real feud. Due to today's hectic PPV schedule, we have already seen this feud in '07 and then '08-'09 and i am not entirely convinced that Orton's supposed 'turn' will make any difference in making the feud seem fresh.

Orton is a tweener, not a face. He RKO's anything that moves and does not really talk on the mic now as he did as a face and i think that is the big factor in why they shouldn't feud at Mania, let alone headline. Say you throw them together in a feud for Mania, the majority of you would say Cena as face, Orton as tweener. That is understandable. But what about the promo work? With Orton not a 100% face, his promos would be quite similar to his heel ones as he would hype himself up and knock down Cena. Orton's promo work would just be some robotic mish-mash of his heel work and him trying to come across a a face. And why would they feud? To show whose the better man? They hot-potatoed the WWE title throughout the Summer and Autumn of '09, showing that either man can beat the other.

Finally, i think it would lead to a top heavy card at Mania. Look at who has left since WM 26. Batista, HBK. Two top, top guys who you could put young talent against in 1-1 action. Think Sheamus/HHH from WM 26. This match and feud really helped Sheamus cement himself in the Main Event scene and i believe more matches like this should take place. With guys like DiBiase and Morrison waiting in the wings, you could better utilise Orton and Cena by having them feud with those guys. Orton v DiBiase would work quite well with their past history with Legacy and to ensure the card still has some sort of appeal at the top, Cena v Sheamus would be a good WWE title match.

In conclusion, i don't believe a Cena/Orton feud in any capacity would be fresh enough to headline Mania unless Cena went heel and Orton was a full-fledged face. I throughly enjoyed the feud they had during '09 and i am not suggesting at all that they have no chemistry. But nothing has really changed in the dynamic for the feud to appear fresh or new. If this headlined WM 27, i would feel i had purchased Over The Limit.
If these two do indeed collide there has to be a good angle. I mean they have had almost all kind of matches there are.

The best they can do is if there is a tournament for the vacated WWE Championship and these two qualify through and end up facing each other at WM.
But keep them absolutely apart and give them no screen time with each other until the bracket says Orton Vs Cena.

Turn Cena heel. And give him back his attitude. I caught some of his promos from back then and I just feel his mic skills have been neutered because of his 'Super' persona. The man is a joy to behold on the mic and would bury the 'so-called' best mic-piece around, The Miz in seconds.
Cena is one of the best wittiest mic-pieces in the business.

Coming back,
I also would like to see Orton vs Barrett at WM27 in a solid stellar match. I think these two can have a solid feud.

But honesly speaking,
the more I see Orton the more bored I get nowadays.
His move set is incredibly small and his promos are pedantic.

However, his matches are fast paced which is good but seriously, he needs to come up with some new moves. Hell! I can call his signatures move seconds before now.
No, because how you obviously said it yourself it has been done over and over. Plus putting them in a PPV main event is just lazy booking at this point unless it is built and made up correctly. Also why waste the WM main event on just something a lot of people have seen already, there is a reason why people adore the WM main event a lot of the time, because they see something they wont see at your run in the mil PPV.
1. WWE doesn't listen to the fans just now, so it probably won't guarantee a heel-turn even if Cena is boo'd.
2. WWE will make Cena win by not selling at the end of the match. Orton deserves better

If you have a match between the two, despite a possibly cool lead-up, it'll end up with Orton getting pumped and Cena staying face so kids can buy rad opposite-colour merch.

Orton would be better in the ring with someone who can actually wrestle. A feud with Jericho would be cool.

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