Should MVP change his ring attire?


Occasional Pre-Show
Watching Raw last night... Was the first time I've actually seen MVP dressed down. Everytime I've seen him he has been wearing his in ring attire, IMO its a goofy athletic jump suit and sports gloves. Or he is wearing a suit that still covers him up.

When he got in swaggers face last night, he showed off his muscles, which you can't really tell he has with his current attire. But the dude is strait up jacked!

For him to become a top star, that becomes a World Champion, I think he needs a better ring attire to market his obvious physical strength along with being athletic.

If you could change MVP's in ring attire what would you change it too?

I wouldn't mind having him in some type of kickboxer/MMA shorts, ones that have a slit cut up the side. With a unique design obviously. A good pair of boots like HHH or Orton. But he is showing off his upper body, which markets better to the female crowd?

Whats are your ideas?
No. If anything, he needs more outlandish attire. The wounded gazelle is quickly seperated from the pack. But the gazelle thats wears bright tight jumpsuits are straight up BALLIN!

Since his debut, MVP has really toned down his ring attire in order to make it more realistic and "sports-like". This is of course, ridiculous. His bright power ranger clothes set him apart from everyone else. As he is now, he's sort of like everyone else. Look at Bret Hart and the success of the 'pink and black attack'. A lesser wrestler would have crumbled under the sheer masculinity of wearing pink, but Bret Hart was no apple crumble.

Thus, MVP's success lies solely on his abilities as a wrestler and not on his ring gear. More importantly than his gear, his goddamn entrance. What in the blue hell happened to the inflatable tunnel, smoke machines and flame boxes?
Oh sure he still has flames and pyros, but IT'S JUST NOT THE SAME DAMMIT!
He wears a skin suit (yes thats what they call them, cyclist wear them), the reason for this is to keep all of his prison tattoos covered up. had a feature on Susper star ink, and hes got some pretty random and poor quality work, so unless he gets it all removed, I doubt well see him change what he wears in ring any time soon
I was never really a fan of M.V.P.'s ring attire, but his ring attire is what makes him unique and sets him apart from everybody else. Back when M.V.P. made his debut and several months afterwards, he wore all different colors, but now he primarily wears black. Black is a very popular color among WWE superstars and M.V.P. added himself to the list of people who wear mostly black. Just because I might not like his ring attire, doesn't mean that I'm dying for him to change it. You'll likely not see any other superstar having that ring attire, so why shouldn't be keep it? I'm not saying he should or should not change it, it's just that if he did have a different ring attire sometime down the road, I wouldn't exactly be disappointed.
Yes he should. He looked a lot better in street clothes last night. The scuba diving gear needs to go.
Changing ring attire is not absolutely necessary for MVP. His gimmick is that of a major sports athlete, so his ring attire fits that to a good degree. It could be tweaked but I don't think its necessary at this point.

What I think is necessary to better coincide with his face turn is a theme music change. His music is slow and mundane and doesn't get the crowd going. Silkk Tha Shocker is a shit rapper as well. He needs something that pumps the crowd up, in the same mold of John Cena's music.
From what I hear, tattoos from prison are the reason. I believe the most important one is a rough Malcolm X tattoo that the WWE really does not want to be seen. Thus, his ring gear will likely stay pretty consistent for the rest of his stay in pro wrestling. I don't mind it either, sets him apart a lot from everyone else. I'd just prefer the colour to change more often!
He wears a skin suit (yes thats what they call them, cyclist wear them), the reason for this is to keep all of his prison tattoos covered up. had a feature on Susper star ink, and hes got some pretty random and poor quality work, so unless he gets it all removed, I doubt well see him change what he wears in ring any time soon

When I read the beginning post of this thread, his tattoos are were the first thing that came to mind. Yes, MVP has some ink but nothing that would be considered outlandish. The only one WWE could object to the Malcolm X tattoo on his chest, for their own reason I suppose... but I doubt it. I never seen close-ups of any of the other ones really, so I suppose I can't pass judgment. I believe he wears the suit mainly for the representation of his character. I was really opposed to his attire in the beginning but it has grown on me and it makes him who he is. He has dressed down several times for shows and even wrestled a few matches with the top of the suit pulled off and around his waist. I thought it was pretty dope when he wrestled like that, it showed a more rugged style for him.
As for changing his ring attire... I say nah. Let him be who he is, it separates him from everyone else. Just evolve it over time, but keep it unique to his character.

Yes he should. He looked a lot better in street clothes last night. The scuba diving gear needs to go.

yeah really he looks like he's about to go ballin and get his snorkel on! i figured he didnt want to shave his chest or had a beer gut or something...prison ink makes sense, 9.5 years in i can imagine you'd maybe end up with a cheap tat or two. he def toned the gear down i noticed, but it hasss to not sure what the best gear for him would be though. he's a bigger boned guy, not fat ,but he's not skinny so if he's without a shirt it would bring up more "out of shape" comments like for matt hardy & such...i'm just waiting to see his wardrobe change in any way, i hate the power ranger look.
MVP stated that he doesn't want to expose his upper body in wrestling. MVP also went to mention, he'd prefer not to because of his "personal" tatoos and symbols on his body. It has something to do with his life and stuff.

I remember reading about that a couple of years ago, so there might be a little chance for him to personally want to change his ring attire. I'm sure he can find a way not to expose his tatoos & drop the power ranger outfit LOL
Like it's been said, MVP is covered in poorly drawn prision tats so an outfit that shoves off his torso wouldn't look very good. I love his look as it. It's incredibly unique and once you get over the initial shock it's really rather cool. People always talk about so many wrestlers having the same look as if they were churned out of the same factory. I find it hypocritical to then complain about MVP's look. You want unique? MVP is unique.

I've never understood the "Power Rangers" chants. If you've actually watched Power Rangers then you know MVP doesn't look like a Power Ranger.
When MVP first signed with the company, he had quite a belly. Thus he was given the attire to cover up the fat. At least that's what I heard.
Why would the website do a story on his tats and show them as well if the company doesn't want to show them during shows?
I don't think MVP needs to change his ring attire. I don't believe ring attire should be a factor in whether the fans care about you or not. Everybody had a big issue with MVP's attire when he first came out but I just care about how he does in the ring.
i like MVP's attire, if anybody needs a change of attire its the Miz. But I do agree with a previous post about theme music needing to be changed. so many wrestlers have terrible music that doesn't do them justice. alot of popularity IMO depends on how good your song is to grasp the viewers attention
When MVP first signed with the company, he had quite a belly. Thus he was given the attire to cover up the fat. At least that's what I heard.
Why would the website do a story on his tats and show them as well if the company doesn't want to show them during shows?

On the tattoo thing, the website did say that MVP refused to show all of his ink, so maybe we're not seeing the whole picture.

But anyways, MVP doesn't need to change his ring attire, he's looks like a legitimate athlete. At least he's not in trunks like everyone else. I know people who won't accept wrestling because of that reason. When people see people like Randy Orton and Triple H all oiled up and rubbing all over each other...well, I really shouldn't have to explain what's the first thing that comes to their mind. That's not how I think, but I know people who do think that way.

So no, MVP should keep his ring attire. I think it fits him, as a cocky athlete, plus he does look to have a bit of a gut, so maybe it's best if we don't see that haha...
MVP's tattoos aren't incredibly offensive so the WWE is a little lax about them. If they're shown once in a while it's no big deal but they're not something they want to advertise constantly by having him walk around without a shirt on. MVP wrestled a few times with the top of his ring attire off and some bandages on to sell Kane having burnt him.

I really believe that if the costume was originally used because of a weight issue he would have had a redesign by now. Besides, his whole original gimmick was like that of Cuba Gooding Jr. in "Jerry Maguire" or T.O. That's why his ring attire looked a like like a warm up suit usually worn by football players.
I really dont think MVP needs a major wardrobe change, but I would not mind seeing more of the bad ass in your face MVP attitude we saw last night. His promo with Jack Swaggar on Raw this week just slightly reminded me of the Attitude Era. Imagine a truly unleashed MVP character, with such a great real life back story and toughness to really infuse into his character. It would be great if Vince realized one day that appealing to kids only brings in a certain level of ratings and money for him, the real money is in appealing to adults that work and can actually buy his merchandise and Pay Per Views.
I really dont think MVP needs a major wardrobe change, but I would not mind seeing more of the bad ass in your face MVP attitude we saw last night. His promo with Jack Swaggar on Raw this week just slightly reminded me of the Attitude Era. Imagine a truly unleashed MVP character, with such a great real life back story and toughness to really infuse into his character. It would be great if Vince realized one day that appealing to kids only brings in a certain level of ratings and money for him, the real money is in appealing to adults that work and can actually buy his merchandise and Pay Per Views.

That's all fine and good, but the real money comes from the little kids who buy Mysterio masks, Jeff's armbands, Cena's hats, wristbands, and whatever else they put Cena's ass on LOL.

Although it would be be awesome to see a more attitude-like MVP. He showed that he wasn't just Cena-lite last night. Hopefully he keeps this up.
That's all fine and good, but the real money comes from the little kids who buy Mysterio masks, Jeff's armbands, Cena's hats, wristbands, and whatever else they put Cena's ass on LOL.

Although it would be be awesome to see a more attitude-like MVP. He showed that he wasn't just Cena-lite last night. Hopefully he keeps this up.

I'd have thought the real money would come from Tickets and PPVs? When I went to WWE, the money we spent on T-Shirts (4 of us all bought a couple of T-Shirts) didn't even come to half the price of the tickets. The real money is there and is supplemented from the big time superstars selling T-Shirts.

As for MVP's outfit and the real reason we're all here - It's really just a singlet with sleeves isn't it? I didn't make any connotations about it being anything totally out of the ordinary until I heard a sliding Power Ranger comment from someone. Let's face it - If MVP's having fun matches and kicking Tshwagga's ass, I don't care anywhichway what he's wearing. It's not like the fact he wears an almost fully body suit stops him being WWE Champion, that stems from him not currently being good enough, as much as I love the guy.
The WWE could always use certain writing for MVP to inspire kids not to "go down that road" and don't become a juvenile. If the PG era is as serious as it seems, it wouldn't be a bad idea for MVP to value this.
YES: MVP's attire is getting old and looks goofy, but it suits him, it looks expensive compared to most attires, and isn't MVP supposed to be all about cash, money, and bling.


NO: What will it really do? MVP I think won't get a much better future out of it, if WWE change's his attire it might mean there changing his gimmick, and I think he's doing a fine job with his current one.
He's a sports athlete. He's going to wear the skin suit to help him better perform. Don't ask me how it has anything to do with his performance, but hell. He's the one with the athlete gimmick. I'm sure he knows how it applies.

And also, as others have said, he's got Prison tattoos he's not too proud of. I'm sure he'd rather not have those out in the open, unless he absolutely had to, like after he wrestled Kane in the Inferno Match. Or this feud with Swagger could be a way to open his past to the fans, and allow him to wear a different ring attire without everyone wondering what all the jankety tattoos on MVP were.

He doesn't HAVE to change his attire, but he doesn't HAVE to keep it. I'd leave it totally up to him if I were creative. And if he wanted to change his attire, give him more of a Swagger type gear. Or Lashley. Lashley's old ring attire would really show off MVP's muscles and the like.
MVP probally will not change his ring Attaire, due to the fact it covers up the gang related tattoos hr has stated in the past, he is not proud of.
When I read the beginning post of this thread, his tattoos are were the first thing that came to mind. Yes, MVP has some ink but nothing that would be considered outlandish. The only one WWE could object to the Malcolm X tattoo on his chest, for their own reason I suppose... but I doubt it.

He said in his Superstar Ink that he has gang-related prison tattoos, which is what he is concerned of. We've seen the Malcolm X tattoo before, when he was wrestling with his 'burns' after the inferno match and didn't have the upper half of his bodysuit done up. I think the issue is the gang tattoos he isn't proud of.

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