Should Morrison become a member of Edge's Stable

i think that this is a gr8 idea because morrison and the edgeheads could rule the tag team and mid-card division.wen the edgeheads win the tag titles those 3 could have a spirit squad rules like team, where any of them can defend the tag titles but they shouldn't announce morrison as an edgehead. albeit morrison was a main eventer on ECW but ecw is devalued compared 2 raw and smackdown so the ecw main event is the smackdown mid-card. just dont label him an edgehead that would be terrible. an earlier post sed it would take him off ecw and that would ruin the brand but ecw and smackdown have a talent merge so he could be on ecw more than the others.
I dont like the idea of them moving him to Edge's stable, because it would basically take him back before he ever was the ECW champion. I mean they changed his name to John Morrison to make him seem like a stronger wrestler, and get rid of the mid card status that Jonny Nitro had. If they plan on making him a main-eventer again, what would having him join Edge's posse do? It would make him look weaker than he does not, for that reason i think it would be a bad idea.
If anything, moving Morrison to Edge's stable would only kill Hawkins & Ryder. The focus would be on Morrison & Edge (Mostly Edge). I see Morrison as more of a team leader, he'd just be taking the back seat to Edge and rightly so.

This is Edge's time, he's at the top of his career. SmackDown! is Edge. John Morrison's time will come, he's still a good bit younger than Edge.

Anyway's Chavo Guerrero is kind of the 4th man of Edge's stable at the moment.
this is a great idea and would give morrison the Rejuvenation that he so desparately needs

this can be so easily done aswell, have gm vickie set up a match for 'the edge heads'(cheesy) vs miz morrison have morrison turn on miz then we've got a solution to two problems miz is gone and we've got a better stable

Sorry I had to go back on this one. I don't think in anyway shape or form that john need to be "rejuvenated". What the dude is a former ecw champ and the curent tagg champ, It seems to me that wwe has their eye on john for the future.
Why why why why why why ? Take miz out of the picture ? If anything get the ones with egde outta there. Being with edge under his stable miz and john would be put on the back burner, but still i see john staying in the wwe for a long time.

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