Should KOTR be interpromotional?


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Does anybody else think that the King Of The Ring tournament should be interpromotional this year, last year it was exclusive to SD!, and in my opion should have featured guys from Raw aswell, and with the way they did some of the qulifying matches for MITB this year I don't see why they couldn't do the same for the KOTR, I would love to see guys like Carlito, Kenny Dyktsra, Super Crazy, Nitro, Helms, Thorn, Burke, Cor Von, and many others in the tournament, they could start it at Backlash, and have it end in the finals at Judgement Day, WWE has also made the decision to feature stuperstars from other brands on brand only PPVs
I think they will. the newsboard has been saying expect to see more interpromotional stuff to bust PPV buyrates, so King of the Ring is perfect for this. Again, how can you be King of anything if you're only facing a third of the competition. I won't dispute King Booker, but the competition should be from everywhere.
It seems that WWE might be considering doing this, but take into consideration also the fact that if it's bound to please the fans and make money, Vince McMahon is against it.

I hope like hell it's interpromotional, it used to be one of the biggest events of the year with great matches and awesome KOTR winners, and than it just disappeared out of midair, bye bye, what the hell happened, no explanation at all, just gone. Thank god they brought it back last year and had someone with talent win the thing (Booker), but it should be open to all wrestlers under WWE contracts I think.
the KOTR was always one of my favorite PPVs because it allowed us to see matches that we normally wouldn't see, and I've always been a big fan of tournaments in wrestling, I was dissapointed to see it disappear after the year Brock won it, and found it kinda odd that they did away with it since a new stipulation was added that year (the winner got a title shot at SummerSlam, they should bring that stipulation back), as for last year, the only problem I had with Booker winning was that he was stuck with this stupid ass "King Bookaaaaa" gimmick crap

Maybe they should bring back the KOTR PPV, like I said before it was clearly one of the best for the year
they need to cancel one of the non mjor ppv's and bring back king of the ring. i liked the concept of it.

If it were up to me I'd get rid of ONS, to me ECW isn't strong enough of a brand to carry an entire PPV, and though I liked the first two, I think that this years ONS will be really disappointing, so they should just do away with it and replace it with an interpromotional KOTR PPV, then they could have some extra ECW matches to make up for getting rid of the all ECW PPV, I also think that if they were to do a KOTR PPV then they should make sure that they give it more of a tournament feel to it and have the last two rounds of the tournament (semi-finals and finals) at the PPV they should also put the ECW, WWE, and WHC on the line at the PPV
imo the kotr should only have underated ss from Raw and interpromotional with sd and ecw because raws the A show
The reason they got rid of the King of the Ring in the first place was because they decided to have the brands have their own PPVs, and they needed to get rid of one of the interpromotional ones to make it an even amount. Now with ECW it's just pointless, so I think they should bring the King of the Ring back. It was always a really good PPV, and I think they could make it big again, and bring back the winner gets a title match.
I think there are enough mid cards that need something like this going around that the WWE would be foolish not to make it interpromotional. SmackDown obviously needed something like this for their guys, but it would work better if it had more wrestlers, and was a lot longer. This would also put more focus and prestige onto the tournament, and it is something that the WWE needs back because this could really give guys like Masters, Nitro, Matt Hardy, Kennedy, Punk and others a chance to go at it for something meaningful and it would help them develop. This would certainly benefit any interpromotional rivalries they have going on and I hope we see a long one this year.
I'm all for the KOTR being interpromotional. I also would like them to revive the WCW staple Battlebowl in a reduced capacity to determine it. They could hold the Lethal Lottery to choose six to eight teams, and then have those teams square off, with the winning teams flowing into either a tournament bracket, or they could actually have a gauntlet-style match to finish the thing off with the final two competitors going for a pinfall. This way, they could hold the preliminary matches on succeeding shows of ECW, RAW, and Smackdown in the few weeks prior. Because of the lottery drawing, they could use it as a platform to shuffle talent between the shows for a temporary change of flavor. Plus, if they have a gauntlet with about eight or so guys and no plausible winner at the outset, then the PPV would actually have something by way of intrigue. It's not that I don't like what has been done at KOTR in the past, but the flavor is bland and stale as of recent, to me. And the KOTR winner needs to get a title shot @ Summerslam against the champion of his choice to further add weight to the distinction of being the winner.
Yes. It should be brought back for all three brand's. Imagine what it would do for Jonny Nitro or Punk. I think they should have it as a really large tournament. Maybe 32 or 64 participant's. Make it into a huge event. The only reason it was cancelled was because Brock Lesnar was too green to truly carry the victory off. Make the whole thing into a 6 month deal. Starting after W.M. and have the final take place at Summer Slam. But I doubt WWE have the patience to carry through with it for that length of time.
Yes. It should be brought back for all three brand's. Imagine what it would do for Jonny Nitro or Punk. I think they should have it as a really large tournament. Maybe 32 or 64 participant's. Make it into a huge event. The only reason it was cancelled was because Brock Lesnar was too green to truly carry the victory off. Make the whole thing into a 6 month deal. Starting after W.M. and have the final take place at Summer Slam. But I doubt WWE have the patience to carry through with it for that length of time.

Your right bro as WWE wil never carery that kind of storty line that long Vinne Mac will never have that. I seewhat should happen is if it to be any good is after WM begin the matches to quailify for the KOTR tournament. Then at Backlash have to add spice to it have myave two quilafying matches for it justto help VKM new plan of adding stars from other brands to compet at the brand only ppv's. Then leading up to Judgment day have tag team or whatever kind of matches to add spice to the matches that will take place at Judgement Day. Thus at Judgement have the Qtr, Simi and Finals all the same night as in the past.
If the king of the ring is ever brought back as a permaneant fixture, I think that it should be in its orginal form. Where one whole ppv is dedicated to the tournment. Qualifying matches could take place on raw, smackdown, ecw with the entire tournment on ppv. I think any other way they try to run KOTR ends up just look watered down and less important.
For the KOTR to survive, I think it would have to be inter-promotional.

I don't think there are 8 guys on the Smackdown roster who could legitimately contend for this event. Especially if you exclude former winners. And current champions.

Speaking of which, once a new KOTR is "crowned," does this mean "King" Booker will finally drop this ridiculous gimmick, and try something new? Or will there be two kings (probably in a future match against each other).
I hope so. it would be like the old days. and i think KOTR should have its own PPV again insted of being on TV. it was better back in the day.
32 superstars would be a good number, they could have 11 from RAW & SD!, & 10 from ECW, then have all of the first round matches be interpromotional9that means that I wouldn't have any SD! guys faceing other SD! guys in the first round at all, and the same would go for Raw and ECW aswell)
ok now you have me kinda confused, before you said it should be free like SNME, and now your sying it should be on pay tv, wich if I understasnd correctly means I would have to pay to see it
they should turn KOTR interpromotional and into a interbrand pay-par-view again. that way more choices on who would win and make the brands fight eachother
these are some sick ideas guys...i hope vince's dum azz will jus once think about what the fans REALLY want 2 see when it comes to the KOTR...if the whole 32 man KOTR Tournament happens then wwe will have maybe the highest ratings ever for every week they have these matches!!!
I think the recent WWE announcement that ALL ppv's will have some sort of involvement from all brands answers the question of what will happen with KOTR.

I agree with an earlier comment that if you're going to paint someone as King of the Ring, then you need to have all brands involved. This will help put your winner over even more if nothing else.

Also, let me pose this question:
Someone else wins KOTR this year. Does this see Booker drop his King Booker Gimmick and go back to Booker T?? Technically he will have been de-throned.
shouldn't the KOTR tournment being starting soon, or is WWE just not going to do it again this year, last year they had the finals at JD, which is coming up soon, I think they should have thefinals at ONS, they could start the tourment right after JD, actully I think they should just change ONS to KOTR, ONS on't live up to the first two, but a KOTR ppv would be great especially with it being interpromotional
ok guys i never post on this forum because i think you all have way too much time on your hands. but...khali destroys cena, title is vacated...tourney at the next ppv?
ok guys i never post on this forum because i think you all have way too much time on your hands. but...khali destroys cena, title is vacated...tourney at the next ppv?

If you think that then your opinion isn't worth reading. May as well ben you as well. We dont want to take up your time. Reading is time consuming.
The King of The Ring going inter-promotional is a good idea because it adds to the prestigue of the tournament. Also RAW has more young talent than SD! and WWECW has the majority of the younger talent and KOTR is all about making one superstar a main eventer. Also we can see better matches and more matches out of it. I also agree with Kasey to make the tournament speed up a bit to do a elimination type match and the last two battle it out to become the KOTR winner.
I personally hope so. I love KOTR, it showcases the best talent in a PPV situation. Interpromotional KOTR really would be great.

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