Should John Morrison be moved to SmackDown?


It looks like Cena's going to be getting another stupidly long WWE Championship reign that everyone will get bored of within a few weeks. And it also looks like Randy Orton has nothing but lesser opposition on SmackDown, aside from Christian, who the WWE apparently have a huge lack of faith in.

So here's my suggestion: Get JoMo off Raw, and throw him on SmackDown.

Morrison's been Main Event ready for a while now, probably longer than The Miz has, and at this rate, he's not going to get a reign until WELL into 2012 if he stays on Raw. The best way I think would to have this done would be to have Morrison's fued with R-Truth end at a Pay-Per-View in a Loser Leaves Raw match, allowing R-Truth to win and Morrison to make a move to SmackDown where he could fued with Orton. I don't know who would be the heel in this position, it could go either way really, Morrison could show up on SmackDown pissed off about being kicked off Raw, or Orton could've already made a heel turn.

Do you think this could work? If not, what would you do with Morrison?
No, I believe there is a place for JoMo on Raw, he still has work to do, programs with Truth, Miz, Punk, Swagger, MacIntyre are all viable options. SD! is gonna be the RKO show and RAW is Cena for now, but Morrison will have a good place to do some good things on Raw.
Either way JoMo is screwed. If he goes to smackdown he is going to be fed to Orton just like another wrestler that i won't name (you will all find out who it is anyways tonight). On raw, its going to be the Cena show :banghead: so there is no chance in hell for him.:disappointed:
And it also looks like Randy Orton has nothing but lesser opposition on SmackDown, aside from Christian, who the WWE apparently have a huge lack of faith in.

You're so wrong. Sheamus, Big Show, Kane, Wadd are all on Smackdown.
No, I believe there is a place for JoMo on Raw, he still has work to do, programs with Truth, Miz, Punk, Swagger, MacIntyre are all viable options. SD! is gonna be the RKO show and RAW is Cena for now, but Morrison will have a good place to do some good things on Raw.

This is basically my answer. I just don't know if John Morrison is ever going to break out into the mega star everyone wants him to be. The guy to me is a walking contradiction. He looks like a heel and has that cocky attitude to him that would make him a good pretty boy heel. The problem is that his move set scrams babyface. He does the high impact jaw dropping moves that get big pops. He is for lack of a better comparison, the new Jeff Hardy. He's not that great of a wrestler, but he gets a big enough pop from the crowd when he does something crazy.

Hardy has his drug issues and from all accounts (doubt they are accurate), Morrison has his attitude issues. The best thing for John Morrison is to stay relevant by having hot feuds. A hot feud will make a person more popular and more important then any stupid title run. The title is meaningless these days. I think this feud with R Truth is going to be red hot if they give it the proper time. Truth is a doing a good job making a heel run out of it. My only fear is the fact that they are going to use this Truth/Morrison feud to elevate the new heel Truth instead of Morrison. I see Truth winning a few against Morrison and then getting a title shot and working a program with John Cena. They have history.
Do you think this could work? If not, what would you do with Morrison?

NO! As long as Blandy Boreton is somewhere where John Cena isn't

in my opinion i have thinked about this for a while and i think it's a good idea giving him THE PUSH that we waited for a long time this is his opportunity if he moves to SD he will get a WHC match at least or juste win it at a time of the year
The thing is, there are alot of guys that got drafted to smackdown looking for their push like sheamus, daniel bryan, mark henry, and more. John Morrison would probably get lost and be no better off, he should stay on Raw, he has a lot of guys to feud with like alberto del rio, they could put on spectacular matches.
I wanted JoMo to go to SD before the draft, but after Orton got drafted to SD and the subsequent treatment of the WHC, 'one top face' on SD would get shuffled down the card so JoMo could take a shot at the title.
Man, being ambiguous on spoilers is hard.
So no, I want JoMo to stay right where he is and get his ass kicked by R-Truth. I honestly don't see what the big deal about JoMo is... He's not that great a wrestler. He does 'parkour' off of like stairs and storage trunks. He barely hits any of his moves. I can't tell whether he's supposed to hit his opponent with his head, arms, body, or legs because he never lands a clean Starship Pain. Even when he does something crazy like at the Rumble or Elimination Chamber, it looks like he struggled with it. Now, I'm not saying those things aren't cool, or that I could do them any better. I'm just sayin' he's sloppy. Also he's had this 'rock' character for awhile and hasn't developed it AT ALL. He can't talk on the mic in character either. All in all, to me he's just a mid-card guy and I don't know what everyone wants him on top. But I think he needs to stay on RAW now, just to elevate himself and R-Truth because I would be upset if he were to move to SD and block 'another top face's' chance at the WHC
He's just starting a brilliant feud with R-Truth, why in the world would you want to move him? Not only that but he is not main event material, I thought he did for a while but think about his mic skills and tell me if that's a main eventer. His in ring work is great but you need more than that to be at the top. Perhaps after this feud he can make the main event, but he is just fine on Raw right now.
To be perfectly honest, John Morrison does not need to move to SmackDown. What he does need is a character change. If anything, go back to being Johnny Nitro and start coming out with Melina again. I loved JoMo in MNM, and I loved him during his singles run as Nitro 4 or so years ago, but ever since he became John Morrison, I find myself taking him less and less seriously each week. Sure he's been in a few main events, and sure he has great in ring skills, but as a face he's boring, and that slow-motion entrance he STILL uses isn't getting any cooler each time I see it. And I also agree with what another person posted earlier; I can't see Morrison becoming a huge mega-star in the company, and I also can't see him becoming WHC or WWE champ either. Not only does he not have the star power to carry a brand, but I find he really looks out of place in main event title matches (at ER Cena and Miz looked great, and though Morrison had a few entertaining spots i HATED that he was in that match). Let's face it; John Morrison is not main event material. Just keep him in his feud with R-Truth for now, and then down the road maybe he can go heel as well and they can become a tag team or something. But a move to SD definetely won't change anything for him. WWE's gotta repackage him and do it soon.
The thing is, there are alot of guys that got drafted to smackdown looking for their push like sheamus, daniel bryan, mark henry, and more.

It's an interesting thought, but it's not as if those guys make the choice to go to Smackdown; they go where they're sent, no? What brand a guy ends up on depends on where the company wants to put him.....and I think it's great the way they shake things up every so often by shipping people back and forth.

As for John Morrison, if WWE management doesn't want to make him a champion, it won't matter which brand he's on. Frankly, I can see the argument made that he should be fighting the top contenders but not win the title himself; he just doesn't seem to have the personality necessary to push him to the top. Yes, he generates heat with those great in-ring moves of his, yet he falls short of championship status in terms of charisma, imho.

But, keep trying, JoMo. As hard as you work, you might hit the jackpot yet.
The only reason why John Morrison would be shifted to SmackDown is if creative had plans to give him a World Championship run. I do not see Morrison this year being the WWE Champ with John Cena currently holding the title, challenging The Rock with the strap on the line at WM28 and all the heels that could possibly give Cena a run for his money over the coming months... so the World title is only other option. However, with what we've seen with Christian handing over the belt to Orton after recently defeating Del Rio, I don't think Morrison has a chance as a face to retrieve... and turning Morrison heel now would be a stupid decision. So, there is no reason to transfer Morrison to the blue brand.

To go into further analysis, the possibilities for John Morrison on RAW to establish himself as a permanent World Title contender are much higher than what he'd have on SD. As of right now, Morrison has multiple ready-made feuds/storylines that are bursting at the seems for him to be involved in:

R-Truth: These two men are currently feuding with each other due to the Truth's heel turn and shouldn't even be listed as it's an obvious answer. However, this a program that feels interesting as it's giving us something fresh (Truth as a heel) mixed with a name that the crowd enjoys (Morrison). This feud will only result in both mens' career's rising and giving Truth some epic character development.

The Miz: He is considered a top level talent and will possible be the John Cena in years to come... so his credibility right now has no limits. You put him up with an upper-midcarder or lower in a feud and they will be elevated to a higher level. With Morrison not yet cemented in the ME level, as well as him and the Miz not yet to have the blow-off match between each other, this could be a program that'd make some serious cash for the WWE. People love Morrison and they don't particularly like Miz. Re-tell the story between the two and the crowd will back Morrison.

CM Punk: Whether he stays on board with the WWE is meaningless to the discussion, so we'll skip right past that issue. These two have had a huge history with each other that dates all the way back in ECW. Their feud over the ECW World Championship was one of the better feuds of the revived company's existence. On SmackDown, these two faced each other heavily in random matches and provided for some great matches. With Morrison rising and CM Punk's position in the Nexus ending, both could use this feud to establish themselves and put on a clinic.​

If we go by the premise of high-caliber WWE feud's lasting about three PPV cycles (which I'm sure all of these men feuding with Morrison would reach that limit), that's about nine estimated months of Morrison being involved in storyline and acting as one of the backbones of RAW holding together the head that is John Cena. Why would they transfer him over to SD where the writers will have to create storylines for Morrison to be relevant instead of using history and old footage to get him over? Really, what is there only SD that's going to give him as much exposure as RAW will? I can't think of any feud right now for SD on him that can last without boring the fans or ending prematurely.

Bottom line is John Morrison should stay on RAW... oh yeah, I forgot to mention... can anyone say Alberto Del Rio/John Morrison feud? Now that'd be something to witness considering the style of both men being quite unique... I just hope for Morrison's sake that he doesn't have bad luck come is way to screw him up.
I think Morrison is all RAW has to look forward to now. They are gonna need him because Cena's gonna have a long ass WWE title reign, Mason Ryan is gonna go to war with the New Nexus which doesn't excite me at all, and those are the only "top notch" feuds going on right now on RAW. On the other hand in the upper mid-card, we have Truth and JoMo in a great feud. But lets face it, feuds like that don't go on for a whole year, so once hes done with that, it's gonna make his chances of making the main event closer. RAW is gonna need to use Morrison this year, they lost alot of the stellar stars that have been glued to the main event in the draft.

However, once he gets to that main event picture, Cena is gonna be waiting with his WWE title which is only threatened by the RAW winner at MITB, so if Morrison's going to get a serious main event push this year, it's going to be because of a MITB contract or a feud similar to the one with Truth. I think it's rediculous that the WWE had Cena win the belt right as he got his first try because now the main event to every PPV will be predictable no matter how much the "odds are stacked against him". But thats a different topic. Alot of people are saying this is Morrison's year, and recently, all the future guys are getting pushed into the main event, so this should be the year he gets into his prime.
If he doesn't become champion by the end of the year, send him to Smackdown. Everyone thought that when he went to RAW, he'd skyrocket to main event status and become WWE champion. One of those has partially happened. Feud with Truth and history with Miz aside, Morrison doesn't belong. He's gotten lost in the shuffle and remains that way most of the time. Some guys should remain top dogs on Smackdown. Why was McIntyre drafted? He just might end up like Morrison.
No, I believe there is a place for JoMo on Raw, he still has work to do, programs with Truth, Miz, Punk, Swagger, MacIntyre are all viable options. SD! is gonna be the RKO show and RAW is Cena for now, but Morrison will have a good place to do some good things on Raw.

Pretty much this. Morrison has a pretty good thing going with Truth right now that I can see going for awhile. And like the OP said, Cena is most likely due for a long title run that may potentially run through Wrestlemania. So Morrison working the midcard for now would probably be best. He may even get a title shot here and there, especially considering he didn't take the fall at Extreme Rules. Hell, we may even get the lengthy feud with Miz people were expecting prior to the Royal Rumble. So Morrison moving to Smackdown isn't a good choice yet. Morrison could make the transition to main event status within the next few months. Only time will tell.

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