Should Elimination Chamber be replaced?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As No Way Out is now a cage themed PPV, should WWE use the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out, for a chance at the championship at Summerslam, and change the Elimination Chamber PPV to something else? Maybe Rumble, King of the Ring, WrestleMania?

Hahaha I think you should think before you type, although I wouldn't mind back to back manias as long as one is free! Anywho back on subject, what they should do is change the damn Elimination Chamber PPV back to No Way Out because let's be honest there is away "out" of a steel cage in fact there's 2! Plus straight up Elimination Chamber sounds dumb for a PPV, No Way Out makes more sense
The major benefit of Elimination Chamber (the event) being between the Rumble and WM is that it doesn't really require the build a 'normal' PPV would. The champions don't have to build a 1vs1 fued with anyone to culminate at EC. So it gets people on the card without too much complication.
The only real issue is getting the Rumble winner on the card. Seamus wasn't wrestling this year, in the past Orton faced Shane; Miz as the third element faced Lawler last year.
The chamber also allows WWE to change direction dramatically to set up for WM. Consider Jericho winning UT's title to go on to face Edge, so UT could face HBK in 2010. The chambers allowed for Orton/Legacy conflict, Mysterio/Punk interaction, likewise with Seamus/HHH. It also got a lot of midcarders on the card for exposure - Morrison lasted 20 minutes with Jericho and UT, Kingston and R-Truth also got spots in the chambers.

That said, I prefer the NWO branding of the event to EC.
WWE should cease the gimmicked PPV's completely, and use the gimmicked ppv when and where needed, they've over dosed on HIAC, Elimination Chamber matches respectfully, so cease the concept and use it when needed as in HHH/Undertaker at WrestleMania 28.
I don't understand what you're asking.

As No Way Out is now a cage themed PPV, should WWE use the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out

Cage themed means steel cage only, not all cage type matches so no they can't have an elimination chamber match at No Way Out.

and change the Elimination Chamber PPV to something else? Maybe Rumble, King of the Ring, WrestleMania?

What? Royal Rumble and WrestleMania are already PPV's, how can they replace one?
I would suggest re-branding the Elimination Chamber as No Way Out, and having the current "No Way Out" PPV renamed or possibly even replaced by King of the Ring.

Although the King of the Ring gimmick can be a bit cringey in today's world, the tournament style PPV would still draw. The moniker (without the corny "royalty" gimmick) could garner heat for a heel or build up the reputation of a young face. Like when Brock Lesnar won it and got a title match with the Rock at Summerslam.

Going back to your original question, the Elimination Chamber name should "get gone". As previously mentioned, it gets a lot of people on the card quickly; the Chamber matches are almost always epic, and the gimmick gets the PPV over so feuds don't need as much build up. However, the name "No Way Out" is just so much more fitting, because there actually is no way out of the chamber, plus being on the card at the last PPV before Mania pretty much means you're stuck on that road and you have to wrestle at the biggest event of the year.

Plus there's already controversy over the Elimination Chamber name in Germany because of the link it has to the gas chambers the Nazis killed the Jews in.
For all those people thinking he says replace elimination chamber with wrestlemania, i assume he means that the run of PPV into mania is rumble then king of the ring (instead of ec) and then mania. not that rumble or wrestlemania should replace ec.
I think they should just get rid of the gimmick-y PPV's all together. Change Extreme Rules(which is an ECW styled PPV when there's not even an ECW anymore) back to Backlash, and change "Elimination Chamber" back to "No Way Out."

They should also bring back Judgement Day, Bad Blood, etc. I liked brand specific PPV's

Bad Blood - RAW
Judgement Day - Smackdown

But if they do bring back these PPV's, then I don't think they should be brand specific.

Just get rid of the gimmick PPV's so the gimmick matches like Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, etc. all feel special when they do happen.
I've said this before and got pounded because "no one cares about the U.S. title," but I think the King of the Ring does need to come back in some capacity. I suggested before that they bring it back and give the winner a shot at either the United States or Intercontinental Championship. Years and years ago it was for a WWE title shot, but they already have the Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank for that. So as a means to elevating the midcard straps a bit, why not use the King of the Ring?

In this case, the benefit of having it before WrestleMania in that Elimination Chamber spot would be setting up the #1 contender for 'Mania, which ensures at least one of the midcard titles isn't being left off the year's biggest show.
Elimination Chamber, as a Pay Per View, should stay right where it is.

It's a gimmick PPV that works perfectly as a bridge between the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania. It's one of WWE's highest profile gimmicks, and helps ensure that a certain level of interest is maintained by many fans, before the Wrestlemania promotion machine kicks in to high gear.

EC also allows WWE the opportunity to book a hotshot title change should they desire, so that they can have a big feud going in to the Rumble, but still quickly reset for Wrestlemania should they choose to do so.

The gimmicked Pay Per Views as a whole can be a bit much, and the matches have lost most of their mystique due to over exposure, but EC is still a great way to push individual talent should leading in to the biggest show of the year.

If you're looking to set something up, to allow for a bigger match, or at least bigger match feel at Summerslam or Survivor Series, then you would probably want to look at Money in the Bank. The summer and early fall is when WWE is often in a lull creatively, and using MitB is an easy way to get some interest generated off of shock value and hotshot title changes.

Beyond that though, Elimination Chamber is fine right where it is.
WWE's PPV Calendar needs reworking. I do understand the logic for gimmick themed PPV's. It makes each one different, rather than just talent facing off in the ring 12 PPV's a year. You will get people who will buy a PPV simply because it is Elimination Chamber or Hell In A Cell!!!!

Having said that, Elimination Chamber is there so the Champion has multipul opponents to work with before his big match with the Rumble winner. I don't like that they have a PPV right inbetween Rumble and Mania though. I would scrap it and go to 6 PPV's a year.

Surely having EC inbetween will harm Rumble and Mania buy rates.
I would change elimination chamber ppv into king of the ring that way you can find a no.1 contender for 1 of the titles but the rr picks 1st so the kotr winner fights the other champ at wm. so that way elimination chamber is only used when needed. also i would scrap over the limit, hiac and elimination chamber ppv. and replace with backlash judgement day, and kotr.
I like the Elimination Chamber. It is different and as one of the previous posters stated it is kind of nice to have just a "brainless" wrestling PPV where they don't have to take months building up feuds. I am personally just happy to see they are not having another Captial Punishment PPV:banghead:That was brutal.
I love the Elimination Chamber match and I am glad it is only used at one particular PPV to me that makes it more special. I think it is one of the more original ideas for gimmick matches that WWE has come up with in the past couple decades. So I definitely don't want to see the match disappear, but I would have no problem with the EC PPV exiting stage right along with about half a dozen of the other PPVs on the schedule.

If I were running things and with the Network on the horizon I would make the year long events look something like this:

January: Royal Rumble PPV, winner of the Rumble match faces champion of choice at Wrestlemania.

Febuary: No PPV, but a live special on The Network or USA with PPV level and quality matches. Possibly have one of the big gimmick matches like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, TLC, or Championship Scramble (which they don't use enough) on this special.

March: No PPV, but a live special on The Network or USA with PPV level and quality matches. Possibly have one of the big gimmick matches like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, TLC, or Championship Scramble (which they don't use enough) on this special.

April: Wrestlemania PPV, The biggest PPV of the year of course. Balls to the wall, huge epic dream matches would fill the card, no fillers, no bullshit, titles, careers, and reputations at stake. Make every match matter, make everyone care again, really make the event a spectacle that will always be remembered.

May: No PPV, but a live special on The Network or USA with PPV level and quality matches. Possibly have one of the big gimmick matches like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, TLC, or Championship Scramble (which they don't use enough) on this special.

June: King of the Ring Live Special on The Network or USA. Have qualifying matches on RAW and Smackdown, during April and May to set up a one night 8 man tourney for the King of the Ring. The winner of the King of the Ring would get title shot at champion of their choosing at Summerslam.

July: No PPV, but a live special on The Network or USA with PPV level and quality matches. Possibly have one of the big gimmick matches like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, TLC, or Championship Scramble (which they don't use enough) on this special.

August: Summerslam, I would basically make this the Wrestlemania of the Summer. Maybe just not quiet as much of a spectacle as WM, but definitely would be nothing but major feuding ending matches, between the top guys, not much filler, with a lot more flare.

September: No PPV, but a live special on The Network or USA with PPV level and quality matches. Possibly have one of the big gimmick matches like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, TLC, or Championship Scramble (which they don't use enough) on this special.

October: Halloween Havoc, another PPV level live special on The Network or USA, that had a definitive theme (that being Halloween of course). Could be a sorta tongue in cheek almost silly show. Just make it something real fun and not as serious as the other specials or PPVs.

November: Survivor Series, the last PPV of the year. Go back to the traditional formula of the Tag Team Elimination Matches. This would be the PPV that would give the younger up and comers and mid card guys on the cusp of entering the main event the chance to shine. Have maybe one or two title matches on the card but mostly focus on the traditional Survivor Series style matches.

December: No PPV at all. No Live Special at All. Give the guys a chance to rest, recoup, recover, and spend some time with their families for the holidays. This could be when the pre-taped Tribute to the Troops specials could air or have a Best of the Year special where the best matches of the year that may have been missed by some could be seen again. Give it a whole Year in Review kinda feel, while gearing up for what is to come in the next year.
I think the chamber match would be a good gimmick for Servivor Series. I mean the point of the chamber match is not to be eliminated and survive. Its kinda like the tradional tag matches they use to have. They could also just have the bragging right elemination match there aswell too, its the same thing. Its like they dont even try anymore. Servivor Series use to be awsome, what the hell happened. I mean its was an easy PPV to get all your mid to upper talent on a PPV. They could do championship chamber matchs 2 tag chamber matches. Maybe a scramble match too, I dont think its that bad, maybe for a #1 contender even.

Survivor Series Card

WWE Championship-Chamber
Cena, Brock, Punk, Jericho, Kofi, the Miz

WHC-3 way
Orton vs D. Bryan vs Shamus

#1 Contenders for WHC-Scramble
Henry, Kane, Ziggler, Wade, Drew

Tradional Surivor Series-Team Show vs Team Cody
Show, R-Truth, GoldDust, Ryder, Booker T vs
Cody, Alberto, lord Tensai, Christian, Swagger

Womens title-4 way
Beth, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Kelly

Tag Team Championship-Chamber
Uso's vs Clay and Santino, vs and Primo and Epico(or other teams)

*evry match could atleast have 25 min for a 3 hour program
I've always felt the Elimination Chamber belonged at Survivor Series. It's where it started & it's where it makes the most sense. What match is more about survival? When did No Way Out become a cage match ppv anyway? Also they should bring back King of the Ring.

The Elimination Chamber I would have it this year at No Way Out in June, or if anything I would have it at SummerSlam or at least at Survivor Series since the first ever Chamber match was at Survivor Series, so I figured why not have this next Chamber match at Survivor Series or even SummerSlam for that matter
No Way Out originally just started as it's own PPV free from an Elimination Chamber, and I think if they're going to bring it back, it should just be like that. They already own the name No Way Out, so it saves them money from getting a whole new name for it and it brings the PPV back in it's original form. I'd actually be happy if they did that more. Maybe Backlash or Armageddon. Just it would be nice to see some of our favorite PPVs back.
If I were running things and with the Network on the horizon I would make the year long events look something like this:

January: Royal Rumble PPV, winner of the Rumble match faces champion of choice at Wrestlemania.

Febuary: No PPV, but a live special on The Network or USA with PPV level and quality matches. Possibly have one of the big gimmick matches like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, TLC, or Championship Scramble (which they don't use enough) on this special.

March: No PPV, but a live special on The Network or USA with PPV level and quality matches. Possibly have one of the big gimmick matches like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, TLC, or Championship Scramble (which they don't use enough) on this special.

April: Wrestlemania PPV, The biggest PPV of the year of course. Balls to the wall, huge epic dream matches would fill the card, no fillers, no bullshit, titles, careers, and reputations at stake. Make every match matter, make everyone care again, really make the event a spectacle that will always be remembered.

So WWE should use their big gimmick matches for FREE in a live special? To set up a HIAC or a EC takes time and money. Don't forget they ahve to transport it all to the venue. Giving this away for free makes no sense from a business stand point.

I would personally move the Royal Rumble to February. I too dont believe in a PPV inbetween Wrestlemania and Rumble. I would allow for 5 weeks to build the Rumble winner vs Title match. Thats fine. Also, in January people are skint anyway after Xmas.

My Calendar would be:

February - Royal Rumble
April (early) - Wrestlemania
June - King Of The Ring
August - Summerslam
November (early) - Survivor Series
December - Armegeddon
Wwe Should just change all the Pay Per Views back to there original names for one reason.

When they were just called stuff like No Way Out, Judgment Day, The Great American Bash Etc Etc you didn`t know what matches you would get so when they were announced you would be excited, but now that they are called Elimination Chamber and Hell In a Cell you know you are going to see them matches and most of the time you can guess the outcome.
For the sake of that one Pay Per View, I don't mind seeing it that way... It is a creative out to get someone else the title heading into Mania if you have shitty booking leading up to it... as for the rest of the gimmicky PPVs... I want them to go away...
Elimination Chamber needs to go. I liked it better when the match would be announced at a random PPV(ie Survivor Series or Summerslam).

The effect was more massive and unexpected and it was great for setting up longer storylines with more title contenders. Now they just throw in the champ, the #1 contender and 4 other guys who have no chance of winning. Two a year is also bad I think, at least not have them on the same night. I've found the past few years matches to be boring. It's always the same format really(aside from this years Jericho nap of course).
Elimination Chamber does not need to be replaced. That PPV has become an important stop on the road to Wrestlemania. There's at least four spots open at Wrestlemania for the World and WWE Championship matches. The Royal Rumble only determines one challenger, while the Elimination Chamber determines both champions and the remaining contender. This is a great format that needs no changing.

I can understand that some might feel it is too predictable along with the other PPV events with gimmick themes. At least this way you know what to expect. Who cares if it's at Summerslam, Survivor Series, or the show right before Wrestlemania? The Elimination Chamber is an awesome match concept and enough interest is generated by it to justify keeping that PPV event in its current format intact.

What could they possibly replace it with? Another show like No Way Out (the original one, dunno what this year's will be like) that no one will care about? I prefer knowing what to expect, and an entertaining show that meets said expectations has often been provided by Elimination Chamber. They should never change or replace it.
I like the idea of having the winner of the elimination chamber getting a shot at Summerslam. It would help the prestige come back to summerslam and make the road to this big event more memorable and exciting.

The other main question is how will they replace the regular EC ppv spot. Would there just be a regular ppv in place of it or would they just leave one out altogether and really extend the build to 'mania.

I'm a big fan of having the EC ppv between RR and mania. It adds drama and unpredictability to the road to wrestlemania and allows them to really mix it up as well as getting a huge buy-rate from people who are at the peak of their engagement with wrestling.

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