Should Cena Come To ECW

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I Was Playing SVR08 GM mode on ECW today and i had to draft Cena as much as i hate him but then i had this question in my mind today should Cena (when hes out of injury) should come to ECW i mean dont get me wrong i still dont like Cena but look at what ecw has done to some people CM Punk had a Great Start into WWE through ECW Jonny Nitro got a huge factlift turning into Jonh Morrison and is now awsome by my standards Visera is a 20 year veteran but never had a good push since Mabel, King Mabel, and the Ministry but as BDV hes finaly getting the push he deserves and dont forget the abundance of young talet that ecw has Burke, Benjamin, Knox, and others John Cena could get more wrestling talent while there so he can finally be credible but lets here your thoughts
John Cena is the biggest money-maker in all of WWE. Why would they put him on the "C" show, unless it was a one-time thing in an attempt to increase interest in a match/storyline?

No, Cena shouldn't go to ECW.
There is no way Cena would go to ECW and he shouldnt. Cena is the money making machine in the WWE, and there is no way Vince would send him to the C show as someone said, as it gets the least amount of exposure. Look, Cena is a movie, singing and a wrestling star, so he is a big celebrity, if you put him on ECW, he wouldnt get the exposure he needs and that is what Raw provides. All the big stars go on Raw, and cena is a big star, so he belongs on Raw. If you sent him to Smackdown, yes that mabye ok, but ECW is a no choice for John Cena. And plus, ECW is for the younger talent, trying to develop into big stars so they can be moved to Raw and Smackdown, John Cena doesnt need to develop anymore, he is already a big star, so sending him to ECW will be a step back for him. So i say NO, Cena shouldnt go to ECW.
Ahahahaha what a stupid topic. Cena is the top dog of the whole damn company. If I cant see him going to Smackdown, what makes me think that hes going to WWE's third rate show?

Cena doesnt need to go to ECW to get a "Facelift" or anything else. Meh your banned anyway so that proves how good this thread is.

Cena makes the most money for the WWE. This is mainly because he is on the A show IMO. He should stay on Raw and shouldnt move until a few years.
In my opinion there is no way John Cena will be sent over or need to go over to the ECW brand. Not only is he currently WWE's main money maker, but he has carried the company on his shoulders and represented it well through situations such as the Chris Benoit and Steroid debate from earlier last year. If your going to have someone like that representing you, why place them on your C brand? RAW is the flagship show and has the main star power, higher then many of those on ECW so why would Cena ever need to move over to ECW, he has feuded with most of their main superstars and this as a whole would only tear him down instead of push him up.

The WWE are pushing Cena to be the next mega stand out star of the WWE such as Stone Cold or The Rock was. So imagine if you where to have The Rock on the current ECW brand, sure he could have some rivalries there but would it really suit his character and what good would it do to the other brands if things where different, yet I’m sure money and viewers would be drawn to watching it yet not as much as the key WWE shows and it just wouldn’t suit the business for the best.
No way, I don't like Cena either but ECW is really used for talents to come up thru the ranks, They repackaged John Morrison, The Miz, Big Daddy V and Snisky to go on to better things, They did the same with Lashley and Big Show plus they have CM Punk and Now Chavo is getting that push finally, No Keep Cena away from ECW.
I don't watch ECW a lot so he should go to get him out of my way :p.

Nah in all seriousness, of course John Cena shouldn't go to ECW. I aren't a Cena fan at all and have debated about him countless times. But Why would they put such a huge star on the 'C' show so to speak? He makes the WWE a lot of money, and even though he isn't the only thing in the WWE, he's still a part of it.

John Cena is watched and loved by many fans. He's generally a favourite of many, so I can't see the WWE moving him from the place where he is. And I think people would find it difficult to see anyone on ECW beating Cena cleanly. He would win everything and it would take away from the appeal of ECW.
No Cena shouldn't be on ECW. They should do what they originally intended to...what was it? Oh yeah build up new and exciting characters.

ECW even in it's piss poor state now has the talent to sustain a 1 hour show. It doesn't need people coming in from other shows just to pop the rating. ECW's on a bad time slot that's why the ratings suck. What they need to do is just work with they have right now.

It's not that hard. With Dusty running the ship, there might be some hope afterall.
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