Should Brock Lesnar turn face?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Lesnar gained prominence in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) from March 2002 to March 2004, where he is a former three-time WWE Champion, becoming the youngest WWE Champion at age 25 with his first reign. Lesnar was the 2002 King of the Ring and the winner of the 2003 Royal Rumble. Immediately following WrestleMania XX, Lesnar abruptly left WWE and retired from professional wrestling to pursue a career in the NFL. He played during the preseason for the Minnesota Vikings, but ended up being a late cut.Lesnar returned to professional wrestling at the end of 2005, and joined New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW), where he won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in his first match. He was officially stripped of the title by NJPW in July 2006, and took the physical belt with him to Inoki Genome Federation (IGF), where he was still recognized as IWGP Champion until June 2007

Lesnar started a career in MMA and won his first fight in June 2007 He then signed with the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in October 2007. He lost his UFC debut against Frank Mir, but defeated Heath Herring in his sophomore fight. He subsequently captured the UFC Heavyweight Championship from Randy Couture on November 15, 2008, then avenged his loss to Mir at UFC 100 to become the Undisputed Champion. After being sidelined from fighting in late 2009 due to diverticulitis, Lesnar returned to defeat the Interim UFC Heavyweight Champion Shane Carwin at UFC 116. Lesnar lost the Heavyweight belt against Cain Velasquez at UFC 121. He was once again stricken with a bout of diverticulitis in May 2011 and had surgery to try to cope with the ailment. Lesnar returned at UFC 141 in December 2011, where he lost to Alistair Overeem and promptly retired from the UFC. In April 2012, Lesnar returned to WWE, during his return he has had 5 matches, with 3 win's and 2 loses.

Lesnar has had a whole career of being the bad guy, with all the success brock has did, there's one thing brock has never done and that's be the top face of the wwe, now lesnar is a fantastic heel, but i think with the right turn brock could be a awesome face, if brock turn's face it will be a turning point in his career, brock has feuded with any top face except daniel bryan and do we seriously wanna see bryan vs lesnar, there moveset is like night and day. i for one would rather see bryan vs faster guy's and lesnar vs bigger guy's. if lesnar turn face he would be a smash hit, so should wwe bring back lesnar as a face?

if lesnar turn face he would feud with ryback, and heyman but after that lesnar would be a free face to face anyone, this could help ryback get over and help lesnar get over as a top face,
He was a face for near a year. He was a face when he main evented Wrestlemania v Angle.Would be interesting if he turned again but there is no heel good enough at the moment to face a face Lesner
The biggest problem with that is who would be his mouthpiece? It definitely wouldn't be Heyman. Your scenario has him feuding with Ryback/Heyman anyways. Have you ever heard Brock cut a promo? Awful is being too generous.

Plus his current role makes him work well as a heel. He comes in a couple times a year, looks like a badass, whether he wins or loses the match, and leaves. Not that there aren't part time faces, but frankly it's refreshing to actually see a part timer as a heel.
. Have you ever heard Brock cut a promo? Awful is being too generous.
i liked his promo of when he came back with john cena, he's underrated i would much rather here brock do his own promo's then hear BROCCKKK LESNAR!!!! from heyman, that send's chill's down my spine, heyman is too overrated.
I can't see Brock going face, he's a fantastic monster heel with a genuinely nasty disposition, I think you lose his mystique when you make him a face, plus from what I've read he hates being a face and he likes Heyman to do his talking for him. I think WWE will/should keep Brock as he is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
When I look at Brock Lesnar, everything about the man comes off as heelish in my eyes. From his size, his look, the way he carries himself, etc. all screams that he's a heel. It's what he's best suited for, in my opinion.

When Lesnar returned, he was getting a killer babyface response from fans and WWE did something that I'm personally glad of: they didn't try to make him into the "cool heel", the one that all the smarks like to cheer for because they think it makes them edgy or some such bullshit. They did it by portraying Lesnar as something along the lines of what he really seems to be: a guy who'll work for anybody as long as there's enough money in it. Lesnar's a mercenary, a very smart & marketable mercenary at that. He knows it, WWE knows it, so they took advantage of it by portraying Lesnar as someone who doesn't really care about wrestling, the fans, the boys in the locker room, etc. It's a strategy that's paid off because it enforces a belief about Lesnar that's already widely held among fans.

If Lesnar, at some point, renews his feud with CM Punk, it'll really only work if he's a heel. It's the same if he winds up challenging Taker at WM XXX, picks things up with John Cena or maybe Daniel Bryan sometime next year if they do another deal like the one Lesnar's had the past few years. Lesnar doesn't really have a passion for wrestling, he's not dedicated to it like Taker, Punk, Bryan, Cena & others are and fans know it. They know that it's only all about the money for him and the deals he has with WWE is enough all on its own to convince people of that.

If Lesnar had a part time deal, then MAYBE WWE could facilitate a face turn for him. Lesnar's a special attraction, however, who shows up a handful of times and wrestles maybe twice a year in order to help pop a rating or jack up ppv buys. That's all he's interested in being, so trying a face turn based on that isn't worth it. There's nothing wrong with the heel formula being used for Lesnar, so there's no reason to muck with it.
Brock Lesnar is the perfect heel in terms of look and character. He is a former UFC Heavweight Champion - his gimmick should be to simply to beat people up and that becomes difficult if he were to play a face. That being said, Lesnar could get a favourable reaction if he were a face. Lesnar is someone that many fans like because of how great he is in the ring - people react/respect that.
Brock is a big, dumb, meat head that people just want to punch in the face but they know if they do it he'd kill them so they rely on their heroes like John Cena and Triple H to do it for them.
He's got a certain smugness to him and it's annoying.
Everything about the guy just screams heel.

I know he has fans out there but I'd argue that even his fans like seeing him in the heel role better than in the face role.
Pro wrestling often has to make their faces somewhat soft to gain sympathy for them and that just doesn't really fit Brock.
Even when he loses they book him to look tough.
When I look at Brock Lesnar, everything about the man comes off as heelish in my eyes. From his size, his look, the way he carries himself, etc. all screams that he's a heel. It's what he's best suited for, in my opinion.

When Lesnar returned, he was getting a killer babyface response from fans and WWE did something that I'm personally glad of: they didn't try to make him into the "cool heel", the one that all the smarks like to cheer for because they think it makes them edgy or some such bullshit. They did it by portraying Lesnar as something along the lines of what he really seems to be: a guy who'll work for anybody as long as there's enough money in it. Lesnar's a mercenary, a very smart & marketable mercenary at that. He knows it, WWE knows it, so they took advantage of it by portraying Lesnar as someone who doesn't really care about wrestling, the fans, the boys in the locker room, etc. It's a strategy that's paid off because it enforces a belief about Lesnar that's already widely held among fans.

If Lesnar, at some point, renews his feud with CM Punk, it'll really only work if he's a heel. It's the same if he winds up challenging Taker at WM XXX, picks things up with John Cena or maybe Daniel Bryan sometime next year if they do another deal like the one Lesnar's had the past few years. Lesnar doesn't really have a passion for wrestling, he's not dedicated to it like Taker, Punk, Bryan, Cena & others are and fans know it. They know that it's only all about the money for him and the deals he has with WWE is enough all on its own to convince people of that.

If Lesnar had a part time deal, then MAYBE WWE could facilitate a face turn for him. Lesnar's a special attraction, however, who shows up a handful of times and wrestles maybe twice a year in order to help pop a rating or jack up ppv buys. That's all he's interested in being, so trying a face turn based on that isn't worth it. There's nothing wrong with the heel formula being used for Lesnar, so there's no reason to muck with it.

The only real way I see him being a face is if they do it a few ways:

One, him having a "friendly" rivalry (somewhat like he had with Angle), but ramp it up... something like if you took like a Latino Heat style face and Lesnar would try to show him up with pure raw power while his rival is showing him up by taking shortcuts. I think that would be entertaining to see if they really wanted Lesnar to be a face. A different approach to the same rival idea would be taking a smaller technical submission expert and developing a rivalry that way. Say it's Punk that they match him up against, Punk could continuously snatch Anaconda Vise victories while Lesnar would just be plowing him with F-5s or whatever.

Two... do a sort of "reverse Cena Nexus." Take the heel/merc and *force* him to do good. Say HHH calls out The Shield to waylay Bryan yet again, whomever has "control" of Lesnar sends him out to stop it, despite the fact that would go against what Lesnar would actually do. Have him make sure the face keeps the title because the heel tried to cheat, have him protect a face who is being jumped, etc, etc.
Brock Lesnar is the perfect heel in terms of look and character. He is a former UFC Heavweight Champion - his gimmick should be to simply to beat people up and that becomes difficult if he were to play a face. That being said, Lesnar could get a favourable reaction if he were a face. Lesnar is someone that many fans like because of how great he is in the ring - people react/respect that.

Another former UFC Champion, Ken Shamrock, did the "I just beat people up" thing when he was a face. He'd get "In The Zone" and snap on people.

Goldberg, also as a face, simply just beat people up.

Austin, also a face, simply just beat people up.
The problem is that right now, in terms of wrestling and ability to hurt people in the ring, he is the WWE's most dangerous heel. If you turn him face, who would he fight? know there is rumor of him possibly fighting the Rock in the future, but Lesnar could not carry the face vs face look versus the Rock that John Cena did. Maybe a re-packaged heel Sheamus? Heel Triple H? I'm not against any heel/face turn if it makes sense, there just has to be a good end game in mind after the turn.
If you turn him face, who would he fight?

Well, feuds can be manufactured against anyone, I suppose. Whom he would fight as a good guy would depend on the heels available at the time.

I won't go name by name, but just for argument sake, take Ryback. He's now a heel but as things currently stand, he'd be absolutely nowhere as a draw for Brock to take down. The size of the bodies in the ring would be impressive, for sure, but the company would have to push the living daylights out of Ryback to make the match feasible. Would it be worth it just to make him an attraction for Brock Lesnar? Would Ryback have the goods in-ring and out-ring to handle it?

I kind of doubt it. Ryback has proved to be more versatile than I thought he would, but anyone who faces Brock Lesnar in one of his very-limited appearances would have to be one of the top performers in the company.....which Ryback isn't.

Also, the terms of Brock turning good include the possibility that negotiations have stipulated he be portrayed only as a heel. Do I know this to be true? No, but would it surprise you to find it was?
I don't think lesnar being face is a bad idea, Brock is a good heel but when he 1st debuted he got a face pop, i think this could work if they had him a worthy heel to face, with punk as a face i don't see this happening or at least not anytime soon.

WWE's got plenty of face's for lesnar to face but wwe lack's that heel factor, except randy orton. but i don't wanna see orton face lesnar if this happened i would more pull for orton over lesnar,

Ryback would face lesnar if lesnar does turn face but Ryback ain't at that top heel level yet, so i think wwe would be dumb to do that.
Brock Lesnar as a face would not work not even in a little sense. Seriously when you look at him,do you see a face a guy who cares and will stick up for the weak smile and kiss babies? No Brock is not that guy never will be. His monster look his build the way he just walks and carries himself screams HEEL. It is refreshing,to see a Part Time Heel he comes in wreaks havoc,wins or loses and leaves.

There are so many feuds he could have when he comes back,he could always resume his feud with CM Punk,Cena,or start one with Daniel Bryan. I know its a outside shot very minor shot at happening but why not have Brock hide under the HIAC ring pop up at the right moment,and destroy Daniel Bryan while joining the Faction with Trips and Stephanie.

That would be Brocks style a face turn would never happen
I think it's a process and that turning face will be a need, specially after overusing him in such big profile feuds against top babyfaces. I mean I'm sure people would have no problem seeing a legit guy with a lot of star power and talent turn babyface - I already feel that a portion of the audience just wants to cheer him based on his absolutely great look and the way he's been delivering so well in the ring.

But that time is nowhere near, I'm sure he'll be used at WrestleMania XXX as a villain against a top babyface - and he does have a lot of potential opponents, going from The Undertaker to The Rock and even John Cena if he's looking to even the score. But I believe that somehow someway by the end of 2014 he'll be a big hero and it's easy to turn him thanks to his fantastic manager that is Paul Heyman. How hard would you pop if you saw him save a CM Punk from a beating at the hands of Randy Orton or a heel Sheamus? How great of a pop would you think he would have if he F-5'ed Ryback in the middle of the ring? As a matter of fact, turning him babyface in 2014 isn't only a great move for the content as it would be for business - little kids would love the crap out of him and they would certainly want to be someone like him.

I'm excited for the return of Lesnar as I think he's always a must see guy, as both heel or babyface. He's highly charismatic, he has this fantastic look and that fantastic aura of being legit that makes him stand so for that, I just have to thank Triple H and Vinnie Mac for making his return possible.
Well, feuds can be manufactured against anyone, I suppose. Whom he would fight as a good guy would depend on the heels available at the time.

I won't go name by name, but just for argument sake, take Ryback. He's now a heel but as things currently stand, he'd be absolutely nowhere as a draw for Brock to take down. The size of the bodies in the ring would be impressive, for sure, but the company would have to push the living daylights out of Ryback to make the match feasible. Would it be worth it just to make him an attraction for Brock Lesnar? Would Ryback have the goods in-ring and out-ring to handle it?

I kind of doubt it. Ryback has proved to be more versatile than I thought he would, but anyone who faces Brock Lesnar in one of his very-limited appearances would have to be one of the top performers in the company.....which Ryback isn't.

Also, the terms of Brock turning good include the possibility that negotiations have stipulated he be portrayed only as a heel. Do I know this to be true? No, but would it surprise you to find it was?

I wonder how a face Lesnar would do against a returning Barret or "The Chosen One" McIntyre.

I think a rivalry (as I mentioned in a prior post) between Lesnar and McIntyre would be interesting, *especially* if McIntyre was "The Chosen One" again.
Two big issues with turning him face. One he needs a mouthpiece and i dont see them turning Heyman face anytime soon. Also who is the legit heel that can take him on? Maybe if Batista came back and was a heel i could see it. Ryback..... maybe but he needs alot more build up. Maybe if you had Ryback go on a spree from now leading into WM he would have enough credibility as a monster heel to go head to head with a face Lesnar......maybe.

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