Shocking news about lesbians


Is a thin rope
A Nice, Round Number Says A Lot

Amid the ongoing public debate about whether LGBT parents are “good enough,” and assertions from our conservative opponents that children raised by lesbian and gay parents are “at risk,” another powerful study published today that should put a pall on this conversation.

0%—that is the number of 17 year olds raised by lesbian moms, who report being physically or sexually abused by a parent or other adult caregiver in a recent report from the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study. This number is quite remarkable, particularly in contrast to the dreadful statistic that in general, 26% of adolescents report being physically abused by a parent or caregiver, and 8% report being sexually abused.

In addition to the 0% abuse statistic in this study, just 2.8% of these same teens identify as gay or lesbian, consistent with statistics in the general population. This should go far in debunking the myth perpetrated by anti-LGBT forces that children raised by gay parents are more likely to be gay themselves (as if that’s a bad thing!)—that we can somehow wield that kind of influence on sexual orientation. I’m sure many of our parents would be the first to testify that as hard as they tried, prayed or wished for us to be heterosexual, they could not influence us.

78 teens were included in this groundbreaking longitudinal study headed by Dr. Nanette Gartrell, all of whom were born into lesbian-headed families. I hope that people pay attention to this study and are curious about why these particular families do not experience violence. I also hope that professionals and organizations that support families and children can identify effective approaches to supporting the millions of children and youth who do face abuse in their own families.


Shockingly, lesbians are no worse at parenting than straight people. Who'd have thought that sexuality would have no bearing on how well you can raise a kid?
Good story. Yeah and who would have thought that someone that isn't in a white straight Christian conservative home could ever be functional in society? :rolleyes:
I have issues with studies that come up with this sort of information, regardless of what the subject is about, what was the sample sizes, what questions were asked and were they leading questions, there are a shit tonne of questions that aren't answered in that story. There is also the disparity in numbers as a whole. of course there is going to be issues with the percentage where the parents are straight because there are more of them. so over arching statements like that about how Lesbian Parents are as good as doesn't make any sense when compared to the data they are presenting.
I'm sure the conservatives will find some reason as to why this is nonsense. And if they don't they can always just use God and make one up.
I'm having the same issue as Shadowmancer. While I don't doubt the legitimacy of the statistics, there is a possibility that the sample size was like, 10 people being asked:

"Has a penis, strap-on or otherwise, been inserted into your body at any point?"
"Well, you weren't molested. NEXT!"
39 girls and 39 boys. 2% of them have been verbally abused (whatever the fuck that means, every adolescent claims to have been "verbally abused" by their parents), and none of them have been sexually abused. This is a pretty shit sample size compared to the percentage of people who have been sexually abused in general.

Not that I'm doubting any of these claims, I don't think lesbians molest their children more than heterosexual parents do.
So not turning your kid into a homosexual and not abusing them are the only requirements to being a good parent? Shit, this sounds a lot easier than I thought it would be.

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