Shield Support Group

George Steele's Barber

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This is a place to not be in such a hurry to get Reigns his big push or worry about who will come out the face and who the heel. There is no point in guessing who will be the Jannetty or whether they will change out of their street artist costumes.

It's a place to just enjoy what they do in tag and 6-man tag competition and to hope they keep doing it. To realize that Reigns has had his big moments in gimmick matches and that he may not be ready to build a program for weeks and provide a solid 30 minute one on one encounter. No me promos or shocking break ups. Just enjoy what is still enjoyable and not be in such a rush to jump in to the future.

We can even set a timetable for our loyalty. Six months? A year? Two years? Play it by ear?

Can I get some support or is everyone beyond The Shield and ready for more?
They could be together for two more years! They could all be champions while being together! It's been over a year and they still feel freakin fantastic.
Love The Shield, me. Seems the break-up is well and truly on though. My idea would have been to turn them face as a trio, being the antidote to The Wyatts. That's a feud that should have happened.
Saying goodbye to a truly good stable instead of kindly putting one out of it's misery (Aces n 8s, Immortal, Nexus, Corre) feels unnatural. Feels sad.
Reigns can scream OOOHH AHHHHHH all he wants on his own post Mania.

Book Wyatt Family Vs Shield at Mania please!
More armchair booking, Stip for the Elimination Six Man Tag between Wyatts Vs The Shield At Mania; losers disband.

Reigns and Bray last two, Bray wins.

The Shield clear the ring eventually and have their moment soaking up the crowd's reaction one last time and move on from the next night individually.

Fitting, yes.

Fantasy, absolutely.
Wait. Wait. Wait.

Are you fucks being for real right now? There's a Shield versus Wyatts match happening?
They teased it again at the end of Raw last night. If Bray-Cena is a lock for Mania, then I expect EC will be the Shield's last stand. I'm strongly convinced this is happening, yeah.
They teased it again at the end of Raw last night. If Bray-Cena is a lock for Mania, then I expect EC will be the Shield's last stand. I'm strongly convinced this is happening, yeah.

Why must you hurt me so...
Shame the better team will be put out to pasture at EC.

Hopefully there will be much curb stomping, spears, and unneeded Ambrose jazz hands in the coming weeks.
If the Shield really aren't gonna make it past Mania as a unit then I'm all for their last stand as a group being against the Wyatts in the first War Games-style Elimination Chamber match.

But ideally I "believe in the Shield". Keep these guys together and just tease the inner tension for months, in the same way they have been for the last few weeks. I think all three are future main eventers, but for now I want to see them keep having outstanding matches as a stable.

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