Sheamus - Double Legend Killer???

Spawn of Kane

Dark Match Winner
I noticed quite a few things on Raw this past monday -:

1) Sheamus is quite literally being buried- Jobbing to Mark Henry ....WTF!!!
2) HHH and Undertaker basically showed that they will indeed have a match at Mania - most likely Streak vs Career.
3) As of yet (and it appears to be the case in the future), HHHpaid no attention to the man who kept him out for almost a year...Sheamus.

Now, and i know this is a bit out there( not sure if it work myself), what if....Sheamus were to somehow work his way into the match at Mania.....And WIN!!!!

Have him come out on Raw next week, saying how nobody seems to be taking him seriously anymore because of his recent ''losing streak'' and that they should remember he was the one who took out HHH. Have him berate and mock HHH, calling him out claiming to end his career once and for all. Then have HHH come out saying that he remembers what Sheamus did to him, but that its not on his agenda to get even...That he only cares only about avenging his best freind Shawn Michaels....That he cares only about The Undertaker.
Have Sheamus respond with a ''not if i get there first'' promo, and then have him show up on Smackdown, interfering in Undertakers matches/Promo's etc

Have it get to the point where he keeps one -upping the Game and screwing the Deadman until they have had enough...and accept his challenge of a triple Threat at WMXXVII.
Then Have Sheamus WIN!!!!
Accomplishing the following-:

1) HHH retires - exactly what he wanted
2) Undertaker Retires - Considering his physical shape now, i dread to think what another year would do to him
3) Puts Sheamus over to be the Monster heel he started out as...only 100x better

Now i know 99% of you will tear me a new one for this idea, but im sure a few of you may see a small amount of logic in my idea.

ive been thinking that taker match at mania would be a triple threat due to his limited ability for a full match due to his injury and with this idea it all fits perfectly, but taker is never going to lose the streak, its the one thing his legacy has that no one else has, every legend had there own thing they are remebred for
austin is austin 3:16 and the whole attitude era
cena is the pg era
rock is the charisma
hogan is the hero of the 80s
taker is the streak
I get where you are coming from. It would be a massive push for Sheamus. One of the biggest wins of all time, to be honest.

But, it doesn't work for me. I am all for Sheamus being pushed to the moon and being a HUGE WWE Star. I happen to think he is pretty damn talented. But, I do not think he deserves being the guy to stop Taker's Streak. OR to retire Triple H. Some guys should be able to walk off into the sunset, not BE retired by someone.

Also, I think it is just too much of an accolade for Sheamus to take out Undertaker and Trips in the same match. TOO MUCH!

Anyway... It seems he might be stepping into some kind of feud with Daniel Bryan. That could end up giving him the US Title. Which I wouldn't be opposed to. It is a pretty big name holding that title. I actually think it could elevate the title, as well as Sheamus.

What I want for Sheamus more then anything is to go to SmackDown in the draft. I think he could definitely regain some of his momentum on SD. New feuds and new guys for him to match up with, sounds like a good idea. Guys like Edge, Taker, Christian etc. I could close my eyes and totally see him beating the shit out of Rey Mysterio a few times. Works for me!!!
I like the idea. Sheamus needs something huge to get him back on track after coming out looking the weaker in his program with Morrison, and now being buried in a meaningless feud with Henry like you said. Neither Triple H nor Taker has much left in them anymore physically and I think this could be a great way of killing two birds with one stone, while also making for a nice departure from Taker's usually one-on-one matches at Mania. It would immortalise Sheamus and position him as THE heel in WWE, which in my opinion is round about where he should be.
I don't think 'small amount of logic' is the right word. Not to be condescending, but that's a really dumb idea. If anything, it's nothing more than a fallacy.

To involve Sheamus in a feud that already has two big players - one being a returning 13 time champion; and the other, the phenom who holds an undefeated streak at Wrestlemania - would be just plain silly. The match, on it's own, is liable to be a huge success that elevates the amount of credibility that will be seen at Wrestlemania. Adding in Sheamus will only do the match harm as he will be misplaced and look awkward in a feud that is specifically meant to be the retiring of the Game. In addition, by your logic, you predict Sheamus to win - thus, putting the Undertaker's legendary streakk and career at end... Uh, did you forget that the one retiring is Triple H, not Undertaker?

Also, you claim that Sheamus's image is getting hurt by this "losing streak". I always cannot help but laugh at every time something like this is mentioned. Just because a wrestler is "losing" does not mean he's getting "burried." If said wrestler has a REASON to lose, then he shall lose. In the course of the last few weeks, he's more or less had that reason to lose. This match that he had with Henry is no big deal. After all, Henry is supposed to be the World's Strongest Man - it's GOOD if he gets a win and looks dominant every now and then, you know.

But in any case, it's as I said: adding Sheamus into the Undertaker/HHH feud is not only illogical, but completely absurd. Sheamus has no place in their and shouldn't be involved in any way. Adding Sheamus will only hurt the grandeur that is being established in that match at Wrestlemania.
I would like Sheamus to have a push only because he has some really fun fueds but if taker is going to lose that streak it has to be on his terms. Not to Sheamus just to give him steam, if he is going to lose it, it should be to someone who hasn't been pushed to the moon but is still on a light push, honestly I would say someone like Barret >.>

But really Sheamus just isn't being used right all he needs is a good fued or 2 and he is back where he was for the most part, I agree with a poster above saying that Smackdown would probably be the best place for him because he could have a fued with people he hasn't already, because honestly the push he got he dominated basically everyone on the roster.
I think that the idea is plausible, but I don't think this is something the WWE is interested in doing. I may be stating the obvious, but it appears to me that they are moving Sheamus out of the World Title picture and into a possible U.S. Title program with Daniel Bryan (which I think is great as this might mean we could actually watch Bryan WRESTLE instead of make out and pull Divas apart).

If his bid for the U.S. title is unsuccessful, I see him departing for Smackdown. I wouldn't mind seeing him try his hand at playing the face and going after the Corre, truthfully. I could see the fans getting behind him. They gave him a semblance of a pop when he came out on RAW and joined forces with the babyfaces against the Nexus with his lead pipe. It could happen. Sheamus was once portrayed as a one man wrecking crew, he just needs a crew to wreck.
I agree with Crooked I about Sheamus going to smackdown. I think he needs it especially to establish himself as a great heel but as a powerhouse aswell. Think of the feuds with Rey, Edge, and most importantly Kane. If Vince is gonna put Sheamus over as a monster heel then he must battle the monsters. To be the man you gotta beat the man and the men are Taker and Kane. Sheamus holds victories over most of raws top stars. He needs to move to friday nights to remain relevent. The only feud that I see keeping him on raw is CM Punk. I love Daniel Bryan but that feud would do more for Bryan than Sheamus. Send Sheamus to smackdown and have him feud with their top talent. Its the only logical solution. As for WM27, Taker and Triple H will never agree to have a triple threat match. Egos alone wont allow it. If this will be both of their last match I doubt either one will want to share the spotlight. I see the irishman in the us title match or MITB if nothing else. I am a Sheamus fan and would hate to see him in a ladder match nut there is no place for him right now other than that.
the streak is never ending. especially not to sheamus.

HHH vs taker is pretty wack they need to do cena vs taker but obvisoly that aint happenin...
People need to get off the HHH vs Sheamus train. They are complaining about the Career vs Streak match, saying "it was done last year and 2 years before that!". But did you ever stop to think that HHH vs Sheamus happened at LAST YEAR'S MANIA!?

HHH's issue right now is with Undertaker, for ending his friend's career. It's kind of like how Batista went APE SHIT after HBK retired Flair, somehow going into the HBK/Y2J feud. He wants vengeance.

And honestly, the match isn't even official yet. We're over-speculating. We can read all the reports we want, but until it's official why bother with the arguments?

Sheamus will have another semi-high profile match at Mania. Maybe MITB (if they have it). And to be honest, Sheamus vs Big Show for brand supremacy doesn't seem like a bad idea to me. Just throwing that out there.
im a big sheamus fan but i dont like the idea. if it does end up in a triple threat then sheamus needs to loose without geting pin. they he can feud with taker and beat him in april or the may ppv i forget what they are called now. the streak cant end
manai is gonna be sheamus vs daniel bryan and sheamus will become the new u.s. champion and dominate the mid-card division
I don't think Takers streak is ever going to end. Sheamus already "killed" HHH once...Sheamus is on a losing streak... but let's not forget he's a 2 time WWE Champion and is still the King of The Ring. He's gonna be right back in the WWE title picture soon enough
Puts Sheamus over to be the Monster heel he started out as...only 100x better

Now i know 99% of you will tear me a new one for this idea, but im sure a few of you may see a small amount of logic in my idea.


OMG ! I won't tear you done because what you're saying is logic as you say !

But if such a thing happens I would be sick ! First, I'm not a sheamus fan so I've been glad to learn this monday that HHH vs Sheamus II won't happen...
I mean okay sheamus is a good wrestler but I don't find him a lot better than a john Cena...I mean this guy's move set is limited and his finishers suck (after all it's just a bigfoot).
So that's why I'm happy to see the WWE to put him in midcard matches where Sheamus, in my opinion, belongs.
If this guy retires Taker and HHH in one night... I wouldn't like it ! :banghead:
So I was thinking about Wrestlemania today, the Undertaker/HHH match and the unresolved Seamus/HHH feud. And then it hit me.

Why not have a triple threat elimination match between these guys? HHH puts his career on the line. Seamus his Kingship, Undertaker his streak. Have Seamus pin HHH, retiring him, then beat Undertaker really bad before Taker makes him tap to Hell's Gate.

However, Seamus beat on Taker so bad that Taker isn't seen for awhile, leading to Seamus brag about how even in defeat, he literally beat Taker out of the WWE. Move Seamus to SD, then began a program with Taker after he comes back from his break, then have them face off at three different PPV's, 1 win for Taker, then Seamus, then they face off in a No 1 contender bout that Seamus wins, then becoming HW champion. Taker puts him over, and his streak is still intact for next year.

Also, HHH could still come back, saying something like I was only gonna retire if Taker pinned me, and he didn't, so I'm still here. This could even lead to HHH/Seamus 2 at WM 28 for the HW title.

What do you think? Sound good, or is it to long in scope for the WWE to actually pull off?
Actually this could happen starting tonight since the HHH/Sheamus feud never resolved and the new Taker/HHH feud just started. Plus maybe since Sheamus is all pissed he attacks both taker and trips tonight making the Wrestlemania match a triple threat elimination match. Very good thread. :)
You forgot about Wade Barrett the person who buried the Taker at Bragging Rights last year so instead of a Triple Threat how bout a Tag Team contest instead w/ Barrett and King Sheamus vs Taker and Trips.
Well first off, im sure you will get lots of smart-asses about your mis-spell so ill just tell you now its sHeamus, you forgot the H, its no big deal but then you continued to mis-spell so i just figured i'd throw that out there but anyways, it actully sounds like a good idea, i would like to see it happen actually and it would really help Sheamus jump back into main event since lately he has been on a downfall and before you know it he will be in mid-card, of course im blaming this all on Kevin Dunn the stupid douche. now the stipulation is kinda whack, Sheamus puts his kingship on line? Stupid to say im sorry but it wont work just have it a triple threat elimination with Takers streak, you dont need to put up HHH career and sheamus has nothing to offer really, so really it wouldnt be a bad thing if it happend but i dont think it will, HHH will have a short feud with Taker at WM (hopefully its NOT a Streak vs Career) just to sell WM and prob after WM, thats when HHH puts his focus BACK on the guy who took him out which leads to a Sheamus vs HHH match at Extreme Rules which i believe is the next ppv after WM
I agree. Although maybe just have HHH as he has to leave raw because I don't think he will retire just yet. Barrett didn't bury Taker though it was the whole Nexus so we can keep him out of it. I feel they have to do something with Sheamus because just ignoring the fact he took HHH out is just silly.
LMFAO at the thought of WWE changing one of their top Mania matches into a Triple Threat or Fatal 4-Way.

Undertaker will NEVER compete in a multi-man match at Mania, cause he's always been in singles matches at Mania with WM XIX being the only exception.

WrestleMania's main event will be Triple H vs Undertaker with HBK as Special Referee and Sheamus will likely face Daniel Bryan for the U.S. Title and Wade Barrett is involved with the Big Show, so no way will WWE change HHH/Taker to a dumb 4-Way or Triple Threat.
Well since the preview on Acknowledges the sheamus/HHH and Taker/nexus feud in the HHH/Undertaker preview, it is almost guarnteed to be dealt with before or after the Trips/Taker feud is done.

Any way I think it could work,it does cover all the bases

#1:Taker can take his annual leave after mania
#2:The taker/trips feud is finished
#3:Trips/Sheamus feud can ethier end or begin, depends where WWE wants to go with them after mania.
Gee, that's great and all, but in the WWE his name is spelled sHeamus, with an H. So your fancy wikipedia link about the spelling of the name is completely irrelevant.

Gold star for you, though.

Lol the variant spellings list has Sheamus in it >.<

Anyways I wouldn't mind a triple threat match but Sheamus really has nothing to offer, also considering this is 'mania and 'Taker has to win you cant even let Sheamus go over the other two -.-
The resolution of the HHH Shemaus feud will be likely a squash match tonight on Raw where Sheamus loses and then assaults DB leaving him a bloody mess. WWE is too "smart" to make a match we have not already seen before at Mania
I mean right now we have already seen half the big matches in some form or another before with exception being the ADR/Edge match
After that beat down of Sheamus at the hands of Trips, it looks like that feud is over. Sheamus seems like a contender to be in the MITB if nothing happens with Evan Bourne or Daniel Bryan feuding with him.

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