Sheamus As Champ?


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It has been a while since Sheamus has held a heavyweight championship. I personally enjoyed his reign, even though it was a little boring. It was refreshing to see someone new with the title at the time. IMO I think it is time to put it on him again. He has had a few celebrity appearances between now and then and I think it is a good chance to build him a little more as a face.

A lot of people respect Sheamus as an intimitading figure within the WWE because of the booking he has received. IMO this is the perfect time to build him up a little more to help him gain the little extra push he may need.

I think they want to get him there eventually. I like what there doing now there getting him over with me thats for sure. He's really good at setting the pace especially for the bigger guys and he pretty much has all the tools you could need to be expected to get over. I think they should let him hold another IC or US title then he could have a really nice run later on as a face maybe to miz or even to heel Orton, Cena,etc... Maybe Henry If they keep his thing goin. I'm talking about a good while after mania... I say wait till some of this HHH, punk and cena heat cools down
He's good in the ring, great on the mic, and his face push has done wonders for him.

IF Sheamus wins the title cleanly from someone like oh say "the worlds strongest man" Mark Henry around Royal Rumble and have him hold it going into WM28.... I think it would be great. He's gotten over well with the crowd and if they continue to push him and utilize him correctly Sheamus could be the Top Face of Smackdown.
honestly, i think i look forward to sheamus more than anyone else on the roster other than cm punk, and dont kill me for this, but i really enjoy the uso's also, their entensity is great. sheamus will be champ with in the next year, just depends on how all this plays out on raw, as to exactly how soon. (i know he's on smackdown)
I'm loving Sheamus right now and fully expect him to be champion again. I honestly wasn't sure about turning him face but he's really shined in this new role. He's going to be champ again. There's no doubt about that.
I think Sheamus is fantastic. I like the way he works and I think he is decent on the mic, and quite marketable.

I however would add things to his persona.

He is the Celtic Warrior right? Irish born right? Why not have him have war paint for big pay per view matches. Why not have a full outfit? Shawn Michaels did, Undertaker did, Triple H has, Ric Flair does.

Anyone who has seen the movie Gangs of New York would understand what I meant. I think this would get the guy over even more. Make him a warrior, make him mean.

Just my thoughts.
I think the turn around in opinion on Sheamus is really interesting. When he was champ people were very negative about him, ok maybe it was a bit too quick for him to hold it but since then he has really built up some momentum. His face turn definatley helped, over here in the UK he worked as a babyface called S.O.S (Sheamus O'Shaunessy) before joining up with the WWE and it worked v well for him so I was surprised when he debuted as a heel. What they have done now is just let him do what he is good at and surprise surprise its working. Im sure he will be world champ again and probably have a more meaningful run this time, I look forward to it. He's a decent performer and deserves the recognition.
I love this idea and Sheamus has become one of my favorite Superstars. He's got "IT" as they say. I'm glad they are doing this slow build they got going on with him. He gets alot of flack for the way he was booked as a monster heel when he first came in and was handed the WWE Title, but this time, it seems like it will be deserved. After his match with Christian at HIAC, it will be no doubt as to what his next move will be. Thumbs up to the "E" for making Sheamus a face. He's an incredible talent and a beast in the ring.
It is only a matter of time before Sheamus gets another world title. His face turn is going quite well and if Orton does not win at Hell In a Cell then I guarantee that Sheamus will be the next challenger. This is a good time to push him because a Sheamus world title run as a face would be something new for Smackdown while giving them someone good to focus on for a bit. He and Christian could put on great main event maches together. Throw in Orton and possibly Barrett for a great main event group. Just about anyone is better than Mark Henry, that's for sure.
They have been warming us up for it since that count out victory Henry got against Sheamus.

I see Orton losing this Sunday, wether it be by interference from the young kids or not, which will set a build toward Survivor Series, him being on the good guy team, and Rhodes obviously on the other.

I don't know if they are going full blown on the main event or not

Rock/Cena/Orton/HHH vs Bad Guys

Might be too much for one match

But I do see Sheamus stepping in as the next challenger for Henry, with a month or two on that feud, with a possible Sheamus win; although if they can build Daniel Bryan enough by that point, they might let Henry hold until Mania, setting up a Davey/Goliath type match. I'M RAMBLING, sorry.

What the hell, while I'm on a tangent; I wanna see Awesome Truth cost Cena the title on Sunday, I wouldn't mind the main event of Survivor Series not being a Survivor Series match, maybe just a tag match Cena/Rock .vs. Awesome Truth....sorry, a lot on my mind.
Sheamus will be a World Champion again at some point down the line. Aside from Orton, he's the strongest babyface on SmackDown! and he's simply got the goods to be champ.

As for whether he'll be World Heavyweight or WWE Champion depends on some things. For instance, they had the WWE Draft later in the year this time around than usual so I don't know if they'll do it the same way next year or if they'll have it at the usual time not long after WrestleMania. If it's the latter, I see Sheamus getting drafted back to Raw. Even though he hasn't held a title on SD!, he's become a stronger babyface and WWE has used his time on the blue brand to get Sheamus back on track and have made him a major star again.

If the idea is for the next WWE Draft to be later in the year next year, then I'd say that Sheamus will definitely be in the World Heavyweight Championship picture after his feud with Christian is over.
I think the ultimate plan is to get the belt around Sheamus's patsty white waist, by the Rumble.

He is very over as a face. More than I thought he would be. He's good enough on the mic to have decent talking feuds. Also, he's over enough that he could put over a guy like Cody Rhodes, for example, without putting Cody too far over. I believe the ultimate plan is to have Cody win the belt. Beating Sheamus for it would instantly legitimize Cody but it wouldn't put him so far over that it would be unbelievable.

So, yes, Sheamus should and will be the WHC soon. It will benefit Smackdown a great deal and the WWE Universe.
i actually like sheamus better as a face. personally i think randy orton is worlds away better as a heel. since when does a "viper" smile? lol. put these two in a feud again with the roles switched and i think smackdown has another great feud on their hands. they can use it these days
I personally think Sheamus is the most talented guy to come along in WWE in a while. I was excited to see WWE push him into the ME's, since his unique look and style were the most original thing going on in wrestling at the time. He's agile for a guy his size and his mic skills are very entertaining for a guy with an accent. So, I'd say it's only a matter of time before he wins a major title again. His face push has surpassed my expectations, as I thought it would've taken longer for the fans to warm up to him. I guess him destroying Cena won him over alot more fans than I thought. Once Orton has had his rematch, it makes sense to me for Sheamus and Mark Henry to resume their fued for the title. That is, provided WWE doesn't do the predictable thing and have Orton win the belt back immediately. Otherwise, Sheamus IMO has earned another title reign with his noticable improvements since his face turn.
I love face Sheamus. Not only does he come across as a tough guy ,I find him as someone who is genuinely funny. I am always interested in the Irish folk tales that he has to say and it does make it feel like he is actually a guy whom I would not mind talking to even in real life. It adds a bit to his personality. There is definately a likeable vibe about Sheamus.

Sheamus as champ? I would not really mind it one bit but I do think that Smackdown needs to focus on its endgame right now. And it may not look apparent but at the moment it is to crown Daniel Bryan as champion at WM28 and establish him once and for all. And for that moment to be sweeter, I feel that Smackdown needs to give Mean Mark Henry a reign right upto WrestleMania. Sheamus is a talented guy and he will be an interesting figure be it as champion or otherwise. But keeping Henry as champion and having Bryan defeat him at Mania would be good for both Henry and Bryan. And it would not be too bad for Sheamus either because he has the ability to have interesting feuds even without the title belt.
Sheamus is a talented guy who is a very different character than anything the WWE has ever seen. He's good on the mic and excellent in the ring. He is a believable badass and should be next in line to become World Champion after WWE lets Henry have a decent first reign. That feud is already well setup and WWE would be stupid not to renew it again in a few months.
I would love to see Sheamus chase the World title picture until WrestleMania, and finally get his win against Mark Henry, who by that time would have a long heel title reign. Book it similar to John Cena/JBL, with the up-and-coming face getting the win. By next March everyone will be so sick of Henry as champion, Sheamus will get the huge pop by taking down the big bad heel.

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