Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker-Again?


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As we all know, HBK and Taker had one of the greatest matches ever. My question is, will WWE try and recreate that great match? How would they improve the match? Also, if you think that it wont be recreated, who would HBK face, and who would Taker face?
I personally believe that after the encounter they had last year,there is no way to top that match.In my opinion that mtch stole the whole show,which was evident as to how dead the crowd was for Triple H and Orton.In my opinion making a part two of that match would be like hollywood making a part two to a movie that should've been left alone after the first one.

Now as far as who would they face.I would like to see HBK go up against Jack Swagger.In my opinion this would be a good match and would help Swagger out alot.As far as the Undertaker goes,I wouldn't mind seeing a 'taker and Jericho feud.That would be a classic match.
I assume you're talking about Wrestlemania, right? I personally think they should just leave the match alone. Their WM 25 match was awesome should be the last memory of those in the ring together.

As far as separately, I'd like to see Undertaker face Chris Jericho at WM. They've never had a proper feud and that match would be awesome. If not Jericho, then Cena. That would be an epic match and with Cena being "Superman", I think a lot of people would actually believe he had a shot at ending the steak, adding more suspense to the match.

As for HBK, at match with either John Morrison or CM Punk would be great. Morrison because of the similarities between him and Shawn, maybe even for the IC title if Morrison still has it. Punk because the feud for the match could be great. You could have him bring up Shawn's past with his drug use and what not. Also, I think the two would work very well together in the ring.
As we all know, HBK and Taker had one of the greatest matches ever. My question is, will WWE try and recreate that great match? How would they improve the match? Also, if you think that it wont be recreated, who would HBK face, and who would Taker face?

That match was CLASSIC. They've fought twice in big matches. Shawn took the first, thanks to Kane. Taker took the last one. A tiebreaker would be great, but not at Mania.

The Undertaker should face someone that fans wouldn't know if he would win or not. There is only one person who could raise that question, CENA.

HBK's days are numbered so he should be in a match that he will win, but against an up & comer to give them a much needed rub to put them in a title picture. JOHN MORRISON.
I certainly would NOT want to see this match again. Not because the match was horrible, it was extremely the exact opposite. Not since the Ricky Steamboat/Ric Flair series of matches have I ever seen a more intense match that was more thana 5 star, it was a 10 star match (other than the botched spot with the camera man but even that was cool). I would hate to see the WWE creative machine eff that match up by having a rematch. Let it remain the way it was with the winners and losers the same. Some things just don't need to be remade.
When it isn't broke, don't fix it. There is no need to have a rematch for possibly the greatest match ever. I know some feel the match is highly over rated. I don't. I haven't been that into a match in my life. These two have always performed amazing together. Hell in a cell, casket, and their WM match are all fantastic matches. I don't doubt that they couldn't equal that match, but I'm sure they couldn't beat it.

As for Undertaker I think Jericho is the primary option. I would personally like to see HBK face The Miz. I don't get the Morrison comparison and I don't think their match would be as good as one with the Miz. The build up would be better, and I feel they could put together a better match all around.
It would be stupid for them to do it again. There's nothing to gain from it. Simple as that. Why try to recreate something that was already great? It didn't work like... ever. Angle and HBK could never do it like they did at WM21. Not knocking HBK, but you already had an amazing match on the biggest stage of all. Why bother trying again?
That match was CLASSIC. They've fought twice in big matches. Shawn took the first, thanks to Kane. Taker took the last one. A tiebreaker would be great, but not at Mania.

The Undertaker should face someone that fans wouldn't know if he would win or not. There is only one person who could raise that question, CENA.

HBK's days are numbered so he should be in a match that he will win, but against an up & comer to give them a much needed rub to put them in a title picture. JOHN MORRISON.

They fought in 3 big matches before this past Wrestlemania. They wrestled to a draw at Ground Zero in Sept. 1997. HBK took the first Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood in 1997, and Shawn Michaels won the casket match in which he hurt his back at Royal Rumble 1998. I'd like to see Taker wrestle someone that you'd think might have a chance to stop the streak (new face of the company) and Shawn could face a younger guy who's coming to prominence.
They fought in 3 big matches before this past Wrestlemania. They wrestled to a draw at Ground Zero in Sept. 1997. HBK took the first Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood in 1997, and Shawn Michaels won the casket match in which he hurt his back at Royal Rumble 1998. I'd like to see Taker wrestle someone that you'd think might have a chance to stop the streak (new face of the company) and Shawn could face a younger guy who's coming to prominence.

Yea, forgot about the Casket Match.

Taker should fight someone he never fought at Mania, to add to the list. He would have to fight someone who we'd believe COULD ACTUALLY BEAT HIM, and Jericho is not it. While it would be a good storyline, it wouldn't be anything different than when Edge, Orton, etc. faced him. They would talk trash about ending the streak, act scared when the gong hits & run away from him until Mania. That has gotten old a while ago. We need something different, and Cena would be the right choice. The build up, Cena would say how he respects him & make that face he does to make you believe he's nervous. While both of them will remain face they can have stand-offs in which they feel threatened & get in mini brawls before Mania, building the suspense. This is just IMO.

As for HBK, your right. Miz gets heat yeah, but he should be getting a rub from Jericho, not HBK. JOHN MORRISON
Casual fans who hardly ever watch wrestling watch Wrestlemania and would be confused and disappointed if a legend lost to a no-name. As much as the IWC loves guys like Miz, Morrison, Kofi, etc... they are all sort of missing that "it" factor that makes the greats stand out. At any given period, there are always a group of guys who will probably disappear completely sooner or later that the IWC thinks should be pushed to the moon. Nobody outside of the wrestling bubble knows who those guys are. Having them defeat Undertaker or HBK at Mania is absolutely ridiculous. Shawn Michaels made himself famous and he lost almost all of his big matches. If they're so great, they'll do the same. Don't give wins to somebody in the hopes that it will make them big. Give wins to the guy who made himself big without your help. Those are the ones who go on to become top guys. Sadly, they are extremely rare these days.
What if Undertaker were to face Jack Swagger? If the WWE is serious about having his streak stay alive, we can have Jack Swagger cut a promo and say no one can beat his streak. Then, the undertaker will come out and say no one has beat him at Wrestlemania, which will set up a match between the two.

For HBK, it's obvious that HHH will face him. At survivor series, one of them will screw each other out of the title. Then, they will slowly turn on each other until the match also gets set up at WM26.
Well I can't picture wwe re creating this match for a couple years simply because they have to give people a crack at the Undertaker's streak. So if they don't have Taker/Michaels again this year I picture a HHH/HBK feud at wrestlemania For the undertaker I see Taker/Jericho or Taker/"Super Cena" at WM26.
Yeah I don't see that match being recreated for a while. But if they were to wrestle again the only thing I would do to make it "better" is have it for a belt. Why the hell not?

Anyway as for who should they face.....

I really hope HHH/HBK doesn't happen again. I'd like to see a more creative way to split up DX(maybe like sending Michaels to Smackdown) than one turning on the other cause it's almost expected, unless Shawn is the one that turns. But please no more Shawn vs. Triple H at least not anytime soon. I think Shawn should either be in the Money In The Bank(won't happen but I'd find it entertaining) or facing John Morrison(if he isn't in the bank).

I would definitely like to see an Undertaker Vs. Jericho match at Mania. I think the storyline would work well and I truly think they can probably build Jericho up as a believable threat to the streak.
Casual fans who hardly ever watch wrestling watch Wrestlemania and would be confused and disappointed if a legend lost to a no-name. As much as the IWC loves guys like Miz, Morrison, Kofi, etc... they are all sort of missing that "it" factor that makes the greats stand out. At any given period, there are always a group of guys who will probably disappear completely sooner or later that the IWC thinks should be pushed to the moon. Nobody outside of the wrestling bubble knows who those guys are. Having them defeat Undertaker or HBK at Mania is absolutely ridiculous. Shawn Michaels made himself famous and he lost almost all of his big matches. If they're so great, they'll do the same. Don't give wins to somebody in the hopes that it will make them big. Give wins to the guy who made himself big without your help. Those are the ones who go on to become top guys. Sadly, they are extremely rare these days.

Good point at the end about getting themselves over. However, the guys who will be retiring within a couple of years (HBK) or a few years (Taker), should be helping the wrestling world by creating new stars. Like you said, the guys who can get themselves over are extremely rare, & WWE is at a point where there stars are getting lame, so they need new ones.

I dont think anyone said that they should LOSE at mania. However, put them in matches with guys trying to get completely over. Let the old guys win, but have the younger guys put up one hell of a fight. Like Angle vs. Morgan at BFG.

Eventually the veterans will have to lose and REALLY put guys over. If not, WWE will just be repeating what happened in WCW in 98-00.
Casual fans who hardly ever watch wrestling watch Wrestlemania and would be confused and disappointed if a legend lost to a no-name. As much as the IWC loves guys like Miz, Morrison, Kofi, etc... they are all sort of missing that "it" factor that makes the greats stand out. At any given period, there are always a group of guys who will probably disappear completely sooner or later that the IWC thinks should be pushed to the moon. Nobody outside of the wrestling bubble knows who those guys are. Having them defeat Undertaker or HBK at Mania is absolutely ridiculous. Shawn Michaels made himself famous and he lost almost all of his big matches. If they're so great, they'll do the same. Don't give wins to somebody in the hopes that it will make them big. Give wins to the guy who made himself big without your help. Those are the ones who go on to become top guys. Sadly, they are extremely rare these days.

You're definitely right about that. Shawn lost to Razor, Diesel, Austin, Cena at Mania and lost other high-profile matches as well. It was the Shawn Michaels character that got over. There's no depth to characters anymore. Michaels used to have interview segments, he used to commentate RAW with Vince around 1995, had several vignettes, and beat the shit out of himself in matches. I don't see Shawn losing to anyone other than a Cena-type. Undertaker isn't going to lose. I don't see it happening unless he's wrestling the second coming of himself. I'd like to see some kind of twist and Survivor Series to set up some good Wrestlemania scenarios. Casual fans could give a rat's ass who the mid-carders are and if they get the push of not.
i would like to see that match again but not a wrestle mania cuz that match had great promos leading up too it, with the light taking on the darkness and it was cool how HBK came down from the heavens and Undertaker rose from the pits of hell and those guys stole the show could they do it again maybe but not a mania maybe summerslam or another show as for who the should face i would like to see shawn maybe take on cean, swagger or morrision and for the undertaker maybe just swagger or cena or somebody that could match up to his size and strength and showing the fact that he might not win
please g-d let there be no rematch between these two at WM.
I hope we see undertaker vs Jericho or Cena, both these matches have epic written on them.

As for HBK, i think the morrison match should wait till late 2010, or leave it for shawns final match, as a passing of the torch sort of thing. The man who i really want to see shawn fight is Rey Mysterio. think about it they only had the one match on raw and it was a good match. theres no doubt at WM 26 they can up the ante and put on a classic match.
Casual fans who hardly ever watch wrestling watch Wrestlemania and would be confused and disappointed if a legend lost to a no-name. As much as the IWC loves guys like Miz, Morrison, Kofi, etc... they are all sort of missing that "it" factor that makes the greats stand out. At any given period, there are always a group of guys who will probably disappear completely sooner or later that the IWC thinks should be pushed to the moon. Nobody outside of the wrestling bubble knows who those guys are. Having them defeat Undertaker or HBK at Mania is absolutely ridiculous. Shawn Michaels made himself famous and he lost almost all of his big matches. If they're so great, they'll do the same. Don't give wins to somebody in the hopes that it will make them big. Give wins to the guy who made himself big without your help. Those are the ones who go on to become top guys. Sadly, they are extremely rare these days.

I agree to an extent. Firstly, we have to remember that Michaels wasn't exactly ever your normal mid card performer. The guy had talent and ability a mile long back in the 90's. I'm not entirely sure anyone really means that Taker should lose. At this point, if Taker did lose, in my opinion, he might as well retire. To be honest, the streak is all he really has at this point in the game because the WWE has made that the focus of his character too much. As far as HBK, it doesn't really matter. No one loss is ever going to hurt Michaels. Even so, if a mid-card talent doesn't get the chance to go toe to toe with a premiere main eventer than they will never become one. That is kind of how it works. The part I do agree with you is that I wouldn't put The Miz, or any other mid card talent over HBK at WM either. Michaels wins, but they gain the momentum of walking out of WM with a huge match under their belt. Thats where they come in to play. As you said, it's then their job to run with it.
Personally, I believe these two performed top-notch that night at WrestleMania and that it should not be recreated. It was an epic match that was built up so good, and we got a glimpse at a storyline that was solid, with two classic wrestlers.
Each of their gimmicks worked with Shawn coming down from the light and with Taker coming up from the bowels of hades.
Therefore no rematch is needed, although in terms of who should go against who in future WM events. I would honestly have liked to see Shelton have gone against HBK, we all remember that match that took place on RAW with the finale being the Super Kick while Benjamin was coming off the ropes, it was EPIC. Now picture this with me, we have a storyline that's built good, and solid. I personally can't think of one right now but discussion sake let's say it's there, and the fued is growing more and more steady with each gaining a pinfall(Shelton using dirty tactics being the heel.) The athleticism between the two would astonishing in my opinion, if only Shelton had been brought up to be a more charismatic superstar.
Do you think the match could be as great as last years? Do you all remember when DX first started, how funny and entertaining almost everyone found them? Now, people forget that in place of bitching about them and how they act at the moment. I'd be wary of those type of fans who'd say it wasn't as good as before and ultimately forget how good WM25 was.

While I definitely wouldn't say no to seeing this match again, I think it's done with now. The feud had been built up slowly for a very long time to fans like me, who were absolutely aching for this to happen. We've had it now, let's move on.

I'm wondering whether DX will split, leading to a Shawn/Triple H match at WM. I'm sure most people would complain about that, but I love seeing the 2 of them work together, aybe even have Shawn make a heel turn. It'd be interesting.
Pretty much no chance of it happening again. Shawn isn't leaving RAW, Taker isn't leaving Smackdown, that severely limits when they can meet for the buildup to the Rumble and Bragging Rights. The Rumble is all about Wrestlemania and there's no way Shawn is losing there to Taker again and Bragging Rights is in no way big enough.
I've seen a lot of replies to this thread about how this match shouldn't happen again, or how it won't be possible due to brand restraints. I don't think this matters, WWE can book any match it likes, whether the stars are on the same show or not. Furthermore, if any two superstars can do another 5 star match it is HBK and the Undertaker. There is no way that either of these guys would do anything but steal the show. I am sure that the WM 25 match could be topped, it just has to have the right build, and the right promotion. I'd love to see these guys work together again, and I'm sure no one would be disappointed with the result.

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