Shawn Michaels Smile or Screw?

'Lost My Smile' hands down. While the screwjob was a true moment of shittitude, there were multiple people involved and it was ultimately Vince's decision to get the belt off of Bret in that way. If you're going to blame anyone for it, ya' kinda' gotta' blame Vince.

The 'smile' incident was....another issue entirely. Shawn was being as selfish as he always was. Plain and simple. Bret gave him the rub at WM12 and Shawn's ego wouldn't allow him to do the same for Bret. Egos and attitude got in the way of business and good sense.
Cena hasn't failed a drug test, Michaels has.

When? I don't remember.

HBK still denies he wasn't on the juice, but he tested positive for it, so yes, post 2002 HBKs word is still not 100% solid in my book.

No wrestlers word should be 100%.

HBK losing to Bret at WM 13 had nothing to do with Bret going to WCW

Yes it did. HBK didn't want to job to someone that was possibly going to the rival company. Good for him.

Plus, you keep failing to address when Hart was the little bitch in the first place, shooting down working with Michaels when McMahon put forth the idea.

it had everythign to do with HBK not wanting to lose to Bret.

Good. Business is business. Plus, HBK was fucking injured.

And for anyone that says "go watch his new dvd" Are you kidding me would you trust HBK let alone the WWE.


Go read Bret Harts book.


One of the most biased books/documentary ever. A complete pile of shit that was.

The WWE is going to build up HBK as a guy that never did anything wrong and it was all Brets fault.

It was Bret's fault. HBK did things wrong, so did McMoron but all in all, it was Bret's fault. He should have dropped the belt at Survivor Series or earlier instead of being a selfish rat.

While Shawn was out all pilled up until 2002. Now he wants us to believe he is a born again christian that has never done anything wrong.

Someone hasn't seen the DVD. Seriously, don't rant about the DVD when you haven't even seen it. You would know if you had that HBK admits 559490289042304329048190 times, that back in the days, he wasn't in the good.

And if he's a christian, which he is, (you would know that from the DVD) who cares? It's his life.

I wouldnt believe a word this guy says.

But yet you believe one of the most whiniest and selfish superstars to ever be apart of the industry.
Well, I guess I'am on my own in this discussion. -lol-

Bret Hart was a hell of a sports entertainer and is one of the best pure wrestlers of all time.

Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Vince Mcmahon and Earl Hebner definlly screwed Bret Hart..........-PSYCH-......Bret screwed Bret.
Even though i personaly admire Bret Hart's talents, even though HBK might not have gotten along with Bret Hart,......I stand behind Vince Mcmahon 100% (from a business point of view)

You people talk about Shawn Michaels "losing his smile"....what about Bret's. Bret Hart did not want Shawn Michaels to 1. Beat him in his last match in the WWE 2. Bret did not want specifically Shawn Michaels to beat him for a WWE title match period in 1997. (hints: WM13 and SSeries 97)

But by the end of that particular business day. Bret did not care about nobody but him (on that surivor Series night.) Bret can not leave the WWE as a "Champion that never gotten beatin", then go to WCW and work there.
I Personaly very well beleive that if Bret Hart would of went to WCW as a Champion that never gotten beatin, WWE would of went out of business. (Back in da day WWE had better perfomers then WCW-and i did not want to see them go out of business)

As a christain myself, I believe Shawn Michaels -post 2002- would of said that the "Losing of my smile" was a fluke and that he didn't want to lose against bret at WM13, But he didn't. However, he did say other negative things he did in his career and his life and it would appear that Shawn Michaels would of told the truth by NOW.

Oh! for username: Blackhart07 I did watch the Bret Hart DVD, I did read the Bret Hart book. It appears to me that Bret is a hell of a Sports entertainer and person. But Bret Hart did not want to be with the company that made him what he is, was, and will ever be.

Bret screwed Bret

Bret never wanted to leave the WWE. He signed a 20 year contract with the WWE that would of saw him wrestle then move behind the scenes. He never wanted to go to WCW as he took a pay cut to stay in the WWE. He would gotten 9million over 20 years in WWE yet WCW would of gave him 10 million just for five years on just downside guaranteed money. Vince said he couldn’t afford Bret anymore and thought it was better for Bret to go to WCW for the money and what it would have done for the business. At time, the WWE were looking for younger cheaper talent that could get over and Cince could have Bret making that much money and not hear Shawn complaining, Taker or some of the other Vets of the time. So Bret leaving was really at the pushing of Vince.

By WM 13, Bret was locked to his WWE contract which is the reason the plan was for him to get the belt from Shawn as it would have been a great storyline just like when Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan had their rematch, the WWE thought Bret was to be their guy. Shawn didn’t want to lose to Bret because Shawn didn’t like Bret. And its was the Same with Bret not wanting to lose to Shawn, hell Bret would lose to anybody, he jobbed the WWF Title to Bob Backuland, he just didn’t want to lose to Shawn, because he didn’t like Shawn. And you can’t blame Bret for not wanting to use the job by calling his creative control clause in his contract the same reason Shawn used an “injury” that he never got surgery for and came back with no problem. The two just don’t like each other.

I just feel bad for Bret in the terms that he lived his life right in wrestling, never cause major problems in the company, always was willing to put the company over if he felt it was right and what happens, his career is ended and he can’t go on no more. While Shawn spent most of is career pushing friends, himself, taking drugs and gets to be born again and still wrestle. I do believe Bret is bitter toward Shawn to this day, because Shawn can still go and he can’t.

When? I don't remember.

No wrestlers word should be 100%.

Yes it did. HBK didn't want to job to someone that was possibly going to the rival company. Good for him.

Plus, you keep failing to address when Hart was the little bitch in the first place, shooting down working with Michaels when McMahon put forth the idea.

Good. Business is business. Plus, HBK was fucking injured.



One of the most biased books/documentary ever. A complete pile of shit that was.

It was Bret's fault. HBK did things wrong, so did McMoron but all in all, it was Bret's fault. He should have dropped the belt at Survivor Series or earlier instead of being a selfish rat.

Someone hasn't seen the DVD. Seriously, don't rant about the DVD when you haven't even seen it. You would know if you had that HBK admits 559490289042304329048190 times, that back in the days, he wasn't in the good.

And if he's a christian, which he is, (you would know that from the DVD) who cares? It's his life.

But yet you believe one of the most whiniest and selfish superstars to ever be apart of the industry.

And if you watch the HBK DVD, he clearly states he failed a drug test back in the 90’s. This is what lead him to dropping the IC by forfeit. He says that someone maybe gave him a pill that he thought was a soma or pain pill as e was pretty doped up back then & that is why he failed, but he did fail a test. And remembering Shawn’s career, pre-2002, e forfeited the IC Title twice only dropping the belt to his friends. Hell him and Steve her friends and that might be the only reason he drop the belt to him. Pre-2002 Shawn probably counted count to three on his back if you pain him a million dollars.

I will always think Shawn is overrated in the same way Ric Flair is overrated. I mean he has the same match every night with the same spots over and over again, but he does entertain, so I can’t knock him for being a great entertainer. But “Losing Your Smile” had to be just stupid, he could said my knee is hurt, or I’ve hurt something, but to “Lose Your Smile” was just stupid. That alone and not the screw job is why many older wrestlers still don’t like Shawn, as many would have screwed Bret because you don’t leave with the belt, but to use an mild injury that he worked with fine in a PPV match at the Rumble and was going to continue to work with till he found out Bret was going to get the belt back and decided to claim it was too much and come out with that stupid comment was just selfish and may have hurt the WWE from beating WCW early.

I still say that Bret would of jobbed that night to anyone else but Shawn. But I think the whole thing isn’t a work, but could be as the WWE knew he was leaving one month ahead of time before the push into Survivor Series and could have just stripped the belt from Bret, but came up with this whole plan. Be we won’t know till Bret or Shawn give their last words.
I did watch the DVD. Just didn't pay attention to some parts. Like the Rockers crap or his crybaby story. Which would involve the drug test I suppose.

So there.

Someone else can address your ridiculousness in the rest of that post.
I know he tested positive once for roids. It was the part when he said he was trying to keep up with Nash on the road.

I remember Kasey swearing up and down, you know that guy that used to post about wrestling, that Michaels failed twice, but I only know of one time.

I get where your coming from with Michaels not wanting to lose to Hart at Montreal, but at Mania WCW wasn't an issue. In fact if I remember my good ole Internet Rumor Mill right, people were saying that Michaels was taking all the time off in 1997 because he was flirting with going to WCW.
I know he tested positive once for roids. It was the part when he said he was trying to keep up with Nash on the road.

I remember Kasey swearing up and down, you know that guy that used to post about wrestling, that Michaels failed twice, but I only know of one time.

I get where your coming from with Michaels not wanting to lose to Hart at Montreal, but at Mania WCW wasn't an issue. In fact if I remember my good ole Internet Rumor Mill right, people were saying that Michaels was taking all the time off in 1997 because he was flirting with going to WCW.

Nash & Hall were pushing for him to jump on over and he thought about it to the point that if wasn’t the top guy, he wasn’t going to jump. He couldn’t of played Bret’s role and been in the background of Hogan.
How many threads on this are they? It was Harts fault a lot more than HBK. But honestly, everyone did wrong. Now get over it.
This thread is not a lets start a who screw who debate as it as come to be, it’s just a which stupid selfish moment will you remember Shawn from. I remember him “Losing his Smile” more than screwing Bret.

I won’t get over it, Shawn ruined my favorite wrestler and besides Kurt Angle the best pure wrestler in pro wrestling and not a spot monkey type wrestler. Plus I'm a more on Triple H more screwed Bret, but he couldn't take the credit as he wasn't in the ring.
Let me sum this all up really fast for everyone:

For the Shawn Michaels Marks:

"Bret was being a whiny baby, and Vince did what he had to do for his company. Shawn was the company man, and he was willing to do what was best for WWE. Shawn has always done what was best for the company, and he did what the ungrateful Bret wouldn't do, and that's remain loyal to WWE!"

For the Bret Hart Marks:

"HBK is nothing but a selfish prick that politicked his way through everything, and didn't want to admit that Bret was the better man and would do anything to get out of having to job to him so he did just that... he weaseled out of jobbing to Bret, the best pure wrestler ever!"

For the General IWC:

"Triple H was a lying bastard that helped screw Bret Hart, and was just as if not more guilty in the affair."

There, did I pretty much fucking get it all? Yes? Can we move on now?

This thread is not a lets start a who screw who debate as it as come to be, it’s just a which stupid selfish moment will you remember Shawn from. I remember him “Losing his Smile” more than screwing Bret.

Are you seriously gonna sit there and tell me that, you honastly didn't think that this would turn into a another HBK scewed Bret thread?, please anyone with half a brain cell new from the moment they saw the thread title that it was just gonna be another HBK screwed Bret thread

I won’t get over it, Shawn ruined my favorite wrestler and besides Kurt Angle the best pure wrestler in pro wrestling and not a spot monkey type wrestler. Plus I'm a more on Triple H more screwed Bret, but he couldn't take the credit as he wasn't in the ring.

Oh for fuck sake, you sound like a bigger cry baby than Bret Hart himself, you sure you don't live in Montreal?

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