Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night


Dark Match Winner
I just read about this earlier and found it interesting. Do you think Brock Lesnar will come out and obliterate him to further the HHH feud? I find it odd they would do a appreciation night for him so close to Summerslam without him being thrown into the feud as fuel for HHH.
It's quite possible, they have to do something to keep people interested without burning up all of Brock's future dates. If he does come out and destroy Shawn this would make the match more intriguing and more personal. There is nobody who can make the fans care more about what happens to them than HBK. He puts so much raw emotion into every storyline and I belive he can sell something like this and make Brock look like an Ivan Drago esque uber villian! But, then again, that's if this is how HBK appreciation night ends up.

But just hypothetically speaking, why stop at Shawn? Get Stephanie and Vince involved somehow and have Brock and Heyman do something terrible to them too...

It all depends on Brocks schedule I guess. How many dates does he have left? I was never intersted in seeing Brock back in WWE, but the fact that he never faced HHH, and the fact that HHH's ego wouldn't have it any other way, makes it a little interesting.
I was hoping this would happen at RAW 1,000.. but this works just as well. Probably better since Brock won't be announced for the show. Randomly showing up, and maybe breaking HBK's arm like he did HHH's would be great for this feud!
That'll be the likely scenario, really thought that was gonna happen on Raw 1000th b4 all the gang of DX came out, glad they didn't go that route that segment was pretty funny, the way 1000th was handled in relation to Brock vs Triple H fued was excellent was the only current fued that got any furthering which is odd in a PPV length show, anyway Stephanie getting involved was another layer of that fued, Stephanie and Heyman having a past in the running of Smackdown and Raw post attitude era.

HBK loves being the center of attention and being the one that gets his ass kicked to further his or other people's fueds, just hope Brock doesn't do it legit lol
I don't see it happening. But at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen. Its in his home town of San Antonio, and its HIS appreciation night, and this would be a PERFECT way to throw fuel on the fire. To me, the way Heyman has put Lesnar over in this feud, is kind of making Brock Lesnar look like Bane. For those who have seen The Dark Knight Rises, you understand where I'm getting at. Go back and watch the Heyman promo he did via satellite. Heyman said the match would be a mercy killing. And what happened in the movie? Bane basically kicked Batman's ass the entire time. Brock Lesnar: The unstoppable force, meeting the mentally crippled, past his prime, broken office, yes-man, Triple H. I can't wait.
Your opinion sucks! shut up and get a life elsewhere! the owners of this website are bullshiters aswell!

Please refrain from ever posting on an internet forum forever, thank you. As for Shawn Micheals Appreciation Night, I agree that Brock should come out and destroy HBK. They can update the fans on his recovery leading up to SS. HELL, even have him ringside during the match.
The appreciation night should be just that in my opinion. Shawn is one of the greatest of all time and if Ric Flair got what he got, Shawn should get the same and more
If I had to guess, it will be used as a vehicle to gain further heat for Brock. If they were going for a true appreciation night and not an angle, it would have happened, I dunno, closer to when he got retired by Taker. Personally, I would have waited until after the HHH program, since it has enough personal heat already, even more if they bring up H's former relationship with Sable. If they had waited, let's say, until it was time to build for Mania, and let Taker be the one to 'stop' the beating, to set Taker vs Brock for Mania.
I could see this as a way to get more heat on Brock for sure. I like the idea another poster mentioned about updating us on his condition up until Summerslam. Brock taking out Shawn would bring the feud to a whole other level. Depending on how many dates Brock has left he could also attack Vince, and do something to endanger Steph to if they wanted to take it even farther in the coming weeks.
This would be perfect, and I'm talking about a Triple H on Ric Flair style beating or worse. It's really such a simple booking decision that they couldn't possibly screw it up. Go with a mysterious call to Triple H (from Heyman we later find out) that something has happened to Steph (hell for extra heat say something has happened to their kids).

Triple H has to rush off and not be there for the closing ceremony of HBK Night. At the end of the show have Lesner attack Shawn, have Shawn put up a bit of a comeback fight only to ultimately get flattened, busted open and with his arm broken.

Straight up Triple H needs revenge for his own injury, for using his kids in the feud and for taking out his best friend.

Only problem with that is that it sets up Triple H gained revenge in the match, and honestly they can't afford to have anything other than a Brock clean victory in this match
I wish Lesnar had of come down and destroyed all of D-X on Monday. That segment was fucking appalling until Damion Sandow came down and made it watchable.

I hope HBK isnt the ******ed dipshit he was on Monday night and he at least acts normal on his appreciation night. Having said that, I hope Lesnar sends him home in an Ambulance. Lesnar looked a beast visually on Monday. He has gotten rid of that fat he had.
I thought Stephanie did a great job of selling the fear of seeing Lesnar coming to the ring on Monday. We need more of that going forward and so far we have had Cena laughing it up with audiences 'holy shit' chant when he returned and that abomination of a match they had.

Triple H has done a lot of good work so far in getting him his heat back, a clean win or a ref stoppage is required is they want to break records at next year's Wrestlemania
HBK is my favourite wrestler but I've got no issue with him taking a whooping to breathe some life into this stale angle, my only problem with it is that it will most likely lead to the heroic Triple H giving Lesnar his comeuppance at Summerslam, instead of being the first part of an ongoing attempt to get Lesnar's monster back on track.....although even then it will only be to put over Rock or Taker so all in all I don't give a fuck, I'd rather Punk come out and do a shoot promo battle with HBK, as they are the best at treading that line.

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