Seth Rollin's Brother

This thread was meant to be about brother of Seth Rollin and I do not know either Seth Rollin or his brother.

No one knows his brother, the guy is just living his life looking over his shoulder now.

What Crocker doesn't realize is these WWE superstars accounts are not for personal shit, they are used as marketing tools by the WWE. Go have a look at some of them and it's all "I'll be appearing here" or "I'll be appearing there". None of these guys use those account for personal stuff. They probably have accounts under their real names, that no one knows about unless you actually know them.

My guess is Crocker was looking for Seth Rollins personal account when he ran across the brother's. God knows what he was expecting to find, but he's already posted supposed pictures of Rollins last vacation.
It's public information which is available to the public. Shit is not stalking.

It is just fun to mess with Crocker but seriously it is Twitter which again can be accessed by the public.

Everyone is just riding the bandwagon of being a mindless poster trying to impress others.

Crocker, that does not make you a stalker even if it is uselsss shit or not. That is what the fuck these stupid Twitter style sites are for.
I'd agree with ya Starkist if Crocker hadn't posted about David Benoit's private Instagram account.

These allegations aren't exactly without merit. It's pretty weird he is digging up accounts that have nothing to do with, well, anything. At all.

I rather he went on another tangent about Cena.
I find it easier to believe that Starkist is Crocker's sockpuppet, rather than believe that there are two people on this board who find stalking celebrities' relatives normal.
Maybe he is writing a book & just wants to see more versions of the Rollins family package to compare size. You know, for research and stuff.
I find it easier to believe that Starkist is Crocker's sockpuppet, rather than believe that there are two people on this board who find stalking celebrities' relatives normal.

I am neither.

Prove it is stalking.

It is shit talking that is what everyone is doing.

It does not matter who it is. It is like going through your friends freinds on facebook. Same concept. Oh wait, no body here would do that besides Crocker...
I am neither.

Prove it is stalking.

It is shit talking that is what everyone is doing.

It does not matter who it is. It is like going through your friends freinds on facebook. Same concept. Oh wait, no body here would do that besides Crocker...
Ugh, prove it isn't stalking. Preferably in a way which attempts to turn a judgement call into an absolute measurement and inevitably fails at that impossibility so everyone can go "OMG, you can't prooooooooove it!"

If Crocker was friends with Chris Benoit in real life maybe that analogy would hold, but it was a guy he saw on TV who murdered his family, and he wonders why Benoit's son might want a bit of privacy. Use whatever word you want for it, it's creepy as fuck.
Ugh, prove it isn't stalking. Preferably in a way which attempts to turn a judgement call into an absolute measurement and inevitably fails at that impossibility so everyone can go "OMG, you can't prooooooooove it!"

If Crocker was friends with Chris Benoit in real life maybe that analogy would hold, but it was a guy he saw on TV who murdered his family, and he wonders why Benoit's son might want a bit of privacy. Use whatever word you want for it, it's creepy as fuck.

To you sure. But you have no answer so great job trying. The analogy holds true since none of you can prove it specifically yourself since you seem to know everything in which you don't.

I am not defending Crocker but the fact is if David Benoit did not want people to look into his life, then he does not need aTwitter account. He has one and public information is public information.

But let's all seem to ignore that he is on a social media app and you're right i am wrong because that is all you have for a comeback.

"Stalker - a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention."

He has done nome of these. When information is available to people on the world wide web nothing is private. But the fact he stated something you did not like makes him a stalker....sure thing, Rayne.
To you sure. But you have no answer so great job trying. The analogy holds true since none of you can prove it specifically yourself since you seem to know everything in which you don't.

I am not defending Crocker but the fact is if David Benoit did not want people to look into his life, then he does not need aTwitter account. He has one and public information is public information.

But let's all seem to ignore that he is on a social media app and you're right i am wrong because that is all you have for a comeback.

"Stalker - a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention."

He has done nome of these. When information is available to people on the world wide web nothing is private. But the fact he stated something you did not like makes him a stalker....sure thing, Rayne.
Rayne: "Use whatever word you want for it, it's creepy as fuck."

I quit banging my head on my desk over you idiots years ago, but understand that I am banging my head on my desk in spirit.

You are going to have to forgive me for my lack of trust in your judgement abilities, as when I talk to you I am constantly reminded that you are the person who equates taking a better paying job in television entertainment as selling your soul.

So when I don't bother treating you seriously by giving you a detailed answer to a question designed to be unanswerable outside of one's own personal judgement call, it's not because I can't; it's because you've very recently demonstrated a totally shitty ability to make judgement calls. It's like getting in an argument with a sock. There is no point; the sock will not understand my argument, and the sock is not capable of making a coherent one.

BTW, GamerGate wants its "if people didn't want to be harassed on social media line, they wouldn't use it" line back. They said it sucked when they used it and you're making it look worse.
After seeing Cena beat Rollins clean THREE times in one month, i'm done. Proves me right. Every time Cena is in a feud, he wins 3 times and the opponent wins once.. so repetitive and i'm sick of it. I can't watch it anymore
After seeing Cena beat Rollins clean THREE times in one month, i'm done. Proves me right. Every time Cena is in a feud, he wins 3 times and the opponent wins once.. so repetitive and i'm sick of it. I can't watch it anymore

As a Rollins fan myself I completely understand your desire to discontinue WWE television. I think I speak for many here when I say we hope you find something better, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors.
Stone Cold lost clean once in 1999 (in a triple threat match). He never lost twice in a row in 1999.

Yup, this top guy not losing stuff has never happened before. That darn Cena is obviously holding others down.
Rayne: "Use whatever word you want for it, it's creepy as fuck."

I quit banging my head on my desk over you idiots years ago, but understand that I am banging my head on my desk in spirit.

You are going to have to forgive me for my lack of trust in your judgement abilities, as when I talk to you I am constantly reminded that you are the person who equates taking a better paying job in television entertainment as selling your soul.

So when I don't bother treating you seriously by giving you a detailed answer to a question designed to be unanswerable outside of one's own personal judgement call, it's not because I can't; it's because you've very recently demonstrated a totally shitty ability to make judgement calls. It's like getting in an argument with a sock. There is no point; the sock will not understand my argument, and the sock is not capable of making a coherent one.

BTW, GamerGate wants its "if people didn't want to be harassed on social media line, they wouldn't use it" line back. They said it sucked when they used it and you're making it look worse.

Your whole entire post is an opinion. You call me an idiot but yet ya post still proves fucking nothing. Back on ya words to know it is creepy. Problem is you think you know everythinbg and you are always right.

Seriosuly. Money can buy ya fucking soul. Judas betrayed Jesus fucking Christ for money. Money. Money. Money. Life is about.......Money.

Say something else to that....because ya cannot beside "I am noy religous so that does not matter." Judas sold his soul for money. Check Mate.

Also the fact Sting has lost two matches. Two. That is a great start to submitting his legacy. Oh wait, I must not know how wrestling works. Yup. You are going to get me there.

Once again, you are trying to say ya right....

Arguing with a sock because you cannot prove that Crocker is a wait, you are just saying it is creepy?

And great for GamerGate, they said their line of "blah blah blah" and now I am making it worse. How so? Explain? The fact that way more than myself would say the same thing. But we are all making it worse?

So yes. Every post you posted so far is opinions.

Do you have superior complex or something?
Well, DUH, they're opinions. Mine just look more sane and rational than yours, ya? Ya?

Before you (ya) think about answering that instead of just quietly walking away as if you've (ya've) proved some great Truth, remember that the justification you are (ya're) offering for claiming that Sting has "sold his soul" is that he lost a pair of fixed professional wrestling matches at the age of 56. You are (ya're) comparing Judas selling out Christ to Sting leaving one professional wrestling organization for another. Honestly wonder what Sting himself would have to say to that one.

If you can keep that in your head at the same time you (ya) post, this should be a lot of fun for everyone.
After seeing Cena beat Rollins clean THREE times in one month, i'm done. Proves me right. Every time Cena is in a feud, he wins 3 times and the opponent wins once.. so repetitive and i'm sick of it. I can't watch it anymore

So deep down what you're really angry about is that Cena's opponent wins 1 match in a feud while he only wins 3 of the matches. It must be heartbreaking for you every time you have to see your hero lose. Summerslam 2014 must have been the worst night of your life. It's ok, Crocker. I hated that match too. Then this year, that wasn't much better was it? Keep writing those fan letters to Cena. Maybe one day your dream will come true and he will convince Vince to book him to where he never loses another match ever again! Don't stop watching the WWE. Be like your hero John Cena and "Never give up"!
Your whole entire post is an opinion. You call me an idiot but yet ya post still proves fucking nothing. Back on ya words to know it is creepy. Problem is you think you know everythinbg and you are always right.

Seriosuly. Money can buy ya fucking soul. Judas betrayed Jesus fucking Christ for money. Money. Money. Money. Life is about.......Money.

Say something else to that....because ya cannot beside "I am noy religous so that does not matter." Judas sold his soul for money. Check Mate.

Also the fact Sting has lost two matches. Two. That is a great start to submitting his legacy. Oh wait, I must not know how wrestling works. Yup. You are going to get me there.

Once again, you are trying to say ya right....

Arguing with a sock because you cannot prove that Crocker is a wait, you are just saying it is creepy?

And great for GamerGate, they said their line of "blah blah blah" and now I am making it worse. How so? Explain? The fact that way more than myself would say the same thing. But we are all making it worse?

So yes. Every post you posted so far is opinions.

Do you have superior complex or something?

Rayne : "It's all a work to get Sting more over. The smarks would be pissed off that Sting is losing his only 2 PPV matches, therefore getting him even more sympathy." :lmao:
Stone Cold lost clean once in 1999 (in a triple threat match). He never lost twice in a row in 1999.

Yup, this top guy not losing stuff has never happened before. That darn Cena is obviously holding others down.

Austin was only on top 4 years though, so it wasn't a big deal. Cena has been doing this 10+ years.
No, not in Sting's case, he was brought in to prop up the numbers for one of the WWE's worst performing PPV's. But it worked for you with everyone who faces Cena, multiple times, and you still aggressively buy into the product. I wouldn't knock the tactic, you're an aggressive little ball of money spending emotion when it comes to the WWE.

If your parents let you watch the WWE Network, go check out 'Biggest Underdogs' on The WWE List. Within the first five minutes, they explain to you how they use the 'popular' performers (John Cena is specifically mentioned) to elevate the fan favorite underdogs, then take whatever title they just got away to get fans further invested in the underdogs' story.

Of course, you're an older fan than you used to be, and you understand all the backstage stuff now, so you know that this isn't a case of a multinational corporation using writing tricks older than Shakespeare to invest you in a story, but actually about how a popular guy uses his popularity to keep less popular people down.

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