Serotonin: Deja-vu Or Something New?

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Dark Match Jobber
It is no surprise that Raven has formed a new group, Serotonin, made up of Matt Bentley, Kazarian and Johnny Devine. This is his signature modus operandi. Raven has a distinct history of collecting talent to do his bidding. Raven seeks out individuals that are either impressionable or have fallen through the cracks of the top contender rankings. He then promises these individuals a resurrection of their careers if they pledge allegiance to him and join his group. You can call it a cult, a gathering, or a family, but you can’t underestimate its effectiveness.

Originally Raven’s group consisted mainly of ridiculous misfits and one, possibly two, diamonds in the rough. This dynamic served Raven well because the members of his group were essentially lackeys there to distract and interfere for him should he run into any trouble.

Over time, and in a different company, some truly talented individuals joined Raven’s group. Despite Raven’s Jim Jones-type mantra and grungy dress code, some of these individuals excelled in their own right. Eventually, a select few severed their ties with Raven and broke out, achieving their own success without Raven. It is here that one can see Raven’s true eye for spotting wrestling talent.

Raven’s current group, Serotonin, unquestionably consists of talented wrestlers. You have Johnny Devine, a former member of Team Canada. You have Kazarian and Matt Bentley, both former X-Division Champions. This is a group of young and athletic talent, a strong distinction from past groups. Raven seems to be taking on a mentor role, rather than adopting obedient followers to carry out his bidding and advance his own personal position.

Raven’s relationship with the group is a little different than before as well. He only seems to appear if the group loses, administering corporal punishment via a cane. Raven has always been a visible influence on his group. He might just be trying a different approach, but Raven hasn’t worn the World Championship since June of 2005. One theory is that he’s training a strong base to watch his back. He could also be gearing up Serotonin to go after championship gold. My guess would be on the X- Division. Kazarian, Devine and Bentley could all be serious contenders for the title if properly motivated. Raven might very well be setting them up to divide and conquer the division, taking on the likes of “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, Chris Sabin or A.J. Styles.

Raven has virtually worked alone since he debuted in January 2003. There was a brief period in which he worked with a small faction called the Gathering, but it was short lived. Raven has been in several notable TNA feuds, including one with Abyss, “The War Machine” Rhino and one involving “King of the Mountain” Jeff Jarrett. He’s not always come out on top. He’s lost a lot of blood, endured a lot of pain and was even scalped on one occasion. And he has done this predominantly by himself while in TNA. He’s never unleashed a group like he did in Philadelphia or the Atlanta based company he worked for.

Today, Raven has assembled quite an impressive group. Could one break out from the group? It’s possible, but I think that’s a long way off. Right now, Raven holds his disciples firmly in the palm of his hand. They have gotten lost on the path to success, and I believe Raven has promised to show them the way. He’s a master manipulator and one of the great minds currently working in this business. Whatever Raven’s true plans for Serotonin, it will be interesting to watch as he unfolds their ultimate fate.
Raven does have a knack for helping people get over that don't really have much by way of a character or push. He helped Kidman and Saturn get over in WCW in a big way, as even though they were both talented, the audiences didn't really warm up to them until after Raven crapped on them for a while and they finally bit the hand that fed them. I say it couldn't help as Kazarian and Bentley are as solid of workers as anybody who's been in the X-division, but they haven't really been able to lock it in like Daniels, Styles, and a few of the other perennials. At this point, though, you honestly couldn't tell that they both possessed the X-division title at one time (albeit together).
I am a huge fan of Raven but I think he is coming to the end of his in ring career. I think Serotonin is strictly designed to get the young guys over. I have been disappointed that this angle isn't really getting any air time. I think it will interesting to see it unfold because Raven does have the ability to put people over.
TNA doesn't have enough air time to put them over as a group very well cept for small tidbits here and there, Raven is bloated like all hell and should stop wrestling and take a office seat as head writer then ya would see some good story tellin
Raven seems to just move from group to group, putting talent over. He is a vital asset to TNA's up and coming talent.
Raven has a unique gimmick. He can take talent in and make them somebody. He showed shades of that in ECW and I think in WCW(not sure). In ECW he took Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie to the top. I'm not really sure who he took in WCW. But he always takes the undercards and add's interest to them. Devine, Kazarian and Maverick Matt had no interest what so ever from the fans but Raven added interest to them by creating Serotonin. Now they have a unique gimmick but keep loosing matches.

I think I can explain why TNA still makes them loose matches. Kazarian, Matt and Devine have been loosing and getting caned to get over as tough. These beatings are to enusre that they don't get beaten again. Raven using this tatic is great because it goes with his sorrow and pain gimmick. His gimmick is really unique and hard to describe and to be able to take these undercards and to bring them to the top is a hard thing for one person to do especially since there draw value are low. That's what make Raven a great wrestler and adds to his character. When he brought his flock togeather in ECW it was a big risk becuase some people didn't think that Stevie Richards or Blue Meanie would get over just by Raven alone and I history can repeat itself but this time with Devine, Kazarian and Matt. They have alot of talent.

On a side note. I saw this on Next time put a source on it because when you don't it's as if you wrote it yourself. Which is plaguerising(sp?).
You must have repeated yourself 4 times in the middle part of your post, and your trying way to hard to be a mod lol..

This whike Serotonin thing is kind of the same thing as The Flock and etc. It just has a twist to it. Personally, I like this angle. Yeah, they keep losing matches, but it'll end up being something along the lines of "Beating them, makes them stronger" kinda thing..

Due to Raven not being able to wrestle anymore from Thyroid problems, this was the best way for him to finish his carear, and give Kazaarian, Bentley, and Devine a possible successful carear.
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