Semi Finals Matches

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Are as follows:

HBKlunder vs. The Imaginary Life of Cockroaches


AusCan Connection vs. fromtheSam

Matches to be posted tomorrow.
I dont understand, and seeing the unfair advantage, but how does a team get eliminated in the first round, yet advance against teams who won there respective first round matchup?
I dont understand, and seeing the unfair advantage, but how does a team get eliminated in the first round, yet advance against teams who won there respective first round matchup?

I fucked up...Sparky wanted in, then out, then in, and I took someone else's word that he still wanted, I took them out of the tournament, but then he told me that he was still in. So, to be fair, I put him back in in this last round, since they had a first-round bye.

Sparky and TM were lucky we didn't get them as opponents, though. We definitely got the shit draw in the third round.
I just think you should take another look at that match. Becker changing his vote ever just shouldn't happen. I could go through and change all the votes to me, so how is it fair?
For fucks sake fine whatever. We'll have a rematch. Seriously starting to wish I hadn't said I would manage this thing. God damn.
I just think you should take another look at that match. Becker changing his vote ever just shouldn't happen. I could go through and change all the votes to me, so how is it fair?

Becker doesn't have the same power as you, klunderbunker; he can only change his vote. I never mentioned anything in the rules about not being able to change your vote before the deadline. I just didn't think it something that could feasibly be enforced, since anyone could just go in and edit their vote at a later time.
I should be able to change my vote... There isn't a poll, and it wasn't against the rules...
Becker didn't change a vote. Becker voted twice. Voting twice is against the rules.

The Bee's Knees total vote count at the end was two. It was originally four, but then Becker and I switched our votes seeing as how we didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. Please go ahead and take a look for yourself. I will gladly allow you to tally the votes for yourself to verify what I have told you.

I will gladly accommodate you with a rematch as well, and even add a rule for no vote switching. But, based off of the rules as they stand right now, a victory cannot be awarded to you, as no wrong was done.
That won't be needed. You can look back and clearly see that Brian Becker voted once for Bee's Knees and then once for ILOC. There was no changing. He asked if he could change...then just decided to vote twice.

Can I get a witness?
no, you just forget about my other vote... I could go back and edit it, but that isn't needed....Seeing as how I clearly stated i was going to change my vote.
His second vote was him switching his vote. Technically, yes, there are two votes made by Becker in the thread. But, they were not both counted. Rather, he nullified his first vote by voting a second time.

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