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Sell Out Steve Austin?


The One.. The Only.. The Last...
Okay, I am surprised no one has made a forum about this, or at least I haven't seen one. But I just read on Wrestlezone that SCSA refused to show up or do a promo for the Decade of Smackdown special, plus he refuses to guest host Raw even though he is in the Hall of Fame.

These are my questions... All I hear is about how The Rock sold out and doesn't care for the buisness and such. The Rock did a promo, The Rock might guest host Raw. What makes SCSA and The Rock so different? Just because SCSA came back more often? Does quantity overtake quality? I read alot on here saying how The Rock could have at least shown up in person, but why can't SCSA do a promo? Does being in the HOF excuse him from givng back to the company that made him? Now I know I am going to get a lot of heat from this but I just have to know what you guys think. I also know alot of peole are going to come on here and say he is injured which is why he can't come back... So apparently if he is too injured to hold a microphone and walk up and down the WWE ramp, then why isn't he too injured to poses for pics in a Muscle and Fitness magazine and make more action movies?

No I am not a SCSA hater and no I am not a Rock mark. I think they both contributed to WWE equally. Like I said before I grew up on Middle Fingers and Whoppin Ass.
I am going to be completely honest with you. I hope that someone comes along and closes this thread. This is complete bullshit!

To even suggest that a man who broke his fucking neck in the ring, who blew both of his knees out wrestling, who kept wrestling even when he should've stopped years before he did is a sell out is utterly fucking ridiculous!

I don't care if he wants to do a promo or guest host Raw. He is not obligated to do it. Would it be amazing? Yes. What do you think that The Rock and Stone Cold owe you? They don't owe us a fucking thing. They are not sell outs. They both done what they thought would better themselves and you can't fault a man for wanting to better himself.

This sellout talk makes me sick to my stomach!

That is all!
I am going to be completely honest with you. I hope that someone comes along and closes this thread. This is complete bullshit!

To even suggest that a man who broke his fucking neck in the ring, who blew both of his knees out wrestling, who kept wrestling even when he should've stopped years before he did is utterly fucking ridiculous!

I don't care if he wants to do a promo or guest host Raw. He is not obligated to do it. Would it be amazing? Yes. What do you think that The Rock and Stone Cold owe you? They don't owe us a fucking thing. They are not sell outs. They both done what they thought would better themselves and you can't fault a man for wanting to better himself.

This sellout talk makes me sick to my stomach!

That is all!

I agree totally..to even state that about SCSA is absurd. The man has given more to the WWE than almost anyone in the history of the company. The guys that have given equal or more can be counted on two hands max. After all his injuries he kept giving. After his life was falling apart with his divorce ect he kept giving. Even as he has been starting an acting career he has kept giving.

How many times has he come back as a special guest ref in order to give back to the fans in the last 4 years????

He came back on the anniversary show of the show he made famous...RAW. Would it have been great to see him on SD well hell yeah...but he doesnt have too. He is currently busy with movie projects.

This year when he was inducted to the Hall of Fame and i was there and the reception he got could have easily been a great send off for him but NO...he came out the next night at Mania and nearly torn the roof of the place because he wanted to come out in the riing and salute all his loyal fans.

He recently said the video package for his HOF entrance really made him realize his impact on the business and where he stands all time, and that he will come back less frequently so when he does it is bigger and more impactful. Key words...he will come back.

Steve Austin has given us all so many memories as wrestling fans that we can be here all day listing them. He owes us nothing, but he will come back to honor the business and fans that he loves.
I agree with you ith everything you say except closing my thread. Maybe you should read the thread before running your mouth about stuff you don't even know what you are talking about. I am not calling SCSA a sell out. I am simply asking if people are going to call The Rock a sell out then why isn't the same for SCSA. I am not discounting anything he has done for the company, I am simply saying let's not give excuses about who is injured and who isn't. SCSA and the Rock owe me nothing! I am simply saying yet again. people say the Rock is selling out for not giving back, but SCSA right now isn't giving back. Oh by the way at the begining The Rock kept wrestling while making movies.
Yeah and For one thing gottahn read the whole damn story before you rag on someone that has given so much to this business as said early his neck twice back and both of his knees scsa said him self its not that he didnt want to but now that he is in the hall of fame he wants all his comebacks to make an impact instead of just being crammed down our throats everytime they have a special which i would love to see him host raw everyweek i do im a huge scsa mark as well as the rock but i can agree with the fact as long as he is not wrestling when he comes back everyonce in awhile it will amke it that more special to us fans
This thread is a joke. As UndertakerFan stated, Austin literally broke his neck for the company among numerous other injuries. Did it occur to you he thinks the current product is a joke? Austin is opinionated and blunt which I respect. He's made countless appearances for the company, sure less over the past couple years but maybe he just wants to be left alone, so what. It seems like it's all trendy popular to hate on The greatest Superstar in WWE History as of late for whatever reason :banghead:
Of course Steve Austin is a sellout, are you people nuts? It's amazing how people criticize Rock and Hogan, and then give Austin a pass for the same damn thing. Some people in the IWC need to grow up.

The WWE MADE Steve Austin, much more than they ever made Hogan or the Rock. But what happens when it is time to pay the WWE back? Steve Austin is no where to be found. Hogan came back, not once, not twice, but three separate times (not counting his appearance on Raw once). The Rock has given multiple video promos. Austin? Now that he's trying to be an actor, suddenly he's too good to do things for the WWE.

Want Austin to job to Brock Lesnar? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to put over one of the leading heels on Raw in the Coach? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to do a video promo for Smackdown anniversary or guest host Raw? See ya WWE. And why? Because he wants to be an actor, and he thinks he has to distance himself from the WWE, despite the fact they were the ones who gave him his acting start.

If you think the Rock is a sellout, or Hogan is a sellout, then you absolutely HAVE to think Austin is one.

Oh, and one more thing. For all of you people who keep talking about breaking necks and knees and stuff...fuck that. That comes with the game. Just because Owen Hart broke Austin's neck, doesn't mean he can't be a sellout. Grow up.
This is not aimed at the poster, seeing as how he isnt saying that Austin is a sell out. This is aimed at the selfish, unappreciative assholes who say that Austin or Rock "sold out"

The audacity of any so-called wrestling fan, to call Rock or Austin a "sell out". The utter audacity. Both of these dudes, have busted their asses for alot of years. They've both given us, countless memories and moments. They've given us memorable matches. But you have fans who say that they are sell outs. And why? B/c they don't do a promo? Or b/c they don't do "one more match"? That's bullshit. I don't understand why so many fans, think that a wrestler is obligated to the fans forever. Steve Austin and The Rock, owe us nothing. I'm not getting this. The Rock went into acting. It paid more and it allowed him to see his family more. Yeah Rocky is a sell out....he's a sell out b/c he chose his family over the fans. Give me a damn break. The Rock is not trying to spend the later years of his life, in a wheel chair. He wants to be there for his family. He wants to provide constant financial security for his family. The Rock, alot of times, will distance himself from wrestling...b/c that does nothing but slow down his movie career. The Rock shouldn't have to screw his movie career up, to please so-called fans. And Austin, is not a sell out. Austin wants to go into movies. WTF is so wrong about that? What is he suppose to do...sit around the house all day and do nothing? He can't do it in the ring, anymore. And being associated with wrestling, does nothing for his career. So again, you expect him to slow down his career...for so-called fans? That's crazy.

I swear, Rock/Austin "selling out" ranks up there with, Cena ruining WWE, Canadians bitching about Survivor Series 97, smarks claiming ___ isn't getting pushed just b/c their not the champion in the first 3 months of being in WWE, and the PG rating...as the most annoying things, wrestling fans complain about.
Apparently tunnel vision towards this thread is what it's all about huh? I don't think Gotahn is in any shape or form bashing the greatness of SCSA. He is just trying to get clarification on why it is okay to call The Rock a sellout for doing the same thing Austin is doing now?

The Rock, who was Austin's most renowned rival. The Rock, who is coupled with SCSA as one of the greatest of all time, and finally The Rock, who contributed just as much to the business as SCSA. Who was it that Austin chose to have his OMR (one more round) with? The Rock. So the Rock's importance to the business in terms of comebacks and giving back to the business is equal with Austin's.

Granted Austin did blowout both knees, and break his neck. Yet it wasn't Austin who broke his neck, Owen Hart broke Austin's neck. The Rock went his entire tenure without injury, and if eyes are actually opened and ears are actually listening, The Rock sold moves in ways that he should've either been paralyzed or dead. Yet Rock never was hurt. So let's subtract the Austin injury factor and look at the meat of the subject. The word of the day is SELLOUT.

Why is it okay to ream the Rock and paste the moniker of "SELLOUT" on him because he doesn't appear upon the rub of the WWE's magic lamp? How is it fair that people slap the Rock with the sellout rant, when he himself is busy with movie projects as well? Austin's moved on, so has the Rock except for The Rock bowed out quieter than Austin and also prior to Austin.
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I recognize from your post that you personally didn’t turn on either so my respose refers to a certain portion of fans in general and not necessarily ones that post here.

I read alot on here saying how The Rock could have at least shown up in person, but why can't SCSA do a promo?

For those who say that The Rock could have shown up it doesn’t mean that he should have and maybe he couldn’t have anyway. When he’s the star of a movie there is a schedule and lots of employees working to make the movie possible and he probably is cool enough to not expect everyone to revolve the world around him so that he can make a live appearance on tv at an inconvenient time. I think that people think more about what they want (to understandably see him on television) than the reality of the situation. With Austin it’s also understandable why people wonder why he can’t do a promo but again maybe it’s not that he can’t but that he has no desire. If people berate Austin at this point it could be because they grew used to Austin making occasional appearances so they are so surprised that it has stopped that they feel some anger.

Does being in the HOF excuse him from givng back to the company that made him?

IMO the fact that they already gave plenty back excuses them and the "company that made them" rationality needs to stop at some point when people use it.

In my opinion, and many may disagree, neither are obligated to do anything ever again for the company. I would appreciate it if they do but I also am fine if they don’t. Should they appreciate what made them stars? They absolutely should appreciate it but there is no proof that not showing up means that they dont' appreciate it. The whole time that the Rock didn't appear between his last appearance and last week with the promo never meant that he didn't appreciate it anymore than Austin not wanting to show up means it.

Again, this is just my view but they more than proved how much they appreciated WWE and it’s fans it when they were full time members of the active roster so I don't feel that they should have to constantly prove it, regardless of the circumstance. I loved every minute of their on air contributions once they hit it big and was a fan of theirs even before that, but again, speaking only for myself I don't have the what have you done for me lately attitude so I'm not going to hold Austin's lack of appearing against him. I would like to see more from Austin but am cool with not doing it.

On a side note, none of us may end up being famous and having thousands of supporters so our situations differ from those of Austin or the Rock but there is a similarity that many of us will have in which someone or something helped pave us to become successful in some way. Maybe certain teachers helped us big time, or a certain job really put us on a path, or an ex significant other. We can be away from those people and places for 30-40 years and truly value how those things changed our lives and helped us find any form of success but are we obligated to ever show up at that old job, or hang out with the ex, or even write a letter to the teacher in order to prove that we care? In my opinion no.
Of course Steve Austin is a sellout, are you people nuts? It's amazing how people criticize Rock and Hogan, and then give Austin a pass for the same damn thing. Some people in the IWC need to grow up.

The WWE MADE Steve Austin, much more than they ever made Hogan or the Rock. But what happens when it is time to pay the WWE back? Steve Austin is no where to be found. Hogan came back, not once, not twice, but three separate times (not counting his appearance on Raw once). The Rock has given multiple video promos. Austin? Now that he's trying to be an actor, suddenly he's too good to do things for the WWE.

Want Austin to job to Brock Lesnar? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to put over one of the leading heels on Raw in the Coach? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to do a video promo for Smackdown anniversary or guest host Raw? See ya WWE. And why? Because he wants to be an actor, and he thinks he has to distance himself from the WWE, despite the fact they were the ones who gave him his acting start.

If you think the Rock is a sellout, or Hogan is a sellout, then you absolutely HAVE to think Austin is one.

Oh, and one more thing. For all of you people who keep talking about breaking necks and knees and stuff...fuck that. That comes with the game. Just because Owen Hart broke Austin's neck, doesn't mean he can't be a sellout. Grow up.

You wanna mention how he cant even Wrestle anymore? :shrug: I dont see that mentioned anywhere... Rock leaves in his prime, he would come back a few times a year and win The World Title within a Month just because he's The Almighty Rock. Im guessing his little Smackdown titan tron promo is his saving grace? And Hogan wouldn't even job to HBK even when a rematch was proposed for Unforgiven in a Cage, I cant job to HBK at a 2nd rate PPV even though I went over him at Summerslam Brother! Oh yeah Austin is a sellout :lmao:
I agree with you ith everything you say except closing my thread. Maybe you should read the thread before running your mouth about stuff you don't even know what you are talking about. I am not calling SCSA a sell out. I am simply asking if people are going to call The Rock a sell out then why isn't the same for SCSA. I am not discounting anything he has done for the company, I am simply saying let's not give excuses about who is injured and who isn't. SCSA and the Rock owe me nothing! I am simply saying yet again. people say the Rock is selling out for not giving back, but SCSA right now isn't giving back. Oh by the way at the begining The Rock kept wrestling while making movies.

I owe you an apology. I did read your thread completely and my post wasn't exactly aimed towards you. I'm sorry if it felt that way.

I was very heated at the thought of anyone calling either The Rock or SCSA a sell out. I'm tired of this IWC talk about sell outs and what not. It just makes me sick as hell.

Again I apologize.

That is all!
You wanna mention how he cant even Wrestle anymore? :shrug: I dont see that mentioned anywhere... Rock leaves in his prime, he would come back a few times a year and win The World Title within a Month just because he's The Almighty Rock. Im guessing his little Smackdown titan tron promo is his saving grace? And Hogan wouldn't even job to HBK even when a rematch was proposed for Unforgiven in a Cage, I cant job to HBK at a 2nd rate PPV even though I went over him at Summerslam Brother! Oh yeah Austin is a sellout :lmao:
That MIGHT be a great post, if you it had ANYTHING to do with what I said. How the fuck does him being able to wrestle have anything to do with guest hosting Raw, or giving a taped promo? Don't be stupid.

Furthermore, why don't you try your hand at reading comprehension, and understand what I REALLY said. For fuck's sake.

The fact of the matter is that people who criticize Hogan and Rock, damn well better criticize Austin, because he's doing the same exact thing they did.
But what happens when it is time to pay the WWE back? Steve Austin is no where to be found. Hogan came back, not once, not twice, but three separate times (not counting his appearance on Raw once). The Rock has given multiple video promos. Austin? Now that he's trying to be an actor, suddenly he's too good to do things for the WWE.

So since some people do it does that mean that it's the only acceptable standard for how things get done? Since when were human beings all forced to follow the exact same paths in life and make the exact same decisions just because someone else who was in a similar situation made a different choice? Didn't he help pay them back and reciprocate big time when in the company? At what point is enough enough?

Want Austin to job to Brock Lesnar? See ya WWE.

His problem supposedly wasn't doing those things but the way that WWE wanted to go about them. Putting over Brock for example supposedly wasn't the issue, but doing it on Raw with no buildup when it could have been a great ppv kind of moment. It was supposedly not even that even but what it represented being what he allegedly perceived to be WWE having a poor way of thining things through, a perception I'll add a lot of posters seem to have on a constant basis. Isn't it safe to assume that someone actually in the business may have that perception on an even grander level? Of course him being the one to do something compared to the dozens of others that could have makes him stand out in a huge way but the point remains that he supposedly felt like he had the voice to make a stand and did.

I understand the difference between fans wanting to see a wrestler and the wrestler not wanting to return for the fans but where the term "sell out" is used I think that some fans are sell outs for turning on any given wrestler just because they no longer benefit from seeing them. That's not how everyone comes across but historically that's how a lot of people's points (not necessarily in this thread) have come across.
Undertaker's#1fan said it best, this is bullshit (no disrespect to the OP). Fuck that, has anyone here ever had a fucking job? Do you know what its like to bust your ass every day at a job? Do you know what its like to break your fucking neck LITERALLY? He paid his damn dues for YEARS! He made his guest appearances. The guy was inducted to the fucking HALL OF FAME. He paid his respects and honored and thanked the fans, and we the fans obliged that he was "done" with wrestling.

Why the fuck is he a sellout if he wants to do something else WITH HIS LIFE. Be happy that you were able to see him in his prime and appreciate what he did for the form of entertainment that you love. The guy owes no one nothing, he gave us everything he has to give. If he is happy why the fuck do you care...you just need to relive a moment from the attitude era so you can mark out like a little girl one more time? Grow the fuck up.

Steve is in his mid 40s and has no need to come to the WWE for any reason and if he does or does not make an appearance its his choice. Let the man do something he wants to do and stop thinking about yourself and your selfish little 5 minute mark out moments that you can then blog about. It was a great time in wrestling, and we all miss Austin, but there comes a time for everything to end. His is over and that's that. If he doesn't want to come back don't bitch, just accept it and move on. He is human. he didn't sell out. You want him to dedicate his life to wrestling forever by constantly making pointless appearances to a few quick cheers? Jesus Christ how dense can some people be?
Of course Steve Austin is a sellout, are you people nuts? It's amazing how people criticize Rock and Hogan, and then give Austin a pass for the same damn thing. Some people in the IWC need to grow up.

The WWE MADE Steve Austin, much more than they ever made Hogan or the Rock. But what happens when it is time to pay the WWE back? Steve Austin is no where to be found. Hogan came back, not once, not twice, but three separate times (not counting his appearance on Raw once). The Rock has given multiple video promos. Austin? Now that he's trying to be an actor, suddenly he's too good to do things for the WWE.

Want Austin to job to Brock Lesnar? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to put over one of the leading heels on Raw in the Coach? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to do a video promo for Smackdown anniversary or guest host Raw? See ya WWE. And why? Because he wants to be an actor, and he thinks he has to distance himself from the WWE, despite the fact they were the ones who gave him his acting start.

If you think the Rock is a sellout, or Hogan is a sellout, then you absolutely HAVE to think Austin is one.

Oh, and one more thing. For all of you people who keep talking about breaking necks and knees and stuff...fuck that. That comes with the game. Just because Owen Hart broke Austin's neck, doesn't mean he can't be a sellout. Grow up.

So the whole the point of your post is to say that if we think that either The Rock or Hogan sold out, then we have to think that Austin sold out, right?

Well I don't think that any of them have sold out, not at all. We have had this conversation before, I believe. They don't owe us a damn thing. They gave enough to us through their years in the company and what not. What more can be asked of them?

BTW, you mentioned the three times that Hogan has came back. Austin has returned many more times than that since his last match. Which was WM 19. Why not mention those times, huh?

That is all!
So since some people do it does that mean that it's the only acceptable standard for how things get done? Since when were human beings all forced to follow the exact same paths in life and make the exact same decisions just because someone else who was in a similar situation made a different choice? Didn't he help pay them back and reciprocate big time when in the company? At what point is enough enough?
It's sad to see all the people who fail reading comprehension.

His problem supposedly wasn't doing those things but the way that WWE wanted to go about them.
Not his decision.

Putting over Brock for example supposedly wasn't the issue, but doing it on Raw with no buildup when it could have been a great ppv kind of moment. It was supposedly not even that even but what it represented being what he allegedly perceived to be WWE having a poor way of thining things through, a perception I'll add a lot of posters seem to have on a constant basis. Isn't it safe to assume that someone actually in the business may have that perception on an even grander level? Of course him being the one to do something compared to the dozens of others that could have makes him stand out in a huge way but the point remains that he supposedly felt like he had the voice to make a stand and did.
Who cares? The fact of the matter is that an employee is hired to do the job the employer wants. And as long as it doesn't violate ethics or the law, then you do it.

The fact of the matter is Austin put his ego ahead of his job. And still is.

I understand the difference between fans wanting to see a wrestler and the wrestler not wanting to return for the fans but where the term "sell out" is used I think that some fans are sell outs for turning on any given wrestler just because they no longer benefit from seeing them. That's not how everyone comes across but historically that's how a lot of people's points (not necessarily in this thread) have come across.
Again, please go back and re-read my post, so you might catch the MAJOR point you obviously missed.
Austin a sell out??

your kidding right

everyone knows what reputation he has when it comes to the creative side of the business, he walked out of wwe years ago when he was asked to lose to kane on raw because he felt it would help kane more if he lost to him at a big ppv instead.(this isnt bad mouthing austin btw), its me saying that he turely loves the business and disagrees with the creative side when it doesnt make much sense.

austin also stated in that interview that when he does turn up on wwe again he wants it to mean something and help the company in some kind of way, he prob dont wanna just turn up drink a few beers in the ring and stun a random person,because to him thats not meaning anything to the show or even helping the business.

if austin didnt have a messed up neck im sure as hell certain he still be on wwe tv wrestling week in and week out.

just because he has gone off to make movies now doesnt make him a sell out, what stupid selfish people dont understand is HE CANT WRESTLE NOMORE, what do you want him to do just retire and spend the rest of his life sitting at his house watching tv?, he moved on because he cant do what he loves nomore so he has decided to do something else.

all of this doesnt make him a sell out, he is making smart choices now in his life and any stone cold fan should be happy he has found something else to do since he can nolonger do what he loves

btw i watched the interview with steve on skysports in the uk and he said something about....

if i ever get a good creative idea i still phone in and say 'you should do this or try that'

now if he was a so called 'sell out' would he bother to give creative ideas when he thinks of something good?
Of course Steve Austin is a sellout, are you people nuts? It's amazing how people criticize Rock and Hogan, and then give Austin a pass for the same damn thing. Some people in the IWC need to grow up.

The WWE MADE Steve Austin, much more than they ever made Hogan or the Rock. But what happens when it is time to pay the WWE back? Steve Austin is no where to be found. Hogan came back, not once, not twice, but three separate times (not counting his appearance on Raw once). The Rock has given multiple video promos. Austin? Now that he's trying to be an actor, suddenly he's too good to do things for the WWE.

Want Austin to job to Brock Lesnar? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to put over one of the leading heels on Raw in the Coach? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to do a video promo for Smackdown anniversary or guest host Raw? See ya WWE. And why? Because he wants to be an actor, and he thinks he has to distance himself from the WWE, despite the fact they were the ones who gave him his acting start.

If you think the Rock is a sellout, or Hogan is a sellout, then you absolutely HAVE to think Austin is one.

Oh, and one more thing. For all of you people who keep talking about breaking necks and knees and stuff...fuck that. That comes with the game. Just because Owen Hart broke Austin's neck, doesn't mean he can't be a sellout. Grow up.

I have to agree with mostly everything you wrote.

I am of the position that when someone leaves the WWE, they are under no obligation to return. So I don't blame Austin or The Rock, for that matter. They put forth their time, and helped WWE make millions of dollars. They are moving on. So be it.

Where I get upset are people who have a double standard with The Rock and Steve Austin.

First off, you people that make Austin sound like a cripple really provide me with a good laugh every time.

You people are hopefully aware that:

A) Austin has had surgery and his neck has been repaired to a better status than ever.

B) Austin has stated on record that he CAN wrestle for probably 2 more years at a Full Time WWE schedule, before calling it quits for good?

Steve Austin doesn't want to wrestle anymore. I respect his decision. But for you people to come on here and whine and complain about how Austin would wrestle if he wasn't "crippled" is plain and simple bullshit.

Get off Rock's back to while you're at it, quit it with the bullshit, and start telling it like it is.
So since some people do it does that mean that it's the only acceptable standard for how things get done? Since when were human beings all forced to follow the exact same paths in life and make the exact same decisions just because someone else who was in a similar situation made a different choice? Didn't he help pay them back and reciprocate big time when in the company? At what point is enough enough?

His problem supposedly wasn't doing those things but the way that WWE wanted to go about them. Putting over Brock for example supposedly wasn't the issue, but doing it on Raw with no buildup when it could have been a great ppv kind of moment. It was supposedly not even that even but what it represented being what he allegedly perceived to be WWE having a poor way of thining things through, a perception I'll add a lot of posters seem to have on a constant basis. Isn't it safe to assume that someone actually in the business may have that perception on an even grander level? Of course him being the one to do something compared to the dozens of others that could have makes him stand out in a huge way but the point remains that he supposedly felt like he had the voice to make a stand and did.

I understand the difference between fans wanting to see a wrestler and the wrestler not wanting to return for the fans but where the term "sell out" is used I think that some fans are sell outs for turning on any given wrestler just because they no longer benefit from seeing them. That's not how everyone comes across but historically that's how a lot of people's points (not necessarily in this thread) have come across.

That last paragraph was golden, you really tacked it down with using the example of fans selling out on wrestlers just because they don't answer their every beckoned call to return to the squared circle whether it be promo, match, segment, you name it.

The Rock and Austin gave what they owed to us when they were active wrestlers. That's why their names are etched in legendary status. That's why they are unlockables on Smackdown vs. Raw games. If anyone wants to use the word SELLOUT, then they should refer to the arenas both The Rock and Austin performed at. (WM, RAW, SD, various PPVs)
Austin a sell out??

your kidding right

everyone knows what reputation he has when it comes to the creative side of the business, he walked out of wwe years ago when he was asked to lose to kane on raw because he felt it would help kane more if he lost to him at a big ppv instead.(this isnt bad mouthing austin btw), its me saying that he turely loves the business and disagrees with the creative side when it doesnt make much sense.

austin also stated in that interview that when he does turn up on wwe again he wants it to mean something and help the company in some kind of way, he prob dont wanna just turn up drink a few beers in the ring and stun a random person,because to him thats not meaning anything to the show or even helping the business.

if austin didnt have a messed up neck im sure as hell certain he still be on wwe tv wrestling week in and week out.

just because he has gone off to make movies now doesnt make him a sell out, what stupid selfish people dont understand is HE CANT WRESTLE NOMORE, what do you want him to do just retire and spend the rest of his life sitting at his house watching tv?, he moved on because he cant do what he loves nomore so he has decided to do something else.

all of this doesnt make him a sell out, he is making smart choices now in his life and any stone cold fan should be happy he has found something else to do since he can nolonger do what he loves

btw i watched the interview with steve on skysports in the uk and he said something about....

if i ever get a good creative idea i still phone in and say 'you should do this or try that'

now if he was a so called 'sell out' would he bother to give creative ideas when he thinks of something good?

I would like to thank all the posters (Slyfox696, Shrapsh00ter23, just to name a few) who actually read my thread, the WHOLE thread, instead of having a Bash party without comprehending exactly what I was really trying to say.
I agree with Sidious and Slyfox. Stone Cold is completely a sellout. I may have been/am one of the biggest Stone Cond fans ever but even I can recognize a sell out when I see one. After being inducted into the HOF the man has almost completely turned his back to the WWE.

I really hate that people use Stone Cold's past injuries too excuse him from everything. It's ridiculous.

While Stone Cold may not owe to the WWE at he at least owes it to his fans. They helped make him who he is. But if a man should decide to follow an alternate career path and turn his back on his former employer. Who are we to whine and complain?

We all need to get over the fact that Stone Cold does not want to wrestle anymore or anything like that. I respect him for that though. He realizes that he would not be near as good as he was back in the day and I am glad he knows it. I wish people would not say the Rock was better then him.

" Oh at least the Rock had a promo !! "

" Oh at least the Rock wants to host Raw!! "

I respect Stone Cold's decision to not come back and the IWC should respect it too.
IMO, none of them (Austin, Rock, or Hogan) are sell-outs. None of them owe the WWE anything. The WWE gave them a platform to be successful, they made the WWE a ton of money, end of story. If they want to come back and do promos and what-not, good for them. If not, they don't have to, and they don't owe anyone an explanation.
There is a big reason why the rock is considered a sell out and austin aint

The Rock is in Prime unlike Austin and probably wont miss a damn beat in the ring..also he is very successful outside the ring...if youre successful outside of the ring that means OBVIOUSLY u can be successful in the damn ring..see thats how the wwe fans mind works..[its insane] when we see the The rock presenting at the Grammy's and Oscars and see him get interviewed on the red carpet it pisses wwe fans off..cause he's still "in"..he's still "cool"..but OUTSIDE the wwe..
that pisses off wwe fans cause we want that back dont we? so we call him a sellout even though ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN KNOWS that he sure as hell didnt have to come back after scorpion king..but he did.....over and over....

yet to some idiots thats not good enough...see THIS is how the wrestling fans mind works:

you HAVE TO BE way past it and filled win injuries JUST LIKE A CERTAIN ASS WOOPING REDNECK to be considered not a sell out or just plain not wanting u back...GOD FORBID u leave at the height of your wrestling career!! wrestling fans are almost inhumane..its sad..Now as far as the people who say Rock is a sell out bla bla bla..something tells me that a VERY HIGH percentage of them are from people who didnt even watch back then..i think theyre in love wit the character they see on youtube and they want to see whats that like..

ex- thats why the only person the haters want him to fight is some knuckle shuffling, 5 moves of doom saluting jackass who just stomps around the ring for 10 mins...and posing for 5 of those minutes...

long live the peoples champion...the haters are OBSESSED with u Great One
It's sad to see all the people who fail reading comprehension.

It's kinda sad too that despite striking me as a cool, respected, and intelligent person/poster/admin you feel the need to be so condescending towards some of us. (Please don't perceive that as a flame btw as I have all the respect in the world for other posters, especially admin.) Don't get me wrong, I was in your situation as admin here once years ago too and some people thought that my getting frustrated with their posts meant the same thing as I am perceiving yours to mean so I know where you’re coming from but pleeeeeeease don't assume that posters are some sort of imbeciles :) Some are I suppose lol.

On topic, like you and the thread starter, I am aware of the double standards used between different wrestlers (which I mentioned in my initial post as well).I was expanding on that by using your point of how others (not you) might think as a basis. I guess that I should have made that more clear but I trusted that you’d realize that. In retrospect adding a few other words would have made that point more clear and I generally am that way but for those few minutes I was pressed for time. I apologize for not being clear enough.

On a side note if Austin had chosen to have his path to movies back when he was still active then I have little doubt that he would have had the same comments about him as the Rock did and that there wouldn't be the double standard. Since that's not the case though, I guess that we'll never know.

Not his decision.

Who cares? The fact of the matter is that an employee is hired to do the job the employer wants. And as long as it doesn't violate ethics or the law, then you do it.

The fact of the matter is Austin put his ego ahead of his job. And still is.

I never stated otherwise. I simply explained the situation as it supposedly was and why he supposedly felt the way that he did. I didn't say that I agreed with how he went about expressing his opinion or that he shouldn't do what the job requires.

Again, please go back and re-read my post, so you might catch the MAJOR point you obviously missed.

Never missed it the first time

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