Selfish tna?

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Dark Match Winner
Does anyone but me find it strange that TNA can set aside "$1 million" to give to WWE (or to charity of wwe doesnt accept the VKM challenge), but they can't afford $35,000 to pay for Konnan's kidney transplant? Why can't they give some of this money to Konnan instead of throwing it away?

Also, Does Anyone have the full card for TNA in Birmingham on Jan. 20? I have 2 VIP front row tickets but im selling them if half the card is Wrestle Birmingham wrestlers.
I find it even more strange that they can't pay for the hotel rooms for their talent anymore. I am amused by the VKM angle, but TNA is probably better off using that money to keep their talent content.
TNA is not a charity, it is a business. While it would be nice for them to pay for Konan's medical issues, which I do not believe were incurred during or because of work at TNA, that's just not what businesses do.

Don't you think Ford or GE or Microsoft could cut $1mil out of their $1BIL+ marketing budgets to help employees?

Spending money on Sapp or the VKM angle is business. Obviously everyone knows WWE will not accept the challenge so they have nothing to lose -- even if they did accept, it would still be well worth it for TNA.

Anyway. People seem to forget that business decisions need to be made for business reasons.
TNA said if WWE doesnt accept, the money is going to charity though. If they HAVE to give it to charity, why not Konnan?
dont know about usa but in australia if you donate to a charity it is tax deductable so that would explain alot
TNA is not a charity, it is a business. While it would be nice for them to pay for Konan's medical issues, which I do not believe were incurred during or because of work at TNA, that's just not what businesses do.

Don't you think Ford or GE or Microsoft could cut $1mil out of their $1BIL+ marketing budgets to help employees?

Spending money on Sapp or the VKM angle is business. Obviously everyone knows WWE will not accept the challenge so they have nothing to lose -- even if they did accept, it would still be well worth it for TNA.

Anyway. People seem to forget that business decisions need to be made for business reasons.

Actually, Ford, GE and Microsoft all have health care benefits, so they do. This is one reason why Ford and GM are hurting in the US, because it is giving its employees health care benefits, versus Canada where they are free.

While VKM may be business, it is poor business.

dont know about usa but in australia if you donate to a charity it is tax deductable so that would explain alot

part of it is. Not all of it.
While VKM may be business, it is poor business.
Not necessarily. DX has stopped doing their lame-ass comedy bits, so it looks like mission accomplished to me. Besides, some people like the VKM bits.
If they pay for Konnan's surgery they would have to pay for anybody else who's injured on the card. Maybe that's the right thing to do from a moral standpoint but it is'nt from a buisness one. Maybe if he was at the top of the roster it might be different.
If they pay for Konnan's surgery they would have to pay for anybody else who's injured on the card. Maybe that's the right thing to do from a moral standpoint but it is'nt from a buisness one. Maybe if he was at the top of the roster it might be different.
Bingo. Couldn't have said it better myself. Besides, if companies had to pay every time someone was injured Kevin Nash would've bankrupted WWE and TNA long, long ago. Konnan was the one who took assloads of steroids over the years. No one else made him take all that stuff. He did it of his own volition, as have loads of other athletes in every sport and in this case, professional wrestling. From where I see it, TNA is being fair across the board with regards to not paying for his surgery. Hell, I think their being extremely generous for even loaning him the dough. Same goes for the Mexican promoters putting on benefit shows down south to raise money.
Not necessarily. DX has stopped doing their lame-ass comedy bits, so it looks like mission accomplished to me. Besides, some people like the VKM bits.

Coincidence. D-X stopped doing them a while ago, even before this VKM thing started.
^Actually, HHH and HBK were still doing comedy routines with the majority of their mic work during the first month or two of the VKM routine and doing NOTHING in the way of a storyline with a serious tone until all of a sudden...Bang. Edge and Orton draw blood whilst swearing throughout the entire encounter invoking memories of the Attitude era after weeks of giving a diet-Raw product that had no sensationalism or genuine brutality to any of it. The comedy stopped in the span of ONE episode of Monday Night Raw. If you can't see the correlation...then we have no point in further discussion, do we? The truth is that VKM was ranking on those boys, and HBK never wanted to do the schtick anyway, but Bryan Gewirtz thought it was funny so they went with it...even if it did undo years of character development for HHH and insult the intelligence of any audience member with an I.Q. greater than his shoe size on a weekly basis.
Actually, Ford, GE and Microsoft all have health care benefits, so they do. This is one reason why Ford and GM are hurting in the US, because it is giving its employees health care benefits, versus Canada where they are free.

Yes you're correct. But when an employee becomes ill with something that is not covered by insurance the company doesn't just offer to pay for it.

Anyway, like other said...they couldn't just pay for one guys surgery. Also, yes it is a tax decuction for charity but you can't just call anything a charity. This would not be deductible.
I'm pretty sure that WWE wrestler's pay for there own surgery. The only difference is they get paid if there injured unlike T.N.A. talent who get paid by appearence. Also surley it would have benefited him to get medical insurance. I'm sure he earnt a fair amount of cash when he was in WCW.
This whole VKM angle in TNA doesn't really make TNA look selfish...

it just makes them look damn annoying.
I'm pretty sure that WWE wrestler's pay for there own surgery. The only difference is they get paid if there injured unlike T.N.A. talent who get paid by appearence. Also surley it would have benefited him to get medical insurance. I'm sure he earnt a fair amount of cash when he was in WCW.

Vince has paid for a lot of surgeries, even for those not on the roster. He has done the same for rehab.
Not necessarily. DX has stopped doing their lame-ass comedy bits, so it looks like mission accomplished to me. Besides, some people like the VKM bits.

and some people like the dx bits....its all a matter of preference

back to the same old argument....VKM is re-hashing material that has been done already just like DX really isnt better then the other
To answer my own question about the Birmingham Card:

Former Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle will take on NWA World Heavyweight Champion “The Monster” Abyss in the main event, while the bad blood continues between “The War Machine” Rhino and “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles in a singles match-up. Also, BG James of the Voodoo Kin Mafia will take on Bobby Roode, Austin Starr will battle Eric Young and Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt will square off in X-Division action!

I'm so keeping those tickets.
Thank you!
To answer my own question about the Birmingham Card:

Former Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle will take on NWA World Heavyweight Champion “The Monster” Abyss in the main event, while the bad blood continues between “The War Machine” Rhino and “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles in a singles match-up. Also, BG James of the Voodoo Kin Mafia will take on Bobby Roode, Austin Starr will battle Eric Young and Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt will square off in X-Division action!

I'm so keeping those tickets.
Thank you!

tna wrestling live events are great I went to bound for glory when it came to detroit the event was better then wwe because the company interacts with you but inviting you to meet wrestlers backstage and to get in the ring also I got to meet rhino,eric young, aj styles, jerry lynn, and sting
and some people like the dx bits....its all a matter of preference

back to the same old argument....VKM is re-hashing material that has been done already just like DX really isnt better then the other
Yes, and which one accurately represents the original spirit and edginess of the gimmick in it's true incarnation, while the other one functioned as a bad slapstick routine geared for nine-year-olds? Right...

...the other thing that is sad...that I've said time and time again is that HBK and HHH don't NEED to do DX again. They're too old, look stupid doing it, and would be better suited in the main event picture rescuing the belt from that ****** Cena. Tell me...would you rather see the DX comedy bit...OR...would you rather see HBK and HHH put into hot angles for the WWE championship in the final years of their respective careers? If you choose DX, may whatever god you believe in have mercy on your soul.
I'd rather have them in DX but one of em going after Cena's WWE Championship which WOULD have happened and was scheduled to happen before Triple H's unfortunate injury...Now that DX may be done(or atleast put on hold) it effectively kills two teams..DX and VKM..If DX isn't around, VKM has no material.Their entire gimmick is based around their dislike for DX..What are they gonna do now?Call out Randy Orton and Adam Copeland?VKM will have to be repackaged again and to be honest with you, I don't think they'll be around long enough for it to happen.
Konnan's medical expenses are not from wrestling in TNA therefore they are not liable. TNA is in a studio, people don't even have to pay to get in, there only revenue is at PPV's and they use that all up on talent like Angle and offers to Hogan. Panda energy is rich but TNA is in the crappy, near bankruptcy without panda energy, it's more of a question why Dixie Carter doesn't ask her dad, the owner of the company to give TNA 35 k for this, it's just a penny to that guy.
Konnan's medical expenses are not from wrestling in TNA therefore they are not liable. TNA is in a studio, people don't even have to pay to get in, there only revenue is at PPV's and they use that all up on talent like Angle and offers to Hogan. Panda energy is rich but TNA is in the crappy, near bankruptcy without panda energy, it's more of a question why Dixie Carter doesn't ask her dad, the owner of the company to give TNA 35 k for this, it's just a penny to that guy.

But that is the argument. If TNA can waste $1 million on the crappy VKM angle and then why not take care of this.
But that is the argument. If TNA can waste $1 million on the crappy VKM angle and then why not take care of this.
Does anyone really think they have a million just sitting around? I seriously doubt they do. This reeks of kayfabe, man. It was nothing more than a marketing ploy because they know the WWE won't answer them and notice that they just said they'd donate it to charity? Most companies who announce potential donations would also announce who it's going to (MDA, MS, AIDS, etc) but they didn't say a word.
I'd rather have them in DX but one of em going after Cena's WWE Championship which WOULD have happened and was scheduled to happen before Triple H's unfortunate injury...Now that DX may be done(or atleast put on hold) it effectively kills two teams..DX and VKM..If DX isn't around, VKM has no material.Their entire gimmick is based around their dislike for DX..What are they gonna do now?Call out Randy Orton and Adam Copeland?VKM will have to be repackaged again and to be honest with you, I don't think they'll be around long enough for it to happen.
You'd rather see DX? I feel sorry for you. I'd rather see them earning their money for once wrestling kickass matches like they did upon Michaels' return and at WM20 when they (along with Benoit) spent 40 minutes reminding me of what REAL WWE main event wrestling was like and saving that PPV from a widely spread case of piss-poor booking.

VKM was functioning on a live-by-the-sword, die-by-the-sword kind of rationale. That part of it is hardly rocket science. You may be right and they may be repackaged, but I doubt that they'll have a shortage of stuff to make fun of given the Rosie/Trump segment. Remember, they didn't just call out DX per se, but they called out the three of which was McMahon. Their smart move to keep it going would be to capitalize on this and gear it towards McMahon and any of the other corny stuff on WWE television. Michaels won't likely be participating in anything as stupid as the regurgitated DX angle anymore as he didn't approve of doing it in the first place last year. I look for their focus to shift solely or at least predominantly to McMahon.
TNA is not a charity, it is a business. While it would be nice for them to pay for Konan's medical issues, which I do not believe were incurred during or because of work at TNA, that's just not what businesses do.

Don't you think Ford or GE or Microsoft could cut $1mil out of their $1BIL+ marketing budgets to help employees?

Spending money on Sapp or the VKM angle is business. Obviously everyone knows WWE will not accept the challenge so they have nothing to lose -- even if they did accept, it would still be well worth it for TNA.

Anyway. People seem to forget that business decisions need to be made for business reasons.

so rather then raise their business' moral, they'd rather make themselves look like jackasses and put tht money to sleep? funny you should mention them not being a charity, because i read that's exactly where the money is going to go once they realize they're wasting 5 minutes a week on this crap.
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