Screw HBK!!!

Comparing HBK and Hogan's backstage pull is just ridiculous. Technically speaking Hogan almost had a right to be an self indulging prick. He was the mega-star, and a phenom in and out of the wrestling world. I think a lot of people that started watching the WWE in 98-99 don't comprehend the star power Hogan had. An argument can be made he is one of the most famous athletes of the last 50 years, and he was a marketing machine. On the other hand, Michaels was never a top draw like Hogan, ever. Its not debatle by any of you idiots, the casual fan nor the IWC can convince me he was ever "THE MAN". Bret was the man from 92' to 97' and that's that. Argue with me till' your blue in the face and i'll shut you down on all accounts. When and where HBK thought he had the right to start pretending he was star is beyond me, he was a spec compared to Hogan at the most. If the wrestling world would take off there rose coloured glasses they would see HBK was out of line. Bullshit aside, he should have been professional and respected the man that put wrestling on the global map. True that marks.
Comparing HBK and Hogan's backstage pull is just ridiculous. Technically speaking Hogan almost had a right to be an self indulging prick. He was the mega-star, and a phenom in and out of the wrestling world. I think a lot of people that started watching the WWE in 98-99 don't comprehend the star power Hogan had. An argument can be made he is one of the most famous athletes of the last 50 years, and he was a marketing machine. On the other hand, Michaels was never a top draw like Hogan, ever. Its not debatle by any of you idiots, the casual fan nor the IWC can convince me he was ever "THE MAN". Bret was the man from 92' to 97' and that's that. Argue with me till' your blue in the face and i'll shut you down on all accounts. When and where HBK thought he had the right to start pretending he was star is beyond me, he was a spec compared to Hogan at the most. If the wrestling world would take off there rose coloured glasses they would see HBK was out of line. Bullshit aside, he should have been professional and respected the man that put wrestling on the global map. True that marks.

Exactly. Also like to add on to yours by saying Michaels never had the pull (or Vince wasn't stupid enough, probably this one) to agree to the type of contact Hogan had in WCW that was discussed in The Rise and Fall of WCW, where Hogan and co had contracts that guaranteed they were paid higher than the rest of the roster, so anyone coming in who was offered so much, Hogan and co always got more.

I'm a fan of Shawn Michaels' in ring work 2002 to now, but before that he was a prick that thought he was worth way more than he thought he was. Nowadays he's worth every dime, but pre attitude era most of that was very questionable.

The difference between Hogan and Shawn is that Shawn was able to get over himself (Most likely due to his "Finding God"), whereas Hogan, still, nearly 15 years after the fact, puts himself on a pedestal, and aside from draw power (which, imo, is extremely faded these days, TNA being case and point) hasn't really done anything in the ring worthy of note.
Yeah that's right. I've had a sore spot for this idiot for a long time. He was an immature pillhead in the 90's and was the lowest drawing champion of all time yet even when he left in 98 he was A LEGEND. On what basis? The fact that he treated his undercard like shit and only thought of himself? I like how his man bitch Ric Flair says Bret Hart couldnt draw....but Michaels could? Bret was easlily a bigger draw than HBK anyday, unless you were a 12 year old girl. I remember being 13-14 years old in 95-96...guys loathed Shawn, he was a channel switcher for any male over 13. He was the epitome of unprofessional and his matches are terribly overrated. Since his comeback in 2002 he only shows up for big shows...with few exceptions. For the most part on RAW the guys offense and selling is ridiculous. He does the same ol shit and everyone turns a blind eye to it because he's HBK....the IWC likes to bash Cena and Batista for "doing 5 moves" Fuck man, watch HBK in 90% of his matches. His selling is terrible, he over does everything. He looks like a fish out of water for the most part. And his physical appearence is horrible, He walks like he got a dick in his ass and he's mad crooss eyed..lets not forget bald. His match with Hogan was a disgrace and he showed how immature he was flopping around like a bitch in the main event of SS. WHy? to prove he's the Showstoppaaa....Newflash Shawn, your a footnote compared to hogans popularity. Like it or not, you should have been a man and shown him some respect. He rufused to let Bret get his victory back after WM 12 because he "lost his smile". Fuck if I was Bret I wouldnt have lost to that little piece of shit in Montreal either. He is and always will be a and overrated sac of shit. Worse thing is he another Flair...which means he got a good 12- 15 years of wreslting left....OH GOD...

Very smart post. I agree with everything you said.

What is very funny you are doing one thing and one thing only.... bi*ching.

HBK does oversell but look thats the way he does things in the ring and you know what it sells. Watch taker vs hbk, hbk vs angle etc those matches will be in the top 20 matches of all time. The way he made ric flair look so good at wrestlemania is another thing you should look at, noone in the business can make ric flair look so pro then hbk. Flair is terrible in the ring and for his last match HBK was the only man who could make him look good.

I agree with the way he is cocky etc back in the 90's etc, but now he at least has lost 85% of his matches, and since 1998 he has held the world title once..... this means he is there just to carry wwe and push the younger guys, just like he did with Batista, Randy orton etc.

Give the man some respect he is a wonderful performer and you cant just say 'Screw HBK' because of his looks, sometime overselling and his past lunacy times back in the 90's

Get over it, he has done more for the wwe then any other wrestler.. oh wait 'superstar'.

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