Scott Steiner returning to the wwe?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Its been heavily rumoured that Scott Steiner is on his way out of TNA after Bound For Glory much like Booker T his fellow tag team champion and a move to the WWE could still be on. He can still wrestle fairly decently for a technician and could put on some good matches with the younger guys.

So would you like to see him return to the WWE? and If so which brand could he work on?
If he does return to the wwe I really don't see anything for him to do. I mean the scheduled may not be as hectic as it once was in the early 2000s but i don't see him lasting long on this scheduled.

Also I don't see him get along with tripe h and the McMahon either.
No. Steiner is past his prime. Waaaaaaaaay past his prime. With Booker T I would say he is past his prime but he is a hell of a lot better then Steiner. Steiner can hardly move due to his back. If Steiner wasn't so focused on having that body of his I would gladly welcome him back as he would still be able to move and wrestle better then he does now. Also I doubt Big Poppa Pump wants to come back to the WWE seeing as how his last run didn't go so well.

At least with Booker T the man can still put on decent matches and cut good promos ( aside from his recents ones in TNA where you hardly understand him ). Booker T would be a good addition back to the WWE roster where I don't feel Scott Steiner would be a good one at all.
If he does return to the wwe I really don't see anything for him to do.
i completely agree. even tho he still do a belly to belly pretty nicely and even tho he still has his top rope frankensteiner and top rope torture rack drop thingie....i dont believe there is any room at all for him in wwe. too many up and comers who need not get pushed to the side for the likes of big poppa pump. he's slower then he used to be and his spark is non existent. no one cares about him anymore. booker t on the other hand, some still care about. even if steiner went to wwe solely to push younger talent he still wouldnt make a big impact. he should retire or manage in tna.
damn I hope not!
He bores me to hell. His run in the WWE was painful, specially that fued with HHH. Pose, arm bar contests leading to that bore feast at royal rumble and worst..a rematch at NWO. He`ll do no good to WWE. Only good thing is the entrance music but I`ll pass. Booker one the other hand, I`m all for.
Not to mention that Steiner has burned an amazing amount of bridges with the WWE, calling out Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Stephanie McMahon, Ric Flair (who is too respected in the WWE locker room), and the WWE in general. Plus, the WWE really had nothing for him once he had those awful matches with Triple H, with him going down to the midcard. He teamed with Test and had a debate with Chris Nowinski. I assume that in the case that he actually would want to go back to the WWE, it would be as enhancement to let younger guys get over.

With all of his health problems he's had though, I realistically cannot see him wrestling too much longer anyway to begin with. He wouldn't be able to keep up with the WWE schedule as it is.
Yeah, this won't be happening. If it does, I'll be shocked out of my mind. Exactly what in the blue hell would the WWE want with Scott Steiner right now? Maybe some one-off angle, but as a full-time wrestler? I just don't imagine that ever happening in the WWE again.

He wouldn't be bad in the WWE, though that's coming from a Steiner mark. He's obviously well past his prime, but he's not entirely useless, he can still put on an entertaining brawl of hardcore match.
If this happens, I'll be stunned. Do you remember his stuff in 2004? It was just terrible. He got booed out of the building even as a face. He's just too freaking muscled to be able to do anything at all and it's hampered his career so much. He needs to just retire or have one of the most dramatic gimmick/appearence changes in recorded history. Him in the WWE would be a waste of a contract and money.
I think WWE has learned their lesson from the old days. I don't know if this is Scott Steiner himself putting this garbage out there to try and drum up publicity for a possible return to WWE or what, but he won't be brought back for the same reason Kevin Nash won't be brought back-- they are too injury prone, they aren't dependable, and their workrate absolutely sucks.

It was just reported that Nash's contract is up for renewel soon and he stated he has no plans to return to WWE ... obviously because WWE has zero interest in him.

People say I don't compliment Vince McMahon enough. Take note because I am about to right here. Vince has clearly learned from his past mistakes in bringing in injury-prone talent. I know that isn't much of a compliment, but I compliment Vince when he deserves to be complimented and I give him static when he doesn't. Calling things right down the middle.
No way Scott can handle the demands of the WWE sched. If they bring back any old head it should be Kevin Nash just so he can have one more run with SM and HHH. Maybe Scott can come back and mange some young talent.
seriously, after Booker goes back, the last thing WWE needs to do is sign anymore old guys. They are essentially useless to wwe and its be a waste of time n money. WWE needs to get back to doing what they do best and that is making stars. Fire all the writters, get somw new wuns, sign some legit talent (mic and ring skills) and mold them into stars. Thats what made them as successful as they are now. For all u attitude era fans, thats really wut that era was about making new stars. Booker is the last old talent that should be signed by wwe.
I like Scott Steiner a lot but a return to WWE would be a bad choice for him. His last WWE stint was easily forgotten, and this time could be even worse. He made it a habit of his to just badmouth pretty much everything having to do with WWE. He's 46 years old, and even though he can wrestle better than others would at his age, but he's not going anywhere if he ever were to return.

If you put all that aside, and WWE and Scott Steiner does reach an agreement, surprisingly. I say he should go to Smackdown. ECW would do absolutely nothing for his ego. He's be there to put over people, but I'm sure he'd get tired of that after a few too many losses. Raw still has Triple H, and now John Cena and Randy Orton are bigger stars now, compared to when Steinter was last in the WWE. Plus, he would probably put a damper in other mid card pushes, such as Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, M.V.P., Mark Henry, Chris Masters, etc. So, Smackdown would be my choice. He could fued with the likes of Batista, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, John Morrison, Finlay, etc.

But, that doesn't matter because I'm sure that Scott Steiner and WWE will most likely never reach any type of agreement resulting in a return.
We have a main eventer muscly man that none of us like in Batista, I actually see zero point in bringing Scott Steiner back to WWE. It just wouldn't work, where would he go? Surely new talent should be made, not get old old old talent who won't put people over.
i wouldn't be surprised if steiner just retired. all the reports say he can barely move in everyday life because of his back and it takes him a good 5-10 minutes just to get into a car seat. how is he going to be able to wrestle even on a part-time basis?

and i don't think he would add anything as a manager either. he just isn't that great personality wise to be able to pump up someone else.
No, Steiner should not return to WWE. Seriously, if he came back, would anybody really care? I mean if he pops up one night on any one of WWE's shows, it's not like he's going to get a, "holy shit Scott Steiner is back!" type of pop anyway, and I doubt anyone is going to be marking out like crazy at home watching. Does anybody remeber Steiner's last run in WWE? It was horrible. His two matches with HHH for the WHC at Royal Rumble 2003 and No Way Out were some of the worst matches I've ever seen. At Royal Rumble, Steiner was supposed to be the face, but the crowed booed the shit out of him, and cheered HHH because he botched a couple of moves, and kept doing suplex after suplex. And his feud with Test was mediocre at best. So no, Steiner shouldn't come back to WWE. He should either have a small send-off with TNA or just retire.
It was just reported that Nash's contract is up for renewel soon and he stated he has no plans to return to WWE ... obviously because WWE has zero interest in him.

He said exactly the opposite a couple of weeks ago. I expect Nash will return to the WWE for a short time. Steiner though? Not a chance in hell, absolutely no way. He can't work, he's fucking crazy, he's gone out of his way to piss off the McMahons and SHHHovel and I somehow doubt he'd get past the wellness test. Steiner is the last person in the wrestling world the WWE would want back.
The only possible use I can see for Steiner in the WWE would be as a suprise Royal Rumble entrant. And I think for a ten-minute Rumble run that they'd rather use Flair, RVD, Austin, Dusty Rhodes, Steamboat, Ted Dibiase Sr., Mean Gene Okerlund, Jonathan Coachman, Jesse Ventura, Rikishi, Prince "Shave your back" Albert, Paul Heyman, Eric Bischoff, Donald Trump, Jim Cornette, Shane McMahon, or frankly any name that they have a decent relationship with and respect for.
i don't see steiner back in the WWE i mean he had shitty promos and shitty matches and when he was in there the last time he was getting tested for steroids like every week and when he went back to TNA he looked a lot bigger then when he was in the
WWE so they would test him a lot more then the last time he should just retire and sit on the sidelines or maybe manage somebody
I do not think this will nor should happen here is why:

First off Scott is nowhere near the top of his game and it is time for him to retire and I think he knows that too. And second I see nothing for him in the WWE. He would be out of place in ECW so not there he would be worth nothing to Raw so not there and maybe he could get a spot in SD but I do not see much for him there other then managing young talent witch I can't see him doing so I would like him in WWE as a manager for the hart dynasty but he will not go for that I think when he leaves TNA it will be the last we see of Scotty
Scott Stiener won't come back. His body is just way too damaged and the demanding schedule, even if reduced is just way too much for him to handle. His back is completely shot and I'm sure he doesn't want to retire, but he'd just end up destroying himself even more if he went back. His last run in the WWE wasn't really good at all, but I think it'd be worse if he came back now.
If he returned to the WWE, it would ultimately end in the same way as last time:

It's bad enough he is wrestling at all with so much pain, even though TNA has a better scheduling. If he was in WWE though, he'd probably get his career taken away from him completely by competing on such a regular basis. However, I think if Scott had to choose TNA or WWE, if he was smart - which, unfortunately, he is not; it'd be best on choosing TNA if he wanted to keep his career still in check - no matter how limited.
You know what the very, very sad thing about Scott Steiner is? He screwed himself on his whole wrestling career. When he decided that he wanted to have the "largest arms in the world" and he became the "Big, Bad, Booty Daddy," his career went down the toilet. Sure, he said some funny things and his gimmick was pretty good. But, ultimately, that will only get you so far and will not take you to a long, illustrious career as say a Michaels or HHH.

You see, Steiner hasnt had a decent match since about 95/96'. (IMO) That is what is really sad. This man USED to be one of the most solid wrestlers to watch in any ring. For all of you youngsters out there, go out and rent you a WCW event from the early 90's or WWF event from 92-93. You will see a solid performance from one Scotty Steiner. I truly feel he could still have a much better career if he hadn't fallen in love with the 'roids. (Please dont tell me that you think that his physique his all-natural.)

So in closing, McMahon wouldnt give this guy a chance unless he did it just to bury him for good. WHich, knowing McMahon, could very well happen!!
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

sorry scott put when its your time to retire its just your time. loved alot of the work you did but some time you have to hang up the boots.

hahahaha all-natural hahahaha you have got to be the stupidest person in the world to think that
I don't think Scott would come back to the WWE.

For one, he doesn't have the best working relationship with this company anymore. He has burned one too many bridges that should still be standing today. Secondly, I don't think he has the ability to keep up with the WWE. He is very injury prone, plus he is getting older and I just don't think those large muscles and older body can do it anymore. Plus, his run back in 02-04 in the WWE wasn't really that great, if you remember.

So all in all, I don't think he should or will return to the WWE. Maybe it's time for the Big Bad Booty Daddy to hang up his boots.
I hope not!

I'm a Steiner fan, and have been for many a year.

But again, his last run in the WWE was just terrible. If he did go back, what would he do?

The only possible thing that I think might work would be to keep his team with Booker T intact, thus reducing his in-ring time. Even then, though designed to make the Main Even Mafia look powerful, it is quite obviously put together to give Steiner a break. But I think him and the WWE just aren't suited.

At least in TNA he still means something.

So I would for a no to Steiner in WWE, it has the high potential of being awful.

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