Scott Steiner: Bitter Without A Cause


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I just finished an article on Scott Stiener's recent Twitter postings RE: TNA, etc, and it got me thinking, just how bitter is this guy and what really does he have to be so angry about ?

Steiner has been brutal towards TNA booking, etc. Regardless of wether you think they have done a good or bad job overall lately in that area, Steiner never once has thanked or acknowledged in anyway the fact that TNA even gave him a job to begin with, when apparently no one else in the wrestling industry was willing to do so.

Steiner has attacked Eric Bischoff, calling him an "idiot" among other things, particularly for praising Ric Flair at a TV production meeting as a "two time HOF'er". OK, even if you think Bischoff is a bit of a hypocrite RE: Flair given their well known issues in the past, has Steiner ever publicly acknowledged the fact that EZ E gave him the biggest push and contract extension he ever had during his "Big Poppa Pump" heyday with the NWO in the late 90s ? Breaking up the Steiners Bros Tag Team, having Scott turn heel, creating the whole "Poppa Pump" persona, joining the NWO, who was behind all that, wasnt it Bischoff ? Certainly the huge contract he got in 1998 was spearheaded by Bischoff. Has Steiner ever publicly acknowledged this ?

Steiner rants excessively on Flair & Hogan, almost to the point of obsession. I dont think Brett Hart ranted on the Montreal Screwjob as much. My first question is why, Hogan was a major force creatively in WCW when Steiner got his big push & payday, if Hogan was against him why did he get pushed to the moon in 98-99 ? Flair on the other hand had almost no stroke with Bischoff during that time so he certainly wasnt holding him back. Steiner got his break in the industry thanks to Flair, who pitched him hard to WCW management as a favor to Rick Steiner. It seems to me these guys did far more to make his career than they ever did to hurt it.

Steiner goes off on Triple H, HBK, & Vince McMahon almost as often as he does on Flair & Hogan. Never any mention of the fact that Vince hired him TWICE to work for him (also, if the first stint didnt go as well as Steiner would have liked whose fault was that, Flair, Hogan, HHH, Bischoff, none of them were involved with WWE during that time, hardly if at all). Steiner was pushed into the main events and put over heavily on WWE TV when he returned for is last stint almost immediately.

I get that maybe he thinks his career should have been bigger and better appreciated than it was, though he certainly had a good career by any measure. I get where maybe he's jealous of Flair, Hogan, HHH, all of whom have surpassed him in national recognition and in ring success. At some point though shouldnt you give credit where it's due, and isnt some of your failures your own fault, regardless of who you worked with or how you were booked ? Hogan has had his differences with Flair & McMahon but has repeatedly put them over for different things (McMahons work ethic, dedication, creative success, role in internationalizing WWE, Flair for his work ethic, dedicatoin, in ring performances, etc). Flair, despite his differences with Bischoff has given him credit for much of WCW's mid to late 90s success and praised him as an on air character. HBK has come out and praised Brett Hart for his work and given him credit for helping to make him into a main event star through their feuds and matches. Even Hart, who would seem to have more reason to be bitter about the wrestling industry than Steiner ever had, has backtracked on much of his venom towards his HBK & Flair, as well as Vince McMahon.

My point is, these guys seem to have had much more legitimate gripes than Steiner could have with anyone he lamblasts (what did HBK ever do to him for crying out loud, Steiner talks about him as a worthless wimp, for what??), yet they manage to admitt publicly the good these guys have done, sometimes grudgingly, for the industry or in some cases their own careers. Hogan may come across as arrogant but he has heaped praise of guys like Andre, Flair, & Vince over the years for the impact they had on his success for instance. Steiner apparently is too much of a child to do the same.

What are your thoughts ? Does Steiner have legitimate reason to gripe about HHH & HBK, to overlook how much Bischoff, Flair, and even Hogan contributed to his scuccess ? I think he's an overrated blow hard myself who is too immature to realize his own role in whatever failings he thinks he has. What are your thoughts ?
steiner (much like shane douglas) have little to rant about.... They rant for the same reason you're posting this... They want to get noticed, get attention and most imporantly GET A JOB... The money isn't rolling in for Scott Steiner right now (just like douglas) and since WWE isn't knocking, nor is TNA, they decide to do something to garner attention... They bitch and moan and try to start a media frenzy... Shane douglas did that by attemption to hijack a raw (and failing miserably and sadly at it)... Scott Steiner did it by bashing Flair (and others) on twitter... He's literally just trying to get attention because the only other alternative is to go back to indies or get a real job... neither of which would make him happy..
Like a poster above said Shane Douglas immediately came to my mind when I saw what Steiner was saying. he really doesn't have any reason to be bitter. I had said in another thread that Steiner was a tad on the overrated side later in his career, and really should be happy he has gone on this long. He probably didn't do well with his money, and now that no one wants him he is trying anything to get attention. Its really sad to see how bitter these guys get when their career is finished. I say the same thing about pro sports players that can't just retire gracefully, and end up going to another team and making fools of themselves. I myself can't wait until the day comes where I don't have to work anymore, and I can just relax and enjoy my family. What is it with sports stars and wrestler that they can't just step away and enjoy life?
Like a poster above said Shane Douglas immediately came to my mind when I saw what Steiner was saying. he really doesn't have any reason to be bitter. I had said in another thread that Steiner was a tad on the overrated side later in his career, and really should be happy he has gone on this long. He probably didn't do well with his money, and now that no one wants him he is trying anything to get attention. Its really sad to see how bitter these guys get when their career is finished. I say the same thing about pro sports players that can't just retire gracefully, and end up going to another team and making fools of themselves. I myself can't wait until the day comes where I don't have to work anymore, and I can just relax and enjoy my family. What is it with sports stars and wrestler that they can't just step away and enjoy life?

its not that they (sports stars) can't step away and enjoy life... The problem comes when the millions of dollars they used to get are done, and they are instead left with thousands in mortage payment's cars etc... Most of these atheletes get all these millions of dollars when they are young and a large number of them do not have a full college degree... If they make 10k a week they'll spend 11 k a week, and finally when their bodies are done and they can't play at a high level, that money dissapears leaving them with nothing... They don't have a skill set that job employers are looking for, and really who wants to go from multi million dollar contracts to 35k a year somewhere...

No offense but I hate fans like you that think its wrong for a wrestler or sports star to "sully" their reputation by playing long after you feel they should've retired... Who are you to tell them to hang up their boots... For all you know they love the game (whether its wrestling or any sport) and will play as long as they can... Their choice.. You as a fan can feel bad that they're reduced to arena leagues or indy matches, but if they love the business they can do what they want...

That having been said though, mismanagement of money is something that a lot of athletes and former wrestlers end up going through (and is touched upon in some biographies of wrestlers, most notably one of foley's) who think that money is going to keep coming and so they spend and spend and spend instead of save... I don't know if its the case but it sure looks like Shane Douglas and Scott Steiner might fall into this category as they've burned bridges that should not have been burned and are doing ANYTHING to get back and get those paychecks again.
I just think Steiner overrates himself and believes that he should have been givn more respect and opportunities when in fact he has had an extremely successful career and has been a big name in the industry far longer than most.

He has been going for over 20 years, been a World Champion in WCW, is regarded as one of the best tag-team competitors of all time, and been a headliner in both WCW and WWE, as well as doing pretty well in TNA when he is far past his prime. Steiner was past his best when he was in WWE in 2002-3, and that is nearly a decade ago now. I am surprised that Steiner can still compete at all, as he was a physical wreck back then, I never expected him to still be wrestling nearly 10 years later.

I can't really understand his hatred of Ric Flair, when Steiner was on top in WCW it wasn't like Flair was being booked above him. Flair was treated like shit at that time by Bischoff, so badly that it ruined his confidence as he says in his book. Even when Scott came back to WWE, he was immediately booked in the main event with HHH, which again puzzles me as to why he is so bitter about WWE as well. He didnt take the chance given to him, had shit matches and was moved down the card. It was his own fault.

Maybe the steroids have finally wrecked his mind. I love Scott Steiner, and think his interviews are hilarious, but he doesn't make much sense alot of the time.
Maybe the steroids have finally wrecked his mind. I love Scott Steiner, and think his interviews are hilarious, but he doesn't make much sense alot of the time.

When a wrestler gets to the point where their nonsensical ramblings and blow ups are the main draw, you know shit is going downhill real fast.

Thats where Steiner was in TNA. Sure he had some good matches, but he was forced into tag matches because he could only go 10 minutes before he looked like he was going to literally explode. From there his most memorable moments where his backstage interviews where he just went insane at the micrphone. It was funny, but it was sad at the same time because we were looking at one of the great wrestlers, having their minds turned into mush before our very eyes.

Im very surprised he was in TNA as long as he was. Then even sent him to India to help build their new franchise over there. I mean he was given a fairly decent run for someone who cant wrestle for anymore than 10 minutes and who is in the twilight of their career.

I don't know. It seems to me that a lot of what he's saying has merit, and what he's saying has less to do with him personally, and more to do with what he's seen guys like Hogan and Bishcoff do to the business.

- sees the same things happening in TNA since they arrived that he saw in WCW
- ratings have dropped and he's worried that it's going to be difficult to bring back the fans they've driven away
- uses an example of a PPV in Nashville (TNA country), where they gave away a bunch of free tickets, and still only drew 2,500-3000 for the show, yet they don't seem concerned
- he feels the business in North America is better with more than one major company, and he's worried the Hogan/Bischoff combo is going to once again ruin the viable #2
- they've blocked access to Dixie Carter for the talent, and reprimand anyone who manages to speak with her. Says she has no idea what's going on in her own company as a result
- the push of Garret Bischoff is something that isn't working, and cites the David Flair push in WCW as being the same thing
- feels that Hogan buries TNA talent on radio interviews, such as Roode, Styles and Angle, and then sheepishly backs down when confronted about it. Funny story about Hogan refusing to come into the lockerroom until Angle says they're good after he'd gone on about Angle and his family on the radio... and Angle not giving Hulk the time of day.

Maybe he's been saying more stuff I haven't seen, but he isn't coming across as a bitter old guy to me. He's coming across as someone who doesn't like what he's seeing happen, has been through this once before, and isn't willing to just sit idly by and let history repeat itself.
Everyone has their issues with Hogan from wrestlers to fans but at the end of the day you still respect him. Steiner needs to let go. He is of no interest to fans anymore. Hogan still is and always will be. I put it down to one thing....

It's funny that people are saying Scott is jealous and is overrated. He has not once said that he is better than the other people. He is just claiming that People like Flair and Hogan need to let it go. Is he better then Hogan all around? No. is he a better wrestler or was a better wrestler? Yes, not even close. I mean in his rants he is just trying to put other talents over and don’t see him comparing himself other talents. I don’t understand why people are complaining. You’re ranting because he is ranting.
I look at it like this. Forget the jealousy argument. If Steiner has all these issues regarding Bischoff, Hogan, Flair and whoever else, then he should've never came back to the promotion last year. Then on top of that he ends up in the stable Immortal with all three men. Having those deep feelings he didn't seem to complain about working with any of them. Now I can't compare him to Shane Douglas; Shane continues to self advertise and do these indy shows or reunions for ECW. Its all the same, "Ric Flair is a dick" and all that. Whatever the issue is he has, Douglas really should let it go. I know that anyone whom he spews his shoots to could care less. For Steiner I would say the same thing. He's entitled to speak his mind. But how professional does it make him look to go on these tirades? If I were a promoter, I wouldn't want to book him or give him an offer.
Whenever I think of Steiner, bitter is the last thing that comes to mind. He's a straight shooter. He calls it as he sees it. If he has a problem with someone he says it. When I saw him cut up Flair on Nitro, I never laughed so hard in my life. It was hilarious and true. He calls out people on their bullshit, and that never bothers me.

I heard his comments on twitter read by some guy with a blog radio show. I heard two of them, the first that talked about the shit job Bischoff and Hogan were doing and the second where he responds to Hogan and talks about Hogan's daughter. I personally thought that going after Hogan's children was wrong. That being said, the rest I found it to be rather honest. TNA has had some bright moments with the coming of Bischoff/Flair and Hogan but they've been too few and too far between. TNA's ratings are in the toilet, their content isn't that great, and the lockerroom is less than pleased with the direction of the company (if I believe him, which I do). Their presence hasn't delivered the way a lot of people (including Bischoff and Hogan) thought it would.

If his complaints were without foundation, I could say he's completely wrong for making these statements and he's bitter. But they aren't. Flair, Hogan and Bischoff are political (always have been and always will be), keep talent down and are more about themselves than about what's best for business. Sometimes their ideas has helped their companies. Sometimes it has killed the promotions they have worked for, and it's killing TNA right now.

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