Scott Hall, WWC Champion

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The Brazilian Surprise
This was so sweet when I read it, my boy Scott Hall won the WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship the other night by defeating Carlito and Apollo. It's so awesome that he's wrestling again and that he's in good shape. Do you guys think Vinnie-Mac should pick him up since WWE is lacking major talent?
I'm glad to hear he won a world title and is back in the ring he is truly a great talent. Now, with that said he will not go back to the WWE. He is too much of a risk he has drug and alcohol demons and he has no showed on the WWE quite a few times and he is not one of the best locker room guys. I mean imagine him, HHH and HBK reforming the kliq in the lockeroom... it would be trouble. But if he is in decent shape and can wrestle again I would see him in TNA with Nash reforming the Outsiders... Imagine them feuding with The Dudleyz or whatever there caled now. It would be very interesting!
I saw images of Scott Hall at the WWC show and let me note how shocked I am to see how quickly he lost alot of the excessive weight and got into somewhat decent shape.

With how desperate TNA seems to be for "star power", I wouldn't doubt they would bring back Scott Hall and could care less about his bad reputation. This is why, like previously said, the WWE wouldn't bring back Scott Hall because it would be a huge risk. One day he could be a very good business man in decent shape, and the next day he could be very pissed drunk and completely out of shape. Since his 2002 WWE departure, Scott Hall has been doing that alot... getting out of shape, getting into shape, getting out of shape and so on.

Despite that I'm a huge fan of his, Scott is past his prime and is old and also add his bad reputation; he's not worth taking chances on anymore.
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A bit of a risk for WWE to re-sign a guy with such a history of troubles and "personal demons," especially at a time when WWE is probably more concerned about their image than ever before.

Having said that, nothing ventured, nothing gained. What's the worst case scenario? He goes back on the booze, gets fat again, starts no-showing events again, and he gets released again. No real damage done to WWE, and he's burned his bridges for the final time.

Best case scenario? He keeps his shit together for a while, which has potential to be interesting in some form of interaction with HHH and HBK. A natural feud between him and Carlito who he accuses of being a cheap rip-off of Razor Ramon. Possibly even lures Nash back to WWE (I don't know how dedicated he is to TNA or what his contract situation may be).

WWE has gone out on a limb for people before. They have given Marty Jannetty multiple second chances, which didn't really work out, but they were willing to try. They reincarnated Tatanka, they were willing to bring Golddust back a while ago, Jim Duggan is still kicking around, etc., I've not seen any recent pictures or have not seen him wrestle in a really long time, but assuming he's in reasonable shape and able to go, why not?
Does anybody have a link to any of the WWC pictures? I'm a big Hall fan and I'm really curious to see what he looks like now, the last pictures I saw of him he was 300+ pounds and it brought a tear to my eye :(
I hope Scott Hall at very least makes another run in TNA. He is one of the best on the mic and he and Nash are classic when they get going. C'mon TNA could use what star power The Outsiders have left...hell they brought back The Steiner Bros.....
Wow, he looks a lot better than before. He needs to grow the stubble back, though.. looks really weird clean shaven.
I must say, Scott Hall looks in pretty good shape compared to what he was a couple months ago, glad to see it. However, he's done in the WWE, there is no point to bring him back. You're going to have all the big names returning from injury shortly, and it will be just to crammed for him to be in there.

TNA is probably going to look at him, especially if they are trying to cement a two hour deal somewhere, like it or not, he's a name, and he might be able to draw still.

I find it interesting to see Razor Ramon vs. Razor Ramon 2005.
wow, Hall looks pretty damn good compaired to the last time I saw pics of him. He needs some facial hair and some ab defination but wow. Majot improvment.

I'm a HUGE fan of his and I'd love to see him back in WWE or TNA even but I doubt thats going to happen, too risky. Bummer.

Reguardless, I'm jazzed to see him looking decent.
Awesome to see Scott Hall in great shape...and congrats to him winning the WWC title! He's always had some success in Puerto Rico...guess the Ricans love "The Bad Guy".

Anyways, Scott Hall is my favourite wrestler, and one of the few that I'll mark for. TNA is his best option, as it gives him the flexibility (schedule-wise) to spend more time with his children, which is more important, IMHO.
Hey Yo!

Everytime I hear that I mark the fuck out. I went to a Thunder taping one and when he said that I went "YEAHHHHH!" hella loud and you could actually hear it on T.V. He's hands down my favorite wrestler/persona of all time.

I don't see why he wouldn't do a stint in TNA once again. They tape T.V. once or twice a month and do a PPV. Plus it's based in Florida where I think he lives so it's at least driving distance for him to get to the shows. I wouldn't be suprised to see him in WWE at some point though. After all, we do see Ron Simmons once a week saying "Damn!" The WWE talent pool is just so weak right now with the main eventers all being injured and out and the "future main eventers" all having less than 4 -5 years on the main rosters where they just haven't perfected their personas yet. Even in just a managerial capacity Scott Hall can be a major asset if only for a few months.

Anyway, he did lose A LOT of weight. Last I remember of him was him wearing a G-Unit shirt just looking like he came to terms with not wanting to wrestling anymore. I want to see him on t.v. no matter what.
Having Scott Hall back is awesome..The guy still oozes Machismo and I feel he is still better than half of the wrestlers out there today. Good start as having him WWC Universal Heavyweight Champ. Now would not be a good time for him to go back to the WWE. More likely after his title reign ends he should go back to TNA and reform the Outsiders with Kevin Nash.
Scott Hall is an amazing talent, loving the fact he came back, a classic wrestler. I just hope to see him perform on a major promotion again on a regular basis.
I'm a WWE fan but if he were to go for WWE or TNA, then TNA is his best bet for reasons others have stated. It's close work and it's less work. Scott is older now and probably doesn't want to return to a full time wrestling schedule but have the occasional match.

Reuniting with Nash in TNA would be huge IMO and a better impact he would make rather than going to WWE. If he went to WWE, he would be used to put over John Cena and get released shortly thereafter.
That makes me extremely happy. Scott Hall returning.. Is to me, as Bret Hart returning would be to one of his biggest fans. I hope Scott makes a good run this time. I really don't think he'll have another good run if he doesn't take advantage of it. But then again.. I thought the same thing in 2002.. So who knows? By the way.. All the crap talking is not necessary. Be happy for a wrestling icon.
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