school SUCKS


SFAC official slave
my stupid social studies teacher gave me a D on a big part of my grade! this is my first D ever and its pissing me off. And my conferences are tomorrow.:crucified: im sad....
You think school is bad, wait 'till you get to college. I dunno what the equivelant is in America, but it's so much longer. The amount of work I get is stupid.

A D isn't the end of the world. Just improve it..
I just wanna lay in bed all day and watch my wrestling DVDs until i fall asleep. If i were in college i would want death to claim me. At least i still get half days. But my school is so stupid. i want to bomb it.
I have my first D since sixth grade this year...damn you Chemistry. Makes me want to claw my eyes out whenever I see it.

Flames Out
Eventually you may get to a level of education where a D is actually a good, or at least respectable, grade. Truthfully it's been my experience that as long as you do respectable work in school the grades you received will be mostly meaningless in the "real world". Either way its not the end of the world. Sorry to hear bout it I guess, but for all I know you deserved it.
I wish you luck in all your future endeavors ;)
Wait! D's are bad? . . . . . . . . I guess I failed at school then.

Meh! Since I've left school I've come to realize that it was alright really.
A few things

Santino44, you are not married
A D isn't a big thing, just work harder.
Don't threaten to bomb the school
I love Rock n' Roll
I have no idea.......But they're from Colorado and it happened like 10 years ago.
A D at 13 will be as important as a scratch you got from falling off a bike 6 years ago. In that, it won't even matter. Still, that's pretty disappointing that you could get a D in a 'social studies' class.

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