School Buses taken off the road


Ok, so I found out today that ALL of the school buses on my island are being taken off the roads tomorrow because a few were inspected today and somthing is really out of date. So now, EVERY KID on the island that took a bus (thousands I might add) have to find a new way to school, and most probably won't. What i don't understand is, what could they have possibly found on a few buses that was so out of date, and why wasn't this noticed on past inspections? Has it been that long since buses were inspected?

I'm not bumping this, I just wanna see if editing bumpes or not...
I haven't been to a public school in about 4 years now, but from what I remember they were disgusting. Not bad enough to take them off the road but still not something i wanted to be in. Around Lexington there are literally 10s of thousands of people that would be out of a ride, which is totally unfair to the parents. A lot of them are at work and can't stop everything to go to a school. As for the reasoning, sounds to me like an easy excuse to not have to pay gasoline bills for awhile for the school systems.
That sucks, but school buses are pretty bad. Broken seat belts (not that any sane kid would put them on if they were fixed), trash everywhere, broken windows, no heat or AC, ripped seats, etc, etc.

Still it's impossible for everyone to get to school without buses.

Flames Out
One of the bus companies in St. Paul, MN was employing unlicensed bus drivers to save money. Maybe something similar happened here and they are checking out the whole company.

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