Say something nice about WWE.


Pre-Show Stalwart
for all the bad press wrestling and wwe gets all the time this is a thread for the good they do:

have not seen any other thread on this subject. it is time to give recognition and credit for good stuff wrestling, wwe and individual wrestlers do. normally unreported.

armed forces - wwe always puts on shows in afghanistan and iraq around christmas. in addition there are always uniformed members in attendance at the shows. the us is very good at looking after their forces, the wwe is no exception.

make a wish - wwe and its superstars are always active with this organisation.

please add good deeds you know of by the business, thanks
How about the most important one?

Making people smile?

Alot of people are saying WWE is going downhill with there story lines and such, but they are still drawing in pretty big crowds and gettin gd cable ratings.

There are still managing to make most of there fans smile, which is the best thing, and what they are been paid to do
I've been playing around with the idea for this thread for a while now.

I'm always hearing in these forums when somebody mentions something bad in WWE something along the lines of "Well what do you expect, it's WWE." As if it's just a given that WWE is just crap in general. I see a lot of WWE bashing, even from WWE fans. Now I will admit right up front, WWE does have their flaws, but what wrestling organization past or present does/didn't?

Now I'm not even a WWE supremecist, I actually also happen to be a big TNA fan, but the thing is, it seems like WWE fans are quicker to bash WWE than TNA fans are to bash TNA. But there's gotta be something people generally like about WWE that makes it the number one brand in sports entertainment. So I thought it would be interesting to hear what people have to say that's good about WWE and I was inspired by the love for wrestlers thread to finally go through with this one.

For my WWE compliment, I'm gonna say that I generally like their announce teams. And while this doesn't have to, nor do I encourage this to be a TNA comparison thread, I like WWE's announce teams better than TNA's. Don West and Mike Tenay oversell everything that happens like everything is such a big deal, and they're way too biased in favor of the faces, the both of them.

I'd say my favorites from each announce team in WWE are Joey Styles, JR, and JBL. Their partners I can take or leave. Styles is just plain entertaining to listen to, and very knowledgeable about the moves and holds. JR has a passion for the business and simply knows what he's talking about. JBL is also extremely knowledgeable and puts over the heels and faces pretty much equally. Sure, he's got a bit of a heel tint to his commentary, but for the most part he's pretty balanced. So although on the other two teams I favor the non-wrestler, he actually makes it work and uses his first-hand knowledge of wrestling to put forth a lot of good commentary.

So what does everyone else like about WWE? Come on, it's ok, you can tell us...

EDIT: Sorry for posting something new when there was already a thread on the subject. I thought I was being innovative, haha.
This should be on the spam zone i think....

But one good thing about WWE is: Thanks to them, we can have a good time right here at the forums! ;)
No, really, i think we have to thank WWE for countless hours of "unhealthy" entertainment, I dont know if it would be the same to watch UFC 3 times a week, plus one PPV every month. Kuddos to creative, whom despite the lack of ideas most of the times, they always find a way to "rise from the dead".
btw, we are still waiting..
Hmm, well this thread is a month old, and has 4 responses.

I'll give it a holler.

The WWE can be bad ass at times. It needs to die and come back again and be the dominate force it once was. I can't say too many nice things about the company. I hate the direction they are going in, I hate the mindless rants called promos, I hate the matches they have with limited move sets and bad storylines.

All that being said, even though I don't watch, I'm still hooked to the product enough to where I read what happens next. I cant make a clean break from it, because you know you'll miss the birth of something great when you walk away, like I did in 95-96.

The wrestling business is cyclical, and we are in a very bad down cycle, but the WWE is a source of good entertainent when they hit on all cylinders, (and don't have worthless writers that watch the Soap Network in their freetime.)
no matter how many things you can say bad about the WWE, its still above TNA's little hineys and its on top. and the most important of all, all of the good memories WWE has left behind for all of us fans who have been faithful to watching it or just watching it because we were bored. I still watch the WWE because i have since i was a little boy and i grew up on some of the older talent, if they had a hall of fame for fans, im in there along with many many others because thats how amazed we were and sometimes still are.
Something good is that the WWE can be very addicting to some fans such as myself, despite how much some fans such as myself think the product has fallen in the recent years.

The multimedia and merchandising is awesome. The action figures are awesome these days and the Classic Superstars that are released. The video games are probably the greatest fighting/sports games ever which no matter what, they are always best sellers. The DVD's are excellent. They release three disc sets with an hour long biography on a wrestler and five more hours of matches and segments covering majority of a wrestlers career in one set. Better yet, the prices are reasonable, unlike ordinary DVD box sets of Hollywood films or television shows.

I also can't believe no one mentioned WWE 24/7. The price is very reasonable (only $8/month) to relive classic PPV's and old shows we once watched of Raw Is War and Monday Night Nitro.

Also, the WWE gives opportunities to new names, unlike what WCW and what TNA is currently doing (depending on older names from else where in the upper card scene to carry their promotion). Everyday there's new names coming in (and sometimes goes out). Without giving opportunities to new names, guys such as Ken Kennedy, MVP, etc would be nothing.
well i i do hate how stale and bad it is nowadays, i like WWE more than TNA but latley i look forward to thursdays A LOT more than mondays, tuesdays, and fridays =/

but anyway, ive always liked WWE, started watching about 95-96, loved them, ive done pretty much everything i can to see past matches also, and even though WWE is in a really bad shape today, i cant stop watching, i dont wanna miss the moment something big happens and they start getting on the right path again, nothing feels better then that XD

i just hope WWE gets out of this hell whole soon
Hmmm..something good about the current WWE?? Let me think. It keeps me entertained on Monday night's when it isn't football season.

Um. This is very tough because right now WWE is so terrible there isn't many great things to say about them. But it has gave us alot of fun times and great memories but now it's pathetic. I won't ever quit watching full time. Ive been hooked since I was 5 years old and don't want to miss if something huge happens. WWE it entertains me rather its in a bad way or good way. I'll either have something to praise about a show or somethin I'll bash continuisly. Vince and the crew have gave me alot of great memories from the past but right now it's bad.

I also get to see great young talent in the making. WWE has alot of stars that could be pretty big in the future but they aren't booked right. I could bash them about this but since im suppose to be saying something good. I won't. But the best thing has to be all the great memories it has gave me.
They have lots of flashy fireworks? That's quite entertaining I guess...

But in all seriousness, I do like the production quality itself. It's always well lit and the camera work is fantastic, you almost never get a bad shot. The production crew itself churn out a VERY slick end result.
WWE is pretty much garbage right now and the ratings prove it; despite the report that there was a ratings glitch. The best thing about WWE I can think of right now is the memories from the past. I think back to when Stone Cold Steve Austin sprayed the McMahons with beer and cry, longing for the good old days. Partially because it reminded me of when I was younger and life was easier to deal with. I remember Mankind in the hospital with Vince McMahon introducing Socko , which I laughed about. I thank WWE for letting me see guys like Rock, Austin, HHH, Undertaker, Mankind and others because they provided me with memories that I will never forget. I dont want to start bashing anyone now, but with Cena as WWE Champion, it doesnt appear that I will be enjoying the WWE product for a long time if ever again.
Say Something Nice about wwe? I guess i can.....But i can say a lot more about wwf but wwe? hmmmm well there main pay-per-views always impress me like summerslam survivor series WM and Royal Rumble ..I always enjoy watching the Rumble. But I think a lot more people can say that the attitude era and the 80s and early 90s were better than now
something nice about WWE? umm..
WWE has given me (and the other viewers) some excellent matches that have entertained me. They have also brought up wrestlers that become household names, Ask some one that doesnt watch wrestling and they will still be able to mention at least three names for instance Hulk Hogan Stone Cold and the Rock.
if it wasnt for wrestling i would also be bored with my spare time because when i have nothing else to do i will sit there for hours watching the same WWE DVDs over and over again so fore some entertaining PPV's i thank you WWE
They make great dvds such as the new ladder match dvd which is simply amazing and 3 discs with Stampede, WCW, WWF and WWE matches all of which are variation on the ladder match some of the best ever such as

HBK vs Bret Hart - many think its the first ladder match ever but it isn't classic match with good ring chemistry. Too bad they hate each other because they compliment each other well.

HBK vs Razor Ramon - Their second ladder match from Survivor Series 90 somethin. Great great match!

TLC #1 #2 and by god #3!!

Also some other goodies would by History of ECW, Monday Night Wars, Mick Foley's Greatest Hits and Misses, Hulk Hogan Anthology, and many more I am too tired to remember
They are doing the absolute right thing by slowly pushing Kennedy instead of shoving him down our throats.

Even though the product is not all that great right now, you still can't deny some of the things they did in the late 90's early 00's. Best time ever for wwe wrestling.
I love you wwe! is that nice enough? Nar, dnt really love em, but they are setting somethings up well and not over rushing things. Lets just hope that they get better ratings soon, and hopefully, ends the fregging brand extention, cos its gettin old
Actually, I think I speak for MANY people when I say if it weren't for the WWE, probably majority of us wouldn't be fans of professional wrestling. So I give credit for making me addicted not only to their own product but the entire industry. The changes made in the late 90's known as the "Attitude era" as well as the mid 80's in the "Federation Years"... two boom periods that attracted MANY fans into the industry which those fans eventually became interested in promotions such as WCW, ECW, TNA and indy feds.

I might sound like goo' ol' JR for this, but I love the industry with all my heart. With my strong dedication for about a decade and a half, I'm sure I would have used my money on all my 117 WWE/F action figures on something else, spent my time doing something else other than going out of my way weekly to watch all wrestling programs.

Also, after looking up to the athletes and always wanting to look like them and influencing me, I lost over 35 pounds & gained about 20 pounds in muscle in the past few years. Hardest thing I have ever done in my life but wanting to be like the athletes I idolized majority of my life really influenced me.

So what I'm trying to say is my life would be completely different in a way if it weren't for the WWE.

Even though things might not be in an "all time high" currently, I think all of us should be thankful for the good times, great memories....
ok here goes il thank the wwe for making entertainment for me and countless of other people around the world for what? like 100 years!?!?! what would america be without the wwe their wouldnt be a tna without the wwe the wwe helps orginazations and makes ppl smile and entertaind i admit bakc then it was baddass but my little borther never saw bret hart hogan rock stone cold angle jericho in action cena is like the rock is to us im happy he loves the bussines the wwe makes kids smile isnt that good enough ppl?
Alright. Here goes.

WWE, and in it's former incarnation, WWF, has provided years of entertainment for kids and adults of all ages. Wrestling, in general, has entertained for centuries, from the true contests of the past, to the current flat out entertainment genre.

WWE has, despite its problems, continued to entertain millions, and the wrestlers involved spend long, grueling hours on the road, away from families, to put on a show.

Young, rookie wrestlers often suffer hard periods of training, paltry salaries, and abuse from fans, while trying to break into a business where only a few succeed.

The WWE has brought smiles to the faces of dying make a wish kids, and entertained US and Allied troops abroad, often putting the wrestlers in personal danger.

WWE has given all of us fond memories of heroes vanquising villains, and, giving us the interesting mental puzzle of booing guys we, deep down, love to hate.

WWE has continued, in its own strange way, the sport of two guys battling face to face, with no weapons, just blood, sweat and tears. Although some of it may be scripted, we still watch, and will always watch, because we are fans, and, happily, totally hooked!

Lastly, Vince McMahon, who I have critisized like everyone else here, has dedicated almost his entire life and free time, towards a dream, building a company from the ground up, and living in the hell of corporate life. He has done it for profit, but a guy who is worth a billion and yet gets his ass willing kicked by large, muscle bound, often unstable men, just to make the fans happy, has to be in it for more than just money. Vince has dragged us to various levels of entertainment, from the funny, scary and bizzare to the controversal. And, it has been shown that he will defend us fans, in the media and elsewhere.

So, no matter how crazy or bad WWE may get, I'll remain a fan, and, deep down, I'll always be a mark, and lose myself during a big PPV, rooting for the guy I want to win, even though I know the outcome is planned. WWE has done that to us, and that's the best thing I can say. :)
I'll just say what basically everyone else has said, and that is that the WWE should be commended on their efforts with the Troops in Iraq. It shows a lot for the company if they are willing to fly crew and cameras and all the other million dollar equipment over to the American Troops, just to give them a two hour show and something to cheer about. That is maybe the one positive thing in an otherwise tasteless company, but it sure is a bright light. To give up storylines and all that stuff to fly over there really shows that they have support for what they do, and that's the first nice thing that pops into my head when thinking about the WWE.
One thing WWE has done great is Taker and Rey Mysterio. Forgive me but they finally give Taker the belt and god i cried they did something decent for once then they ruined it by having Shawn own Cena but have Cena win. Rey Mysterio hasnt been as good as he was but damn making him main event was the best move of their life. Also they seem to be doing okay with the US title all the champions have been good not a single bad one and Matt Hardy vs MVP feud man thats good. INFACT the US title currently is better than the World Heavyweight. GOD KHALI VS BATISTA, their going to need Batista to learn a new move set and carry Khali somehow not even God could do this in such a short time they have left untill SSlam
The wwe has had alot of bad attention, but i believe the drug testing is a positive step, christmas with the troops to, and the fact that they are elevating more workers then just chissled bodies (dont count khali cos it positive stuff so ill over look him), they just need to look focus on it raising that bar and get more workers in main events then just steroidle wrestlers who do nothing but make the brands look foolish
This is difficult for me, but I am making myself post in this thread. I would like to thank the WWE for the charity stuff they do, especially with the troops at Christmas.
And for employing Mr. Kennedy since he is basically the only guy on the roster I enjoy watching.
I would like to thank WWE for its overseas shows it presents for those who can't afford Pay Television. Being an Australian means due to timing, we miss many RAW & SD but thanks to its overseas relations, it allows for great viewing. I'd also like to thank WWE for entertaining me for the last 18 years of my life. I have been an avid fan since age 7 and still WWE feeds my wrestling addiction. What I dislike is the people who are in this area to badmouth the WWE in their own subtle way. They do a damn good job when it comes down to it... If you honestly feel that WWE can't do anything right, I have an easy answer for you: stop watching & get over yourselves and the thoughts that you believe you could do better. I love my WWE (and ROH) and what it has presented to me over the years.
WWE/WWF - Dont just say those name and start bashing or with the nice comments. Just put you're concentration and mind on the word WWE/WWF...don't you think it just stands for greatness and what this company has done to us people over the past decades. How dare someone say WWE sucks how dare you...You'r insulting the all time greatets professinal wrestlers company.

Hulk Hogan
Andre the Giant
Jimmy fly Snuka
The Undertaker
The rock
Stone Cold
HHH and may more LEGENDS.

And most importantly Mr.Mac who without you wouldnt have enjoyed your childhood or your life now.

People say WWE is going to die and TNA is the shit and stuff. But WWE is something to great and to LEGENDARY to die. WWE is the wreslting sport just like NFL is for american football just like FIFA is for football and just like NBA is for Basketball. It's something with a great past something to LEGENDARY something to GREAT something the chairman invented that changed the world ofr the past decades. SO THANK YOU WWE FOR my chilhood wich you simply made amazing and memories and I will always contiue watching or following it no matter how shit it gets.

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