Save Them!

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
Ace's & Eights Ace's & Eights Ace's & Eights Ace's & Eights

I have seen many different forums covering Ace's & Eights so if this exact topic has been covered & I missed it I am sry.

The 1 common thread I see in every forum so far is alot of ppl saying it has gone to long or it is stale so like the title said Save Them!

Can they be saved & if so how?

I think they can they already started to change things a little cause now we c them recruiting not just attacking ppl. BUT what they really need is not 1 but 2 big names preferably from the outside. Have the first one show up as the president and have him reference that he is taking orders from some one else just like the NWO sorta each big name revealed another big name.

Most IMPORTANT part none of the BIG Names can be Hogan, Jarrett, Bishoff, Sting, or anyone connected to them in TNA!
only way is to trim the group to about 4-5 guys..... Let Devon be singles competitor and have Horace and Knox as a monster tag team
HAVE TO get rid of Garret Bischoff and Mr Anderson!
keep Taz as the manager / mouthpiece
the dozen guy thing is killing them!
They should do a 'trim the fat' angle and kick out the meaningless members! reveal Bubba Ray to be the leader....
new AandE should be Devon, Bully Ray, Taz, Horace, Knox and the only other guy i would add is the most under utilized talent in TNA and that is Gunner!!
who the fuck is Horace?

If your talking about Gallows then your a lil off. Anyways to save them, trimming them is a good idea, but I think keeping Garrett and Wes for fodder and singles losses should be a must.

Shitcan Anderson, mostly because he's usually his own man and this angle is making him look like a follower. Stupidest idea to have Anderson there.

Honestly Tazz didn't need to be included. Plus the more I'm thinking about it, they probably just turned him for the sake of having a heel announcer since they added Todd, I think that's his name.

Aces and Eights is still a good angle that is on it's last leg, but it can be salvaged with a good ending and some good fighting that comes out of it.
Well first off, the most important, they need to WIN MORE!

Next they need a main event level talent. A&8's are getting involved in main event level programs but they have nobody competing at that level! There needs to be someone in that group chasing after the world title. Someone you can believe winning the world title! The question is who? Out of the current lineup, I'll say you might as well go with Doc. Yes not the best choice, but who else in the group? Anderson?

Devon said they're here to destroy TNA. What better way than to have them take the companies titles from them? Pick Knox and someone else and have them go after the tag titles. Recruit Jay Bradley and have him dominate the X Division.

Other than that I can't think of much else to be done with them.
Can they be saved? To some degree, I'd say yes. There's an element of staleness about the group that I don't think anything can be done about. After all, they've been around since about the middle of June 2012 with little to no exciting moments, memorable feuds or strong wrestling matches to speak of.

As someone else pointed out though, Aces & Eights could be a lot better if TNA booked them to be a more formidable forcing inside the ring. Aces & Eights members lose and have continued to lose just about every match they're booked in. In the few instances they have come out on top, it's been due to heavy outside interference. Nothing wrong with heels cheating and interfering to win in the grand scheme of things, but their losses FAR outweigh their wins.

The brawls that the group have partaken in and the beatdowns are all well and good, but that's just part of it. TNA has booked them looking like badasses when it's 4 or 5 against 1, but Aces & Eights have constantly been booked to look weak between the ropes.

Like I said when Taz was revealed as a member, it all means nothing if the group continues to be booked as unable to win matches. Making them look weak even in the rare instances they do win won't do them any favors either.
Bring Goldberg, make him the leader. Simple, give them some star power. Make some unexpected heel turns, it will work, and this would most uninteresting stable of all time would make people sit and watch them.
The Aces & Eights storyline might be the worst thing TNA has done in years other than maybe the horrendous involvement of Garrett Bischoff who is ALSO in Aces & Eights.

A group of invaders that attack parts of the TNA roster but wear masks so nobody knows who they are ... well they might as well wear no masks because none of them are even remotely known and who is leading them ? Devon Dudley ?! I am sorry but a group of scary invaders being lead by Devon Dudley is not to be taken seriously.

And now what do they do ? They started out as a mysterious force that wanted to take over and now they attack TNA wrestling weddings ( Which happen far too often).

It's absolute bollocks with no merit or redeeming qualities to it. The group has no stars in it, they are all over the place yet are headed nowhere fast... A freshly beheaded chicken has a better sense of orientation than Aces & Eights and the TNA creative team.
The Aces & Eights storyline might be the worst thing TNA has done in years other than maybe the horrendous involvement of Garrett Bischoff who is ALSO in Aces & Eights.

A group of invaders that attack parts of the TNA roster but wear masks so nobody knows who they are ... well they might as well wear no masks because none of them are even remotely known and who is leading them ? Devon Dudley ?! I am sorry but a group of scary invaders being lead by Devon Dudley is not to be taken seriously.

And now what do they do ? They started out as a mysterious force that wanted to take over and now they attack TNA wrestling weddings ( Which happen far too often).

It's absolute bollocks with no merit or redeeming qualities to it. The group has no stars in it, they are all over the place yet are headed nowhere fast... A freshly beheaded chicken has a better sense of orientation than Aces & Eights and the TNA creative team.

What the heck are you talking about? Devon is not the leader of Aces and Eights. Try actually watching the program before making false statements.
What the heck are you talking about? Devon is not the leader of Aces and Eights. Try actually watching the program before making false statements.

Ughhh hate to be corrective but I think the last masked guy is the leader he originally gave all the orders up until recently maybe Tazz joining...and even at that maybe not even that guy, considering Tazz was saying something about a higher power.

But overall TNA's consistancy in story has been a mess so who knows who's in charge of A&8's. Cause what it looks like is that they started off with that first guy being in charge, than transfered some of the heat to Devon, now Tazz made that higher power comment...who knows in 8 months the higher power may reveal himself and announce an even higher power.
Ughhh hate to be corrective but I think the last masked guy is the leader he originally gave all the orders up until recently maybe Tazz joining...and even at that maybe not even that guy, considering Tazz was saying something about a higher power.

But overall TNA's consistancy in story has been a mess so who knows who's in charge of A&8's. Cause what it looks like is that they started off with that first guy being in charge, than transfered some of the heat to Devon, now Tazz made that higher power comment...who knows in 8 months the higher power may reveal himself and announce an even higher power.

I don't know what the heck you are talking about. Devon is the Sergeant at Arms, probably the 3d in Command at best. The VP and President have yet to be revealed. Try actually watching the program before "trying" to be "corrective." OK?
This may be stating the obvious, but they would've been so much better if they were booked to look strong. That match between Doc & Devon v Sting & Bully was like the usual Cena no-DQ match, except that instead of making a miraculous comeback, A&8's just lost. They get squashed on the weekly and we're supposed to be afraid? No.

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