Santino Marella


Dark Match Winner
Alright, this is my first new thread, so forgive me if it is not up to the usual standard LoL. Anyway, I am a definite Santino fan, I love his look, he oozes charisma and talent, but he needs a big change fast, or he will soon be given the famous future endeavors blurb on WWe's website.

Now how this starts in my own strange mind, on an upcoming Raw, Randy Orton harmlessly mocks Santino in a backstage segment, shoves him out of the way, on Santino's way out telling him, when was the last time you won a match anyway? This is the end of it, or so it seems.....

Now we fast forward a few weeks, Randy Orton about to go to the ring for an important title defense, which will probably be against Triple H because that is the only wrestler he fights anymore anyway, and in a harmless backstage segment, Randy Orton get totally decimated by of all people, Santino! He does this without any weapons, just with anger, all the time yelling, "nobody will laugh at Santino anymore! Vince, I am tired of you making me look like a puss for so long, and now I am going to do something about it!"

Rhodes and Dibiase look on, afterwards high fiving Santino, both spitting on a downed Orton, and the future of Raw is born.
They definetly need to change Santino's character. Your idea may be a little drastic, but I pretty much agree with what you're saying. I've actually heard that Santino is a pretty good worker. However, he's been booked as nothing more than a comedy act so he's only involved in comedy matches that last a couple of minutes.

After being ridiculed by his fellow wrestlers and the compnay leader, Santino should be very embarassed. Have him off TV for a couple of months, but show video packages of him training. Have his comeback match against a solid midcard guy, not a main eventer like Orton. Maybe someone like Miz. Surprisingly, it would be a very competitve match that Santino would pull out in the end with and actualy finishing move, not the roll-up of doom.

After a few weeks, Santino could become a legitimate mid card wrestler who could actually have decent 10 to 15 minute matches. Of course, he would still be able to give us the comedy moments that we've come to love, but he'd have the in ring ability to back it up.
Ok im sorry but this is just the worse idea i've ever heard. Or no wait, maybe the miz as world champion actually is the worse. But let me tell you why this wouldn't work:
1.- Santino has stated on some interviews that he is too old to be main event material and he just wants to have some fun.
2.- Santino's character has only worked being a joke. When he was a face and won the IC we all wanted him to get released.
3.- Santino hasn't shown enough in the ring, yes, he has the comedy and charisma on the mic but ring-wise he isn't anywhere near main event material.
4.- If santino gets pushed right away you'll have many people hating him since he hasn't been long enough on the wwe and fast pushes dont work. <see koslov>
5.- Santino doesn't have the looks of a world champion/main eventer either. He's not a high flyer which is what all the small guys need to succeed.
My answer to any questions about “How to repackage someone??” or “What to do with someone??” is very simple. Have Chris Jericho “Save” them. That Star is instantly taken seriously with Jericho backing them, well, at least at this point in time. Sorry Ralphus. This could lead to something big or could be a bust. Sorry Lance Cade. It’s just one way to go. I’m sure there are other better ideas.
Ok Andres, you are entitled to your opinion and you have a right to say what you want, but before you put it in print you should do a little research so you look a little more intelligant...

1. You say Santino has stated he is to old to main event so he wants to have fun.. Where have you seen that interview??? Cause I want to see it... Santino is only 2 years older then up & comer Jack Swagger and only 1 year older than Randy Orton... He is younger then John Cena, Shelton Benjamin, Edge, Christian, Chris Jericho, Finley, Triple H, Batista, Rey Mysterio, & most other top stars on any show... So I doubt he is worried about being to old to main event at the young age of 30...

2. I agree Santinos character has been best used as comedic, however when called upon his character has put on solid matches and been somewhat solid when he has held championships... Also speak for yourself, not everyone wanted to see him released...

3. This might be where your true lack of intelligence has shown... Do you watch any of Santinos matches??? When they let him cut loose and wrestle he is very athletic and innovative in the ring... He could easily wrestle move for move against Shelton, Kofi, Jericho, Shawn Micheals, John Morrison, or any other pure athlete on the roster....

4. Pushed to fast and people will hate him??? He hasnt been in the WWE long enough???? Fast pushes dont work??? Ok, Santino is established already so it doesn't matter how fast he is pushed people are already going to love or hate him because they know who he is, he isn't someone new coming in... He has been in the WWE for about 3 years now... Longer then Swagger, C. Rhodes, T DiBiase, Kofi, CM Punk, & Cryme Tyme
so don't try to say he hasn't been there lng enough to pay dues... And fast pushes don't work??? Really??? Do you remember Lashley, Lesner, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Kofi, among many others oh what about Hulk Hogan winning the WWF title on his return night back to WWF after leaving the AWA... Oh ya Hulkamania didn't work cause it was a fast push....

He doesn't have the look to be a world champ or main eventer??? Hmmm his look is better then CM Punk, He has a look, not plain like Randy Orton, and he isn't any smaller then Rey, Jericho, Punk, Kofi or Shawn Micheals....

So as I said Andres you are entitled to your opinion and if your opinion has some degree of truth to it I agree with you... But every point you made was inaccurate and down right silly...
There actually making Santino better kind of already. Whenever someone pisses him off to a point, he just flips out and comes back to win. I saw this last superstars againts THE brian kendrick.
To repackage Santino, have him get seriously injured by Mark Henry or Big Show. Take off a couple of months and give him some type of Italian Mob Don so he can be taken seriously.
Thanks to MattHud for saying evrything I wanted to say to Andres. Santino could work very well if given the right matieral and the right push. He has a 100% better chance of being believable than the Miz. Can we all stop talking about The Miz.
My answer to any questions about “How to repackage someone??” or “What to do with someone??” is very simple. Have Chris Jericho “Save” them. That Star is instantly taken seriously with Jericho backing them, well, at least at this point in time. Sorry Ralphus. This could lead to something big or could be a bust. Sorry Lance Cade. It’s just one way to go. I’m sure there are other better ideas.

this i think is the most credible way to go about it. yeah ralphus was a joke but look at what chris did with lance. lance was by no way a bust he was on his way up and was going to be big but when he had that seizure on the plain he was out the door for safety reasons(that's why he was released) i know how bad seizures are and how dangerous they can be i suffer from epilepsy myself. but back onto topic.
i would love to see a serious Santino come out and be the fill in for Edge at night of champions to hell with zigler or christian a non comidic santion as a heel would be great. but that my opinion.
if wwe did that with santino it would be the greatest day is wrestling history. a comedy jobber beats the hell out of the number 1 heel on the flagship show, who is also the wwe champion. santino would get a title shot and win. we would have a new santino era and he would lead the wwe to its new glory days......
Okay, honestly. What is it with Santino?

He's not amusing. He does an Italian impersonation, playing off a stereotype that's been done before many times, mispronounces English, struts around the ring, and pretends to play a trumpet? THAT'S amusing to you? I can't see how Santino's "humor" appeals to anyone not 10 years old.

He's not a good wrestler. No, don't show me his FCW work, I couldn't care less. Yes, I know he was an MMA fighter. Still, not caring. What he puts out in the ring every week screams jobber in every sense of the word, and thank God the WWE has put him there where he belongs.

Did you even see what this guy did to the IC title? He didn't just kill it - he raped it, than took a giant dump on it before throwing it in an incinerator. He put it into a hole that it took near a year to come out of, and it took 5 (soon to be 6) wrestling classics worthy of a world title from Jericho and Mysterio to do that. There should be a monument built to him in the wing of stupendous championship failures.

There's three things you need to be a great wrestler - some modicum of good in ring work, good charisma, and the "it" factor. Santino couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag, his charisma extends to a lame Italian stereotype. Sure, he's got the "it" factor - if you spell "it" with an "sh" in front.

You want to put this guy over Orton? Orton might not be the most terribly exciting (hint hint - he's a heel, it's not his job to excite you), but the Gobbledy Gooker doesn't deserve to job to Santino like that. Was it really just suggested that Santino should be WWE Champion and lead the WWE to "Glory Days"? Did the definition of "Glory Days" become "The Actually Not Glorious At All But In Fact Rather Horrible Days"?

Goodness. I can only say one good thing about Santino, and that's that he's a fantastic jobber - he takes an ass kicking really well. The notion that he should actually go over Orton - the notion that he should go over anyone - is ludicrous. I'd rather see the world title on Hornswoggle.
im a huge santino fan myself but as a comedy fan not wrestler i relly dont see satino becoming in the main event range at all and if he does its not till years to come
1. You say Santino has stated he is to old to main event so he wants to have fun.. Where have you seen that interview??? Cause I want to see it... Santino is only 2 years older then up & comer Jack Swagger and only 1 year older than Randy Orton... He is younger then John Cena, Shelton Benjamin, Edge, Christian, Chris Jericho, Finley, Triple H, Batista, Rey Mysterio, & most other top stars on any show... So I doubt he is worried about being to old to main event at the young age of 30...

Ok. He's older than randy. Randy is a success, estabilished main eventer and won his first world champion at 24. Cena has been a main eventer for a while, didn't start main eventing at 30 either. Shelton is in the level of santino so no comments. Edge had his serious thing going on for a while, not main eventing but considered serious and not just a joke segment like santino. Same goes for most of them so yeah you get my point. You can't turn doink the clown into a wwe title contender out of nowhere.

2. I agree Santinos character has been best used as comedic, however when called upon his character has put on solid matches and been somewhat solid when he has held championships... Also speak for yourself, not everyone wanted to see him released....

Ok i'll correct myself. Everyone in the IWC but this guy hated his character as a babyface and nobody standed him. He's had solid reigns, the only good reign as IC title i recall from his is when he bought the "honkey metah" and had maria with him.

3. This might be where your true lack of intelligence has shown... Do you watch any of Santinos matches??? When they let him cut loose and wrestle he is very athletic and innovative in the ring... He could easily wrestle move for move against Shelton, Kofi, Jericho, Shawn Micheals, John Morrison, or any other pure athlete on the roster.....
I seriously hope you're kidding me. Are you comparing santino vs SHAWN MICHAELS? Jericho or morrison? I think that speaks for its own. There's no way you could be talking about the santino that jobs in less than one minute, wrestles vickie guerrero or kelly kelly, or gets beaten to do a couple funny moves and win to the excellence of performance of jericho or michaels. Simply said, santino can't do a 1 hour iron man match or a classic like jericho vs hbk matches.

4. Pushed to fast and people will hate him??? He hasnt been in the WWE long enough???? Fast pushes dont work??? Ok, Santino is established already so it doesn't matter how fast he is pushed people are already going to love or hate him because they know who he is, he isn't someone new coming in... He has been in the WWE for about 3 years now... Longer then Swagger, C. Rhodes, T DiBiase, Kofi, CM Punk, & Cryme Tyme
so don't try to say he hasn't been there lng enough to pay dues...

Exactly. People know he's a joke who can't beat anyone but girls or chavo guerrero. Longer than them, but only as a jobber and a comedy promo. Not as a 20 minute match guy in mid card as the rest of them.

And fast pushes don't work??? Really??? Do you remember Lashley, Lesner, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Kofi, among many others oh what about Hulk Hogan winning the WWF title on his return night back to WWF after leaving the AWA... Oh ya Hulkamania didn't work cause it was a fast push....

Lashley = was pushed hard, on ecw, then released.
Lesnar = The guy had what it takes, a muscle body and speed and a great athleticism.
Swagger = Still in the making, you can't call him a success yet to be honest.
CM Punk = He wasn't a fast push, he's been in wwe for quite a bit and is just getting to the real main event material.
Kofi is a mid card talent what are you talking about.
And HULKAMANIA WASNT MADE IN SHORT TIME. It took years to do it so please, shut up already.

He doesn't have the look to be a world champ or main eventer??? Hmmm his look is better then CM Punk, He has a look, not plain like Randy Orton, and he isn't any smaller then Rey, Jericho, Punk, Kofi or Shawn Micheals....

Ok, he does NOT have the look of randy orton, randy is ripped and his facial expressions during promos or matches are priceless, unlike santino who is just wwe's mr. bean. And he isn't smaller than rey, jericho, punk or hbk But those guys actually can back up their size with good wrestling material.

So yeah, you're the one who trully is making "idiot" statements. not me.
Don't take me wrong santino is good on his comedy angles and he makes some funny quotes but considering him as world championship material is simply brain-less. Not to mention putting him over the top heel of the raw roster AND wwe champion when he hasn't give us ONE single memorable match.
Simply put up to this point the WWE wanted to at first take this unknown guy and put the belt on him and make it look like a dream come true superstar, but once he wasn't really taken as a face they turned him heel, and a goofy heel, but I mean really what wrestler didn't have some type of gimmick that got him established or a main eventer that did something stupid? Anyone remember Kurt Angle's this is my real hair under my headgear gimmick?
DX was nothing but a comic relief team, but they all ended up in a main event situation and that is what eventually propelled Triple H to be taken seriously as a main eventer because he showed even though he joked around and did all these stupid things I can still give it to guys like Austin and The Rock.
As far as Santino as a real worker yeah he has some good matches in FCW, and up until now he hadn't really had a real decent match, but if you notice what they are doing with Santino is he doing the comedy stuff, but it is kind of like an eye of the tiger gimmick as the match progresses he realizes he really can go and take it to the opponent (its no different then eugene or hogan hulking up or the power of the warrior its old school if you don't like it too bad cause it does happen still).
As far as the things people may consider stupid like his accent or his trumpet, can I point out that Booker T. has changed his voice like 10 times since he started in WCW to now (right now its like mumbling black guy meets godfather henchmen meets Booker T. circa 1999) and his trumpet is that really any different then a WOO, or Austins gestures for OH HELL YEAH! or Triple H's arm thing? everyone has something that is signature to them Santino's is the trumpet.
So honestly I would let the whole Santino isn't worth a dime thing until we see where he is progressing to, but considering they dropped the whole woman gimmick thing I expect him moving into a serious role soon.
Yeah. Not a fan of Santino. He makes me laugh sometime. The same way Norm MacDonald makes me laugh, so incredibly stupid it becomes funny. I don't care if some people think he has good in ring ability. That means shit now. He is a comedy jobber, and deserves no higher spot.
Have Mickie James win the Divas Championship at Night of Champions. Beth Phoenix can then say she's had enough of not being taken seriously all because of Santino. She says that she will be the Divas Champion. Santino can then come out saying that your the one who lost it as he has been on a roll the last few weeks. Divas Champion Mickie James and United States Champion Kofi Kingston come out and challenge them to a rematch of last years Summerslam withanother Winner Takes All Tag Team Match.

Santino can then be made to look like championship material while Beth keeps on losing. At Summerslam Beth and Santino could lose, unlike last year, but this time Beth is the one who looks weak and stops Santino winning.

This could be good for both members of Glamarella. Santino can be pushed as a solid mid-card competitor while Beth could turn on Rosa Mendes leading up to Summerslam. If Rosa turns face then Raw would have 4 Face and 4 Heel Divas. Beth could then feud with Rosa and Rosa could even get closer to Santino saying she actually liked Santino more than Beth and they had an affair. This would lead to Beth leaving Raw at the end of the feud. Beth could then return a few months later, once again, as a dominant heel. She can say that Beth Phoenix had been burnt to ashes, but like a phoenix, the glamazon has rose from the ashes.

This pushes Mickie and Kofi as good champions, Santino as a solid mid-carder and Beth on her own as a dominant force.
Okay, honestly. What is it with Santino?

He's not amusing. He does an Italian impersonation, playing off a stereotype that's been done before many times, mispronounces English, struts around the ring, and pretends to play a trumpet? THAT'S amusing to you? I can't see how Santino's "humor" appeals to anyone not 10 years old.

Well, when you're drawn to the shows for the entertainment factor and the stories more than just in-ring competition, you typically have a more open mind to these things. Some of the things Santino says are hilarious, and if you took a moment to step back and stop bashing everything to do with comedy in the WWE (not you particular, Harthan), then you may be able to enjoy what you're given. It's never good to be pessimistic, cynical, or critical.

He's not a good wrestler. No, don't show me his FCW work, I couldn't care less. Yes, I know he was an MMA fighter. Still, not caring.

You can't tell me he's not a good wrestler and then tell me I can't show you videos that prove you wrong. This isn't a one-way street, Harthan. If you don't want FCW work, fine.


In this match on last week's edition of Superstars, Santino wins clean over The Brian Kendrick. That's not the point I'm trying to make, though. If you watch the video, though I'm sure you won't, you'll see that Santino is quite good in the ring. His moves are sharp, make an impact, and believable. He's better in the ring than most of the roster, and certainly better than IWC darling, The Brian Kendrick.

What he puts out in the ring every week screams jobber in every sense of the word, and thank God the WWE has put him there where he belongs.

You're really criticizing him for acting like a jobber? That's his role, Harthan. I thought you were smarter than that.

Did you even see what this guy did to the IC title? He didn't just kill it - he raped it, than took a giant dump on it before throwing it in an incinerator. He put it into a hole that it took near a year to come out of, and it took 5 (soon to be 6) wrestling classics worthy of a world title from Jericho and Mysterio to do that. There should be a monument built to him in the wing of stupendous championship failures.

As if the title was prestigious before he got it. Chris Jericho held it for the better part of 2008, and for half the year, he didn't even carry it around. He wasn't even announced as champion. Then he dropped the belt to Kofi Kingston who did what, exactly, to add to the title's prestige? He defended it one time that I can remember. The title had been dead for years before it fell into Santino's lap, and what did he do with it? He started a program centered around the belt because finally, we had a champion who was proud to be champion. He got the IC title on TV every week and made it a regular part of the show again, for the first time since early this decade.

There's three things you need to be a great wrestler - some modicum of good in ring work, good charisma, and the "it" factor. Santino couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag, his charisma extends to a lame Italian stereotype. Sure, he's got the "it" factor - if you spell "it" with an "sh" in front.

1.) Santino is a great in-ring worker. He can wrestle or he can job and make the crowd believe it either way.

2.) He has more charisma in his left arm than Bryan Danielson has in his whole body. He's more over with the crowd than anyone, save for the main event faces. That says a lot. If a person who is told to job every week can get that kind of fan support, I'd say he has a good deal of charisma.

3.) What's this "it" factor you're talking about? The look? Because he's got that. And no, I don't mean the look of a jobber.

You want to put this guy over Orton?


Orton might not be the most terribly exciting (hint hint - he's a heel, it's not his job to excite you), but the Gobbledy Gooker doesn't deserve to job to Santino like that.

Santino is vastly superior in every facet of wrestling than the Gobbledy Gooker.

Was it really just suggested that Santino should be WWE Champion and lead the WWE to "Glory Days"? Did the definition of "Glory Days" become "The Actually Not Glorious At All But In Fact Rather Horrible Days"?

It was, but it shouldn't have been. That's what drove me from the Fan-a-Club. I like the guy, but I know his place in the WWE.

Goodness. I can only say one good thing about Santino, and that's that he's a fantastic jobber - he takes an ass kicking really well. The notion that he should actually go over Orton - the notion that he should go over anyone - is ludicrous. I'd rather see the world title on Hornswoggle.

He does his job perfectly, you're saying. So that tells me, if given proper chance, he could do a perfect job in a mid-card role or something else. He's a great worker, does what is asked of him, and has the support of the fans. I don't know what else you want out of him.
Santino MIGHT have what it takes to become a future main eventer, Just not with that character. He would need a johhny nitro/John morrison kind of thing and then start builiding up his character from zero showing us how good he trully is and putting up some decent/serious matches/promos THEN maybe i would agree with santino is a good one and should be considered seriously. With his current character i refuse to see him any further than a jobber. His guitar-smash on the honky tonk man was the only serious awesome thing i've seen him doing. Im not counting his clean wins on other jobbers/woman as something to mention.
Just found this clip form one of the house shows in australia


I've developed new respect for santino as a comedy performer. I was getting funny looks at work i was laughing so hard. I dont like santino as a wrestler but as a small comedy moment in the match it was fantastic.

Check out the Big show laughing at him from the corner as well lol

On a more serious note its good to see sheamus is getting some ringtime with people like HHH and Cena

Edit: Just noticed this but the Big show is sat on Cody Rhodes in the corner through the entire skit... sucks to be Cody lol
It's quite good. Speaks volumes for the character that he plays. I like Santino, not for his wrestling skills but for the entertainment value that he possesses. After watching this thought, I honestly couldn't help but feel that it just goes to show you that Santino will probably never be able to establish himself as a quality wrestler. Not whilst they have him imitate a woman, throw himself out of the ring etc.
I laughed so hard when I saw this.

But about 15 seconds later, I felt kind of bad for Santino as this is basically as good as it is going to get for him. Unless he gets more serious and puts on some great wrestling matches, no one is going to perceive him as a legitimate contender to any championship.
hahahaha CLASSIC!!!
he hasn't been on raw lately with so much going on there hasn't been time for him but he could be funny with a different GM every week.....

sidenote on Santino:
I thought i read somewhere before he just likes to perform and enjoys making people laugh and putting on a show...its not all about winning a championship for him...

also him and Cena are good freinds in real-life, Cena said he is fun to be around because he is so funny in person too ....
Santino isn't funny. Never. He's never been funny and I'd be very surprised if he ever was.

I don't really know what else to add to this. That clip isn't very funny either.

He's about as funny as Cryme Tyme. Painfully unfunny. He ties only with the divas when it comes to piss break material.
What I don't understand is why most Santino fans can't be content with the role he plays. He comes up with something new and fresh every week on RAW and makes us laugh. Why do we want that to change? He's getting TV time every week, not floundering in the mid-card like serious performers, such as William Regal or Shelton Benjamin. He loves to put on a show, is one of the most over superstars on the roster, and is living his dream. Sure, it'd be nice to see his talent used as a competitor, but I'm perfectly content with what he's doing now.
I'm going to say this simply, and try to put it as well versed and articulate as possible:

Santino Marella will not fucking main event, even in ECW.

I'm sorry, but he's fine just where he is. He really doesn't need to do any more, and quite frankly, The Santina gimmick probably ruined his entire chances to be a main eventer.

Let's put it another way, and look up someone I considered a comedy wrestler back in the day, who didn't have too many skills. You all remember The Honky Tonk Man, don't you? Greatest IC Champ ever, gold on the mic, could provide a laugh every now and then, quick wit? You liked the Honky Tonk Man, did you not?

Did you really clamor to see this man main eventing across the world, and with the WWE Title? Whenever people talk about wrestlers who never got a run with the strap, Honky is conspicuous by his abscence, mainly because we know he didn't deserve a run with the belt. We were comfortable with him in the mid-card, where his goofy character could thrive, and not have to face the serious challenges of Hogan and company.

Santino is, in essence, The Honky Tonk Man. He's great for where he is, and solely where he is. I don't want my main events to be comedic farces. And ultimately, the best appeal to Santino is his comedy. He's like Fez from That 70's Show: He's funny to listen to, but you'd never consider him the main character.

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