Samoa Joe Misused????

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Someone please make Cena go away...
Do any of you guys feel that Joe has been misused in the last couple of months?

He seems to have taken a step back from the lime light as of late as Sting, Cage and Angle have been hogging all the tv time. A while ago they were using Joe as someone who was going to be the next TNA Heavyweight champion, but the nipped that in the bud quickly and now he's going to tag with Rhino for the titles aginst the Dudleys? (not saying that Rhino is crap in any way).
They aren't booking him in classic matches any more like the good old X Division days where he was feuding with Daniels and Styles, or even the Angle match ups.

As a matter of fact, it seems to me that since Angle has come to TNA, they are just using Joe as a sidenote, someone that is in the background but is just there to make people like Angle, Sting and Cage look good...

What do you think?
I think kost of the talent is being missused. Buy yeah especially joe. He's just not that big a deal anymore. I was fine with himloosing to Angle. But he's jobbed far too many times since then in my opinion. To Tomko for fuck's sake. He's somebody who will probably nec=ver get a serious push. He was so special for 18 moths or so and now he's jsut another member of the roster. It will take a lot to get him back up to where he was before his feud with Angle. TNA shouldn't be concentrating on wrestlers like Sting. Or even Christian for that matter. They should try to build home grown talent. That is what they were doing until a few months ago.
The thing is Jake the worst thing that could of ever happened to Joe was when he spoke out against TNA when they basically forced him out of ROH. I know he was talking but that doesnt suit well with the brass in TNA. TNA is now acting like they only people that can save TNA or put TNA on the map is Cage, Sting, Angle, and i don't get this but Steiner, Tomko, and Team 3D.

Hopefully TNA can get a two hour show and we see TNA use Joe properly there as of right now hes on the bottom on pushes. I think he needs the right the angle to get back up there on top. Its shame as few months ago we were talking bout how Joe will son be the Champ but now it looks like Joe is their new jobber.

In a way and this is my own person opinion Angle coming to TNA hurt Joe as he in my eyes still be undefeated but in it was good as Joe needed a good fued where loss to a guy like Angle didn't ruin his cred.
Here's what hurts Joe:
He runs through TNA forover a year.Angle comes in and first match beats him.Cage has beaten him, TYSON FREAKIN TOMKO has beaten him. What do these 3 have in common, they are all WWE guys. So you had Joe blast through all of TNA, only to lose to WWE guys.
I dont think a lot of talent in TNA are being mis-used. Look at the main event scene. A lot of people including Samoa Joe were pushed into the main event zone during the end of last year and some of this year. AJ, Samoa Joe and now C. Daniels is going to make his debut in the main event scene since he is rumored to start a feud with Sting. Samoa Joe would of been pushed more but his comments on TNA during his ROH interviewer crossed the line imo. He signed the TNA contract and he was allowed to work in ROH but TNA felt that he could of got hurt more which would of been bad for buisness so they took him off. Any smart promoter would do that. Now it makes seeing Joe more rare so more fans will tune in to TNA to see him. Buisness wise it was a smart reason to keep him. For him to go out and diss TNA after they gave him so much, hell they made him undefeated for his whole run in TNA. Never submitted or pinned until Angle came in. He deserves to be punished and ''misused''.
I'd have to agree with Jake in saying that most of TNA's talent is being misused. Guys like Lynn, Daniels, Starr, Senshi, Sabin, pretty much the entire X-Division and even top guys like AJ Styles, Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe are misused. They could be putting on fantastic matches but they get stuck inside of the Christian's army routine. Not saying I don't enjoy TNA, because I love it, but I just think they have the potential to do even more.

But Samoa Joe is definately on the top of the list for being misused. Guy should be back into a feud with a great wrestler like his feud with Angle, it could result in such great matches. Imagine another Joe-Stlyes feud? Man I'm getting hard just thinking about it.
Joe losing so far to just ex-WWE guys is a slap in the face to all the TNA guys who had to put him over for the last year plus.
what the problem really is that TNA doesnt have enough titles and they dont have a 2 hour timeslot TNA has to many wrestlers that want the NWA world title so what TNA needs to do is create more title belts like TV championship, Hardcore Championship, United States Championship, and etc right now the timeslot is small and they only have 3 titles nwa world championship, x division title, and nwa world tag team title if spike tv doesnt give them a bigger timeslot within the next 6-12 months TNA will be in big boo boo
I'd have to agree with Jake in saying that most of TNA's talent is being misused. Guys like Lynn, Daniels, Starr, Senshi, Sabin, pretty much the entire X-Division and even top guys like AJ Styles, Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe are misused. They could be putting on fantastic matches but they get stuck inside of the Christian's army routine. Not saying I don't enjoy TNA, because I love it, but I just think they have the potential to do even more.

But Samoa Joe is definately on the top of the list for being misused. Guy should be back into a feud with a great wrestler like his feud with Angle, it could result in such great matches. Imagine another Joe-Stlyes feud? Man I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

AJ Stlyes was actually on a winning streak beating Rhino a lot until finally loosing. Thasts really burrying him or misusing him. Also by putting him in the mix with the Christian Coalition makes him a top star and a lot of tv time. Christopher Daniels returned beating Jerry Lynn and winning a fatal 4 way between him Joe, Rhino and AJ Styles. Lynn isnt being misused but more so being used to put over young talent and make them the future of the X divsion. Chris Sabin is misused when he is X division champion and has been on a winning title defense streak. BTW why would you want to see Samoa Joe and Styles go at it again? They already had good matches but its time for new substance and thats what TNA is providing us with. Please this thread is about Samoa Joe being misused not the whole roster so stick to the discussion at hand.
I agree. I am not a joe fan, but he is good with the fans. I have said this a million times... TNA needs a mid-card title,
you have guys like Abyss, AJ, Rhino, Joe, Lynn, Steiner.. That would make a good mid-card champ
There X divsion title is considered there midcard title. Thats why they made the line ''The X division isnt about weight limits, its about NO limits!'' AJ, Lynn and Joe has all won that title. Rhino could win it and so can Scott Steiner but the midcard title is a title that helps bump you to main event which Scott Steiner, Rhino, Joe and AJ are. Lynn is too old to become X division champ imo. Its time for new younger talent to hold the title and TNA knows that. Just because the X division has high flying action doesnt make the division a CW division.
AJ Stlyes was actually on a winning streak beating Rhino a lot until finally loosing. Thasts really burrying him or misusing him. Also by putting him in the mix with the Christian Coalition makes him a top star and a lot of tv time.

Ok, so he is getting enought tv time, but the problem with being in that group is that he is overshadowed by Christian. The way it is played out, it makes AJ seem like a child trying to please his dad, when he should be seen as Christian's equal. He's been heavyweight champ too.

The way that Joe came across for the build up to Lockdown was that he was just hired muscle for Angle's team, just like Rhino. Instead of building up feudes for these guys to take to Lockdown and have good matches that we know they can, they become second string to the Cage/Angle/Sting/Jarrett thing. Instead of having Joe vs someone like Daniels, we got a blindfold match.... if that isnt misuse of talent, I dont know what is...
joe losing to kurt angle was a mistake. Angle was already a superstar and giving joe his first loss was pointless. kurt angle didnt need any push to get noticed. A new and young talent should have ended joes streak. not an already superstar...
im glad joe is not being used he is a fat no talent pos that they just made him to be goldberg like i dont know how a fat boring man can be so overused hes like bobby lashley boring guy who came around when there was no one else to push
I Agree because I have thought this for awhile, especially after his job to Tomko, who which don't get me wrong, his janpense matches are fairly good and hes still a little green but he was Jobbing in WWE while Samoa Joe was first rising to stardom ! While Samoa Joe was having his match of the year with CM Punk, Tyson was jumping around WWE Developmental. Im not just saying this because im a huge Joe mark, but if you look at both men's resume's Joes is alot longer. Joe has had 3 matches of the year, while Tyson just stood behind Christian during promos.
I still try to enjoy TNA but it is nearly impossible now,All I see is Kurt Angle screaming, Kevin Nash calling Jay Lethal black and lame Aj Stlyes Promos....Samoa Joe was also really big in TNA, he was on fire last year and the X division storylines he was apart of were amazing. The first elimination X, I forget the teams but it was Dutt,Aries,Sabin,Shelley,Daniels,Roderick Strong,Joe and maybe a few others but that must have been one of the best TNA matches ever. (it was Genesis 05 I believe) The crowd was on fire and if you look at it, none of those people had been to the top. TNA used to be about wrestling and now it has become a shorter version of whats on monday and Friday nights, The same thing it never wished to be. So go ahead, push Christian, Tomko, Angle hell even steiner over Joe but TNA should remember, that neither of those four are the future of this buissness. Joe is young and an amazing wrestler, capitalize on that before its too late.
Ok, so he is getting enought tv time, but the problem with being in that group is that he is overshadowed by Christian. The way it is played out, it makes AJ seem like a child trying to please his dad, when he should be seen as Christian's equal. He's been heavyweight champ too.

The way that Joe came across for the build up to Lockdown was that he was just hired muscle for Angle's team, just like Rhino. Instead of building up feudes for these guys to take to Lockdown and have good matches that we know they can, they become second string to the Cage/Angle/Sting/Jarrett thing. Instead of having Joe vs someone like Daniels, we got a blindfold match.... if that isnt misuse of talent, I dont know what is...

Ok, So AJ is overshadowed...its ok because usaully in a stable the members are overshadowed by the leaders. Soon TNA are going to put all the titles on the Christian Coalition and he is going to be realised as one of the back bone of the group. The stable just got started like a month ago. Thats the problem with some TNA fans these days. They dont have patience. You need to realise that TNA doesnt have the tv time to rush a lot of their angles so there drawn out.
Ok, So AJ is overshadowed...its ok because usaully in a stable the members are overshadowed by the leaders. Soon TNA are going to put all the titles on the Christian Coalition and he is going to be realised as one of the back bone of the group. The stable just got started like a month ago. Thats the problem with some TNA fans these days. They dont have patience. You need to realise that TNA doesnt have the tv time to rush a lot of their angles so there drawn out.

Thats all well and good.... for a new star that needs to get over. That position in stables is usually for up and coming stars. Evolution used it to get Orton/Batista over, Dx to help HHH to get over. But Styles is already over with the fan, people know what he can bring to the table.

Maybe your right about giving them time, but this was never a problem before in TNA until we had this huge influx of WWE talent pushing the original TNA guys aside. I'd rather see a good Cage v Joe match at sacrifice instead of a Cage v Sting v Angle (by the looks of it) at the ppv.
People are always talkig about the future of TNA and that it'll take a few years for them to get to the level of the WWE, but I don't see how they are going to do that if they aren't going to push the young talent that they have.
Thats all well and good.... for a new star that needs to get over. That position in stables is usually for up and coming stars. Evolution used it to get Orton/Batista over, Dx to help HHH to get over. But Styles is already over with the fan, people know what he can bring to the table.

Maybe your right about giving them time, but this was never a problem before in TNA until we had this huge influx of WWE talent pushing the original TNA guys aside. I'd rather see a good Cage v Joe match at sacrifice instead of a Cage v Sting v Angle (by the looks of it) at the ppv.
People are always talkig about the future of TNA and that it'll take a few years for them to get to the level of the WWE, but I don't see how they are going to do that if they aren't going to push the young talent that they have.

I agree, stables are usually made for younger stars but lets think about it this way. AJ just turned heel and last time he turned heel he got cheers because of his amazing athletic ability in the ring but Christian Cage despite his good in ring skill is managing to attract heat so with AJ under his wing there are hopes that AJ will get heat too which has been happening as of late. Scott Steiner and Tomko are also getting heat and are the classic stable enforcers. Steiner can be equivalent to Ric Flair since he wasnt young talent of evolution and Tomko can be equivalent to Randy Orton because Tomko is just starting off in TNA so he is new and kind of young.
I can't see why people are saying guys in TNA are being misused. They don't have the TV time to use anyone right. TNAgets one hour a week to market guys on TV. Of course they are going to put the big names out there, its business. YOu're selling Ads to people, and most people are watching The Angles, Cages and stings of the world. After commercials, you might get 45 minutes of TNA a week. The X-Division suffers for this, because the mainstream fans don't know these guys.

You don't need to make an extra title, because you have a hard enough time getting enough TV time for the three they have now. Now onto Joe. We all know that this year is supposed to be Stings curtain call, so he is going to get the spotlight now, before he starts putting guys over the rest of the year. Cage is the man right now. He is starting to have a pretty lengthy title reign which the NWA title needs right now.

The more time they keep the belt on Cage, the better. Let the Angles, Rhinos and Stings go after him. TNA maybe smart on this one. NWA wants there belts back, and I think TNA is saving Joe to be the guy to christen the new TNA title. It's the same situation with Kennedy, sure you would love to see the belt on both of these guys, but it's just too soon. Let the characters grow. They're going to get their shots within a year.
tna doesnt have enough time??? Corny ecw has the same amount of time that tna has and there still able to develop many of the new stars. CM punk for example. he was just some guy now everyone loves him...and he started on an hour show. the whole new breed crap got pretty good and it was on a hour show. ecw still develops there wrestlers and they dont even have ppv's. (well one that really sucked) the difference is tna has TOO MANY stupid skits. what was the point of eric young buying condoms at 3am. i didnt care about that. did u?
Stay on topic King booker, don't venture into the TNA vs. WWE realm, that'll get the hammer dropped on you real quick. When you compare ECW and TNA, TNA has 40 people they have to shove into one hour, whereas ECW only has maybe 15 wrestlers that get air time. Therefore its very easy for a CM Punk to get exposure over a Samoa Joe. It's a completly mute arguement. ECW is a niche of WWE. ECW is there for the people that want Hardcore Wrestling, we don't get it, but it fills the need. TNA has to please the heavyweight fans and the X-Division fans. ECW is the X-Division of the WWE. TNA doesn't have the luxury of putting all of those guys on a show for an hour and still have 4 hours of time for their heavyweights. This is why Joe gets lost in the shuffle. You want to give him TV time, because he is the hottest thing going, but then in the process, you step on a bunch of fans that have been around since the beginning and want their X-Div. matchups.
I think Joe has been misused but I agree with the point about TNA trying to cram in all their stars into a one hour show, if TNA were to ever go to two hours it is more than likely Joe will get a good push towards the title.
Joe has been misused greatly. Ever since he came off of the angle with well...Angle. The amount of natural esteem and the aura of fear and respect that came with him are gone. He's still loved by the fans but they've killed the near invincibility that made him great. Now, he's just another so-so character on a show that's been pushing way too many of the overpaid, overhyped vets as of recent. I'm a Sting mark from way back, but he should've left well enough alone and not re-signed. He doesn't have what it takes to get TNA where it needs to be. It's going to take a revolutionary wrestling product to do that and he doesn't have the physical tools anymore to mix it up at the speed of guys like Styles, Daniels, and Joe.

TNA doesn't have remotely the level playing field WCW had when they used this strategy to combat the WWF. They're way behind, and the only way for them to gain ground isn't to whip out their flux capacitor and give everyone a trip back to WCW circa 1997. What they need is to look to the future. I don't mind some of the character work that's been done on a handful of some of TNA's talent. By now, though? Joe should be sitting atop the title division as he is in the prime of his life right now. Instead, they have him jobbing to Tomko, a guy who has enough good matches for me to not even fill up one hand with. The fact is that Jarrett and Dixie need to remove their heads from their asses and take a step back. Then they need to look at what made their fanbase rabid in the first place and understand that with that level of wrestling and a smarter booking setup, they'd have the perfect product.

Think about it: They never had chants of "Fire D'Amore!" during the shows before the creative switch, did they? I'm not saying it's all Russo's fault, because I know it's not. However, if you have fans, loyal fans no less, so pissed off at the product that they chant this stuff, you need to re-evaluate. They need to keep Joe, Aries, Styles, Shelley, and Daniels happy because the right push up north would turn them into megastars. Joe is at the nucleus of what I'd consider the greatest youth dream team in American pro wrestling history, and he needs to be atop the company, not riding the coattails of guys who haven't proved $hit in that company by comparison. This is all part of a greater problem in the paradigm shift that saw wrestling take a backseat to story. With only one hour to use, I'd still gear the product around wrestling more. That's what you're selling. When they make the jump to two hours, then add the other trimmings.
Samoa Joe has been misused lately. Hell he almost was relegated to being a jobber. He went from being undefeated to losing to Kurt Angle (who is a formiddable opponent and I was glad that it was a good wrestler who ended his streak)and everyone else on the roster.although now with te whole Sting-Christopher Daniels Fued ready to take place and Jow facing Sting on Impact next week it looks as he will be in the kOTM match at slammiversary. I know I wouldnt be surprised to see him win it either. Well at least I can hope.
I'm feeling a run in by Daniels to give Joe the win, this way they've set up the Sting/Daniels feud while still making both Sting and Joe look good. Although I do agree, since I started watching TNA (Not too long, just around school start last year) I've seen less and less of Samoa Joe, which irks me cause he's a damn good wrestler.

Where is this big push they were suppsoed to be giving him? Maybe this will lead to the Samoan Era of TNA.
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