Sami Zayn Injured Again?


It's being reported on various sites that Sami Zayn MIGHT have suffered an injury tonight on Raw during the big brawl segment during the WWE WHC segment. Zayn reportedly ran to the back clutching his shoulder and the backstage segment with Owens was done as a means of writing him out of the fourway match tonight. Zayn suffered a shoulder injury in May that sidelined him for the remainder of 2015 and he only returned to action in January.

If Zayn has been injured again, then this may well put his WWE future in jeopardy as there are concerns that his years of working a very physical style out on the indie scene have taken their toll resulting in Zayn becoming injury prone. Of course, it's also a possibility that this is just part of continuing the build for his singles feud with Owens with Owens now having cost him potentially being #1 contender for the WWE Championship; hopefully, that turns out to be the case because, otherwise, Zayn's career path may take a similar route as we've seen with Wade Barrett: a guy with a lot of promise continually sidelined with injuries.
That piece of news doesn't make any sense to me. So the guy got injured on his shoulder in the opening brawl, and then WWE scraps him out of the fatal 4 way with a powerbomb through a table full of crap? Jesus. I just hope this is a work, because if it isn't WWE sure as hell isn't following their health shtick.

In all seriousness, this is obviously a work. Cesaro wasn't just there and got a lucky return. It seemed to have been all planned from the get go. I love me some Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens and they have a lot, and I mean a lot of different ways to build up that feud and make it memorable. The only way they can ruin this, is if they give us a full match between them before the PPV. Just hype us up - go personal and they can go personal. Put some effort and you'll have a great story to tell in years to come.

Sami Zayn is going to be a star in the same way Daniel Bryan was. Both are extremely talented workers, both have the same kind of charisma and they are "small" wrestlers and with Bryan gone, we need to fill that niche. The debut of Sami Zayn against John Cena just felt right and to me, it proved that he can get to the top. Only time will tell but I have confidence in this rivalry and in Sami Zayn.
Cesaro just being there ready to replace Zayn makes smells like a work. This also wouldn't be the first time that Owens has kayfabed injured Zayn, so this would fit perfectly into their feud.

Zayn prevented KO from retaining the IC title, so Owens retaliates by taking away Sami's chance at the WWE title. Plus WWE knows the fans are well aware of his previous shoulder issues, so telling a story about how he may have re-injured it seems perfectly believable and a smart way to generate drama.

I think it's a work. And I hope it is, because I'd be crushed if Sami was legit hurt again.
There is a rumor that Sami Zayn actually got injured at Wrestlemania, so they may have had time to plan the bait-and-switch in advance. For the record, just because he got power bombed through a table to justify it, it doesn't mean he's healthy. Remember that he had a whole f@cking match after his last injury. Daniel Bryan got tombstoned a million times seemingly everywhere before he went out on injury, so sometimes they can work through them.

I hope it's just a work though. This would KILL Sami's momentum.
Hm, with it being Kevin Owens to powerbomb Zayn, that looks more like a setup for a Zayn/Owens feud on the main roster now... since Owens basically "cost" Sami the chance at the #1 contender spot.

Not a bad idea for them to work together coming out of Mania, should keep both men in high profile midcard matches for the next weeks. Obviously only if it really IS a work, which I think/hope.
this was a set up, to have Cesaro returns being a surprise, and also to keep fueling the feud between sami and KO (which honestly, its the longest and most interesting feud in WWE)
Main page is saying it was part of the storyline to get Cesaro into the match. Mind you the could have just had a surprise entrant but the WWE works in mysterious ways.
Good thing Cesaro always carries a tear away suit in his wallet for such an occasion.

I think they see money in Zayn and Owens. I think they want to drag it out as long as possible and maybe add it to an event like SummerSlam. One way to drag it out and build it up is through "injuries".

But they could just wrestle at Payback, which would make sense and be cool.
i dont think this is a real injury. i think the injury was set up to do TWO things...1) Set up the Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens match and make it more personal and 2) to bring Cesaro back to WWE TV.

With that said, my hope is that Sami Zayn and Owens has a match at WWE Payback where Zayn wins the match via a rollup or some flukey type of manner. then at Extreme Rules, have Owens finally beat Zayn in a one on one match and then move Zayn to the IC or the US title (Which is where he belongs for now) and then move Kevin Owens to the Money in the Bank match and have him win the briefcase. that's what i think WWE should do with Owens and Zayn. will they do that, i can't answer....but i think that would be the best and i think that's why Zayn or Owens didnt come out of Mania with the IC title.
The report from today stated it was a work to get Cesaro as a surprise entrant in the match, so it was a work is reporting that it was indeed a work and that the plan was for Cesaro to take Zayn's place al along. The site is also reporting that it's all part of setting up the singles feud between Zayn and Owens.

WWE has sort of treated this as if it's a legit injury. For one thing, as it's common to cut cameras off of wrestlers who suffer legit injury, they did that with Zayn last night and there's been no report from WWE officials, it's usually pretty easy to tell the difference online between a legit and worked injury report, regarding it. Of course, now that I think about it, the powerbomb through the table doesn't seem like something they'd do with someone who was injured though, at the same time, it looked as though Zayn was reaching with his right arm to cradle his left shoulder before they cut away to break.
keep sami off tv for a while maybe be a surprises entrant in the money in the back match owens already in it they both cost each other the match by fighting into the crowd somewhere then setup the blow off first blood, lastman standing, hell in a cell or cage for summerslam

this could be just like hhh and hbk fued
Recent reports say that Sami Zayn is not injured. I feel that, the attack on RAW by Kevin Owens is to accumulate the feud between these two for the future heading to a PPV. These two don't necessarily need a title to feud with, their personal feud itself is a Money.
I hope its just a work as well,I truly enjoy Zayn's work as a whole. He's a great worker,but if he's injured again,man this is not good. This would derail any momentum he had,and with the attention span of the WWE universe these days,how quickly we forget.

I hope its a work. He's a bright star in the making so time will tell i suppose
I don't think he's injured - he had two hellacious nights the weekend before though...
Here is my question though. Why bring Cesaro back to lose in the 4-way? I guess it could be looked at as alright, he isn't getting DDT'd with a pumpkin on his head from Dean Ambrose... but can we not get the guy a better return than that?
He won't be injured. The reason he will have been showing he was hurt after jumping on Owens will be so that it gave him an excuse to not get back in the ring and allow Roman to take our Jericho with the spear. That way all 4 of the contenders had been taken out in someway and the champion was standing tall.

As for Owens taking him out of the main event that will just be to add to their upcoming match at a ppv. Makes Owens look like an even bigger heel and gets Sami the sympathy from the young fans who dont know who he is that KO took away Sami's shot at the title as well as all the other stuff he has done to him on NXT that most of the WWE audience might not have seen in the past.

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