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Sacrifice: Knockout Makeover Battle Royal

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

One wins a title shot, while another gets her head shaved!​

Note to TNA. You don't have to put everybody on your roster on every PPV. It's ok for some to sit it out.

I hate how each month they have a match that uses up a vast majority of the roster. This month: The Knockouts. With only three matches so far I expect another.

The stipulation is intresting. But I think somebody is really mislaying their faith in the promotion. Do they think that if they shave their head they'll become the next big TNA Knockout? If it's somebody like Velvet Sky then I doubt it. They'll just be bald and tehy'll probably be nowhere nearer the title than they were before.
I agree, TNA is not a big enough promotion yet to have a woman shave her head for them. They are just a small step above the indy feds with their "solid" 1.0 ratings. Side Note- If Angel Williams goes bald I will cry.

The women's division in TNA has actually shaped up fairly well, especially when compared with the WWE's. Also though, much like the WWE's PPV, TNA felt the need to throw all their women onto the card as well. This won't be anything special.
The most hilarious part to this "gimmick" is that it begins as a battle royal, which means that it only effects the last remaining two girls, when the battle royal turns into a ladder match. (nice segway I might add)

So if I'm one of the random Knockout's, such as Angelina Love or Velvet Sky.. I'm eliminating myself over the top rope almost instantly to just "live to fight another day." Because while the chance at becoming Women's Champion is great.. look at the value of this title shot.

A.) Ladder match to crown a #1. contender.
B.) Loser gets her head shaved bald.
C.) Winner faces Awesome Kong.

The way I'm seeing it, you don't win. Whether you get your head shaved bald, or you get your ass handed to you. One way or another, short of the winner being Gail Kim or O.D.B. chances are the winner isn't exactly gonna be the next in line to become Women's Knockout Champion.

Sadly I doubt either of the "Beautiful People" take my advice on taking a self eliminating role.. and chances are one of them win the damn thing, only to lose the Ladder match and end up with her head shaved.

However, if you ask my opinion.. it'll come down to a ladder match between Gail Kim & O.D.B. - with O.D.B. being the one to get her head shaved. It'll go perfect with her "Not just another pretty face" gimmick.
I can see this match ending in three different ways and I wouldn't be suprised if these were the outcomes:

Like Will said, either Angelina or Velvet will be one of the winners in the battle royal only to lose the ladder match and get their head shaved. I hope this is NOT the outcome of the match because I love their hair and they are beautiful, I would freak if they lost their hair.

Another outcome like Will also said is that ODB and Gail Kim also win the battle royal and ODB will end up getting her head shaved. I think this would be the best bet since to me, she is the least attractive knockout in my opinion. And it would suit her gimmick well. She acts like a man anyways.

And the final outcome I can see happening is that it comes down to Rhaka Khan and someone like Gail or ODB. I can see Rhaka Khan acting like a power house eliminating everyone from the battle royal but to lose the ladder match by not climbing. I think this can happen because I heard Rhaka Khan has heat on trading cards and this could be a punishment for her. She would also match Steiner and Petey.

But i expect any of these three outcomes to happen.
I really can't see many knockouts getting there headshaved. The beautiful people I really do think will self eliminate. But as for final 2, then only 2 people who should go is Gail and ODB, but problem with that is they most likely want a heel to shave her head, so i don't know if those will be final 2. All I know is knowing Tna the loser will somehow get away from head being shaved or the winner will get her head shaved lol. Theirs always a twist in these kinds of matches.
I dont see what TNA is trying to acomplish with this one to be honest but then who does! Why is there yet another bloody battle royal! Fire Russo please! haha! Anyways I like the idea of the ladder coming into play especially with Knockouts I can see quite a few bumps maybe happening, I think will come down to ODB but I dont know who else, I can see actually Voodoo Queen Roxy getting her head shaved. And either Gail or ODB get their title shot!
I wouldn'T be surprised if TNA don'T go through with it and just make GAil Kim Lose since she's will win immunity from that stipulation on this week's IMpact. You could have ODB and GAil Kim win the battle Royal part of the match and then have ODB win the match this way you don'T have to shave anybody bald and you still get a great match in the process.
Matches were the loser, especially a female, loses their hair have to be my least favorite thing in all of wrestling.:disappointed: Sure there’s the shock value, but it usually doesn’t serve any other purpose than that. Going into tonight’s knockouts match, I honestly thought it would be 1. Rhaka Khan, 2. ODB, 3. Jackie getting her head shaved. As stated previously, Khan has heat over those trading cards and I could see them turning her into the female version of Scott Steiner and a bald ODB would fit with her ‘not just another pretty face’ gimmick. I also read Jackie is pregnant again, so I thought this would be a good way to get her off TV before she gets further along.

So I was surprised and pissed when it came down to Roxxi Laveaux and Gail Kim in the ladder match because I just knew there was no way Roxxi was going to win. The pecking order is pretty clear-cut in TNA: Kong then Kim then ODB; no one else seems to matter at the moment. For a second, they gave me hope when it seemed Gail and Roxxi were going to put Angelina Love in the chair anyway, but no Roxxi got her head shaved. Call me a mark but this just makes me sad because she is my favorite knockout and I think she is every bit a contender as ODB and Gail; she put on a hell of a showing against Kong a few weeks back.

I’m curious to see what they do with Roxxi’s character now. Will she go away for awhile until it grows back some? Will she get a new gimmick? One thing is a definite - she’s going to have a score to settle with the Beautiful People. But I’m mostly just concerned that Roxxi was bleeding from the top of her head. I hope she wasn’t seriously injured.
I'm so ticked off right now I'm shaking. I know she agreed to do it. I hope they come through with whatever they promised her because she just made the ultimate sacrifice for a company that hasn't used her properly since she's been there.
I like roxxii she is cool and her wrestling is pretty awesome. Seriously though I think tna needs to quit copying their competition cuz if it wasn't good when the wwe did the head shaving match with victoria and molly holly it was totally stupid and pointless cuz they both look like men and it doesn't serve any purpose. I think its so stupid to shave the girls and guys head and tna needs to make original matches and not cop y the wwe I mean seriously get some new stuff. Anyways I hope they realize that roxxii is a good knockout and that just brought down her status a lot.
I didn't see the PPV but just read the results on WZ. Sound pretty disgusting what they did to Roxxi.

First, this whole angle was pointless because there was not enough build-up for a "hair match." Hair mathces, esp. for women, should be done as a culmination of a feud or angle, not some whim gimmick match on top of a gimmick match, on top of another gimmick match!

Second, I read where she was busted open. It sound slike an accident but there is no place in wrestling for women to be getting hurt like this. I also read where she was legitimently crying after tha match.

I happen to like Roxxi. She's prob. the best wrestler on the knockout's roster. I think she is good looking even w/out the huge fake boobs all the other women have. It is disgusting the way they treated this young women. TNA is really doing everything they can to put on a horrible product! This is WWE type B.S.! ENOUGH ALREADY!
I thought ODB would have been the perfect candidate for shaving her head since she has a slightly more manish look to her to begin with. As far as Roxxi losing her hair...i'm not impressed. she is a good looking woman and deserved the shot at Kong more than Gail 'I've had more title matches with Kong than i did as champion' Kim.

Overall...too many gimmicks thrown into one match and it didn't go very well
I have a question for the females out there. Would you rather lose the oppertunity to fight for a title, or lose your hair?

The concept behind this match was stupid. The winner is Gail Kim, who's faced Kong for like forever. So the outcome didn't offer anything new. Then the loser, oh no wait she wasn't the loser as such, get's her head shaved bald. The prize for losing at the final hurdle is getting your head shaved. But what about the people who were eliminated 1st? Aren't they the reals losers, if you can call anybody in a match like this a loser.

At the beginning of the match why wouldn't you just eliminate yourself so you don't have to have your head shaved?

The only reason Molly Holly had her hair shaved at Mania XX was because she wanted to get on one of the most important cards ever. What does Roxxi get? iMPACT? Yeah it's pretty much the same thing.
It wasn't really smart. It means that the person that lost first just got nothing, while the loset out of the people who'd lasted longest is now bald. Ok, Roxxi had to agree to this, but losing a shot to Kong which she's good enough to deserve and her hair is a bit steep
Was this a mind blowingly stupid angle?
Yes; it's not as ridicules of feast or fired, but it's right up there... or down there. Whatever; it was a stupid angle.

Did it work?
Hell year! "Fire Russo" chants aren’t something TNA want to promote on PPV (although since I'm given to understand that the man is writing a book he's probably not adverse to some controversy) but having watched the match and aftermath, that was about the best heat drawn from the crowd all night. I've spoken before about the need to elicit more "X-Pac heat" from smarky crowds since the traditional kind just gets reflected by a wall on analytical minds, and you can bet your socks that, in the upcoming feud, 'the beautiful people' will be some of the most hated on TNA

Another thing I couldn't help noticing; was that the fans only started chanting and getting angry during the head shaving section. Now I'm being a bit presumptive here, but it looked to me like the majority of the crowd wrath was drawn, not because of the stupid match stipulation, but because it was Roxi who lost. After having her dome shaved, Roxi actually got a really strong ovation (had the fans been a little better organised it would have sounded better), and I think the crowds going to be solidly behind her from here on out.

So, to tally up; from one stupid match/angle, you got huge heat drawn towards a pair of heels, and a new massively over baby face. Compare this to the mediocre verging on deadpan response received from the more traditional angles we got throughout Deuces Wild (Booker T's "We don't care" heel turn for example), and perhaps the angle wasn't as bad as it looked on paper.
im just going to say this...roxxi was the last person to have her head shaved....ill go one better. that match shouldnt have happened..I mean come on. No good can come out of watching a woman get her head shaved....Im not gonna look at that match and say "god..i have to pay 30 dollars because i wanna see a girl get her head shaved" theres no fun in it. Its disgusting...i really wouldnt have been suprised if tna went for shock value and scalped her or something like they did to raven...its sick but tna looks at sick and somehow sees it as a dollar sign.

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