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Ryback VS The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship.... Interested?


Getting Noticed By Management
First off this is not associated with the other thread about ryback winning the ic and world championship, this is a different subject....

now onto the main point, last night booker t introduced Ryback to went out and destroyed the set of miz tv, he even lifted a couch and threw it at the miz! lol. anyways, the point of this thread, are you interested in seeing a feud between this two men? Miz is a safe worker that Ryback could learn a little from and Ryback desperately needs a feud with A) someone relevant (sorry jinder), B) someone who can actually get him to a new level. C) someone who can finally make him talk.

Ryback could win the IC title ad that could be a great thing for him and a feud with miz could make him learn a thing or two on the mic and in the ring.

what do you think? do you want to see ryback take a shot at the ic title or even win the title? Discuss.....
I'm not so sure about this at all, I'm not a huge fan of Ryback, but he has done enough to pique my interest to see where WWE will take Ryback next.

The Miz, however, is definatley on my top 10 favorite wrestlers list right now and has been for some time. I don't know, sure it gives both Miz and Ryback a program to work with for now, but, up to this point WWE has built Ryback as a monster, and to all of a sudden have long,good mathces with someone the caliber of Miz.

It could be just what Ryback needs but at the same time does Miz really need this, it all depends on how WWE develops the feud is what I'm thinking could generate interest in this rivalry, I just hope they don't rush into this and mess everything up.
Ryback is surprisingly getting a good crowd reaction, despite the Goldberg chants. I think Ryback winning and keeping the title for a bit would help him more than the Miz. I'd be interested.
I was pumped to see Book bring out Ryback. He's finally being fed something other than squash talent! I hope to see Ryback as the IC champ by the end of the year.
I was so hoping for a Miz face turn and a program with Cody Rhodes. It was the most logical thing to do it's way too soon to pull the trigger on Skip Shepfeild as Ryback he's best suited working with William Regal as card filler until he get's better.
No not really the guy is still way to green and I personally think he will end up getting someone seriously hurt in ring, hell he almost broke Jack Swaggers neck a few weeks ago. I don't think this guy has staying power in the WWE with this current gimmick. Sure its funny know but within a year it will stale and boring. And dude really needs to get off the PED's.
Miz/Rhodes would have had much better ring chemistry than Ryback with ANYONE in the E right now. Even with both Miz and Rhodes as heels they could easily tell a much better story where it's the flavor of the week catchphrase squash match. Putting the IC belt on Ryback is a horrible idea...
The one thing I can say for sure is that this feud with Miz is either going to make or break Ryback. Though i'm not a big fan of the Miz, this will be Rybacks first big test in the ring and if it dose not go well with the Miz then I can see Ryback being dropped.
People whining on about not getting a Miz/Rhodes storyline can lid that argument. Miz nor Rhodes are viable as a face in the WWE, their characters won't allow it. People complain about Sheamus and Orton being faces since they're "violent" yet want an egotistical to be heel? Yeah, your logic is failed.

I think putting Ryback in this storyline will help Ryback get over whether he wins the IC title or not. Honestly, this might be Ryback's settling into a bigger part of the show instead of just an attraction. Should he lose during this program? Absolutely... and it SHOULD be in a screwjob fashion. Why? Because that would make him that much more terrifying for the heel.

I think Miz has it in him to where he can be a Jericho type player. Someone who can be a legit world champion one minute and putting over people the very next.
I think is way too soon to put Ryback with the Miz in a feud, it can definitly help Ryback, but he can hurt the Miz, it's evident that Ryback doesn't know his own strenght, and it will do nothing for him, don't get me wrong, the Miz is that good, but he can't work miracles, if, the Miz is going to work with newer superstars, let him work with someone like Damien Sandow, or someone who actually has a bright future that can learn a lot from him, i don't think that Ryback is going anywhere.......
The Miz should hold on to the title for at LEAST 6 months, and when it comes time for him to drop it, it should not be to Ryback. Ryback should never get his hands on any title. He's completely talentless, blander than vanilla ice cream, and the single worst thing to come out of developmental in the past decade.
I just did some fact-finding on the internet, to see how long Ryback has been on WWE Television (I'm not counting when he was on TV as "Skip Sheffield"). According to my findings, the Ryback character debuted on Smackdown on June 4th of this year. That means that Ryback has only been squashing jobbers on TV for about three and a half months so far. While I personally feel like it's too early to put a championship belt around his waist, my opinion means exactly jack and squat. It looks like Vince is gonna have Ryback vie for the Intercontinental Title (my guess is at the "Hell in a Cell" PPV next month), fighting The Miz for a chance at the strap.

With Ryback, there are all kinds of comparisons to Bill Goldberg's undefeated streak; Goldberg's WCW streak began almost 15 years ago to the day (Jesus, I am getting old!), when he debuted on Nitro (which was September 22nd, 1997). It took Goldberg a little longer to get his first title, Goldberg defeated Raven for the US Strap on April 20th 1998. For those who care, Goldberg had also racked up 74 wins in his undefeated streak (beating Raven for the US Belt made it 75).

WCW waited a bit longer to get Goldberg to the "next level" than it appears WWE is doing with Ryback, but then again WCW was a vastly different company. Although Goldberg had been over with the crowd for a good long time before his US Title match with Raven, there were most likely a lot of backstage politicking going on to try to keep Goldberg down on the card (Hogan, Nash, etc).

The whole reason for talking about Goldberg's history is simple: was Goldberg "ready" to win the US Title back in 1998? I don't think so. Goldberg was still very green in the ring, despite wrestling on WCW Television for seven months. I think that although Goldberg wasn't "ready" (at least IMHO), WCW made the right decision. Goldberg was great for business back then, even if he was drawing comparisons to Stone Cold Steve Austin at the time.

I don't think that Ryback is currently as green in the ring as Goldberg was back in April of 1998, but it's possible that he hasn't been given enough TV time yet (again, my opinion doesn't matter one iota). Even though Goldberg was a little more green in the ring, I feel WCW did a better job of building him up. I remember one match in particular, Goldberg vs. Saturn. At the time, Saturn's submission hold ("The Rings of Saturn", or something like that) had been built up to be one of the most deadly holds in all of WCW. No one had broken out of it before Goldberg did. The point is simple: even though Goldberg had been fighting jobbers on free television, he had been having longer matches on PPV (albeit with midcard stars) before winning his first title. Ryback hasn't done anything like that yet, this feud with The Miz would be his first with an established WWE Superstar (if I'm not mistaken).

Even though I might not think Ryback is ready to hold any WWE gold at this point in his career, it doesn't make me any less excited to see Ryback vs. Miz in the near-future. I hope that the match is booked in such a way that Miz looks like he has a legitimate chance of winning, but it could end up being another squash. I hope that we see at least a ten minute match here, but if this match ends up happening we'll most likely see Ryback walk away with the strap.

Hopefully Ryback will have to win some kind of "number one contender" match to earn a shot at Miz's Intercontinental Title, and he won't just be inserted to the title hunt with no back story of any kind. Just tearing apart Miz's talk show set isn't enough (IMHO) to earn a shot at the gold. I hope WWE does something like that to get him into the IC Title hunt. Just sayin'.....
I think it can only help him. Miz is relevant, and the program could elevate Ryback. I just want him to gain a stronger move set, and a better finisher.
While I'm glad to see Ryback being put in a program with a well established star, I was a little caught off guard by his first real feud being with Miz. This either ends up in one of two ways. Ryback either beats Miz and wins the title, which I feel is a little premature seeing as Ryback hasn't really beaten anyone worth anything up until this point. On top of that, I would really like to see Miz hold the belt for awhile longer. Or Ryback loses to Miz, which I also feel is premature because I do feel that Ryback should have a long winning streak. And I mean a long winning streak. What I see happening is WWE taking the middle ground with Miz retaining by dubious means like getting DQ'd. That way, Ryback keeps his winning streak intact but Miz retains his title. Eventually though, Ryback will win the belt but I would hold off on that for now and try to stretch this feud out beyond the next PPV.
I just honestly think this is way to soon.I have a few reasons why.One it will really hurt Miz.I mean if they are going to continue with Ryback winning streak then you going to have him beat miz then beat miz again for his rematch.I mean come on only two years ago Miz was headlining WrestleMania now this.Second I really dont think ryback has went though enought people on the roster to get to miz.I think his mini feud with jinhdar was a great start off.Maybe he should move to Tensi,Jack Swagger,Santino,or any other of them low card jobbers.Then keep going up. That is one thing I really hate about Wrestling today they tend to just jump them striaght to WHC instaed of slowly making there way though the ranks.The only two people I think they have really dont a pretty good job with is Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler.They have been around for alittle bit and making there way to the top.
It's going to end up being a 3-way match with Cody, Miz, and Ryback so that Ryback can lose without being pinned. They aren't going to end his winning streak yet and they also aren't going to take the IC belt off of Miz. I think it will be a triple threat at HIAC and Miz will pin Cody again.
I think Ryback is a little too stiff in the ring. He doesn't have the type of athleticism or fluidity from move to move that I like to see. Also, I feel like his timing is a little off. I don't know if he's too into his gimmick to realize it, or if he just doesn't have "rhythm" in the ring to make the match "look" good.

But to answer the question, no I do not want to see Ryback with the IC Title. I think he still needs a little more practice. I'm not an expert either, but he needs someone to mentor him on how to tell a story in the ring and carry matches.
Not sure why everyone is complaining about Ryback being too stiff just because he almost hurt Swagger, Swagger was as at fault as Ryback during that incident.

I think this is a good thing for Ryback, finally facing a legitimate competitor. But WWE have to be very careful at this to protect Ryback the character, making it a Triple Threat and having Miz pin someone like Cody does not work because it means Ryback still technically lost, and his winning streak will look like a joke like Vladimir Kozlov's when WWE tried find excuse to keep his winning streak going despite him losing matches multiple times. IF Ryback faces Miz, him going through Miz is the only way to keep Ryback credible.

As for Miz, he is a great Intercontinental Champion but he can easily move on to facing someone like Sheamus after his reign. Which will make a fresh feud as well because I am sick of Sheamus facing Del Rio over and over again..
I think Ryback is a little too stiff in the ring. He doesn't have the type of athleticism or fluidity from move to move that I like to see. Also, I feel like his timing is a little off. I don't know if he's too into his gimmick to realize it, or if he just doesn't have "rhythm" in the ring to make the match "look" good.

But to answer the question, no I do not want to see Ryback with the IC Title. I think he still needs a little more practice. I'm not an expert either, but he needs someone to mentor him on how to tell a story in the ring and carry matches.

I will reiterate what posted earlier.. I agree with this sentiment.. Ryback is way too stiff in the ring.. In his match with Swagger, he almost broke Swagger's neck for not getting low enough for Swagger to complete the back body drop correctly and safely.. I think this stiffness may come from the fact that Ryback has been working with smaller talent.. jobbers... for most of his current push.. and that he has been working too fast in those squash matchups... When he worked with Swagger, he was still used to working matches at a fast pace.. With bigger talent, or talent his size, he needs to work slower and more carefully to make for a good match...

Going back to the question posted.. It would be nice to Ryback in a legitimate feud with anyone, including mid card talent like the Miz or Cesaro... But, in my opinion, his poor in-ring abilities prevent him from having a worthwhile match with any legitimate talent... plus he lacks the mic skills needed to rise from the mid-card ranks into the main-event stage... He needs to work both on his in-ring abilities and mics skills to become a superstar who will have any staying power in the WWE..
Ryback could only benefit from this feud but I'm not for this feud now. I think its still early days for Ryback to get a title start straightaway. His moves are quite limited ( maybe because of squash matches) so we must face good opponents before he can earn his title shot with Miz. If Ryback faces Miz straightaway for the title then i guess Ryback will win now (wwe will think its good) only to lose it next ppv (not worthy for long run) which won't help in anyway.

But if he is given good opponents and couple of good feuds before that then he can get over quickly as IC Champ with people.
The only reason Ryback stays around is cos Vince McMahon gets a hard on for big men who only know 2 moves, I mean seriously people bitch and whine about John Cena and his "5 moves of Doom" but at least he knoss toise 5 moves.

You are a shit poster, your opinion is always really shit that is why you have a red rep. You can't spell and you are giving brits a bad name on this forum.

With that out of the way. It is Ryback's time to at least feud with a big name like Miz. The wrestling world moved at a slower pace when it was Goldberg's time and Miz is good enough to suffer loss after loss and still keep his spot (like Jericho)

Sick of this 'he is too green' bollocks. He has been wrestling nearly ten years, plus how do any of us really know if he is too stiff? Has anyone on this forum been in the ring with him? Or do we all base this off wrestlezone reports? :suspic:
Simple answer no. I am not interested in Ryback vs Miz. IT does make sense however, to have Ryback get the IC title while defeating an opponent with credibility in the Miz. Miz is a former WWE Champ which in itself helps Ryback. I personally don't like it because its a negative effect, if Ryback loses then he will eventually be forgotten, and if Miz loses it does nothing for the title at all, I believe Miz can make the IC title relevant again but not feuding with Ryback, with a feud against Cody Rhodes. Forget the heel vs heel which WWE doesn't like to do, it makes sense and it would be great quality matches.
Yes, I am interested in this feud. It feels fresh. For the past few years we have seen some decent new mid card talent come into the WWE or improve from their lower mid card status. The Miz, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow. What do they all have in common? They’re all heel. WWE has struggled to create a good mid card face. The good guys are either main eventers or a tier below all the heels I just mentioned. Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston are pretty much the only consistent mid card faces. Ryback has the chance to join them and it will be a good thing for the depth of the roster.

This feud would mean a lot more if Miz had been champion longer. We all know the IC title isn’t what it used to be but if Miz had a long reign going on I could see this feud being more interesting. WWE could have recreated a Honky Tonk Man/Ultimate Warrior moment. Warrior coming out of nowhere to finally end Honky’s reign made him a superstar overnight. I could see the same thing happening with Ryback. A no nonsense monster who let’s his actions do the talking dethroning a cowardly champion that’s always running his mouth is just naturally appropriate. And by the way, a wrestler doesn’t have to spend a lot of time on the mic to get over. It certainly helps a lot of guys but it is not absolutely necessary.
Here's what i would do:
HIAC: Miz vs Ryback ends in a DQ
Survior Series: Team Miz vs Team Ryback (or maybe even just Ryback) with Ryback winning
TLC: Now here is where i'm not sure what will happen. Personally I would love to see Miz be the first to end his streak but i don't see that happening. I think Ryback will win it here.
Royal Rumble: I would love The Miz to win the Rumble match next year and go on to become WHC
I'm interested...I think Miz is the perfect first real opponent for Ryback. Miz can do the mic work and just let Ryback show how dominant he is.

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