Next in line for the IC title


Championship Contender
As we know Ryback is the IC title holder. Now I like Ryback, was happy to see him win, but he hasn't been the best and most popular champion. Who would you wanna see him loose it to?? I know he's in a program with big show and miz. I think big show just needs to retire for good. The miz could be good for that title. Could put it on Ambrose. I actually like the title on the miz though..I like Ryback but I just don't see the title right on him..

Thoughts on who you'd like to see...or run. Do a dx or horseman where all titles go to the authority....
It's pretty clear that the plan is for Rusev to be Ryback's next challenger. Once Ryback wraps up his feud with Miz and Big Show and Rusev beats Dolph Ziggler we are going to see Rusev vs. Ryback for the Intercontinental Title. As far as plans go, it's a pretty solid one. I think it's a decent match up, and we should get some pretty hard hitting contests out of it. Rusev will probably hold the IC title before the end of the year. But again, and I can't stress this enough, we need an actual angle for the IC Title, something more than the challenger wants the belt. Angles are what get the fans invested in the match and, by extension, the belt.
I actually disagree with the OP about Ryback not being a popular champion or even a good champion. Since winning the strap Ryback has being on the way up, including new moves and his reactions seem to be increasing. I for one have been a fan of his run as champ but we have to remember he was champion for 4 weeks building to a triple threat match and he got injured. He didnt get that victory over big show or the miz.

I want Ryback to come back beat Miz AND Big Show and then have 2 or 3 more successful title defenses until we even begin thinking about taking the title off him. Except for the tag titles all titles have been having long title reigns lately and the IC belt (since Daniel Bryan went down with injury) for the last year has been passed around from barret to miz to dolph back to miz to dolph to harper to dolph to wade to bryan and now ryback.

As far as who takes it away from him? Lets check back around ..... Survivor series? I guess guys like Rusev or Daniel Bryan (depending on what they plan to do with him when he comes back ) seem like early favorites
I hope he keeps it for awhile. The problem with the IC belt is that it's changed hands so frequently over the past year or so. I actually think it's too early for Big Show to get involved, as he seems above Ryback's level in terms of booking and Miz just makes it convoluted. In my eyes, they should've had Ryback's first few IC matches be against his Elimination Chamber opponents. Then he can feud with Miz. Then Big Show. Then maybe a Triple Threat. Then if they really want to bring in Mark Henry, they can.

As for who will dethrone Ryback, I'm not sure. Rusev would be a good choice. Kevin Owens would work as well. But it comes down to who has the most momentum and what would make the most sense at the time.
I don't think he's held it long enough for us to be saying he should drop it anytime soon. His feud with Miz and Big Show isn't barely off the ground, and he's also been out injured the last couple of weeks.

If anything they should be running away from this title, it seems cursed. Daniel Bryan won it at Mania, went out with an injury, and now Ryback. Big Show and Miz is just a filler feud until they can free up someone like Rusev. Once that horrible storyline with Ziggler is over and done with, I an see the two big guys going at it for the title.

Owens is in the hunt for the US title, and that's where he should stay right now. Between Cena, Cesaro and Owens, that title looks much better than the IC does. Let Rusev and Ryback have a proper feud maybe stretching over a few months.

Also disagree he's been a bad champion, he's done okay with what he's been given, which hasn't really been a lot. Big Show kind of ruins every feud he's in these days for me. After his match with Ambrose the other night, that would be an interesting addition.
I could see Big Show or Miz beating Ryback for the title, holding it a month or two, and the drop it back to Ryback. But I think the "money feud" they're building towards, as others have said, is Ryback vs. Rusev, and I think that's going to lead to Rusev winning the championship from Ryback sometime in the fall.
I personally don't want to see Ryback lose the title too soon. If he has to lose it, at least wait a couple of more PPVs then start him in a big feud with Samoa Joe in the future. Then eventually have Samoa Joe win the belt as a heel.
I don't see him dropping it anytime soon. As of right now, I'm just wanting WWE to move him on past Miz & Big Show, though I do like the fact that they've been putting emphasis on IC title feuds and storylines since WrestleMania. The problem is that there've been some set backs such as Daniel Bryan having to take time off due to a concussion and Ryback being out due to a Staph Infection. Another problem is that, frankly, I don't think a ton of people are overly excited about Miz and Big Show being the challengers. However, the upside of that is that at least they've kept the emphasis on the title with Show & Miz while Ryback's recovering from the infection, which is quite a bit more than they were doing 6 months ago. Also, Ryback dropping the title anytime soon sort of undermines the whole notion of giving the mid-card titles a fresh start and the IC title itself has a helluva lot of catching up to do when you compare it to where Cena's helped bring the US title.

I could see Rusev as a viable candidate, though I think it might depend upon how he comes out of his feud with Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler, as we know, was written off TV a little while back due to suffering a "crushed larynx" after Rusev injured him with a crutch, though he's actually been out shooting a movie and could be done with it in time to face Rusev at SummerSlam. If Rusev comes out on top in his program with Ziggler, then I think he'll definitely be on the short list.

Another possibility is Kevin Owens, though there's also still a possibility of him rekindling his program with Cena somewhere down the line over the United States Championship. Owens has made quite a splash this summer during his feud with Cena, though there's also some sort of possibility that he & Cesaro could be in the WWE WHC picture if Cena's gonna be out for a little while.

Speaking of Cesaro, he's another potential candidate though it's more unlikely as he's a babyface at the moment. He's had some really good showings in some matches in the past against Ryback and it's fun seeing Cesaro match strength with Ryback; we don't usually see Ryback being tossed about or manhandled unless it's been by someone like Big Show or Mark Henry.

As to who should take the title right now, as I said, I think Ryback needs to hold onto the title probably for the rest of the year, maybe drop it at the Royal Rumble to someone but I'm mostly just interested in seeing Ryback continue his run to see how things go. Ryback's grown in popularity and he's pretty good in the ring, especially for a big bruiser, though I'd personally love to see him adopt a more interesting persona than this gym rat/meathead thing he's got goin' on.
Ryback going over Miz and Big Show will raise his profile as IC champ. A victory over Rusev after that will make Ryback look really strong as champion. Owens is the guy who could go over Ryback and gain a lot, while keeping Ryback from looking weak. Owens has more cred in the ring than most of the roster so losing to him would be a smart choice. Wyatt would also be a good candidate for next IC champ.
Yea he is definitely popular with the fans, I didn't mean that. I mean he rarely mentions the belt, or don't show it off and make it about the belt. He does about his struggles but not about the title. Like his IC title is lost in the intensity. He has passion, fan backing, but not a real "feud" to elevate. He comes to the ring, kicks butt, and leaves. He represents the title good, but don't glorify the title..
I could see Big Show or Miz beating Ryback for the title, holding it a month or two, and the drop it back to Ryback. But I think the "money feud" they're building towards, as others have said, is Ryback vs. Rusev, and I think that's going to lead to Rusev winning the championship from Ryback sometime in the fall.

While you and I usually disagree, I would have no problem with Rusev taking it from Ryback.

As much as I like Ryback, his injury came at a terrible time (as did Rusev's). It's not good on a champ who's trying to be built up in a terrible feud and then gets injured in the middle of it. I actually feel bad for Ryback. They finally gave him a chance. I hope they don't give up on him due to not thinking he's good enough.
Cant stand Ryback. Especially as IC Champ. IC Title was one of my favorites growin up. Always featured the best matches. I am irritated that the US Title build has been so much more successful than the IC. Given the tough break with Bryan, but they dropped the ball putting on a guy who blows up after 5 minutes in ring. I would have rather seen it go around the waist of someone more talented.
It may seem like a step down for the belt initially, but I would like to see guys like Fandango, Slater, Rose, Dallas, Ryder, etc contend for the belt. I feel like if given the chance, these guys can be just as good (or at least as entertaining) as the guys Cena's been fighting for the US title. It seems like if you're not in that upper echelon of midcard, you are a jobber. The IC title can make these guys just as viable and important as anybody else, if given the chance. So I guess what I'm saying in the end is, if you're a singles guy and are not involved in a serious feud, let's put you in contention for the IC title.
It's interesting to watch WWE try and paint Ryback as a true babyface. In promos advertising three-way contests, Ryback's mug is pasted in the middle between two heels, a big, friendly, incongruous smile on his face. It's a pretty serious departure from his first face run in WWE, as that effort involved him being a face in function but a bad guy in appearance. Now, they want us to accept him as a really nice guy. Kind of weird, no?

As to who might oppose him, I like the idea of fights between Ryback and either Rusev or Kevin Owens.....yet, those two have fought at higher levels already and competing for a midcard title might be seen as a demotion. Yet, having John Cena operating on that level pretty much changes the equation as to people dropping down to lend prestige to a lower title belt.

So, if the company wants to make Ryback come off as more legit, they might try feuds between he and Rusev or Owens. If Ryback can manage to look good against bruisers like them, it would boost his standing, imo.
RUSEV had lots of credibility and wwe ruined him due to poor booking, storylines and favoritism! He was undefeated till wwe screwed up on that one like WCW screwed up on GOLDBERG! Their streaks were ruined.I can never understand the change that thewwe has made to Rusev. Just a few months ago he was billed as this completely unstoppable force almost like a Russian Brock Lesnar. Rusev lost and is compared to Bray Wyatt which was a repeat of when Cena buried Bray Wyatt. I liked Wyatt character a bit more than the Rusev one.

I think Kevin Steen not Owens should win the IC title at SS and beat CRYBACK!
Miz is great for PR and that's about it in my book. He is great out of the ring. But he has the same problem that Christian had, he doesnt look tough or intimidating in a locker room of wrestlers. He never looked strong winning ever, unless it was dirty. But he is gold on the mic, so let him keep doing the show and let the guys fight.

But the Big Show is past his prime. He needs to take some time off and get into a better shape. He he always had this problem of getting fit, getting fat, getting fit, getting fat. Im not getting on him because I dont like to see it, I dont care. But its just kinda sad to see him wobble to the ring to slowly "run" onto someone. But I love him and hope to see him come back for a match or two here and there. Time to make some new monster heels like Harper, Rowan, and maybe Corbin.

Ryback should be the champ, its his time. Unless he is gonna be out.

I just want to see the champion at this point. Its not funny how WWE is playing to one title at a time. WWE title is gone, so lets focus on IC. IC belt is in a silly feud, lets focus on Cena and US title. ROllins win the belt its back to WWE title. Tag titles were the main for a month.
They need to get their stuff together and make all the titles mean something. If Ryback is hurt much longer, strip him of the the title and let people see it again.

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