rvd vs big show on ecw!!!

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Well, I do hope he wins.

But he probably won't.

Big Show, no matter how out of place he looks holding that ECW belt, will not lose his title because Vince McMahon and his goons like to make decisions like that.
I wouldn't be surprised to see RVD win because if he hadn't gottin suspended he would still be champion(probably), and it looks to me like there trying to set up a Test/Hardcore Holly/RVD feud, and WWE typically only set up triple threat matches if somethings on the line, like a title or #1 contender shot, and if it's RVDs last chance to win the gold then it wouldn't make sense for them to put him in a contenders match

of course as always I could be wrong
I hope R.V.D. wins, he's a better fit for the Cyber Sunday main event. With Cena and Big Show involved that match will be crap. Also Cena has feuded with both of them and he has'nt got any chemistry with either. With R.V.D. involved the match will be worth seeing, he's on fire at the moment.
Y 2 Jake said:
I hope R.V.D. wins, he's a better fit for the Cyber Sunday main event. With Cena and Big Show involved that match will be crap. Also Cena has feuded with both of them and he has'nt got any chemistry with either. With R.V.D. involved the match will be worth seeing, he's on fire at the moment.

Yeah, RVD has feuded with both Booker and Cena also, and remember just a couple of weeks ago Booker was on ECW, wrestling against RVD.

Another thing to look at: RVD instintally adds a higher pace to the match, whereas Big Slow errr... Show instintally slows down the pace of the match
i never liked the big show so i go for RVD. If RVD looses i'm hoping CM PUNK would get a shot soon and WIN!!!
if you read the article carefully, it says that if he wins he'll get a SHOT at the title. So this week it's not for the title.
Cracker5000 said:
if you read the article carefully, it says that if he wins he'll get a SHOT at the title. So this week it's not for the title.
yeah you're right.
I think RVD will win then Heyman will say that RVD has earned the right to to compete agaisnt Big Show but first, just to make sure he's wrothy me must also beat Hardcore holly and Test in triple threat match. Heymans a bastard and I could see pulling some shit like that.
im pretty sure i saw that RVD won the match when the ref got bumped and Holly came in and interfered by blasting big show with a chair then RVD nailed Show with a chair then RVD won
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