RVD Interested in Joining WWE?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This from the official Twitter feed for Power Slam magazine:

"Someone told me this week that Rob Van Dam is seriously considering a return to WWE," wrote Findlay Martin, magazine editor.

Van Dam performed for WWE from 2001 to 2007 before joining TNA Wrestling in 2010. Should RVD return to WWE, he would should join a select group of former WWE world champions—Booker T, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley—who joined TNA and ultimately returned to the Stamford based organization.


Frankly I'm not sure what to make of it, and part of that confusion comes from not knowing the contractual status of RVD himself.

When he first joined TNA he lost only a handful or less of matches in his entire first year in the company, even beating AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, so it's obvious TNA banked a ton of their momentum in RVD, but that's since regressed quite a bit leaving RVD to feud in the mid-card among men like Abyss and Christopher Daniels.

While not a death sentence by any means, its' also far less than what he was used to as a staple in the main event, so who knows — maybe he really is upset at how "poorly" or little he's been used since those days?

Take it with as big a grain of salt as you need, but I figure it's worth the discussion anyway.

I hink RVD would honestly be better off staying in TNA because he has a better shot at main eventing there again than he would in WWE. He left on pretty bad terms and although he did do a guest appearance at a Royal Rumble to a loud face reaction from fans, I doubt they would push him to the top again in WWE. If he waits long enough he might get a title shot against Roode and I'm sure it would not be his last in TNA. The recent angles he's been in have been decent too. I don't see anything good coming from him returning to WWE once the initial reaction to his return dies down.
What's to say the WWE would even want him back??? What does THC-RVD really have to offer them? He's even slowed down since being in the company in 2007, so are they going to want a shotty version of the guy they fired for smoking too much chronic back? And would he seriously be willing to not do any drugs or the synthetic marijuana to be there again? I'd say if he wasn't willing to cut it out when they gave him 2 titles at once then he wouldn't be willing to do it now.
A few things about this RVD revelation; all we have to go on is an unconfirmed report, correct? It's pretty much hearsay at this stage as we've heard nothing from RVD/TNA on this matter in the days since the 'story' broke.

When he first joined TNA he lost only a handful or less of matches in his entire first year in the company, even beating AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, so it's obvious TNA banked a ton of their momentum in RVD, but that's since regressed quite a bit leaving RVD to feud in the mid-card among men like Abyss and Christopher Daniels.

While not a death sentence by any means, its' also far less than what he was used to as a staple in the main event, so who knows — maybe he really is upset at how "poorly" or little he's been used since those days?

But if this is the case, does he believe that his return to WWE would put and keep him in their Main Event scene? Raw wont have Cena there until Post-Mania (I presume) and supposedly Punk will be hanging onto the title for a while. Behind him there are Miz, Truth, Del Rio with his rematch clause and Ziggler all lurking in that area.
Perhaps on Smackdown for a while, but Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, Barrett and even Kane deserve a title shot against Mark Henry at the moment. RVD does not.

I'm not an RVD hater by any means, what I'm getting at is WWE seem to be pushing the guys mentioned at the moment who have been doing well over the past year or so, so I wouldn't expect RVD to instantly go into the ME mix, I'd see him staying in the mid-card scene.

At the end of the day, if this is a factual report mind you, he'd be moving to a larger company as enhancement talent I imagine. Nothing wrong with that as I expect RVD is still known well enough to get good reactions from the crowds, but if he moved to WWE with aspirations for either of the ME titles I think he'd be disappointed.
I really liked RVD back in ECW, but it does get a bit boring seeing him do the same thing over and over and considering Evan Bourne got popped for smoking salvia/fake weed stuff I highly doubt he'll get through a run without violating the wellness policy. If he does make it through and stops smoking weed/fake weed, more power to him.

That being said, if RVD wants to come back to the WWE I don't see why they wouldn't take him back considering all of the past and present superstars that left on bad terms coming back like Bret Hart, Sean Waltman, etc and if they'll make a buck or two off of him.
This is a similar question as the one posed about Matt Morgan last week. It all comes down to where his mind is, where his perspectives and priorities lie at this stage of his career. RVD is not that old, so it's not like he has to call it a career anytime soon, unless he chooses to do so. He isn't like Flair or Hogan or any of those guys, hanging around well past his prime. He can still be a viable contributor to whichever company he chooses to work for.

Having said this, his days as a main eventer are likely behind him. In either company, he will likely function as a mid to upper midcarder, with the ability to step up to the main event in the short term in case of emergency. This would appear to be the case currently in TNA, and would certainly be the case in WWE. Which is fine, nothing wrong with that at this stage of the game.

If he wants a few more years in the upper midcard, with lower expectations, a lighter schedule, less travel, a more relaxed drug policy, and is content working smaller venues for smaller audiences for lesser money, he should stay right where he is, and continue to entertain the TNA faithful. Nothing wrong with that.

But if he wants one more taste of the spotlight, to feed off the energy of a larger crowd, to pull in more significant money for a while, while he suspends some of his recreational activities and tolerates the more rigorous world of WWE, then he should jump and he should do so sooner than later. The clock is ticking.

My guess is that he'll stay put and the rumors are just dirt sheet nonsense. Either way, it's all good, depending on where his thoughts are. Either company could benefit from his talent and be lucky to have him. And the other company would be just fine without him too.
I think RVD burned his bridge with WWE a long time ago. There's a possibility he might want to go back. But being that casual toker he is and the wellness policy they enforce a return to WWE seems very unlikely IMO. I think he's better off in TNA for right now. His better years are behind him but he can still go somewhat.
RVD has been going through the motions for almost the entire of 2011. It seems as though if he's not the focus of the show, he doesn't give a s***. TNA had to pull his old buddy Jerry Lynn out of mothballs just to light a fire under his ass.

I say let him go back to WWE. TNA have moved on to the point where they've got a roster full of young guns raring to go, and WWE is always on the look out for a nostalgia act to get a cheap pop.
He's even slowed down since being in the company in 2007, so are they going to want a shotty version of the guy they fired for smoking too much chronic back? And would he seriously be willing to not do any drugs or the synthetic marijuana to be there again? I'd say if he wasn't willing to cut it out when they gave him 2 titles at once then he wouldn't be willing to do it now.

1. They never fired him for smoking.
2. The issue when he had two titles wasn't that he was smoking weed, it was that he was arrested with Sabu for illegal possession of weed and unprescribed painkillers.
3. RVD uses medical marijuana completely legally now, and WWE allows that in their Wellness Policy.

Anyways, it'd be a great idea for Rob to end his career in the company that's most like his home and that's WWE. He built a legacy & fanbase there that his TNA time just hasn't matched at all. Vince is all for boys coming back "home" and even if he's just upper mid-card/occasional main event talent, it's a bigger paycheck than Impact Wrestling.
I remember reading one of JR's blogs last yr and he speculated the reason he was in Smackdown vs Raw 2011 was because he was in talk to return to the company back in 2010. Maybe he is rethinking his decision in picking TNA over WWE.

RVD was recently selling his stuff on ebay. If it was for a good cause or something, then I will eat my words, but if I remember correctly, he needed money. It was kind of sad to be honest. To see him trying to sell autographed photos of himself and action figures online.
I not sure how reliable this is or whether it's just made up, "Someone told me" doesn't seem all that reliable TBH. I could tell you that RVD has just signed a new 3 year contract, don't mean it's true.

For the purpose of the discussion though, I sincerely hope there is no truth to this. The Whole F'N' Show is the greatest of all time for me and I would hate for him to leave TNA, seeing as I can't bring myself to watch WWE not even to see Rob Van Dam. If he did go back I'd probably catch his debut but then get quickly bored by everything around him. I've no doubt Van Dam could go back to WWE and be a big part of their show, it's just a shame I wouldn't be watching to see it, so naturally I hope it doesn't happen.

I could see why Van Dam could feel a little "under-used" by TNA at the minute, but he seems like he's enjoying himself and I can't see him leaving anytime soon. I'm a huge Van Dam mark so perhaps I'm bias, but I could definately understand if Van Dam thought he should be doing bigger and better things. No offense to Christopher Daniels but Van Dam should be up against the likes of Bully Ray, not Daniels.

As for the wellness policy thing, I don't think it matters TBH. If WWE wanted Van Dam back, he wouldn't take the test in the first place, or they would just say he passed. I bet there's tons of stars over the years that have worked a way around the tests. You catch who you want to catch with those sorts of tests. Not just in wrestling but in many other sports as well.
Lets hope its true. RVD brings nothing to TNA, he is and always has been average in the ring. Apart from his recent match with Jerry Lynn I have enjoyed nothing about his time in TNA.

The fans love him in the WWE so he can go and get paid for nothing like the others mentioned. He is still fit enough to go in the ring and put over some of the new guys, the only problem is he is in love with himself and has been blinded by all his self love, literally. Anyway I will shed no tears if he leaves, perhaps it will enable some of the other talent in TNA to get more lucrative deals and TV time, like Magnus.

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