RVD Clarifies His TNA Comments, Says Talent Can Learn in NXT

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This from TNA Insider:

Former TNA Wrestler Rob Van Dam created another audio podcast to address the growing backlash from fans following his comments on TNA Wrestlers in his previous podcast.

"So I had mentioned that it’s good to be back in WWE, where the best of the best are. The wrestling caliber here is so much higher than everywhere else I’ve ever been. These fools have taken that to say that I’m putting TNA down. ‘You’re two-faced, you’re a backstabber.’ No, I’m not saying that.

"TNA has a lot of really really good wrestlers that could easily come to WWE and go right up to the top and still be some of the best wrestlers here. They also have a lot of wrestlers that can go to NXT and learn a lot and get a lot more rounded before they go somewhere. And if you ask any TNA wrestlers who've been at the top like Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle or Bubba Dudley or Devon Dudley, I'm pretty sure they would agree with me.

He goes on to call fans marks, as wrestlers tend to do, and comments on their right to have and share their opinions — blah blah blah. Point is, he clarified on the comments he made on a prior podcast that a lot of fans took as him shitting on his former employer:

"Many of you noticed my matches were better, but you couldn't put your finger on why they're better. I'm telling you it's because I'm swimming in a different pool. Some of the other guys - their achievements are not as grand, the stars that they have wrestled are not as well-rounded, they're used to wrestling each other, and they're limited. Fans might prefer that, it's going to be a small group of fans that will support that and that the wrestlers will be exposed to. And, that's fine if that's what you're looking for. But, if you're looking for the best of the best, if you're looking for the best Superstars, it's right here, baby. WWE."

I'm sure some will still consider his latest comments as a slight, and maybe they're not wrong, but I also don't think anything he said is all that wrong either. Certainly there are talents on the TNA roster who could likely hop over and go to the top — Styles, Joe and probably Aries among the less blatant choices like former WWE champions like Hardy and Angle. And in that same breathe, who doesn't think that their younger hopefuls could learn in NXT? Believe me, I'm not saying they should. I'm just saying that strictly based on what RVD is saying, he's not wrong. I do find it a bit unsettling, though, based both on being an avid TNA fan, and also in that were these things to happen, you're likely again talking about a world without competition.

The comments seem relatively straight forward, but it's probably worth chatting about. I can't imagine the TNA roster are all too pleased to read them, and they tend to justify what a lot of fans have been complaining about with regard to RVD for a while now — all that talk of him being a gag-inducing fan of himself, the kind of guy who can't wrestle his own opinion of himself out of the way long enough to make friends, etc.

What I thought was quite interesting was this:
I Dig Rask! said:
And if you ask any TNA wrestlers who've been at the top like Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle or Bubba Dudley or Devon Dudley, I'm pretty sure they would agree with me.
No Sting, no AJ Styles, yet Devon gets a mention. He's only plugging the ex-WWE guys, so my conclusion is that RVD thinks TNA is shit and being a top guy there means nothing to him.

This whole article looks like Rob trying to make up for the stupid things he said previously about the company that gave him a job, but he only manages to replace his right foot in his mouth for his left...
Before he sounded silly. I chucked in his bit about lack of use clearly ignoring how within a month he was World Champion in TNA while right now, he's on Youtube despite beating the World Champ.

But now he just sounds plain stupid. We see he's wrestling better because it seems he actually gives a damn as opposed to his mostly lackluster performances in TNA. And the whole bit about how TNA's guys only fight themselves and therefor limited seems to contradict the fact that these guys allowed to work other companies with people not affiliated to TNA. As opposed to WWE where a class of wrestlers are always fighting each other.

I love RVD in the ring, but right now his words just come across as him trying to praise WWE shoot down TNA without sounding like a dick, but clearly can't put the words to do so together.
What I thought was quite interesting was this:

No Sting, no AJ Styles, yet Devon gets a mention. He's only plugging the ex-WWE guys, so my conclusion is that RVD thinks TNA is shit and being a top guy there means nothing to him.

This whole article looks like Rob trying to make up for the stupid things he said previously about the company that gave him a job, but he only manages to replace his right foot in his mouth for his left...

I see him mentioning The Dudleys, Angle & Jeff Hardy because they are people that he was worked with extensively in the past and perhaps has even talked to them about a similar issue. It has been stated that the ECW locker room was basically a big family so it would be obvious that he has an extensive history with the Dudley's, he has feuded with Hardy many times and had worked with Angle a lot during the Invasion angle, where as he may have wrestled Styles & Sting a few times but probably does not know them enough personally to basically put words in their mouths.
If anyone believes RVD is being genuine here, they're lying to themselves. He sound way too positive, like he's trying too hard. Like he's told to try too hard.

I don't want to debate the validity of what he said. I don't want to take a stance on which roster is better and so forth, everyone knows what that stance will be anyway.

What I'm trying to point out is how forced all of this seems. It sounds a whole lot like Kevin Nash's tweets following the Royal Rumble. Remember those? "Best moment of my pro wrestling career. The WWE is the greatest". That sort of thing.

The guy was told to hype the WWE as much as possible and portray it in the way he did. Good job WWE, good job Rob. Works for them.

Is he being truthful and frank? Absolutely not. Does he hate the WWE? Absolutely not. But that boner he has for them in this interview is imaginary. Plus the whole bullshit about TNA stars being able to make it is just so forced. Again, it sounds like someone told him to do it so then TNA stars will hear it and consider going to the WWE once their contracts are up. We all know WWE is salivating at the thought of getting a lot of the TNA guys even though they (or their fans) will never admit it.
So a lot of fans who have never stepped into a ring, never changed a rope, never took a bump, probably never been to a live wrestling event are mad because a world wide veteran is saying TNA is lacking?

If a world wide ring veteran of nearly 25 years says your company is lacking in talent, skill and presentation, I'm gonna believe him over fans who are angry cause he jumped ship and is now pointing out the obvious.

To be quite honest, a lot of "homegrown" tna talent were trained by the WCW powerplant and the old WWF developmental HWA.

Maybe there is a reason why they are in TNA?
So a lot of fans who have never stepped into a ring, never changed a rope, never took a bump, probably never been to a live wrestling event are mad because a world wide veteran is saying TNA is lacking?

If a world wide ring veteran of nearly 25 years says your company is lacking in talent, skill and presentation, I'm gonna believe him over fans who are angry cause he jumped ship and is now pointing out the obvious.

To be quite honest, a lot of "homegrown" tna talent were trained by the WCW powerplant and the old WWF developmental HWA.

Maybe there is a reason why they are in TNA?

I 100% agree with this. I started watching TNA years ago (around 2007) and stopped watching about a year ago because I just felt like it was pointless. Some of the talent there is great, and overall the matches are better than WWE. That being said it still feels like a poor mans WCW, and it never takes the much needed next step in their evolution.
So a lot of fans who have never stepped into a ring, never changed a rope, never took a bump, probably never been to a live wrestling event are mad because a world wide veteran is saying TNA is lacking?

If a world wide ring veteran of nearly 25 years says your company is lacking in talent, skill and presentation, I'm gonna believe him over fans who are angry cause he jumped ship and is now pointing out the obvious.

To be quite honest, a lot of "homegrown" tna talent were trained by the WCW powerplant and the old WWF developmental HWA.

Maybe there is a reason why they are in TNA?

Hulk Hogan on the other hand says they have the best roster in the world and TNA is the best company in the world. Hogan has a bit more credibility than RVD I think. Following your logic, wouldn't you believe Hogan more than you would RVD? Come up with a stupid excuse, it's your turn. What? Hogan is working for TNA? Of course he'll say TNA is the best thing in the world? Well, RVD is working for the WWE. Of course he'll say their roster is better. See where I'm gettin' at?

Moreover, name five homegrown talent who were trained in the powerplant or HWA. I don't mean been there for ten minutes. I mean TRAINED. They came FROM HWA or The Powerplant. Like Bret Hart came out of the Hart Dungeon or Cena came out of OVW. Just five. No, wait. Name three. I'll make it easier for you. In fact, you can do two if you'd like.
Hulk Hogan on the other hand says they have the best roster in the world and TNA is the best company in the world. Hogan has a bit more credibility than RVD I think. Following your logic, wouldn't you believe Hogan more than you would RVD? Come up with a stupid excuse, it's your turn. What? Hogan is working for TNA? Of course he'll say TNA is the best thing in the world? Well, RVD is working for the WWE. Of course he'll say their roster is better. See where I'm gettin' at?

Moreover, name five homegrown talent who were trained in the powerplant or HWA. I don't mean been there for ten minutes. I mean TRAINED. They came FROM HWA or The Powerplant. Like Bret Hart came out of the Hart Dungeon or Cena came out of OVW. Just five. No, wait. Name three. I'll make it easier for you. In fact, you can do two if you'd like.

Have you been following RVD in his career? IF he doesn't believe in what he is saying he just doesn't say it. That is how he has always rolled. Hogan on the other hand is a complete BSer.
Hulk Hogan on the other hand says they have the best roster in the world and TNA is the best company in the world. Hogan has a bit more credibility than RVD I think. Following your logic, wouldn't you believe Hogan more than you would RVD? Come up with a stupid excuse, it's your turn. What? Hogan is working for TNA? Of course he'll say TNA is the best thing in the world? Well, RVD is working for the WWE. Of course he'll say their roster is better. See where I'm gettin' at?

Moreover, name five homegrown talent who were trained in the powerplant or HWA. I don't mean been there for ten minutes. I mean TRAINED. They came FROM HWA or The Powerplant. Like Bret Hart came out of the Hart Dungeon or Cena came out of OVW. Just five. No, wait. Name three. I'll make it easier for you. In fact, you can do two if you'd like.

The beloved AJ Styles came from the powerplant I believe. Samoa Joe spent quite a while in a WWE developmental system, feuded with the future golden boy John Cena and even won their world title.

I know after reading this, you will reply with something silly, grabbing for straws, splitting hairs and whatnot.

I've noticed that you get your feelings hurt very easily and quite often on the TNA forums. I am not bad mouthing TNA, but you will think I am and will probably call me WWE mark. Because anything unrelated to TNA's "greatness" is taboo for you.
What I thought was quite interesting was this:

No Sting, no AJ Styles, yet Devon gets a mention. He's only plugging the ex-WWE guys, so my conclusion is that RVD thinks TNA is shit and being a top guy there means nothing to him.

This whole article looks like Rob trying to make up for the stupid things he said previously about the company that gave him a job, but he only manages to replace his right foot in his mouth for his left...

Thats because AJ Styles has not been to the top he has main event PPV with smaller audiences then Monday Night raw in the No 2 company. I give you sting as he is a Top Talent and even know not been in WWE was in WCW the once No 1 Company and is a Legend
Some people read way too into things. Let's face it, since being back RVD's had stellar upon stellar matches over and over. Whereas in TNA, it was a rarity to see RVD even get a 3 star match because they were putting him with guys like Zema Ion... what? I get that they wanted to build stars, but those two just don't mix.... at all.

But he's right. The level of talent in WWE vs. the level of talent in TNA is a huge gap. The only ones that could probably make into the main event scene without extensive WWE history are Styles and Aries... maybe Joe and Parks [if he uses an Abyss-esque gimmick]. Bobby Roode is another name, but WWE would have to be serious on that one whereas the others could get themselves over. And that's not a knock on Bobby Roode at all. Same goes for Storm. Who knows, maybe WWE could even put Gunner in a legit monster role by teaming him with Ryback or even using him as Orton's new lacky... if we're going off of current events.

But seriously, there's nothing wrong with what RVD said. I mean TNA is a great company and they're far more than capable of putting on great shows. But there's a difference from the two different talent pools... and it's a huge one.
Pfft. RVD can talk. One thing we have all realized is that his work in the WWE ring is rather impressive and far more fast-paced than his work was in TNA a few months back. The reason? He's getting money and the spotlight. You see, after he left TNA, he was saying that they stopped being professional, which he may think as he wasn't up to much during his final few weeks with the company. The blame falls on him as he stopped putting on matches of high quality. Again, probably because of the money.

On to these recent comments, I disagree with these on several levels. I think the talent is far more experienced and entertaining in TNA, and the match quality is much higher. I would rather watch Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, James Storm and Bobby Roode rather than Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Daniel Bryan. I think their characters themselves and in-ring ability is far more impressive, but one thing everyone needs to take into consideration is that Aries, Styles and Joe came from a popular indie company, and that Roode and Storm were in the mid-card for 8 years. They had a clear advantage and were a lucky shot in my eyes.

In three years, a lot of those names will be 38 years old. The WWE has a whole roster in a developmental territory, and with a new performance center, they have spent a lot of time and effort into it. For those that think OVW is the TNA developmental, think again, because it is only a few stars from their that are signed with TNA. NXT Wrestling is the WWE's, and in a bout 3 years, they'll be prepared to bring them in, and I don't think TNA is ready there, unless they sign a lot of indie talents in a few years time. That's not a problem as they have a small roster and at the moment, not many need improvements. So that would be your Jesse Godderz, Kazarian, Chris Sabin and Jay Bradley, stars with potential but need a little direction. What happened with Roode and Storm is that they were placed in several mid-card matches and they had a lot of time given to them on air. As they don't have a roster the size of the WWE's, a developmental isn't necessary, and building stars like they did with Roode and Storm; placing them in a strong mid-card division is what can and should be done. It's cheap, easy and gives us a mid-card division. At the moment, that seems unlikely, but when the BFG Series and the factions are cleared, I'm positive the focus on mid-carders will once again improve.

The reason WWE do have a developmental is because they have a large roster, and many stars that want to sign. Until TNA does get in such a state, then we can start talking about TNA talent going to a training facility. One that has a lot of focus though. After Doug Williams departed from TNA, he stated that the company didn't have much focus on OVW. I must agree as I haven't seen much improvement from Sam Shaw or Crimson before he left. Al Snow is the one training them as well. A man who isn't known for his wrestling ability but for carrying the head of a doll 10 years ago.
The beloved AJ Styles came from the powerplant I believe. Samoa Joe spent quite a while in a WWE developmental system, feuded with the future golden boy John Cena and even won their world title.

I know after reading this, you will reply with something silly, grabbing for straws, splitting hairs and whatnot.

I've noticed that you get your feelings hurt very easily and quite often on the TNA forums. I am not bad mouthing TNA, but you will think I am and will probably call me WWE mark. Because anything unrelated to TNA's "greatness" is taboo for you.

Don't pull the "you'll just hate everything I do because I said something bad about TNA" card, just because I proved you wrong. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm going on a TNA mark rampage. I just disagree with you and I offer you my opinion. What you said wasn't even a criticism toward TNA. Never thought for a second you're a WWE mark. You just have wrong information.

AJ Styles was not trained in The Powerplant. He might've had coffee in it, but he wasn't trained there. He was trained in some place in Georgia where he went with his buddies and he didn't like it so he took what they taught him and went straight into the indies because he could "already do some flips" (his words). Then eventually he ended up on WCW. Once he was already trained. It's all in his DVDs.

Joe on the other hand wasn't trained in WWE developmental. He was in WWE developmental. He got his first training someplace else.

If YOU split hairs like "well he learned something there too", well he learned something at ROH too. Did he get trained at ROH then? No.

That's the confusion here. When you say "they got trained at the powerplant" I hear (or read) "they got their first wrestling lessons at the powerplant". Which very few, or actually none of them, did. They all got trained at some rinky dink place in the middle of nowhere.

If you didn't mean it like that, then all these guys trained all over the states and your argument loses its whole damn point.

But I'm just saying silly things now.
I've heard main event talent in TNA currently talk worse about TNA than RVD did right there. That's pretty tame and it didn't feel like a slight at all, it's probably just his opinion although some of it could be buttering up to WWE. His current matches in WWE have all been pretty good and have been at a better quality than his matches I saw in TNA which could be attributed to a number of things. He sounds like he's happy to be back in WWE and good for him if that's where he wants to be. There are plenty of TNA talent that are much happier in TNA as well so it really depends on the person you are but for RVD, WWE is the place to be.

A lot of TNA talent would be well suited in WWE (and vise versa) no question. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Angle, Hardy, Daniels, Roode, Storm and Kaz come to mind as guys who could do pretty well in WWE if given the opportunity. Angle at this point is pretty much a liability to bring back to WWE (which is scary given his assets), Daniels is good but has one of the worst physiques I've seen in wrestling (the guy looks like a stick man) but everyone else has a serious chance at succeeding in WWE.

7-8 years ago chances are none of them would have gotten a chance but WWE is starting to rely on non WWE made stars more and more, 2 of their top 3 guys prove that and as long as you can connect with their audience you'll be fine anywhere, not just WWE.
Obviously, any typical performer will speak highly of the company under which he is currently employed, and may not speak so highly of them after his departure, especially if there was any acrimony associated with their leaving. You have to toe the company line while you are somewhere, and it's human nature to throw the company under the bus after you head out the door, especially if that departure was not on positive terms.

So I am not surprised that RVD spoke highly of TNA during his tenure there, and I'm equally not surprised that he now is touting the virtues of WWE as he is currently employed there. And it's hardly shocking that he is currently feeling some negativity towards Impact Wrestling as they let him walk out the door without a whimper, which I'm sure he perceived as a show of disrespect.

Two points come to mind as I've been reading this thread. One thing is the obvious improvement in RVD's work, his attitude, and his demeanor since returning to the big stage. It would seem to jive with the things he is currently saying. It would appear that he was largely unmotivated during his TNA stay, and now that he is back in front of an actual audience again, making great money, he seems to have found his fountain of youth again. Seems consistent with his commentary in my opinion.

And please don't use the Hulk Hogan analogy, Zeven. Hogan is in TNA because there is no interest in WWE in his services. If Vince McMahon came calling with cheque book in hand and Hogan's contractual status allowed it, he'd be tripping over himself on the way back to the big leagues and you know it. It's easy for Hogan to speak so freely of the awesomeness of TNA when realistically speaking, there aren't any other opportunities available to him. A least RVD had options, so I take his comments more significantly. The same another be said of Hogan.
I think it's as simple as this - you get the exWWe guys who just come to TNA for a light schedule and reasonable pay (Nash, Booker, Hardy preVictory Road) and then you have those who actually do attempt to raise the product (Christian, Angle, Hardy now). Guess which category RVD fell into?

So what happened when he (sorta) got called on this? He blamed it on his old work colleagues rather than himself... then he realized how it sounded (possibly got called on it by the likes of the Dudleys and Jeff) and tried to maintain his likable persona with the claptrap he then came out with.

He couldn't work with King or Ion but he can look so much better against Curtis Axel? Yeah, right - pull the other one! Someone has pointed out that he is a 25 year veteran - well that quarter century vet couldn't mesh with his co-workers despite working with them for three years! Nice (slightly funny smelling) smokescreen Rob but the truth is you were happy to take TNA money for little effort and now that you have to put some effort in (or you'll be busted down to the Khali / Hornswoggle gang) you are making excuses at other peoples expense.
It's confuses the IWC because the IWC thinks a million moves means a better match. There is a LOT more. Body language, spacing, always wrestling to your character, etc. WWE does this better. There is a PAC vs Ricochet match out there from dragon gate that's the 10 most ridiculous minutes you'll ever see. However, there's no story, no selling, no psychology. It looks like gymnastics. It's impressive, but why should I care? That's the difference between doing a lot of moves and wrestling.
Don't get me wrong. I'm a van dam fan. But this is just pathetic kissing up to his current company.

He forgot to mention that his matches have been better in wwe because he seems to have lost about 40 lbs since his TNA days. Also the fact that he didn't care in TNA.

He had some good matches when he first came in and then quickly stopped.putting effort in.

Rob Van Dam is better in WWE because of Rob Van Dam. It has nothing to do with anything else.
It's confuses the IWC because the IWC thinks a million moves means a better match. There is a LOT more. Body language, spacing, always wrestling to your character, etc. WWE does this better. There is a PAC vs Ricochet match out there from dragon gate that's the 10 most ridiculous minutes you'll ever see. However, there's no story, no selling, no psychology. It looks like gymnastics. It's impressive, but why should I care? That's the difference between doing a lot of moves and wrestling.

... and RVD hasn't made a career doing exactly this?

This doesn't apply to the majority of the TNA roster - especially the prominent members. How can AJ, Booby Roode, James Storm, Chris Daniels et al be accused of not knowing their craft, especially by a guy who's greatest legacy was in a federation known for exactly what you've just described.
... and RVD hasn't made a career doing exactly this?

This doesn't apply to the majority of the TNA roster - especially the prominent members. How can AJ, Booby Roode, James Storm, Chris Daniels et al be accused of not knowing their craft, especially by a guy who's greatest legacy was in a federation known for exactly what you've just described.
RVD sells his own finish. He might have issues with long term selling or long term stories, but there is typically some rhyme and reason. Also, RVD is real good at spacing and babyface body language.
RVD sells his own finish. He might have issues with long term selling or long term stories, but there is typically some rhyme and reason. Also, RVD is real good at spacing and babyface body language.

I'm not chastising RVD for his ability - I've been a fan since he was Robbie V in WCW.

What I'm taking issue with is this hyperbole that he has come out with in regards to the TNA roster. When you look at the likes of Kurt, Christian and Jeff who appear to have no problems having good matches with the TNA guys and then you look at RVD's tenure and take into account his experience particularly in ECW his excuses really do not hold water.

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