So he's taken my avatar, sig ad user title.

Is anything else of mine he can copy? besides my age and location that is because he's copied that as well.
I know that but I am very anal about colours and it didn't fit in with any signatures I wore. A minor thing for a lot of people, sure. But it just pissed me off. Plus, I like not having an avatar now. It makes me stand out more.

Makes me think of FTS and that can only mean good things.
Oh my God. If he does what I just thought of, I may crack the fuck up. But that would take time and he would probably forget by then.
Keyboard Warrior, you're risking losing your notoriety here between the name and avatar change. If I didn't see your post in the Name Change thread, I'd be confused as hell.

I was confused as hell the first time I saw him post with the new name cause I don't pay attention to the Name Change thread. Seeing as this is Keyboard Warrior I doubt he'd have to worry about losing notoriety though.
It is weird and I don't think I should have done the name change. I also don't even know who this guy in the avatar is.

I know the Keyboard Warrior will always live on.

**Queue Titanic Soundtrack**

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