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Russo "Burnt Out" with Booking TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to the dirt sheets, the infamous (or incompetent, depending on who you ask) Vince Russo has reportedly been telling people back stage that he's "burnt out" with booking TNA. :wtf:

Russo, as we more than know by now, is notorious for his reliance/use of the IWC, and has consistently used them to spread news and rumors like wildfire in order to garner interest/speculation, so the validity of this I'm sure is in question from some (myself included), however, it does beg the question that if in fact Russo is burnt out in booking TNA, how should the company handle it moving forward?

Obviously keeping a man who feels as though he can no longer accomplish what he was hired to in charge of what you hired him to do would be quite a fumble from a company who is constantly criticized for dropping the ball, but the product needs a booker. Imagining for a moment that Russo was indeed let go, or reassigned in some facet within the front office management structure that he no longer had control over the booking, how does TNA handle his would-be replacement? There are numerous guys already working for the company as on-air talent as it is who have booked in the past (for better or for worse) including Kevin Nash & Ric Flair, and there are also free agent options like Dusty Rhodes and Paul Heyman who are current unemployed (to my knowledge) that have also booked in the past.

So there you have it, folks – Russo (at least in this thread) is on his way out, and you finally get to voice your opinion on who you want to replace what IMO is the most hated man in professional wrestling, outright.

So who do you think would be an ideal booker for TNA taking into consideration where the company/product is currently, and where it wants to be (by the Carter standard)?
If this was indeed true, then the first guy i would try to get is Paul Heyman. Some of the best moment WWE Smackdown as had was when Paul was in the booking comitee. When ECW returns, It was only watchable because of Paul so to me, he's the obvious choice.

But if they are not able to get him, why not rehires some of the old bookers they let got like Dutch Mantell and Scott D'Amore. These guys were doing a great job before they got let go and right now anybody can do a better job then Russo and Bischoff.
One of the things that I have noticed that I enjoy in a wrestling product is that less is more. Keep things simple, and do not try to over complicate situations by adding “too much” to them. I would like to say that premise applies to what pro wrestling has become in the past few years, and for purposes of this thread and discussion what TNA has been trying to do in the past few months.

They have tried to accomplish so much, that it has ended up being a huge pot of gumbo with no distinct style or direction that the viewer can catch onto. What TNA needs if Russo were to be on his way out of the door is someone old school who would think along the lines of simplicity. The babyface gets beat up by the heel, the heel taunts the babyface and uses cheap tactics to get under his skin, and when its all said and done the babyface gets his moment in the sun after climbing the mountain. That formula has kind of lost its way in professional wrestling booking and Vince Russo is one of the culprits responsible for straying away from the proven and timeless formula. Dusty Rhodes would be a good option, but he has been historically known for getting a little “corny” at times with his booking. Jim Cornette would be good, but he appears to never bring positive energy wherever he goes. Paul Heyman would be great, and his main focus would be only on getting young guys over, but the product would become far too aggressive with him, and I think we’ve already gotten our dosage of aggressive booking and wrestling.

TNA needs someone who can breathe a breath of fresh air into the product if Russo is gone. Not a Flair or a Hogan. Not a Rhodes or a Heyman. Not a Cornette or a Bischoff. This person needs to have experience, but at the same time really have the intention to be completely hands off as an on-air talent in the same way that Russo is. We don’t need more old guys having an on-air role taking up valuable television time, which is what every one of those guys would do.

They need to quietly remove the Bischoff character off air, quietly phase out the Hogan character and have them as on-air talents in the capacity that Dixie Carter is. We know she’s there, but she’s not a factor to the on-air product. The booking needs to be done from the back and the talent needs to be given direction creatively. Who could step up in this role? I’m not so sure because pro wrestling has a lot of egos, but some names that come to mind would be (I know some would NEVER do it, but I’m just mentioning personalities that would be compatible and have the greatest chance at success) Arn Anderson, Shawn Michaels, JBL (small on-air presence), William Regal, Tim Kring (Creator of Heroes who would definitely improve the face/heel relationship that plagues wrestling right now), and others who wouldn’t feel that they are “bigger” than wrestling or “bigger” than TNA. I’m not saying that those are the people TNA should go for, but those are the types of minds that TNA would need to improve the product and to ultimately replace Russo.

But hey, this is TNA so it would probably be Rhodes, Heyman, Cornette, Flair, or even worse Kevin Nash.
my vote is also for Paul Heyman, also assuming that this is true.

he's a natural solution, especially considering that there are so many former ECW stars in TNA. i just read this morning about the possibility of an ECW Faction in TNA and how it could only work if Paul was in because he is the true face of ECW.

love him or hate him, he is absolutely unforgettable. remarkable. and that's what TNA needs right now. unforgettable and remarkable moments. things that people will talk about in a good way. Paul can do that.

plus, from my understanding, the main reason ECW got buried in the first place was the screwjob from TV and also Paul's handling of finances, or lack thereof. neither would be a problem here because TNA is getting two TV air times now and Paul wouldn't be in charge of the finances, just the booking.

so this could be like an ECW the way it would have been were it not for two mistakes that wouldn't happen now in TNA. for all the bad things that ECW had going for it, one thing is very clear: it had a loyal cult following, and that is also something that TNA needs right now.
I think most of us are in agreement that Paul Heyman would be a huge addition to TNA, but it has to be on his terms, the last thing I want is TNA to bring him in as another character only to tie his hands creatively. We've all seen his recent blog/tweets and what he's been saying is true, the biggest problem with the product right now is that they are screwing up the basics. The other great thing about Heyman, as pointed out before is that if you want you will have the option to have a successful "extreme" stable, but I think the last thing Impact needs is another authority figure.

Obviously TNA has one option that they already have on the books... Raven. It's often been said that he's one of the most intelligent and creative guys in the business. God knows that his body aint up to much anymore, but his brain is still there, so I wish someone would take advantage of it.

I would happily see Raven join the booking team, I'm sure he's sitting on a bunch of awesome gimmicks and story lines that would help improve Impact.
I think Raven would be an interesting choice as well but I am not sure they would do that. It might help that Raven is also the only other guy besides Heyman I could see successfully running an old ecw angle. The reason heyman would have to be involved in such an angle is not because he is the face of ecw but because it would be stupid if they were not heel or at least tweeners. Raven is the only other guy besides Heyman that could pull that off.

The biggest problem is in spite of the obvious need for some new booking ideas I really doubt much would change if they brought someone in. Why? Because I think the reason Russo is burnt out is that he has little creative input at the moment. I think they give him almost all the ideas and just have him piece it all together. It was merely a few months ago Russo was talking about being more excited/motivated than he had been in years. What changed? I know in the past Russo had said there was not going to be anything like bra and panties matches in TNA because he had more respect for the girls than that. I expect that creative differences are heating up as times are not quite as rosy in TNA. Hell, maybe he just does not want to get blamed for another company having trouble that was way beyond his power.
If he is burnt out, then just give him a break. One MAN can only do so much. And they should add other people to the mix so everyone is putting in creative ideas. You are writing wrestling after all.
At the end of the day, this isn't really going to make that much of a difference I don't think. With Hogan and Bischoff having final say over the scripts that he writes, they might as well be doing the writing anyway. Those two taking over could be a good thing as they take out the insanity that Russo can bring. Russo is known for a lot of things and overcomplicating shows is one of them. Getting rid of that and bringing things back down to earth would be helpful I think. I don't see this as a bad thing at all and while it might not make that much of a difference, I don't see this as hurting things incredibly badly.
I would be very interested in seeing Raven helping with creative. He supposedly came up with a lot of his own storylines in the ECW days. I would worry that they would all be very dark story lines. All of his creative stories seemed to be dark. Maybe, it was just because of his own persona that he fed off that in his stories. Either way, they were interesting. I would think he would need someone to help him.

I think booking by committee would be good. Even if Bischoff had the final say. To add to Raven, I would let Mic Foley join the team. I don't know how much input he has had over the years, but his unscripted promos were alway some of the best in the business. We know he is a pretty good writer. He's written a handful of very successful books.

I would also add Flair to the mix. Supposedly, he was a great booker back in the day when he was in charge. He definitely has a ton of experience and knowledge.

If none of these guys are available, I would look at getting someone knew and fresh to TNA in the mix. Maybe someone who was part of WWE creative during the attitude era. I know that was mostly Russo and Ferrara, but I am sure they had some underlings who are ready to step up. Or completely go a different direction and get a tv writer. The guys from 24 are available now.

And the last option, I am available....
Paul Heyman has refused to work for TNA time and time and time and time again. Dusty Rhodes currently works for the WWE, running FCW with Steve Keirn.
Realistically, I don't see it being anybody good.

I'll make a comparison to sports teams, in particular, the Detroit Lions. Doesn't matter who the coach is, doesn't matter who the GM is, if the owner insists on being too involved and is making the final decisions, you're screwed, and you're going to stink.

Whoever comes in, they ultimately have to go through Eric, and then Hogan, and if you're lucky to make it through Hogan, Dixie. Who's gonna put up with that shit? Is it really a big surprise that only after a couple of months, Russo, who has major history with Eric and Hogan, wants out?

You've already changed so much that made TNA what it was to the point where it barely resembles what it was, based on the suggestions of these guys, you might as well let them book it too. I mean, aren't they already?

I say give it to Hogan and Eric. After 6 months of lackluster results, they'll want out. Then we'll see what happens.

Paul Heyman, I believe, is really done with wrestling. I'm not saying it's a 100% lock, but I'd bet it's a 95% lock. So the sooner the dreamers give that one up, the better.
When i think of one man that would be great for tna i think of Diamond Dallas page. He gave his body and soul for his career. I don't think he should wrestle, However i do believe he would be great on the Announce table. People could see him and he would not be taking camera time. Also with his experience as a motivational speaker he could help to keep the morale of the locker room up. He was a Key player for wrestling in the 90's. I think he would have the right head on his shoulders to provide us with fresh matches and an entertaining show. Incase any of you forgot how good his mic skills were you should check out youtube. And Honestly i think Desmond Wolfe would be a prime candidate for an apprentice to page. I say boot Russo to the road. Keep flairs curent on screen role ( it's funny as hell) Keep Bischoff ( this man is a freaking wrestling genious) Slowly move hogan an dixie to a Vince Mcmahon role. Either use the wolfpac or get rid of them. They dont have a lot of steam. Change abyss back this pussy hogan/abyss story is dumb. Make hardy and Van Dam turn on each other. Bring back petey williams :) and make the X division Extream.

RVD vs Hardy
Anderson Vs. Styles
Beer money Vs Wolfac
Sting Vs Jarret
EY vs Wolfe
Pope vs Angle
Gme vs MCMG
3D join wolfpac
Orlando jordon = no ratings
Better knockout storylines
Rob terry vs matt morgan
doug williams vs joe vs moore

Now thats a ppv card
Well like others I'm a tad sceptical about this anyway, however assuming it were true and he stepped down I'd be interested to see Foley in the role.

He has always been able to 'sell' a fued well and has vast and varied experience in the business. He understands wrestling and its fans and would likely stick to a simple formula.

We know from his books that he is a talented writer and intelligent guy, plus it would keep him busy and earn his keep whilst his 'fired' storyline plays out.
First of all, hello WrestleZone forums. My first post here. This thread grabbed my attention and made me want to sign up to contribute.

As for TNA, right down to the production, it looks like "WCW Jr." I try to support the promotion as best I can since I no longer follow WWE but it's going to go nowhere fast with Russo writing their shows. I never really had any faith ever in his writing abilities and that was only further cemented when I saw the utter crap he wrote for WCW leading up to their demise.

I don't know if I'm the only one, but I have NO desire to see the Wolfpac, Hulk Hogan, or Ric Flair on their show. I find that they take WAY too much air time up with their same tired routines. It's one thing to use name recognition to gain notoriety for your program, it's another to use people that haven't been relevant for over a decade or two.

Essentially, I'm saying the roster would see a big improvement without Syxx-Pac, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, or Eric Bischoff there unless they'd resign themselves to roles similar to what Flair is doing. They should be taking on proteges rather than exposing themselves only. It's 2010, no one cares about the Wolfpac anymore and if you do, you need to get with the times. As the "nWo Wolfpac" with their contract-clad Creative Control, they were one of the major detriments to killing what was a groundbreaking angle and stable for it's time in WCW. These guys are past their prime and are literally still stuck in the 90s. It's in their attitudes, it's in their style. They don't have the creative control anymore but they still think they're the cock of the walk.

It's things like this that make it easy to see that TNA has trouble finding it's own identity. In their humble beginnings it seemed like they were ready to bring something fresh to the scene, but now they've become a pale imitation of a formerly Ted Turner-owned competitor to Vince McMahon. They harp on the past to try and stir interest in their product and that only goes so far. They over complicate their storylines and angles to the point where it's incomprehensible.

They are still growing and adapting to their new nationwide exposure but they're verging on too many steps in the wrong direction to the point of potentially no recovery.

If Russo steps down for real, it'll be a positive change. He can kayfabe apologize to the IWC and the TNA marks (Dixie) all he wants about his "fake wrestling show" remarks he made but the bastard still can't get his shit right so he resorts to rewriting late-90s episodes of Raw is War over again with 2 minute matches, non-stop run-in attacks, and provocative shots of the Knockouts. Guess what, it's cable TV, they're not going to get naked no matter how much you want them to. If you really need to watch that, there's the internet and the porno therein. I for one am tired of this talentless hack of a "TV writer."

I have no idea who could step up and book for TNA to turn it around but anyone is better than Vince "The Human Cancer" Russo.

And strangely... every person I know named Vince is a dick. o_O
Well Heyman has already criticized TNA on numerous times and rumored to rejecting negotiations so I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's not in the race.

Maybe a dark horse would be Gabe (but I'm not for sure on his contract situation on Dragon Gate USA) He's always had interesting angles in my mind.
I had to laugh pretty hard when I first saw this thread's headline. YOU'RE burnt out from booking TNA Russo? Really? Well guess what; we're beyond burnt-out as well. You used to be one of the most creative and interesting writers in the wrestling business (note: writer, not booker, there is a difference), but those days are long gone and you haven't been able to present a coherent and 100% enjoyable wrestling program in a long, long time. More than that, you're actually starting to really hurt TNA over the past six weeks or so, and the ratings have reflected that. TNA was going to take a hit in the ratings anyways because of Wrestlemania season, but that doesn't excuse him for the abysmal writing and booking he's been doing in competition with Raw. This past Monday and the Knockouts Lockbox segment was the last straw for me when it comes to Vince Russo. I used to love the guy's work, thought he created some absolutely BRILLIANT angles in his WWF run and even a few good ones in his short WCW and extended TNA runs, but I've just been as patient as I can be with him and I'm done.

Russo just needs to be fucking fired. The wrestling business needs new blood, new writers. Which discounts guys like Bischoff, Russo, Heyman, Gabe, and the Raw writing crew. Wrestling needs NEW minds altogether, it's like no one is willing to give new people a chance creatively since the 90s, they just keep letting people who got famous in the 80s and 90s return to booking again and again. We need new minds, shit when Russo came along and made the WWF so great with the Attitude Era, it was because he was a new and fresh mind for the business. TNA desperately needs that again.

I hope Russo and TNA split ways soon. I also hope Hogan stays as far away from the creative/booking side of things as possible. I really don't mind giving Eric Bischoff another shot, simply because it's been so long since he's been given an opportunity to showcase his ideas and he used to have some damn good ones, but apart from Eazy E TNA needs new blood, they need new people with new ideas, creative ones. The wrestling business needs to evolve, and these people just can't get that into their heads. Atleast the WWE has begun to realize they NEED to evolve and has begun pushing a boatload of younger stars.
I am hoping he leaves TNA soon, his writing makes no since. He couldn't book Lassie in a pet store. The man is terribly overrated.

I heard on various shoot interviews that Sid Vicious always wanted to be a writer/booker.

Maybe they can give him a shot, (it would be something new) also there was rumor of him coming to TNA at some point.

Terry Taylor and Kevin Sullivan were decent bookers, I am still shocked that they let Jim Cornette go to keep Vince Russo.

That has got to be the most brain dead move ever.

Raven would be a decent booker as well.

You know I read that Kurt Angle at one time wanted to be a booker.. I say give to him. He has put in the time and effort already..
Considering the way Heyman trashed "the network" aka TNN aka Spike TV, I don't know if Spike would let TNA hire Paul Heyman.
Raven would be a decent booker as well.

My goodness Im so tired with people repeating this received wisdom. Have you not watched how Raven has handled his character and laid out his matches the past 5 years? With nonsencial promos based on comic books and matches end with a roll up after going through tables, slamming on tacks and taking a finisher.
Exactly. Until TNA finds someone capable of writing a coherent show, regardless of who signs off on the directions of stories, that promotion will continue to flounder in the TV ratings, on Mondays or any other night of the week, and continue to not turn a profit -- which is the goal of any company, much less one that's been in existence for 8 years. The fact that they're in the situation they're in is because the TV they produce is such that everyone outside of that 1-million-man bubble they're living in, thinks the TV show sucks. Which is unfortunate, as so many people actually like TNA's wrestlers & would likely watch in greater numbers, if they didn't feel the TV was so horrible. That said, Heyman would be grand for creatively getting the product on track, but all accounts are that he wants nothing to do with TNA. D'ah well.
- The Pope
- The Band
- Eric Young
- Mr. Anderson
- Jay Lethal Black Machismo
- Kazarian (Who just won the X-Division title last night)

Decent show tonight, but I think they pushed a few angle's too hard and too long.

Either the booking is sloppy or the roster is too full, I honestly think it's a little of both.

This is the second month in a row that the Impact after the pay-per-view is absent of Mr. Anderson, and The Band.

The Pope, to be nowhere tonight, I just felt was bad for the character. It seems he's already being pushed down after his one shot.

Say what you want about the Band, but why did you hire them if you continually leave them off t.v and involve them in nonsense angle's? Vs. Team 3D, really? That's the new "take over of TNA?" Not only has the Band been left off Impact for the last 2 months following a PPV, they also seem, since the return of Nash to the group, to only be on Tuesdays tapings. As if there's no faith in booking them on live t.v?

Like the Pope, I feel leaving Mr. Anderson off the show hurt the character. Get him into a new feud. Have him come out and be bitter about his loss, SOMETHING.

Eric Young is lost as a face, he was at his peak as the Leader of World Elite, which dissolved with no storyline, like Main Event Mafia, pushed, built up and then just dropped out of nowhere. I'm afraid he's either going to join the Band and get lost in the shuffle, or stay a face and....get lost in the shuffle.

Jay Lethal, I hate impressions, I hate that gimmick, I hated that they took Jay Lethal and made him a bootleg Macho Man. But as much as I hate all those things, I can never deny the bastard does a great impression and at the very least gets a chuckle out of me if not a good laugh. After being left off the show for months we got to see him periodically these last few weeks up until last week when he was actually in the main event. Now it looks like he's going back to little to no t.v time.

And finally, Kazarian....we have the newly crowned x-division champion nowhere on the show. Not only is it disappointing to win a belt one night and not be on t.v the next - your division isn't even featured with a match the entire show. X-Division? What X-Division? Why isn't there an X-Division match opening TNA every Monday in the same vein that WCW did with the luchadores? It's a great way to start a show and introduce characters that don't get much tv time.

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