Rusev VS Brock Lesnar


Occasional Pre-Show
Though both are heels, and with the possibility of Brock Lesnar leaving after Wrestlemania, its a very high probability we will never see this match-up. I'm not sure many would even want to see this feud, but for some reason I think this could have been wonderful. I feel the match-up between the two would be perfect, and what makes it better is having Heyman and Lana in the corners of both men. I feel like this could be one of the more hard-hitting, smashmouth style match-ups could offer. Though both are heels, I believe Lesnar could easily take a more "tweener" route in this feud, with him being the lesser of two evils.

Though this match is more or less a dream match with how everything has turned out, my question is this a match you guys would have wanted to see. And even more how would you feel if this match had been done instead of Reigns Vs Lesnar?
If Lesnar weren't champion, I wouldn't mind seeing this match. As it stands if Rusev had won the Royal Rumble and were set to face Lesnar I think it'd be a guarantee that we would see Rollins cashing in and taking away the surprise, because if not, it either means we get someone who's not even close to ready in Rusev or we wouldn't see the title again until probably SummerSlam. Either way it'll likely be 10x worse than what might happen as far as the crowd reaction goes with Lesnar vs. Reigns. I know Reigns isn't exactly ready either but he's miles ahead of Rusev. So, Lesnar without the title and I'm all for it.
I know Reigns isn't exactly ready either but he's miles ahead of Rusev.

I'm not sure of that. To my thinking, Rusev has come so much further in his career than was originally predicted for him that I think he's presently a more finished product than Roman Reigns, although that could change with the degree of improvement Reigns is showing lately.

But I've really enjoyed Rusev's methodical method of breaking down opponents and find he meshes well with his lady friend to furnish us with a product we can truly appreciate, even while we "hate" the anti-American rant.....which has also proven more entertaining than that sort of thing usually does, imo.

The thing is, if Brock were to oppose Rusev, I think Brock turns face, whether it's intended or not. To me, anyone who fights Rusev is going to be cheered and Brock, whether he's actually patriotic or not, is going to come off as a hero to Americans.

The match itself might be great; Brock's modified MMA style angainst Rusev's attempts to stop him with those kicks designed to temporarily incapacitate an onrushing opponent. It has possibilities if you appreciate rough, tactical battles.

If Brock stays aboard, maybe we'll see it someday.
I've wanted to see this match for a long time now. Lana vs Heyman, Rusev vs Lesnar. My order of preferences for the championship match at Wrestlemania were Orton vs Lesnar, Rusev vs Lesnar, and Reigns vs Lesnar.

There's so much they haven't gotten out of Lesnar yet, I really hope he stays. Even if it's limited dates and 4 PPVs.

Rusev vs Lesnar is money, they just have to get Rusev there, tapping out Cena at Wrestlemania would be a great start.
I've been wanting to see this match for awhile now...The beauty of it is that neither Lesnar nor Rusev would have to change their characters..It would be one of the few times where 2 heels could have a memorable feud.

The way I'd start it out is that Lana and Heyman both state that this rivalry isn't about whose country is better, it's simply about the spirit of competition. The feud could be built with weekly vignettes showing both Rusev and Lesnar training for their big match while Lana and Heyman do the mic work on Raw episodes. When their match happens, both Lesnar and Rusev should throw everything they have at each other. Keep in mind that not only is Brock an incredible NCAA-certified wrestler along with all his other accomplishments, Rusev has training in Muay Thai, Sambo and Sumo wrestling. With that being stated, during their match, Lesnar could use more high-impact amateur wrestling takedowns, body/head/body punch combos along with more submission moves. Rusev, meanwhile could use Sumo wrestling throws/takedowns and palm strike rushes, Muay Thai punch/knee/elbow/kicking combos and Sambo throws/takedowns and submission moves.

I like the Camel Clutch as Rusev's finisher, but this Neck Crank in the video below would be a great new finisher for Rusev, plus I wouldn't mind seeing Rusev make Lesnar "pass out" using that Neck Crank. Also, the Sambo Kimura being shown in the beginning of the video would be a nice addition to Rusev's move-list as well.

Goto 1:38 to see the Neck Crank
I said the same thing on reddit during the Rumble. Rusev should have won the Rumble and won the title from Lesnar at WM. That way the crowd would have been happy that Reigns didn't win (the ridiculousness of them cheering for a heel, anti-US character over the "face" Reigns was fantastic), Lesnar would be cheered in his last match without having to change his character in the least, and Rusev would be able to take over as the new monster heel with total legitimacy after beating Lesnar.

Rusev is believable and very good in the ring. He showed that at Fast Lane by putting on a great match with Cena (though Cena rarely has a bad match with anyone) in what was the biggest match of his career thus far. I think it was a missed opportunity to give the rub to a guy that will be there for every show and has a lot of good years left ahead of him.

Rusev is on the short list of guys that would be believable in beating Brock Lesnar.
Given the way things happen these days in terms of crowd reactions... I can't see why this match couldn't happen. Not something I would campaign for, but I am sure if it was the plan for a Brock vs Rusev match, I could get into it big time.
Personally, I don't see a whole lot of interest in Lesnar vs. Rusev. Sure, both guys are big, powerhouse bruisers with genuine grappling and/or martial arts backgrounds, but they're both also pretty detestable heels. You certainly don't need to turn Rusev babyface, not even sure he'd work well as a babyface, and Lesnar never really struck me as a babyface. Since Lesnar is simply a hired mercenary that's only there for a huge paycheck, portraying him as such with a huge ego is a natural fit.

Whatever the issues were with Lesnar & Vince McMahon this past Monday, reports allege that they haven't been worked out. To make matters worse, allegedly, Vince didn't want Lesnar to attend UFC 184 last Saturday, but he did anyway and, again allegedly, Vince is pissed about that. My guess, and that's all it is, is that Lesnar essentially wants an even bigger paycheck to re-sign with WWE and not go to UFC and Vince isn't willing to do it. Lesnar already has the cushiest deal I think any wrestler's ever had since Hogan's sweetheart deal in WCW and there's got to be a limit to how much Vince feels even Lesnar is worth. I have a feeling Lesnar's gone after WrestleMania XXXI, or very shortly thereafter.
Lana and Heyman would create a pretty interesting contrast on the microphone. They're very good on it (especially Heyman), and while Rusev isn't the best on the mic, he's decent enough to draw heat. Lesnar doesn't need to speak but a few words if any, but the staredowns would be pretty epic.

We would never see this, however, but it's a good thought. I could see it now:

Rusev music hits. He and Lana go to the ring. After Lana's "Gra see gra see" moment (or whatever that is in Russian), she speaks about how Rusev is no ordinary man but a beast. She speaks about how no man has been unable to stop Rusev. Just when she was about to mention Lesnar, his music hits. He comes out with Heyman.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman, "Paul says, "And I am the advocate for the REIGNING, DEFENDING, UNDISPUTED WWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK LLLLLLLLLLLLESNAR!" Paul goes on and about Lesnar's list of accomplishments, and in the middle of them....

"Shut tup!" Lana says. Lana speaks a few more words before handing Rusev the mic. Rusev speaks a little Russian/Bulgarian/whatever the hell language that is before switching to English. "You may be a beast, just A beast. But you have been beaten. I have never been beaten!" Rusev says, "The only true beast in the ring right now is me! And I will CRUSH you!"

Paul speaks a few more words just before Lesnar takes the mike and says only these few words. "Make my day you Russian bitch!" in a bad ass tone to Rusev. The staredown ensues before Rusev backs off and leaves the ring, no physicality needed.

But of course, I'm no WWE writer.
Yep...Rusev should have won the Royal Rumble to face Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship while holding the US Championship. This accomplish many things:

1) At the Royal Rumble, it would have been a great swerve. In addition, Reigns wouldn't have gotten booed out the building.

2) At Fast Lane, Rusev versus Bryan could have ended with Bryan passing out to prove he is a credible threat. This actually gives him bragging rights by taken out the most popular wrestler in WWE. This would have been a great match I believe. He doesn't need Bryan to put him over after the match because he is a heel.

3) The exchanges between Lana and Heyman would have been gold! Reigns cannot match Heyman in wordplay so I kind of makes the build up fall flat.

4) The USA versus Russia thing could be thrown out the window for this one. It's a match to see who's the most dominate.

5) The Bulgarian Brute and US Championship holder Rusev versus The Beast Incarnate and WWE World Heavyweight holder Brock Lesnar. The man who has never been pinned or submitted versus the man who beat the Taker's streak and massacred Cena at Summerslam.

6) At WM31, Rusev defeats Lesnar after these guys beat the hell out each other in a well fought match. He becomes the most dominate heel we have haven't seen since well Lesnar. A new star is born! Rusev have accomplished his goal.

7) The US Championship would be either left vacant or retired. If left vacant, this could lead to a tournament deciding who the next US Champ will be. Maybe Reigns or Ryback wins.

8) The match Rollins/Orton match at Mania could be for the MITB briefcase. Orton wins (because Rollins is a heel). Then later in the year when Orton tries to cash in Rollins causes him to blow his opportunity. This leads to both guys at their boiling point with one another. A deciding match with a stipulation would most likely end the feud.

9) Since Rusev won't give any title shots because he feels like no one deserves it and they have to prove themselves, #1 contender matches will occur more often.

10) The guy that beats Rusev will become the most over babyface, thus creating another star.

This would have been better in my opinion because. Rusev won't get buried if he loses, and whoever they use to beat him could be used as the next top face of the company. If they used Reigns this way, he'd be way over than he is now.
I wouldn't mind seeing this actually. As you can probably tell, I'm a big mark for Rusev. I think the career trajectory he is on is really promising and I have been enjoying the way the feud with Cena has been panning out this far. It's funny, when you put people in feuds with the top guys in the WWE, sometimes they come out of it looking weak or like they didn't belong there in the first place. When you look at how Lana and Rusev have performed since working with Cena, you have to admit that they have made the feud worth watching.

Lesnar is another top guy in the WWE, there is no doubt. And I do feel as though the Rusev / Lesnar feud would be, at the very least, interesting viewing. Lana and Heyman seem to be amongst the best in the business for cutting decent promos and the hype surrounding the match would be off the charts. If it were down to me, I would have a slow build that kept the two men away from each other, allowing Heyman and Lana to do all the talking. Until finally they come together in a glorious and brutal affair.

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