Rusev Injured Before Elimination Chamber


King Of The Ring
The main page is reporting that Rusev was injured in a match against Ryback on Smackdown. It goes on to say that Rusev was last seen in a wheelchair with his foot in a cast. Just finished watching aforementioned Ryback/Rusev match on Smackdown (airs Wednesday in Canada) and I can safely say that it doesn't look good for Rusev at Elimination Chamber, which kind of sucks because it seemed like WWE may have been contemplating putting the strap on him.

After said injury took place, Rusev was noticeably limping and didn't seem to be able to put any weight on his left(?) ankle. They quickly rushed the ending and Rusev's face told the story. He seemed very upset at the end of the match, and his attitude hinted that he knew it was pretty bad. I really don't think we're going to see Rusev in the Elimination Chamber on Sunday, which begs the question, who replaces him?

Assuming Rusev doesn't compete, which direction do you see WWE taking with the IC title? Who gets his spot, and where do they go with Lana?

Share thoughts and opinions friends.
I'd like to see Bray Wyatt enter, maybe not necessarily win it but at least eliminate someone and show that he's actually someone to be reckoned with. I don't know if he'll re-start his feud with Ryback or maybe start one with Ziggler, but this'll be interesting to see what he does, if they actually get him in somehow.
Tough break, never fun to hear about someone getting injured. EC wise Bray's a interesting possibility, he fits in nicely since the Ryback match was only 2 weeks ago. Also would be kinda fitting that he wins his first singles title in that kind of match. Otherwise Stardust would do as filler.

IC title wise I'm guessing.....Dolph wins it. I'm expecting New Day and Rollins to retain on Sunday so it makes sense to have a face win the IC title. This also would've led to a IC title feud between Ziggler and Rusev if the latter didn't get injured. Actually I just realized that Reigns isn't on the card, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was put into the match and walk out the IC champ. Seeing him kick ass in the EC while earning a midcard title instead of being shot straight to the top would certainly help build him up to where they want him to be.

As for Lana I have no idea, again it sucks to see someone get injured but this may be a blessing in disguise. She needs to show that she can remain popular without Rusev around and if Rusev gets put on the shelf this would be that time.
I don't think Rusev was walking out with the title either way, he's likely moving into a summer feud with Ziggler, who I also don't see taking the title.

Stardust would be great, but his profile seems to have been fairly low since Mania. Luke Harper could wind up working the match, adding the big monster factor we could be losing in Rusev. Harper is likely gone back to tag wrestling though. Miz is back that night, and he would be the one I see WWE going with. Miz plays a good annoying heel, but he hasn't been booked as a threat in a while.

Surprise veterans could return. Jericho could be brought in for a surprise return. Holding the title for a record 10th time before dropping it at Summerslam would be a great way to put someone over. Big Show or Henry could add that gargantuan factor.

I would presonnally like to see Roman Reigns enter and win. Let Roman carry a title before he wins the World title. Reigns holding the IC until he wins the World title would be great too, no one has done that in decades. Highly unlikely though, WWE will book him to be involved in the World title match.

What likely happens is the Authority will award a heel with the match. I'd love to see something crazy like Reigns winning, but most likely the Miz is added to the match. Stardust is a close second, predicting off of WWE booking.

Of the men confirmed for the match, my prediction is Sheamus wins, Ryback chases the title going forward.
IC title wise I'm guessing.....Dolph wins it.

That could very well be. If the company really intended to put the belt on Rusev, their plans for the IC title, which were already upended by Daniel Bryan's situation, will be further scuttled by Rusev's injury.

Hell, the fates must be against the existence of the IC title, no?

Still, they have to do something with it on Sunday....and Dolph would be a 'safe' choice to hold the belt until the writers can get the storyline back on track. He's credible and the fans like him.....and he doesn't seem a threat to leave for main event level anytime soon.

That Rusev would be upset at this turn of events is natural; even though many people on this forum are predicting he won't be around long after losing his series to John Cena, I'm of the belief he might be on the path toward a big-time push on his own, beginning with a program with Lana.....and ending with.....well, who knows where?

If that's the case, I can just imagine what he was thinking at the time of the injury. That'll teach him to diss America.
This seems awfully suspect given how the WWE has been trying to play the smarks as suckers, and online publications like Pro-Wrestling Observer aren't immune to the WWE's trickery.

If Rusev does indeed sit out of the Elimination Chamber; I see his apparent replacement, Bray Wyatt, having a lengthy run with the belt. Bray has just started what seems like a promising push, making him an Intercontinental mainstay would be a step in the right direction for his character. Of all the other players, I only really see Dolph Ziggler as the only other person who could make the belt look better than it has in a decade.
Well if Rusev is indeed hurt,this should teach him not to insult the lovely LANA or insult the USA! But it is a shame,if true because either him or dolph was going to walk out as IC Champion...

IT could be a swerve but i doubt it.. I think Rusev could be hurt legitimately that's a big boy to take a tumble over the top rope like that.. As far as his replacement,i agree Bray Wyatt would make the most sense and IMO it almost locks Dolph as the guaranteed winner..

Damn has the IC title been Irrelevant for a decade now?? Can Dolph help bring it back to what it once was?? I think he can
Can Dolph help bring it back to what it once was?? I think he can

Because he clearly did that during his last IC run...and the run he had before that...and when he was playing hot potato with the Miz for the IC belt.

The problem with Dolph is that he is the perpetual underdog, which means that there are limitations on his storylines. WWE is happy to have him get the belt, but won't let him keep it because there's no gratification now as the underdog. I'm tired of Dolph as IC champ. I'm tired of Barrett as IC champ. I'm tired of Sheamus as champ period. Clearly the world needs...


haha, no. I'm fine with Ryback getting it, or Bray if that is the plan.
If we're going for a face to win it, then it has to go on Ryback. I can't handle another Ziggler run with the IC. I mean, if they plan on the white belt fading into obscurity again, put it on Ziggler, but you'll get more mileage out of R-Truth than Ziggler.
I may be in the minority here (or perhaps the majority?) but I'd really rather not see Dolph with the IC title at this point. After all this talk of "revitalizing the mid-card" and "adding prestige to the IC championship", to have Dolph win AGAIN, after watching him dominate the IC title scene for 5 years or so, would almost be like taking two steps back. Not to say that Dolph should never hold the title, but I think it has to go to a fresh face before Dolph even sniffs at it again.

We've seen Ziggler as IC Champion before and to be honest, nothing's really changed much since his last couple IC title runs. What's to say this time would be any different? Personally, I'd like to see it go to Ryback or Bray Wyatt (assuming he's inserted) as I think they can at least do something different for the title.
Ziggler held the title a couple of times last year, so I'm not looking forward to him having him it either. He's already over enough, someone else needs it more.
I'm curious as to how people think Dolph can bring prestige back to the belt. I'm curious as to what even brings prestige to a belt. Is it great matches? Because Dolph hasn't had a really great match in 2015 that I can think of (although they've all been good). But it's not like Dolph is the only exceptional in-ring worker in the company. Barrett and even Axel have it in them to provide great matches.

Is it interest? Fans just didn't care too much about all the other guys, but they love Ziggler so that brings it prestige? Is he the only popular wrestler? Is he even the most popular wrestler?

If it's just a matter of booking and writing, I don't see why Ziggler would make that much of a difference, as he is not involved in the creative process. Plus...Ziggler's previous few runs represents everything that is wrong with the belt right now.

At least the United States championship tends to go to relevant people. When Sheamus won it, he had previously been contending for the WHC. The only problem was that creative team seemed indifferent to the storyline and sometimes he was just forgotten. Rusev was treated like an unstoppable monster who could potentially take on anyone when he won it and now Cena is holding the belt.

The only way I can see prestige coming to a belt is if a major name wins it and while Bryan was big enough to add credibility to the title, Ziggler is not.

So I am just really curious as to why people tend to use those words and why they think Ziggler can redeem the belt.

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