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Rumor: Vince & Triple H Butting Heads Creatively?


I read an interesting little report this morning alleging some possible friction between Vince & Triple H.

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Vince & Trips have been having disagreements as to who they want facing Lesnar at WrestleMania XXXI. There's no mention of whether or not Lesnar will be champion by then, only the WON alleging that they don't see eye to eye on who he'll face. The report says that Vince wants Lesnar facing The Rock at WrestleMania XXXI while Triple wants Lesnar taking on Roman Reigns.

The report alleges that there are times, reportedly, that Vince undercuts Triple H sometimes. There have been other reports off & on for a while reporting similar instances in which Vince & Triple H have different plans or that Vince sometimes changes his mind about something right smack in the middle of an angle or program. It's said to drive some talent up the wall as they'll sometimes hear plans and orders from Vince in direct opposition to what they've been told by Triple H. There aren't any reports of any genuinely negative feelings between the two of them, just that their ideas aren't in synch sometimes.

If this is legit, I'm guessing that Vince feels The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar will be the bigger draw while Triple H thinks that Reigns facing Lesnar has a greater upside in the long run. Again, it's just a guess on my part as I've no genuine idea why each of them, allegedly, feel the way they do. With The Rock, I can see the possibilities of it being a big draw. The Rock's a bigger star than Roman Reigns, obviously, and that's not likely to change within the next 6 months. On the other hand, I see nothing gained from the match for the company's future because both guys are, for all intents and purposes, hired mercs who'll disappear after 'Mania. Given Lesnar's dominant victory over Cena, whomever is ultimately able to slay the beast that conquered the streak and owns the most lopsided win over Cena in Cena's career could find themselves in the middle of one huge friggin' rub. If Lesnar's deal ends at WrestleMania XXXI, another one isn't signed or an extension is reached, it'd be a huge opportunity to elevate someone's status who'll benefit from it because The Rock's going back to Hollywood, if he even competes and if there's any real truth to this story at all.
The Rock said in an interview that he'd like to face Brock Lesnar, but that they already have an opponent in place for WrestleMania 30. He didn't say who, but it looks like he's already been informed that Brock is booked for someone else. Either that's Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Roman Reigns or someone else.

I for one think that Brock going over The Rock would be huge and it would definitely add to the unstoppable beast persona they are building up. I think it's really too bad that he had to job to Triple H at WrestleMania 29. A big win over Triple H at WrestleMania would have been huge.
Bam I have the solution...read my post on "If you were a wwe superstar" xP

Seriously though, this doesn't surprise me much. We hear Vince is yelling at Cole through the headset all the time now, why wouldn't he be clashing with the other person in charge? I don't think plans will change though. Between the beat down Cena received last night and the fact I gotta imagine Triple H can convince anyone to do anything(Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart, Bruno). Plus by now, Vince has to trust Trips' vision.

But you never know, we won't know for sure till prolly Elimination Chamber, let's go Triple H. Rock v Brock does nothing in my book. Brock beat Rock before, and Rock winning the title would be pointless.
You can see how this situation came about...it was kind of inevitable... Shane had his "point" where he realised he wasn't getting the reigns and I think Steph has too... she shipped a shit load of her stock recently and now seemingly the hedgefunds are taking it in.

I have long said that Vince wouldn't actually want to hand over to anyone and would either want to sell out of a big company like Disney and be added to their board or be carried out of WWE after dropping on a show with the crowd singing Na, Na Hey Hey at him...

In the main Trips' contribution has been in revitalizing the roster somewhat and their talent supply. He has made massive improvements to the company as a whole but the actual BUSINESS side has been more Steph's domain and that's the side that isn't doing so well. I have no doubt that Vince trusts Trips implicitly with the wrestling side of the company but from a BUSINESS perspective some of those decisions are perhaps above him at this point and it would outwardly that this next year is pretty much "make or break" for the WWE's survival... WM31 HAS to drive more people to watch than ever via the Network (it's only $9.99 a month folks ;) ) and Rock v Brock is the biggest match they have, does it NEED to be for the title? No... it's a great dual main event match with a seperate title match and Sting's one match.

The reality is that there was always going to be a point where Trips and Steph would want "control" and for Vince to take that backseat...Shane could be seen as "taking his ball" or as being VERY smart... he knew Vince was never gonna step aside and rather than getting SO invested in taking over and reforming things he took the good he HAD done (Shane deserves a lot of credit for how WWE presents itself today, he pioneered it all, even down to Byte This back in the day, the forerunner to the Vines and WWE App etc.) but he went off on his own and built up a strong business and reputation that will inevitably see him back in the WWE fold before long... if they want to break China, they will need him... it will probably be a condition for the Chinese as they know and respect Shane.

Steph is called the "principal owner" in storyline now, but she has sold most of her interest just as Shane did... she too has perhaps seen that Vince is never actually going to let her run things and with 3 kids it's better that their future is not bound to the companies, just as Shane's kids future is not... If it still happens, great but if not, she's now independently wealthy and she's showing value as an onscreen performer so can always be involved.

Trips is never gonna "run" WWE... not in the business sense of making those biggest level deals... he will do as JR, George Scott, John Laurinitis did but perhaps with a bit more stroke...but when it comes down to the Mania main event, as long as Vince is alive he will be calling those shots...it's right he argues his case but I think the best he can hope for is getting a 3 way for the belt with the Shield guys and Rock v Brock as the final match of Mania...
Perhaps it will lead to a control for power between Vince and Triple H, the way it should have always been at WrestleMania 30 with Vince's representative facing Triple H's representative or even Triple H himself for complete control of the company and whoever wins becomes complete owner of the WWE but they can still do it just at WrestleMania 31
let it be a Triple threat for the world title. Brock vs Rock vs Roman. and let Roman win and at the end The Rock raises Romans hand.
Who reports this and what's their source other than "I want people to read my article"?

I wish wrestling "journalists" were just honest and said "I'm making this up to start conversation"

Bryan vs Lesnar is a huge draw and a great story. If not, then Ambrose. He's the most over shield guy.
Who reports this and what's their source other than "I want people to read my article"?

I wish wrestling "journalists" were just honest and said "I'm making this up to start conversation"

Bryan vs Lesnar is a huge draw and a great story. If not, then Ambrose. He's the most over shield guy.

How is Bryan vs. Lesnar a huge draw?

Bryan really hasn't had a chance to be a proven headliner, too early to tell in his career.
Man just when you think Vince has let go of the reins a little bit,this report surfaces.. It seems likely to me now,that Vince is going to die on the job before he lets go of the company.. Triple H sure,wrestling business has got that side down.. A genius and Triple H can pick out talent.. As far as business side goes,he has got some work to do thats for sure,if vince is able to totally trust him one day..

This is all speculation,we dont know if Vince is comfortable letting trips run the Day to day operations,but reports are saying the latter.. Rock Vs Brock,has money written all over it no doubt and it would be the first time they have squared off since Summerslam 2002.. But at this point in their careers they are both part-timers and im not sure if Rock could totally handle Brocks rough Style of wrestling..

Cena is about as safe as you can get,and the Rock got hurt against him tore his ab muscles.. Brock is in tip top shape absolutely destroyed Cena im not sure how they could get a feud going on something like this.. Roman is not quite ready for someone like Brock,he still is green in the ring,improving but not ready..

Brocks deal is set to expire at WM31 if in fact,this is his last match which i dont think it will be,then Roman has got a little over 8 months to convince us,that he can handle Brock!
As always, we should take rumors from Meltzer and co. with a shovel of salt... Having said that,

I believe that Wrestlemania 31 will be the first night when Brock Lesnar passes the torch of The Undertaker (and himself) to a superstar. It will be a night of building the future, a night where the underdog young goes over the unmatched old and reaches new heights, building his legacy... something that was done with Daniel Bryan this year.
I'm definitely on Triple-H's side on this one (again, if this story is true). He knows that they can't compensate lack of development of new stars by bringing back old stars every year, and is thus trying to build the future.

Vince McMahon, on the other hand, likes playing it safe and thinks more short-term than long-term. If The Rock is not available for some reason, his back-up plan would certainly be John Cena getting his revenge and standing tall with the title at the end of the night. From a dedicated viewer's perspective, this is unsatisfactory. I don't want to see two return-from-retirement part-time guys in the main event, where one of them wins and again doesn't show with the title for weeks on an end. Moreover, it won't do anything for anyone. No torch is passed, no history created, nothing.
If the rumors are true they are both wrong. I don't want to see Reigns or The Rock challenge Lesnar for the title at Wrestlemania. With that said, I think if the Rock thought for one second that pretending to be too busy to make Mania next year would position his cousin to win the belt he would tell Vince he couldn't make it. So Vince's plan (If that's really the case) doesn't seem likely.
I have to disagree with both of them because we don't know what injuries or resignations could occur between now and WM31. Reigns should definitely NOT be the one to face Lesnar, especially if it's for the world title. Roman isn't ready and won't be even 6 months from now. Honestly I don't even think he's the guy Trips should be betting on.

He has zero personality, he can't cut a promo, he's passable in the ring but he only looks as good as the guy he's working with. So he needs a good heel to handhold him... most of which will get babyface pops if they work a program with Roman long enough for the fans to figure out how uninteresting he is. Even Lesnar would get cheered for squashing him.

People identify with underdogs and common men/women, those are the kind of personas best positioned for top spots. Reigns does not fit into either of those categories. He's being groomed into the next "Superman" guy to take Cena's spot in the future but he doesn't even have an ounce of the same personality, charisma, and presence that John has. So he ultimately is going to be the next Dave Bautista: A 3 move guy with a marketable look that's all entrance and never talks.

So any way you try to book these payoffs for WrestleMania and work backwards, you're going to have problems. Lesnar Vs. Rock would work if Lesnar hadn't just won the title in a startling brutal win over the face of the company. So based on the possibility that Lesnar keeps the title until WrestleMania, I would have Reigns as a last resort choice after others. First I'd see where Daniel Bryan is on his recovery. If he's good to go by the Rumble, I'd position him to challenge Brock for the title at 'Mania to "get his championship back that he never lost."

If that's a no-go, I'd be reaching out to CM Punk to mend bridges because a surprise return like that would get the fans to pop big time, especially if his first night back is as the surprise number 30 entrant in the Royal Rumble and then wins it. He seriously has all the of the craziest buzz around him just because he walked out and never talks about it and his fans feel like they never got any explanation or closure.

If Punk says to go pound sand and wants nothing to do with it, then I guess we go with Reigns. At first. The end of WrestleMania 31 could be used to kick off Roman's next feud and at the same time, keep the fans paying attention to him in a positive light. Reigns beats Lesnar in the middle of the ring at 'Mania for the title, gets the belt and his hand is raised, then Rollins cashes in his MITB contract and immediately beats him for it in a very cheap way after Reigns is already tired and beat up. So the people get that taste of Roman as champ but it's immediately taken away by his former friend and now a better paced title chase can begin once again.

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