Report: Vince ALLEGEDLY Makes BIG Change To Wrestlemania

I don't get all the "the fans just need to shut up and accept what the WWE gives them".

This has never worked. Not only in wrestling, but in ANYTHING. If Breaking Bad started to suck, they'd stop watching. If ratings dropped, they'd either drop the show, or change it up.

WWE is different, because when the fans don't like something, you get an instantaneous reaction.

Bryan should beat Reigns. Which would turn Reigns heel. Regins vs Rock, Bryan vs Brock is what I'd do if Rock were up to it anyway.
I don't get all the "the fans just need to shut up and accept what the WWE gives them".

While this might have worked years ago, with the advent of the internet and social media that ship sailed a long time ago. If I was Vince McMahon I would be more worried about the silent fans, the ones who are turning the channel and who have cancelled their Network subscriptions without so much as a whisper.

Not every fan is a member of the IWC, we are a very small portion, although we like to think we're the majority. And like someone else said, the reports are true, Network subscriptions are down and RAW had one of it's lowest ratings in a long time this week. Viewership was down 15% from last week. Now there might have been other mitigating factors, but to lose that many viewers in one week is a lot.

So not all fans are out there on their keyboards screaming for changes to Wrestlemania, some are just simply taking matters into their own hands, and saying enough is enough. Those are the ones Vince should be worried about, the ones he can't hear. Us he can hear, we're still typing away and watching RAW, they aren't.

So not everyone is going to sit back and take what the WWE decides to hand out, and if Roman Reigns was a bad choice, then it's time to fix it. I'm not promoting Daniel Bryan by any means, but obviously their pick isn't the one people want. And those are the people that keep Vince's shareholders happy.
Daniel Bryan being in the main event at WM31 might just be enough to make me cancel the Network. The issue at hand is that when I watch, I suspend disbelief and I watch for the kayfabe. When I watch, I saw a guy win the Royal Rumble match in 2014, and the WWE ran a storyline where Daniel Bryan was being held back, and they gave him an extremely memorable WM match. Time moved on, and it was someone else's turn at the top, Roman Reigns. In kayfabe, he won the Royal Rumble match. Now, a piece of shit scumbag vocal minority are demanding that Daniel Bryan be injected into ANOTHER WM main event. Last year made sense, because the whole thing was kayfabed. This year, it's not kayfabe, it's just knowitall fans ruining a product I love.
Well, I'm a fan, and this is piss poor. See how that works? Accommodating a group of fans because they are the squeaky wheel is straight up shitty business practice.

Now you're beginning to sound like all those crybaby Daniel Bryan fans that everyone is going on about. Threatening to cancel your network if he's in the main event and all. Jesus Christ. I'm a Reigns fan and in my humble opinion, I don't think he should be in the title picture, the man just isn't ready for it yet.

Tell me something. What in your opinion has Reigns done since he started his singles career to warrant getting a main event match at Wrestlemania? Because I don't see that he's done anything.

Please don't include winning the Superstar of the Year Slammy, that was obviously a pile of shit. But I'm interested in those who are pissed off that he might be pulled as too why they're pissed. I think giving him another year will do him a world of good.
Now you're beginning to sound like all those crybaby Daniel Bryan fans that everyone is going on about. Threatening to cancel your network if he's in the main event and all. Jesus Christ. I'm a Reigns fan and in my humble opinion, I don't think he should be in the title picture, the man just isn't ready for it yet.

Tell me something. What in your opinion has Reigns done since he started his singles career to warrant getting a main event match at Wrestlemania? Because I don't see that he's done anything.

Please don't include winning the Superstar of the Year Slammy, that was obviously a pile of shit. But I'm interested in those who are pissed off that he might be pulled as too why they're pissed. I think giving him another year will do him a world of good.

Dude, stop. You're not a Reigns fan, at all. I get it. But pretending that you are, while at the same time actively politicking for his removal from the main event picture says otherwise.

I explained this already, but let me do it again. Wrestling is built on kayfabe. "In kayfabe" is where everything lives. Daniel Bryan is the "best technical wrestler" only in kayfabe. In the real world, he's not any better than anyone else. Because they're all mediocre-acting stuntmen that learn safe ways to fall and slice their own foreheads with razor blades in the real world. He's just booked to be great. In "kayfabe" Roman Reigns is a monster, Brock Lesnar is a monster, and The Miz is a delusional actor in a few B movies that he believes are real Hollywood.

Now that we've established that, Roman Reigns won the kayfabe Royal Rumble. He should get the shot at WM31. Anything else is IRRELEVANT BECAUSE IT'S A SCRIPTED SHOW. What makes me angry at a show is only one thing, ignoring kayfabe.

Sometimes, real life and kayfabe intertwine. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns went out with injuries. Both guys were also injured in "kayfabe". That's how it works. Basically, the logic in saying that "Roman Reigns hasn't earned his title shot" is the same argument that "Chris Pratt hasn't starred in any big budget comic book films, and doesn't deserve to be Starlord." It's not real life.

Someone can't be the "best technical wrestler" in kayfabe, because next week, they could get a new gimmick that is the worst wrestler in the entire world. Eugene wasn't actually mentally impaired. Bray Wyatt isn't really an Everglades style cult leader. And Roman Reigns isn't really a guy that wears tactical gear and pretends to be a Superman.

The Slammy is just another piece of kayfabe. Trying to preempt the argument by using it is silly. My argument is based in the fact that Daniel Bryan didn't win the Royal Rumble, in kayfabe, and therefore, any efforts to interject him makes HIM the overpushed undeserved superstar, not Roman Reigns, the guy that actually won the kayfabe match.

We can also get into how Roman Reigns' popularity is skyrocketing, how his earning ability is skyrocketing, and how every single casual fan I know wants him to win the belt, but those points are moot, and I've already made them elsewhere. Really, all of that is irrelevant to the kayfabe argument. If you don't give a shit about kayfabe, or whatever, or if it's real to you, that's fine.

But do us all a favor, and be honest with your pov. You aren't a Reigns fan, or you'd wish him the best. You aren't concerned with continuity, you want DB in the title match. And you don't care about the actual artform of kayfabe, because you literally believe that Roman Reigns doesn't have enough credentials behind him, even though every single credential in the history of professional wrestling is literally a written script that someone else booked.
Dude, stop. You're not a Reigns fan, at all. I get it. But pretending that you are, while at the same time actively politicking for his removal from the main event picture says otherwise.

I explained this already, but let me do it again. Wrestling is built on kayfabe. "In kayfabe" is where everything lives. Daniel Bryan is the "best technical wrestler" only in kayfabe. In the real world, he's not any better than anyone else. Because they're all mediocre-acting stuntmen that learn safe ways to fall and slice their own foreheads with razor blades in the real world. He's just booked to be great. In "kayfabe" Roman Reigns is a monster, Brock Lesnar is a monster, and The Miz is a delusional actor in a few B movies that he believes are real Hollywood.

Now that we've established that, Roman Reigns won the kayfabe Royal Rumble. He should get the shot at WM31. Anything else is IRRELEVANT BECAUSE IT'S A SCRIPTED SHOW. What makes me angry at a show is only one thing, ignoring kayfabe.

Sometimes, real life and kayfabe intertwine. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns went out with injuries. Both guys were also injured in "kayfabe". That's how it works. Basically, the logic in saying that "Roman Reigns hasn't earned his title shot" is the same argument that "Chris Pratt hasn't starred in any big budget comic book films, and doesn't deserve to be Starlord." It's not real life.

Someone can't be the "best technical wrestler" in kayfabe, because next week, they could get a new gimmick that is the worst wrestler in the entire world. Eugene wasn't actually mentally impaired. Bray Wyatt isn't really an Everglades style cult leader. And Roman Reigns isn't really a guy that wears tactical gear and pretends to be a Superman.

The Slammy is just another piece of kayfabe. Trying to preempt the argument by using it is silly. My argument is based in the fact that Daniel Bryan didn't win the Royal Rumble, in kayfabe, and therefore, any efforts to interject him makes HIM the overpushed undeserved superstar, not Roman Reigns, the guy that actually won the kayfabe match.

We can also get into how Roman Reigns' popularity is skyrocketing, how his earning ability is skyrocketing, and how every single casual fan I know wants him to win the belt, but those points are moot, and I've already made them elsewhere. Really, all of that is irrelevant to the kayfabe argument. If you don't give a shit about kayfabe, or whatever, or if it's real to you, that's fine.

But do us all a favor, and be honest with your pov. You aren't a Reigns fan, or you'd wish him the best. You aren't concerned with continuity, you want DB in the title match. And you don't care about the actual artform of kayfabe, because you literally believe that Roman Reigns doesn't have enough credentials behind him, even though every single credential in the history of professional wrestling is literally a written script that someone else booked.

It's funny that you bring kayfabe and then ignore everything that actually turned off quite a sizeable number of fans. You talk about Roman Reigns winning the Rumble but ignore everything that defied kayfabe logic. Roman Reigns shouldn't have been going after Big Show. Roman Reigns shouldn't have gone after Orton. The Rock shouldn't have been helping Roman Reigns because, kayfabe, Roman Reigns was the one slamming the Rock through the announce table during his match against CM Punk for the title.

You know that a lot of storylines are played off real life in wrestling, right? I mean all those years ago, if fans hadn't forced the "Rocky Maivia" persona into the Rock. Do you really think kayfabe booking alone would have changed the Ringmaster into Stone Cold Steve Austin? Tell me one show that has survived without its fans dictating what they want to see in some way, shape or form. And you are wildly overestimating Reigns' popularity.

I know you have never liked Bryan as your main eventer. I have noticed this everytime you make a post that relates to Bryan. But don't term your subjective opinion objective when it comes to Bryan's popularity. Yes chant or not, Bryan is way more popular than what you give him credit for. Does that mean Bryan should have main evented this year's Mania? Well, with the right story, why not? And the story was there for the E to take advantage of. People wanted that story to play out. WWE decided to take it in a different direction and that was enough for a lot of fans to turn off. And this Rumble was not even about just Bryan. Ziggler had a hell of a last year. A story flushed down the toilet. Ambrose did way more than Reigns last year. Another potential story blown. A story poorly told, kayfabe or not, is rejected by the audience. Nothing new there. In show biz, that's how it has always happened. You know enough people who want Reigns on top, I know enough people who don't think the same. And it's your word against mine. So, please, don't push your subjective opinion as fact.
It's funny that you bring kayfabe and then ignore everything that actually turned off quite a sizeable number of fans. You talk about Roman Reigns winning the Rumble but ignore everything that defied kayfabe logic. Roman Reigns shouldn't have been going after Big Show. Roman Reigns shouldn't have gone after Orton. The Rock shouldn't have been helping Roman Reigns because, kayfabe, Roman Reigns was the one slamming the Rock through the announce table during his match against CM Punk for the title.
No, this is called nitpicking. I don't have to always think that the story is going the way that I like. I don't have to think that the story makes sense. But, as long as I can imagine that this kayfabe world exists, that's all that's necessary.

But, just to clarify - Roman had plenty of reason to go after Big Show, the most prevalent is that one is a babyface, the other is a heel. Quite often, that's the only reason that two guys are fighting. Same with Orton.

The Rock thing only works if you change gimmicks, which is what Roman did, going from heel to babyface. Once a babyface, he could embrace his Samoan culture.

When storylines change, you can't get mad that a former heel is now a babyface, or vice versa.
You know that a lot of storylines are played off real life in wrestling, right? I mean all those years ago, if fans hadn't forced the "Rocky Maivia" persona into the Rock. Do you really think kayfabe booking alone would have changed the Ringmaster into Stone Cold Steve Austin? Tell me one show that has survived without its fans dictating what they want to see in some way, shape or form. And you are wildly overestimating Reigns' popularity.
So now, you're giving credit to every decent gimmick change to the fans. What a load of horseshit. The gimmicks were bad, the wrestlers didn't like them, and the wrestlers asked to change gimmicks. The fans were only secondary.

Roman is currently the 6th most popular active wrestler on social media. But for some reason that figure doesn't count. He's easily in the top tier of popularity in the WWE. But that's a COMPLETELY irrelevant discussion, because this isn't about his popularity. This is about the fact that he was picked to fight at WM31, and shitty hipster mark fans have shit on a product that most of us like to the point where it's almost unwatchable because of fans hijacking the show.
I know you have never liked Bryan as your main eventer. I have noticed this everytime you make a post that relates to Bryan. But don't term your subjective opinion objective when it comes to Bryan's popularity. Yes chant or not, Bryan is way more popular than what you give him credit for. Does that mean Bryan should have main evented this year's Mania? Well, with the right story, why not? And the story was there for the E to take advantage of. People wanted that story to play out. WWE decided to take it in a different direction and that was enough for a lot of fans to turn off. And this Rumble was not even about just Bryan. Ziggler had a hell of a last year. A story flushed down the toilet. Ambrose did way more than Reigns last year. Another potential story blown. A story poorly told, kayfabe or not, is rejected by the audience. Nothing new there. In show biz, that's how it has always happened. You know enough people who want Reigns on top, I know enough people who don't think the same. And it's your word against mine. So, please, don't push your subjective opinion as fact.
Daniel Bryan is a perfect US Champion.

Daniel Bryan got his mega push last year and squandered it by lying about injuries and scheduling his wedding immediately after he won the belt. That's fine, I don't fault him for that, but it's apparent that he didn't care to actually be the champion.

It's his FANS that are the problem, not him. He's a fine employee, from all reports, he's super professional, he doesn't cause waves, and he loves his job. He's a model WWE wrestler. His fans are the epitome of what's wrong with the industry. Armchair bookers that literally cry and boo until they see Daniel Bryan get a clean win over everyone. John Cena laid down in the center of the ring for him at Summerslam 2013, and Cena STILL got heat for it from Bryan's shit fans.

I don't like Daniel Bryan in the main event because I want to see his fans go away. The WWE doesn't need his fans ruining their live shows. They don't need his fans #CancelWWENetwork trending. His fans will ruin the company, and your solution is to cater to them? That's such a poorly thought out plan, I can't even understand how an adult could think that way.
I actually kind of feel laodaron's pain. Not nearly to the extreme, but I understand. Too many fans today are doing everything they can to hijack shows. It takes the fun out of it for me.

Remember when Bray Wyatt debuted and a very audible part of the crowd was chanting "Husky Harris!"? A lot of people on here were coming onto the forum all butthurt because they were chanting at someone they thought was "cool/fresh/good character" however you want to word it. Frankly I laughed at those people, because it's the same morons in the crowd who are chanting "Goldberg" and "CM Punk" after he's long gone, and many of them were applauding that. They're getting a taste of their own medicine.

This is also the same section of crowd that's causing issues with the product. They're trying to control it. The stupid thing, is if they get their way, it's going to be just as predictable, but just DB now instead of anyone else. Personally, I'd find it hilarious if (and WWE would never do this) they shoved DB even more down everyone's throat. Like blatantly obvious. Winning 4 on 1 matches. Beating everyone clean. Cena push? Petty. Lesnar? He'd tap out. You want him? We'll give him to you plenty.

But anyway, that's off topic. The point is it's turning me off of WWE. I don't hate DB. I like him. His story last year was awesome. It truly is the morons in the WWE Universe who want to take control of everything that make it less fun to watch for me.

All that said, a lot of this shit could've been changed for the better with good booking.

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