Rumor Mill: Undertaker to Call Out Sting Night After Mania?


King Of The Ring
Many people, including myself have been upset about the fact that Sting and The Undertaker are both on the Wrestlemania card this year, yet are not booked to face each other. I have always been of the belief that WWE is not stupid enough to let this opportunity go by, and have already penciled in Taker vs Sting for next year, but I stumbled across the first report that has actually alluded to this being the plan. Take this for what it's worth as these are all just rumors, but the report states:

“According to multiple source, the current creative plan is for Undertaker to appear on the RAW following WrestleMania 31 to put over Bray Wyatt and to set up a match with Sting at WrestleMania 32. is reporting that Sting is currently on his way to WWE HQ to talk with Vince about the details.

It’s widely assumed that WrestleMania 32 will be the last year that Taker will wrestle.”

The report goes on to say that WWE is looking to book this as a "marquee bout" similar to the Rock/Cena Mania 28 year long build.

Don't know how much credence you can give the source of these reports, but I for one think it would be cool to see Taker and Sting build for a year, even if they only show up 3-4 times between Mania 31 and Mania 32.

Do you think this is a possible option for the "night after Mania moment", that happens nearly every year these days? How would you feel about this is if it were to actually happen?
I have no desire to watch these two guys actually fight, but I would be certainly tuning in to Raw every damn week to see if there is some sort of odd/cryptic/magical promo.
I would love to see this match happen at next year's Mania, but I'm not so sure that they can sustain a year long build by only showing up 4 times. There are 52 RAW's in-between the two Wrestlemania's and that's a hell of a long stretch between each appearance.

They would have to find a better way of keeping this going. But yea I think it would be great and something to definitely look forward too.
It would be so epic in frint of 100k fans in texas. The fans would eat it up with sting and taker going toe to toe
Surely, as the outsider, Sting would call out Undertaker?

Hey, it'll be huge and heavily anticipated. They'll have to shortcut through all of it but it'll be a spectacle.
Surely if its both guys' last match of their careers...not only will they give 110% in the ring...but in the build as well. A match of this calibur and the meaning behind it..,I love the year ling build. Im on board with this...cant wait if the rumors are true
If this isn't indicative of how disappointing the card for WM is, then nothing is. More fans anticipating a potential match up between two 50 year Olds next year than just about anything on this year'year's card
If this isn't indicative of how disappointing the card for WM is, then nothing is. More fans anticipating a potential match up between two 50 year Olds next year than just about anything on this year'year's card

You're a moron. This isn't about two "50 year olds" this is about two of the greatest of all time having the most talked about match of all time. Nothing would compare to Sting vs Undertaker in front of 100,000 fans at Wrestlemania. Here's a news flash, pro wrestling is fake and the only thing that really matters is the story told and NOTHING tells a better story than Sting vs The Undertaker in ANY year. As far as this year Wrestlemania goes I think it's going to be great. Sting 's first match and the drama surrounding Brock Lesnar alone is worth the price of admission. Don't be sour just because no charisma Daniel Bryan isn't in the main event. Bryan couldn't draw flies if he was covered in crap.
You're a moron. This isn't about two "50 year olds" this is about two of the greatest of all time having the most talked about match of all time. Nothing would compare to Sting vs Undertaker in front of 100,000 fans at Wrestlemania. Here's a news flash, pro wrestling is fake and the only thing that really matters is the story told and NOTHING tells a better story than Sting vs The Undertaker in ANY year. As far as this year Wrestlemania goes I think it's going to be great. Sting 's first match and the drama surrounding Brock Lesnar alone is worth the price of admission. Don't be sour just because no charisma Daniel Bryan isn't in the main event. Bryan couldn't draw flies if he was covered in crap.

I'm a moron, because I think there is a problem with the product if people care more about a match a year away between two legends who are shadows of their former selves. The most talked about match of all time my ass, even if it were it's at least a decade past due. I indicated that I was talking about the entire WM card, not just the main event. I said nothing about Daniel Bryan, but you want to jump to that immediately because I don't agree with your opinion.

So, think what you want. You are the douchebag that jumped to conclusions and started throw insults like a petulant child. GFYMF
yeah i think they went with Sting and Undertaker facing someone else at WM as some sort of test to see if they, well mostly undertaker, can still go. waiting a whole year tho isnt a good idea as we dont know how undertakers health would be like in a year.

honestly tho, i dont care for either of them tho and i never saw the appeal of sting vs undertaker, but i guess it'l be cool as Undertakers and Sting's last match.
yeah i think they went with Sting and Undertaker facing someone else at WM as some sort of test to see if they, well mostly undertaker, can still go. waiting a whole year tho isnt a good idea as we dont know how undertakers health would be like in a year.

honestly tho, i dont care for either of them tho and i never saw the appeal of sting vs undertaker, but i guess it'l be cool as Undertakers and Sting's last match.

The appeal only happened after HBK had back problems and hung it up for a while. But the real dream match was always Sting vs HBK, because the would have put on an incredible match together. Sting had decent match with bigger wrestlers, but his best matches were always with comparable size guys (Flair, Muta).
I stopped reading when I saw Wrestlezone as the source for the rumor. That's like taking Mark Madden's word he'll eat a salad for dinner.
Um, EASILY the most talked about and most over match this year is Brock v. Reigns, and there's buzz everywhere. Regular media, MMA media, anywhere you look, it's being talked about.

Sting v. Undertaker is just a nostalgia pop. Getting mad about that match happening is sad.
It's just a match everyone wants to see. Sting looked to be in great shape on Monday and we know Undertaker wouldn't even waste our time if he couldn't perform so do it.

I don't care if it ends up like a mess like Vince vs Bret, I still want it just for my own markdom.
I have no interest in seeing a couple senior citizens wrestle, especially if they're going to dick around for a year with a feud of taped promos. What heat do these two have? None so Vince and Trips will have to come up with some reason they hate each other. It would have been an iconic match ten years ago but not today. I feel kind of bad for Sting since in his last match he will be going out a loser.
Undertaker looked terrible last year even before he got a concussion.

Who knows what Sting is capable of?

On paper, of course it makes sense. But in reality, can they put on a match thats worthy of the hype, and worthy of their own involvement? I don't want to see these two guys put on a clunker and basically embarrass their legacies just because it's a marguee attraction that they can promote for a year.

But they'll both have an entire year to get ready for it, and can actually work together ahead of time.

I need to see how they look this year at WM to say whether I'm for it or against it..
After losing to Bray Wyatt (which sadly is by FAR the more likely outcome for this year), Undertaker "calling out" anybody is laughable. His mystique is already dead, after losing to Wyatt it will be buried. After losing to Bray Wyatt, ANYBODY can beat him. The potential draw for his future matches is gone. They could have him losing to Heath Slater and it won't matter, because there's no lower he can go.
Again, a decade too late. If they just wanted to make it a special attraction and have the 2 of them, fine - it is still a bad idea but I can see that. But to try and develop some storyline around it? Come on, this HHH/Sting story is beyond dumb, what story will they use there that works? Not every dream match needs to be fulfilled and I think this is one that shouldn't.
Again, a decade too late. If they just wanted to make it a special attraction and have the 2 of them, fine - it is still a bad idea but I can see that. But to try and develop some storyline around it? Come on, this HHH/Sting story is beyond dumb, what story will they use there that works? Not every dream match needs to be fulfilled and I think this is one that shouldn't.

Obviously the story would be the rematch that took 25 years later. Why not wait another 5 years then it can be a rematch 30 years later, Walkers are allowed to help the guys get around.
After losing to Bray Wyatt (which sadly is by FAR the more likely outcome for this year), Undertaker "calling out" anybody is laughable. His mystique is already dead, after losing to Wyatt it will be buried. After losing to Bray Wyatt, ANYBODY can beat him. The potential draw for his future matches is gone. They could have him losing to Heath Slater and it won't matter, because there's no lower he can go.

The match is past it's prime....If Taker's Streak was intact then it would have some appeal, I think it's lost a lot of luster. Plus, I thought the whole reason Sting came to WWE is that HE IS DONE WRESTLING and wanted his retirement, HOF deal, etc.

Also, Taker isn't losing to Bray Wyatt - that would be a huge downer for the audience and with fans already lukewarm on Reigns you don't want to upset them by having Taker return from a year long absence and lose, that would be a huge waste of time for the fans.

If he did lose to Wyatt then he would look so weak that he'd have no appeal for a match with Sting - especially if we have to wait a year for it to happen. That scenario is maybe the worst possible booking WWE could do
If both Sting and Undertaker are working next year's Mania then go ahead and book the match. But I agree that there needs to be a story and some build up which is difficult with both appearing so sporadically.
Maybe the night after Mania they could have the Authority ambush Sting and tease they are going beat him down and then Taker comes to his aid and they both clean house. Then perhaps they could have a tag match with Sting and Undertaker vs Seth Rollins and Kane or any other two members of the Authory at Summerslam. Then after Sting and Undertaker win have Sting attack Taker from behind and lay him out with The Scorpion Death Drop.
I just think that they need to come up with a storyline for this match because Staredowns, video packages and pointing at the Wrestlemania sign isn't going to cut it for a year long build up.
That doesn't make any sense at all. Why would Taker, after getting his ass whipped by Bray Wyatt the night before... call out Sting the next night? Besides, you're assuming Taker would even be able to go next year. I don't see Wyatt wrestling as physical a match as Lesnar last year, but Taker calling out ANYBODY after a loss is laughable. Taker doesn't call people out. Especially not at this stage in his career.

I get the logic behind it, but this would not sustain a year long build. Plus, I have no desire to see these guys in a "marquee match" anymore. That ended 3-4 years ago. The build to this match would be better than the match itself. It also won't happen with anybody calling out anybody the night after Mania. MAYBE Sting calls out Taker. But that's it.
The match is past it's prime....If Taker's Streak was intact then it would have some appeal, I think it's lost a lot of luster. Plus, I thought the whole reason Sting came to WWE is that HE IS DONE WRESTLING and wanted his retirement, HOF deal, etc.

Also, Taker isn't losing to Bray Wyatt - that would be a huge downer for the audience and with fans already lukewarm on Reigns you don't want to upset them by having Taker return from a year long absence and lose, that would be a huge waste of time for the fans.

If he did lose to Wyatt then he would look so weak that he'd have no appeal for a match with Sting - especially if we have to wait a year for it to happen. That scenario is maybe the worst possible booking WWE could do

Agreed, both Sting and 'Taker are way past their prime, but I still think WWE may as well have them wrestle each other. An average match between the 2 is better than never seeing the 2 characters battle it out. I definitely still want to see it if both guys can still perform to an acceptable standard. At their ages I'm not expecting a classic, but WWE have the ability to draw the fans in with the right build-up, video packages highlighting the careers of both men, their historys and legacies etc. There is a whole year to make this a MUST SEE match.

Also, I definitely agree having 'Taker return from his loss against Lesnar only to lose to Wyatt is stupid. Bray is young, there's plenty of time for his big wins and working with 'Taker is a big deal anyway. If there is any plans for Sting and The Dead Man to face each other next year, then Undertaker will beat Wyatt this Sunday.
Yeah, this is going to happen. And if it is going to be The Undertaker's last bout, then everyone is going to be happy right? Even the people who slammed the decision to have Sting wrestle Triple H this year would have to admit that it makes sense now.

For ne, I've always thought that this was going to be the case. Sting versus the Undertaker is as big a match in the world of wrestling that we are ever likely to see. Vince has missed the boat a few times with these sorts of matches but there is no way that the WWE will miss the boat on this one. It's pretty obvious to everyone, including the WWE, that this is the biggest match that remains on wrestling. And the WWE knows that it's true; they even had a Monday Night War episode dedicated to the two icons of wrestling.

I've always thought this to be the plan and I'm glad they are pulling the trigger on it. Sting looks like he is still good to go and The Undertaker will always be able to perform at Mania. I am willing to bet that he looks awesome at this year's Mania and the reason he is coming out to put over Wyatt is because he's going to win. So yeah, I'm happy about this.

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