Rumble disappoints...

I was enjoying the PPV throughout. Sure things were predictable blah blah blah but really,sometimes doing what is predictable is what makes the most sense. Rock/Punk was great. I really enjoyed the match they put on. Hope they have more. Just by looking at the front page I just have to shake my head. Why is it that none of these "dream matches",if you will,never seem to lived up to peoples expectations? Does somebody have to go through 29 tables before people even consider it a decent match? Stop being so god damned cynical people!
It's a shame more folks don't take it for what it is. The show was entertaining. I thought every match was enjoyable, and I thought the Rumble was terrific. I saw Cena and Rock winning, but it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. And way too many people take this stuff either seriously, personally, or both. WWE made business decisions tonight and pulled it off with gusto.
This was the most fun I've had watching a WWE show in a while. I loved this show, and I'm looking forward to Rock-Cena II.
And way too many people take this stuff either seriously, personally, or both.

That is my exact problem with the Rumble. We had to go from August - December where besides Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell the rest of it was worthless as we knew Punk would hold onto the title to probably lose it to The Rock while Cena wins the rumble.

WWE please never announce a World title match months in advance as it makes the months between worthless and extremely boring.
I think if you take into consideration the fact that the WWE fucked up in announcing the title match months in advance, which I think they themselves will admit was a mistake, it was a good show. Predictable doesn't always equal bad, and swerves aren't always good. As a huge Kofi Kingston mark, I'm happy with his performance. The Rumble as a whole was good. People call the ending anti climactic, but most Rumbles in recent years have ended similar to that. Del Rio/Show was solid, the ending was fun. Del Rio is really getting over as a face, who would have guessed. Rock/Punk was alright. It wasn't great, but I don't think anyone went in expecting it to be a 5* showcase.
I called every match result right.

To make Rock v Cena 2 special the belt needed to be on the line, so it was obvious Rocky would beat Punk.

Cena winning the Rumble was very predictable, but I was not expecting the Jericho return, that was awesome.
I called every match result right.

To make Rock v Cena 2 special the belt needed to be on the line, so it was obvious Rocky would beat Punk.

Cena winning the Rumble was very predictable, but I was not expecting the Jericho return, that was awesome.
I called all of the matches as well. I also called Y2J return, as I knew he would come back after how he went out. They telegraphed it.

I am however, not on board with Rock vs Cena 2. It was billed as once in a lifetime, and I was hoping it would have stayed that way. Eh, McMahon never did care about that stuff. Of course, I don't want want another Cena title run, 10 WWE titles is enough and he has outgrown the belt. He doesn't need it to be big or booked well. Look at Rock/Cena and Lesnar/Cena...He didn't need it either time.
I called every match result right.

To make Rock v Cena 2 special the belt needed to be on the line, so it was obvious Rocky would beat Punk.

Cena winning the Rumble was very predictable, but I was not expecting the Jericho return, that was awesome.

I called all of the matches as well. I also called Y2J return, as I knew he would come back after how he went out. They telegraphed it.

I am however, not on board with Rock vs Cena 2. It was billed as once in a lifetime, and I was hoping it would have stayed that way. Eh, McMahon never did care about that stuff. Of course, I don't want want another Cena title run, 10 WWE titles is enough and he has outgrown the belt. He doesn't need it to be big or booked well. Look at Rock/Cena and Lesnar/Cena...He didn't need it either time.

As did I. I told my dad and brother I TOLD YOU SO! after the Rumble. Im like you on the Rock vs Cena II. But I knew they'd try to justify a second match but I sure as hell ain't looking forward to it. I didn't care for the first one so I doubt I'll care much more for the second one. :shrug: Predictable is what it was. It was right for business and that's all that matters at the end of the day but....meh. I just don't like it. I'm not really looking forward to the Wrestlemania card so far. Who Undertaker faces will decide whether or not I buy Wrestlemania. Unless Punk is interjected into the title match then that would give me two reasons. But I'm feeling Punk vs Undertaker. I could be wrong but we'll find out, hopefully tonight.
You mean all zero of the matches announced?

They haven't been announced but you KNOW that Rock/Cenna 2 is happening. It's pretty much set in stone unless Punk gets put into the match which I don't see happening. Triple H/Lesnar 2 hasn't been announced either and you've only heard a report that it was coming. It's not set in stone but IF it does happen then I won't care to see it. I could be wrong because plans can change. But I don't think I am about Rock/Cena 2. I'm not looking forward to it. :shrug:
They haven't been announced but you KNOW that Rock/Cenna 2 is happening. It's pretty much set in stone unless Punk gets put into the match which I don't see happening. Triple H/Lesnar 2 hasn't been announced either and you've only heard a report that it was coming. It's not set in stone but IF it does happen then I won't care to see it. I could be wrong because plans can change. But I don't think I am about Rock/Cena 2. I'm not looking forward to it. :shrug:

They haven't even begun to build the match. Come off the cliff; neither you nor I know what they're going to do the next two months.
Them being right would've been a bigger surprise.

Well, it was one real source reporting this, PWInsider, to be specific. Wrestling Observer didn't, I'm pretty sure no one else but the Wrestlezones of the world reported this as fact
Not disappointed in the least. I even enjoyed Del Rio and Show thoroughly considering, let's be honest, that title doesn't mean much.

I also call bullshit on people saying outcomes were 'obvious'. I'm if Ryback had won, Cena winning the rumble might not have been quite so 'obvious'. I think some people might have confused obvious and likely.

But for the PPV as a whole, no complaints really. Nothing significant anyway. Looking ahead to Raw.
Outside of the Jericho return and the Kofi save, I found the ppv very underwhelming.
Cena winning, I understand. However the match was poor.

Do yourself a favor and don't watch the Royal Rumble ever again, considering that last night's match was about as good as the Rumble can get.

Rock v. Punk made punk look very inferior.

How do you figure? Because he lost?

Secondly Rock was terribly out of shape.

Out of shape? Are you high? I was commenting with friends about how I'm convinced that Rockie had been on the juice while he was out.
The Rumble match was good, but nothing special. Regardless, it should have gone on last. The crowd was pretty dead for most of the Rock/Punk match.

Speaking of Rock/Punk.. it sucked. Awful, awful match. It was sloppy and slow. Punk really had to tone himself down for the Rock to keep up and it showed.

And the ending was just mind-numbingly stupid. I called Vince coming out and restarting the match as soon as it ended, so no surprise there. And then for The Rock to win with The People's Elbow was a disgrace. WWE apologist love to bring up, "He beat Hogan with it though, blah blah blah." To those who keep saying that, did you watch that match? The Rock hit three Rock Bottoms on Hogan before hitting the elbow. Punk lost off the Elbow and silly spinebuster alone. After all he's been through as champion, that's what he loses to? Really? And before you fire back with me being the typical whiny Punk mark thing... most of you are Cena fans and if Cena lost that way last year you would have bitched just as loudly about it.

Punk's reign as champion was one of, if not the, greatest reigns in WWE history, and it deserved a better ending. If Rock/Punk tore the house down and Rock won with no shenanigans, I'd be fine with it. But to do a stupid dog and pony show and then have Punk lose off the worst finisher in wrestling history was simply a disgrace.
I agree with jmt on how the match ended. Especially the part where a 430+ day reign was reduced and destroyed by one People's Elbow and a spinebuster. If the Rock got up and hit him with two or three more in a row and THEN Punk was pinned, I'd get it. But both endings (false-Punk and Rock's ultimate win) were very lackluster.
My only two complaints are one the way the Rock-Punk match ended its just killing punks character more and more, And two the fact that it setup for a Rock-Cena II yes i understand that its a big draw and that its different because it has the title but I dont think its needed, It was obvious WWE was planning this months in advance so why have the headline of the match last year as once in a life time, last years match was great i think a rematch takes away form it at least for me.
Can't believe people are so uptight about the finish. It was a long match with both men taking a brutal amount of punishment. CM weighs 26 lbs. The Rock throwing all of his 658 lbs. of weight with an elbow is gonna hurt really bad. The finish was appropriate, my only problem with it was that they seemed to be facing the wrong way from the camera.
Punk's reign as champion was one of, if not the, greatest reigns in WWE history, and it deserved a better ending. If Rock/Punk tore the house down and Rock won with no shenanigans, I'd be fine with it. But to do a stupid dog and pony show and then have Punk lose off the worst finisher in wrestling history was simply a disgrace.

Punk was a transitional champion. Seriously. He only held on to the belt for so long because they're holding off on Cena-Rock II until Mania. The Rock was getting the belt without a doubt and he wasn't going to be around till the Rumble. People really need to understand this. If the Rock wasn't part of the equation at all, Punk would have dropped the belt months ago.

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