Rumble disappoints...

A categoric explanation of why the Royal Rumble disappointed me. I was disappointed by the Royal Rumble because...

  • I was hoping for a show that wasn't great.

Man, will I never stop with that razor wit of mine?
Punk was a transitional champion. Seriously. He only held on to the belt for so long because they're holding off on Cena-Rock II until Mania. The Rock was getting the belt without a doubt and he wasn't going to be around till the Rumble. People really need to understand this. If the Rock wasn't part of the equation at all, Punk would have dropped the belt months ago.


So the longest WWE Title reign in over 20 years was with a "transitional champion"?

Dude, you don't work for WWE so you have no idea that was their agenda this entire time. They could have easily let Punk drop the belt to Bryan for instance and then him face The Rock after what happened on the 1000th show. Ziggler could have taken the belt at anytime and faced The Rock. Del Rio could have been the one.

But no, they kept the title on Punk and wanted him to feud with The Rock. And while Punk held on to the belt, he did a FANTASTIC job. His work with Jericho, Bryan, Cena, Ryback... all of it was phenomenal and better than anything we've gotten from a WWE Champion in years.
Bahahaha! I came on to WZ today to see what news was going on and to also see peoples opinions on the after math of the Rumble. Then I noticed a thread that said 2013 Royal Rumble = Worst in History. I figured I'd amuse myself and click and read this persons asinine opinion. I was let down as the thread was already deleted :( .

Come on guys! I could have used a good laugh today.
Do yourself a favor and don't watch the Royal Rumble ever again, considering that last night's match was about as good as the Rumble can get.

How do you figure? Because he lost?

Out of shape? Are you high? I was commenting with friends about how I'm convinced that Rockie had been on the juice while he was out.

Cena's win was to obvious. I have no problem with him winning, it makes sense. I get that. How ever at least give me some sense of doubt that he may lose.

No, losing is fine. The match could have been much better. The stuff with vince was unnecessary. Why couldn't they just have a match, with no gimmicks, with Rock going over? Punk IMO has been built as a wrestler who could wrestle with anybody. He doesn't need gimmicks or the shield. With saying that, he can lose. Austin used to lose clean all the time. Theres no shame in losing, especially to the Rock. I find shame in losing, when even though the rock had been decimated by being triple power bombed through a table by the Shield, he was able to recover and beat punk very quickly after the restart.

Obviously the Rock is a muscular powerhouse, and in insane shape, but his cardio last night was poor. He was blown up very early in the match. All the stuff on the outside, was to give him rests. The match just moved very slowly. Rock has admitted to his cardio not being up to par when it comes to wrestling. After WM he admitted that he was hurting cardio wise very badly in the Cena match.
This was a solid PPV and worth the money. Last night was also the first time I joined a live discussion here and I loved it. I purposefully did not read any speculation on surprise entrants, so I erupted when Jericho and The Godfather came out.
Punk was a transitional champion. Seriously. He only held on to the belt for so long because they're holding off on Cena-Rock II until Mania. The Rock was getting the belt without a doubt and he wasn't going to be around till the Rumble. People really need to understand this. If the Rock wasn't part of the equation at all, Punk would have dropped the belt months ago.

Yep, he held onto the title this long because of Rock. I think Punk would of dropped the title to Ryback at HIAC if they weren't locked into Rock becoming champ at the Royal Rumble.
Remember Rock had that internal bleeding issue on Monday. That very well could have had an effect on him during the match last night.
Rock's always been a zealous seller, which is one of the few things Cena could learn from him as he tends to go from looking ridiculous on spaghetti legs one minute to not even out of breath the next. That said Rock does look more gassed than he used to, he's also bigger than he ever used to be.

Now all that bullshits out the way, the reaction Jericho got was immense and the whole show was epic. As far as not liking the show because it didnt pan out like you wanted, well I've been there. At least somebodies got you invested enough to care.

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